mm r Teredo eat General BRANCH DRAFTS ISSUED At AntMean prof and to Q Hun LEGAL J Notary Public y Street Newmarket to loan on good Fa Township Councils King Council meets at to morrow Whitchurch at on Wednesday East Councjr at Sharon n Fr Another House Sold Mr sold bis brick house on Niagara Street last week to Mr Re or 91650 Mr left lor the city on Saturday where he expects to reside In the fu ture lee Clark King ftC TORONTO to Loon at Private and Trust Coved Correct Rate Conveyancera fl over Ward Parlor Newmarket Aurora will and Court frfftoinSortVor J Bom Co and Ontario Bank Aurora Pona Loan i to INSURANCE J fl Agent for to at Current Fire Agent Isolated on Farm and Bank Newmarket pips Bonn 108 AND AUCTIONEER Bolton Hewitt Hou8DtooriiWr P 0 HamUtoa A in another Ware Room in Newmarket Hotel Open layman MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket If NEWMARKET IN Head Stones JAMES kj op a loc Our I look low 4 Ar ft few tte rt fcK4 fcAVOfceAa do ftJeoU Painful Wound Mr Pe Bast was in Town last Saturday the first lias shown himself for some weeks Five weeks last Tuesday he was driving a out of its pen when it turned upon and bit his The wound was so painful that he was confine to his bed for over two weeks but his friends are pleased to see him around again even though he does lfmp a when he walks SoclaLWii There was a splendid attendance at the Social in the Presbyterian church last Friday night and the program was excellent Solos were given by Miss Maud Richardson Miss Wilson and Mr Young duet Miss Wilson and Mr Young quartette by Miss Ironside Miss Mr Young arid Mr J Cane clarionet selection by Mr Napier accompanied by Miss also capital reading by Mrs Arthur Miss Ma be and Miss Maud Tench Everybody was delighted with program well as the refreshments Proceeds Farm Produce Pair market last Saturday Prices were follows Butter to lb Eggs per do- to Dressed 12 to lb Old hens Dressed Turkeys to Apples to basket Apples to per Potatoes to bag Live Chickens to lb Old hens and lb Live Geese 9 and lb Live turkeys to lb Beef 6 to Live hogs 1850 Pork lb Hides to Calfskin Sheepskins to Tallow Cord wood to Disgraceful Racket On Wednesday night of last the worst racket that has occurred In this Town for many a day happen ed at the Skating Rink It started in a very simple way but ended most disgracefully A young man named Miller who was the worse of liquor wanted to go on the ice which at the time was well occupied by both seres Knowing his condition a young man named tried to prevent him from making an exhibition of himself and greatly annoyed Miller while he was putting on his skates The care taker told them to stop their scuf fling which was going on in the mens waiting room but they paid no attention and presently some one called out a fight Instantly one of the constables asked for assistance and in the effort to drag both men out of the place a general fight en sued and the wonder is that some body did not get some bones broken Next morning information was laid against Miller and and the case was settled the same evening by the respective parties paying arid each It was their first offence and it is hoped that it may never be re peated On to Orchard Beach An engine to commence ballast op erations on the line between New market Orchard and Jacksons Point reached here this week In an interview with the Traffic Super intendent at the close of last week be stated that the Company fully ex pected to make regular trips by the 1st of July and that to accommo date Newmarket residents at the Beach would be made to transfer movables to their re sorts there by about the 1st of Juno Owners of summer residences have presented a request for a station or stoppingpiece on the line at the rear of the post office or im mediately In the rear of Manns or VanNormans boarding Trains during the fiummer season will be timed to leave Newmarket on the arrival of the trolley every- for Orchard and Jacksons point and return here by In the morning This will accommodate those who to spend the night at the Beach and be back in time for duty next Prevent cor- Is to run four trains a day between Newmarket arid Jack- tods Point with a late car to leave after the hops close at pm If program ft car ried out our people umrocrinK at the Beach or Point- will have for complaint years ago it was difficult to eel spring wheat flour for pastry at any price People didnt want they were using winter wheat flour and saw no reason for changing- But hard wheat flour was persistently pushed and prejudice has been overcome The women tried It succeeded with it and appreciated it Today hard wheat flour is the favorite for pastry as well as for bread The flour that is doing the most for the reputation of hard wheat flour brand known as Queer Way Things IS the It is hard wheat flour at its best milled by modern methods retaining all of the good of the wheat and none of the bad it is without an equal for every kind of baking in which flour is used Talk to your grocer about it if he isnt enthusiastic its only because he isnt iiifcrmed Flour Mills Co MONTREAL r Book for a Cook contains of excellent recipes some never before published Your grocer can tell you how to get it FREE lie Made a Record Christopher of who met with a fatal accident near Newmarket a couple of weeks ago was a coon hunter of remarkable ex perience but notwithstanding bis alertness he met almost instantane ous death He had climbed a large elm tree on the farm of Mr John Second St Whitchurch by means of climbers and ropes which were attached to a When was over fifty feet from the ground tire rope became loosened from fasty- of the belt letting him fall on ley of Newmarket was called and considered an inquest unnecessary lighting on a stump He rolled lut never spoke after Coroner His Prowess as a Hunter Chris during the twenty years in which he hunted coons is estimated to have captured some thing like coons He was known for unerring instinct in detect ing their hiding places and few es caped him His first proceeding Was to look for claw marks His method of climbing trees was peculiar and effective As a young man he workid for a telephone com pany as a pole climber and he used the same means his boots being equipped with Spurs and a rope at tached to his waist belt going around the treo trunk the rope being also attached to shoulder harness that he wore ft was said by those who watched him that he was almost able to walk up a tree For use in dealing with quarry he carried a brace of revolvers a hatchet and other tools As he went up his experience was that he could tell by the sound of the spur just where the hollow in the tree began and could cut bole in the exact place to locate the coon or coons Then he might either thrust his hand into the hole and seize coon ro throw down to the waiting do or lower into the hollow from the hole above used by the coon to go in out piece of stick tied in the middle by a length of Aroused by the object bobbing among them the coons will begin to scramble When the hunter felt the weight of one of them rest ing upon the stick ho would begin to pull and force the coon to climb On getting him to the top the hunter would either despatch the coon with a revolver or seize him and throw him to the ground By the use of his methods he has secured as as tight of the game animals some of which weigh poinds and Over in single haul been averaging in value over Among the points in his record was the capture of coons in the Win ter of In at Sharon he took 24 coons in hours his greatest achievement lor quick work Chris was an adventurous character that loved hunting rather than steady work He Was a good- natured reckless spendthrift and nev er accumulated anything He was left a fortune of several thousands when just a young fellow and went through it in no time Chris was a picturesque feature of the Fall and Winter season who will he much missed for with all his faujts the boys liked him He climbed feet to the top of a tall pine on his un cles farm was a Grit and planted flag to celebrate St Johns victory above six years ago Deceased was 13 years of wa twice married and leaves a widow and three children Norman Shrewdness Writing of A Corner in Norman dy in the June Delineator Berk eley Smith gives an interesting side light upon the real character of the Norman peasant These ruddy old Norman fathers understand economy to a finesse he says It is the secret of their wealth And thus when one morning I came across munching with ered pear while he sunned himself beside the snug barn and asked the old man why he did not choose a good one from Ills fine crop he ex claimed Ah but Monsieur we might sell it J The characters of the shrewd Nor man is Interesting Never will he give you a direct answer definite seems to have been i yes or no Coons as Pest Chris was sometimes for what was termed butchery of coons but he always held that the coon was a peat killing- poultry and ravaging grain In field and granary The pursuit was a profitable one to Mm from tho mon ey view as he was able to secure good returns for the pelts which had expressly left out of his vocabulary It is a fine morning I ventured to grizzled old dealer in oxen It be worse he answered Thats splendid cider of yours Some say it Is ho retorted Neither doe3 the true Norman ever seem pleasant or satisfied Beautiful apples this year Peru Mallet Bah I they are so few ho replica gloomily with a shrug of his shoul ders The next year the trees arc bent under weight of a rich crop and you hail this rich old agricultur ist as you pass his gateway Plenty of elder this year Mallet you have surely enough apples you say convincingly as tho old peasant looks up from his work to bid you They are so small he groans It Wtes more time pick them than arc worth There is something wrong with the heart when it hurts you to others happy i in Land of Rising A university said to one of toe Japanese stu dents taking the course there Why is it that Japanese do everything backward I beg your pardon responded the student wfc are the older pat ion So they are and makes one stop and wonder whether their way or ours is backward way Certain it is that in most of the or dinary vocations of life the Japanese do things directly contrary to our method of doing them The will prove this statement Cherry trees are cultivated for their blossoms not for their fruit Great double blossoms of a delicate pink delight the eyes but he who wants cherries must eat them canned Other trees arc trained in strange often grotesque shapes Small pines will be clipped and tied until a per fect little green turtle will grace the lawn Another pine will represent a stork standing on one leg Hordes are slablcd backward stand with their heads where we find our horses tails One Japanese when asked the reason replied Yan keelike with this question When are you in the greatest hurry when you take your horse out or when you put Mm in the stall All harness is fastened at the right side and horses are shod with straw sandals instead of iron Books are read from the back to the front and the lines run from the top of the page to the bottom in stead of from side to side The are placed at the top of the page and all pages are double In bills which are also read from the top to the bottom the page the amount is first given and the items follow When a Japanese house is the framework is put up first the roof follows and last come the sides Carpenters use their tools in a way which to us seems awkward planing and sawing toward them A lock put on by a locksmith will invariably turn the wrong way and a door knob must be turned to the left to open it The best rooms are always at the back of the house and in cleaning them the servant always dusts first and sweeps afterward A Japanese man always precedes a Japanese woman unless perhaps she happens to wear clothes In that c he is likely to show her more consideration If it is raining the wife holds the umbrella over her husband never eats with him but sits by handing the food as it is brought in by the servant and after his august stomach is satisfied she is at liberty to satisfy herself The old jokes of tho motherin would have to be changed to fit a Japanese household for in that coun try she is a terror to the wife ami not to the husband The reason is that when a young man brines his bride home it is her duty to wait his mother and to be literally her slave eating one must if polite make a great noise to show that he is en joying the food Sweets are served with the soup and fish The sub stantiate como last and beans are preserved in sugar while plums pickled In salt are considered a great Cherry blossoms arc prepared with salt and infused as tea the tea being considered fit for any feast At a feast one eats what he desires and the rest is wrapped up so that he can carry it home Men make merry with wine he- fore dinner rather than after Japanese pillows arc small blocks of wood merely a rest for the neck as the hair must not be disturbed A sunshade folds up with the ribs outside and the paper inside Paper is used in Japan for hand kerchiefs while parcels arc carried tied in squares of cloth A thimble has no top is sim ply a littleband that slips down over the first joint of the finger In run ning a seam the cloth is put on needle not the needle through cloth and the thread Is not cut till the thread is ended Curios as kept in a godown ware house and are brought out one at a time Our houses of bricabrac are a wonder to the Japanese Thcv always smile when telling of a calamity or bereavement even when telling of the death those nearest and dearest They always answer Hat yes to every question no matter what it may be All outward forms of endearment are repressed though of late years not so strictly as formerly On leaving a Japanese hotel one fees the proprietor not the waiter Boats arc hauled up on the beach stern first Babies arc carried on the back not In the arms They say eastnorth -west- south instead of northeast and southwest After a bath a Japanese dries self on a damp towel And so one might go on This list is far from complete as anyone know resided for a time in that land of surprises The First Surrey regiment of the British Is never without music When Its band Is not play ing thirty men who are experts on the mouth organ provide the music the whole regiment whistling an ac companiment J ill I PROVED A SUCCESS AND WON A AND r PLACE IN THE HOMES OF CANADA IN YEAR SOLD ONLY BY J A ALLAH NEWMARKET K New Prints to Choose From pecial Value at yard Toronto Jobbing House Q o- o Now is a good time to make your selection for a Spring Suit as our stock is well selected of Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds Our Stylo Fit and Workmanship Is the Best Give us a trial and be convinced i WILLIS NEXT DOOR TO ATKIN80N MAIN STREET Q Just Pun A gentleman while out hunting one day had the good to catch hare which he had come upon as it Thinking the animal might amuse some ladies of his acquaintance he dispatched his Irish servant with it safety tied down basket and duly labelled curtosity of however overeamo the way Ho undid string that held down tho lid when out popped pussy ami away she flewacross the fields He We the ly of having the Patent Our Inventor Marlon New York I 11 Boyds Livery Tfe la now Bus to all trains Orders new across labors exclaimed as ho scratch- prompt attention A BOYD his head and looked after the re treating animal you may run faith but you dont know where to for youve forgot to take address wid ye Tho or headdresses worn by the ladles Paris during the fourteenth century often cost as much as A SAFE COUGH MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN la buy Id a for be afraid to buy Couxn Remedy There la ao danger from it and relief in always- sure to follow It fa especially val uable for colds croup and For by Lloyd GO vt PUoU tali A ontfcaL floftbx Co