I 5 gives moire tome news every County Paper your dinner witb a Set of carvers See our assortment of cutlery Jewelry Store i You cannot minute too soon if need glasses your eyes tested WATSONS if YOU need NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER ADVERTISER Giro liberty to to to freely according to conscience all other liberty No paper fient ol North York unless paid In advance Watchmaker Graduate Optician i If Single Copies each v Newmarket Ont Friday TERMS per annum if paid in advance PAINT Is made for painting buggies Is also well suited for porch and lawn furniture Stands most severe outside exposure and hard wear A gloss paint of great durability and splendid cov ering capacity The colors are clear clean and bright Put up in convenient sized packages ready for use Eight good shades We if BUGGY PAINT This paint was originally made lor repainting and refinishing old bug gies but it is also particularly well Suited for lawn and poroh furniture It combines all the toughness durability and strength of color necessary to withstand the hard wear a gets during the changeable seasons through which it js used This paint has proved itself exceptionally adaptable for- surfaces where good strong colors and a gloss paint to stand severe outside exposure are wanted Buggy Paint spreads out easily under the brush and is easy to It wears longest is most economical and gives the beat appearance PHONE HARDWARE STOR PAINT OILS AND DRUG TO We Have Just Receiv ed a Shipment of 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 ITALIAN and have found it by tea to be of very Highest Standard of Purity Its Flavor and abso lute purity make it a Superior Oil for and you will be delight ed with it rice Cents per Pint 4 4 4 4 4 rfnnf CANADIAN COMPANY A56DI DOMINION STEAMSHIP LINK ANCHOR LINE Oar Toronto Mar At sessions last week George of Sutton was again tried for attempting to wreck Frank Wilsons automobile by placing a rail on road being the second time alleged offence has been com mitted The jury acquitted him of the charge working at the Canada Foun dry Kilner an electrician was A Humble Start Is No Disgrace FROM SMITHS WEEKLY to recognize him when they passed in their rock coats and silk toppers Big Storm on the Mexican Golf The Khah Chronicles and beheld nim in shirt sleeves and j Nothing shows the change in apron handling out refreshments to Orleans methods of arming more than grimy toilers and all the rag tag and no in returns lhou2nl suggested by bobtail who offered him coppers It was surely a comedown so degrading Thatswhat they thought then But they have had cause to alter their minds since For the coffee barton your own account seriously injured by in his room at i SI Walker House a guest go out into the streets and up extent He and when collected enough H them at a profit the tho hough suggested by the socalled o losses from the recent storm home of Mrbile What damage at that point and will yet and was one of have to bo determine as well as the civilization Now damage to the crop concern- to the Umbo of there are the most contra- Halloween April Fools and Guy was found dead when the bellboy went to call him at oclock on Thursday morning of last week It is thought he the gas an iderttly after first turning it Deceased came fiom Forest and only arrived the night before About 100 automobiles owned by the Automobile Club of the city ga thered at the Queens Park one day hist week were met about children mostly from the orphanages ami charitable institutions of Toron to who were given an outing by the Club pins soil them at a pro Such was the advice it iite and successful Yankee to a youth who had just left school The man of business did not intend his words to be He knew perfectly well thai it young man set out to amass a fortune merely by picking up he pins he found lying promiscuously In his way it would be a mighty time arun through Morc Je scraped toother a I streets the procession brought account enough loinakc my one his to an even in a drapers All day long he served behind the counter and ev ery night he spent in a study which he shared with half a doz en others It was like being in pris on and his pay was great deal less than a pound a week Hut it is so genteel said his maiden aunt arm Willie can keep himself so clean and look so nice Willie did not appear to be enthrall ed by his privileges had no reports from to per cent loss The fibres of dam age and shipping inLoute- and Mississippi are now hand and less than originally estimated The worst was at Scran ton where the storm was severest the to shipping is put at to buildings total for la loss at Ocean Spring is not over Day Here in Old Ontario harvest is a picnic It is a holiday for the real harvest comes before and after Look at the trade returns and you will find that our harvest lasts all the year round in the shape of butter and choose and pork and eggs and fruit and the like January is as busy a month as district and February is as full of bustle lost its and Episcopal as July Feeding hogs and stock arid Oddfellows Hall The clearing stables separating milk run ning churn and working the grain At the fisUard oyster crusher as much activity and will lose injury to intelligence than the cutting of their boats These were run into oldtime harvest- Here and there up at the Inhibition Grounds where else envious an excellent awaited them But be was telki Every boy was supplied with a mouth ftc organ and every girl with a doll sim wanted Mr Geo was the mov- ing spirit in arranging the outing for bumble the little folks Tli procession account autooars attracted large attention Probably there is no better The annual concert of the fir of publishers in the world than loir in w igious lor his- l anything else It is a al terrapin firm and to of diamond back gives girls a chance to on qs iwn to lie was calm Also pushful He didnt mind when his hands eot grimy Scotland on the was a ami gentility from him He great success Hall was certain thai it kjiew money io bc packed by an immense crowd This would never have come into existence Qut concert- marked the of its founder been ton present musical season For a Hoys In fair and exhibition last Friday f apprentice adjust out i and Saturday was an on oast There wen over en- with no capital o her llwi his T start Picking up pins Figurative- few years past the Broadview wro stitute pupils lave held a fall b f the exhibition last Friday apprentice and just erf his Black Bay for safety but were injur- throughout the country they have to the oi The damage j harvest homes but tiny take t character of a religious function more good ex- festival lb foregather the and and rib- It was so awfully common The and wiStunUy scandalized But thc degenerate he ami their is entitled to a tenth of the harvest anyway and after an impassioned ad dress the plate is passed round and- the was eightyseven cents is from the sons of toil who deeply grateful Strange as it may appear there more harvest Ikome services conducted in 1 ho big cities in the country postal to get hold of some of it in past mere wcrj over en- lo isn 1 loan corn ana tries of exhibits from vegetables s JW- set up hut- it is certainly far While a flowers 10 dogs rabbits guinea pigs business on Ins own account He did oldtime companions more than and other pets High Schools in the annexing his lather C0UltcC r means a country united vith of locality might follow the example of Broadview Institute with much profit The teachers of school visit ed several public schools of the city On Friday will be open during the win ter on Saturday afternoons Another African leopard is on its way from Hamburg and a doe known as red deer Scotland may at the same lime donor is Randolph presi dent of Wie Sovereign Bank Mr George of the United States and Mr A Law were among the Hotel for a last week The Government has Temiskatning Northern Ontario Railway to convey I lumber and tools Hail town was recently prac tically by fire It is the intention to heat the cars consisting of a few by volumes These he spread on a stall outside his booth and sold them With the cargoes valued at have al ready been rescued West slight and will not exceed bringing the total losses to building shipping wharves etc on the Missis- lhatsppi coast to about business But he did it He still The damage in Louisiana will not deals in rags ami hones and old hot- exceed which is exclusive of ties But he has deserted the collar the injury to railroads long ago and owns some warehouses was heavy loss of cotton and As to what he makes he isnt fond of corn and the blowing down of timber ileal of timber was felled at first thought it is by v w complete loss as fall put together Umber can be made charcoal As as known only one life was lost a sailor drowned at Ship island Cow Testing Associations Littered with wrecks coast for a hundred miles is lit- cash so obtained he developed his a little and then a little Sines January sixteen and so on until he and his testing associations with wrecks and scores of bodies ther whom he took into partnership zed through the the Diary have been ashore Lights- were employing Commissioners Branch of the houses have been swept away the But what if William Chambers had pinion Department of Agriculture Re- keeper and his wife and daughter been too proud to start so humbly cords arc being kept of production perishing in one What if he had persists in wailing of cows owned by tho mem- house in village of Navy until he had saved up enough capital hers of these associations The re- port Bayou la and were to- start in a handsome an suits will and wiped out of existence Several per- stock of brand new books jus quickly as possible after season are reported to have lost their It is pretty certain- that he would is finishod This is only the begin- lives at never have started at all i what should hi 1 house in village of Navy- nowadays and by people who a sheaf in their lives and who dont know a mold board from a churn lid This Ontario is a happy land It is harvest all the time Thc farmer is turning something into money every day in the week In old days notes were made to fall due in the fall months to give the farmer a chance to thresh and sill his grain Now it iloesnl matter what old month notes fall due April or May are just as good as any other Ho al ways has a bunch of or a band of cattle to sell or he gets his good big monthly cheek from the creamery or factory and he is ready to cash up at any time The farmer uses the banks nowa days The teapot on shelf parlor stove the bed ticjc or the bole in the wall dont pay any interest and after all they arc not nearly so V done very well had they been sensible which is calculated to increase Ifabcd to flee in boats One boat with persons on board is believed to down in the storm west shore Mow Mobile ported completely devastated Twentyfive bodies have been recovered and more are reported to have per- the part Among the arc some of the most prominent people of the coast of charge ill enough to he Independent of appear- profits of dairy farming to tho same persons in the antes Its not appearances that extent as 4 this matter of im- have gone the new of dairy herds In order j The el was of the largest and most to serve purpose properly the is lice JO Controlled work of record keeping must he per- by two brothers who started their sistent and continuous and selling newspapers in the up by intelligent action Jt or were oi junior assistants in shops milk in Ontario and is not certainly loss than 250 and the I hey would stand little chance of ting on They that ones best pros pects of CO YEARS EXPERIENCE Wilsons FLY KILLS THEM POOR il TEH CHIOS heating devices John was found guilty of ac cepting bets on raws at the Cafe Queen street west by jury on Friday afternoon and fin ed and coits or three months the Central Hariy Jardine an agent who hoards at William street was arrested Friday on a charge of drunken ness Ho went Into- a store at Queen wise and demanded strict car this was tefuscd him he a clock and smashed it on floor Saturday morning he was fined and costs The trophy for Torontos raw is not on display just row A feature in with therefore oc curred last week The Sheriff proceed ed to Marks store on St and seized the silver cup by Controller J J Ward for com petition In tire nice This act ion was much over of milk per annum yet we find herds of cows and over that average lbs promotion come into view In every instance thc herds which when one is ones own master awl can promote oneself So they boldly launched out in the humblest style and saved something out of the profits I hey made Before very long they had sufficient to set up something bitter ami fail on the road to fortune- There was a young clerk In the em ployment ol a large firm of tea mer chants He was only a boy but he had eyes to see and a brain to think He saw Ihat the office was full of men who had spent tlc best part of their lives drudging for a slender salary and who were now getting old They had no capital nor profits and their energy awl ambition had been ground out of them Me saw that he was likely lo become like them if he remained a clerk II he worked show a high average of production have beer built up by just such meth ods as the cow testing associations arc intended to promote Tbd James Bay Railway will in augurate its services between Toronto and Sound on Wednesday Oct John of Toronto has fined and costs for damage to property easily will exceed Paid Debt Promptly A train was just starting to leave a suburban station when an elderly man rushed across the platform ami jumped on one of the slowly moving The rearend who was standing by reached just as the man got aboard grabbed his coat tails and pulled him off going jail Theyve got bravely over that The chartered hank is taking the place of private banker in the largo villages private banker used to be the big- man in every community more safer the Bank of but be isnt now rude forefathers of thc hamlet used to back for private banker and storekeeper anil lumberman and used to pay them like a major dont do it any more Whats matter with going to bank in town and having a hearttoheart talk with the manager But of theme will buy new kind of seed wheat at bushel Hamilton Herald a a T icre he said sternly I have saved your life Dont a train that way Thank Saved Babys There are thousands of throughout Canada who have no hes itation in say that the ever try to iUe s entirely eoin use of Baby a Own Tablets And there at instance o7ishr C d for twenty years he could not hope to r Thank you said the old man wiere are many calmly you for your thought- c to say kMnevs It is three hours till critical periods Tableto the next train it i Mrs St Que says feel sure that Babys Own Tablet ter would give but Mr 9VV2 SUSS V For oat Private Funds Loatl revived pretty criticism in I I Sovereign after per cent Of Farm over it wont happen Enquire at at a comer His office were horrified Their lordships declined driving an automobile through streets of while Intoxi cated A tn an engaged a policeman In conversation in Moscow and gave him a pear After eating It the police- Three hours and a quarter man became dangerously ill poison but it is belter to having been inserted into fruit wait that length of time than to la ic When I first them to him he wan so The long train meanwhile had been constipated that tho bowels slowly gliding by slowly gathering movca and speed Finally the last car appeared fiuffcr terribly After first This was the car the one ft parked charge and in for which he with Hie envy I practice he started to step health You ot ally on it Tablets from your own But fientleman seized him by J mail at cente a box and with a jerk The Williams Co pulled back and held him until Ont was too late One good turn deserves another said old gentleman wiUi a smile saved my life J have saved yours- Now we arc quits below the- elbow The Simple Life est To live naturally work during the day keep your temper eat three meals and take a Pill regularly as required There is ho for the sim ple life or the car one narKw change and in had been waiting and l tho trouble was grace born of long be has since to step of health You A Sold Everywhere fn Wxeji cents Feeding threshing machine at Kleinburg Fred Browt Vrsold bad bis arm In ind ioxni I A v