GSM MM Paid up BEST Asset Head OSco President Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits IT DRAFTS ISSUED AT THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY MAY 12 lflOo Sterile and American Drafts bought Farmers Collections cQ Manager Assembly Notes to the report of lie vineial License Inspector notwith standing the complaints of antili cense electors at the last elections no less than reductions iu the number of tavern and shop licences is of the past year Quite a little breeze sprang up in the House one day last week over certain circulars issued Departments The immedi ate cause of the perlurbufon over an alleged partisan circular per taining to fishing licenses The fact is that the Government flushed with newlyborn dignity of office sought to make capita out of the fishery cense bearding he US MLOTHROP a Thps J Barrister Notary Main Street Newmarket to loan on good Farm Security- Barrister Solicitor Notary Public etc Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Court Building Newmar ket Onta Barristers Conveyancers fl Cboppln over Parlor Newmarket Aurora will alto beat on Saturdays and Court J Rosa Co Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora Barrister Reformer Block W Loan INSURANCE J A and Agent tor Life ranee Co Honey to at Current State A fl Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent on Farm and Isolated Town Property- Bank Newmarket Simpson and Fancy Goods AUCTIONEER Bent Street Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter House Decorator Corner Millards Street Lane and John R Broker and Financial Agent sol Investment Auditor Fanes told or or Property Mortgage Gains atBX Manning Arcade tit King TORONTO OKI- Bills- and- tfarHns Toronto estimate nude on all of at Era will prompt ltutr or MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Newmarket odes Private kCT Papers at residence 00 TO Liveries Art you Dont tte loo lrte 17 hungry But arc for of a Hut thej J to you to you t sre to minion Government but soon found he got into deep water where he could not fish Then Mr Whitney threatened to punish ofTiciaJs in the civil service The member for Lincoln a bill in ratepayers in unincorporated villages be in terested It provides that township councils may set apart unincorporat ed villages where desirable into hamlets the boundaries to he fixed by bylaw Township bylaws shall continue to be in force in said ham let and the Council may also pass bylaws compelling residents of said hamlet to compound tor their sta tute labor at any sum not exceeding for each days labor to appropriate said commutation money for any purpose for which Inert village councils now has power to do It seems to us au thorize a rate of may a decided hardship Take a former whose dwelling may come within the prescribed hamlet and it would be a hardship to exact a commuta tion while the adjoining farmer may be able to do his statute labor or commute at or day as many now do In the Railway Committee a few days ago when the bill to incorpor ate the Fort William Loch Lomond and McKay Incline Railway was un der consideration there was some warm discussion Charges of for gery and misrepresentation were made and the corporation of Port William contended that it would ruin the towns future water supply The bill was withdrawn The bill to consolidate the debt of passed but the Chair man uttered another warning to mu nicipalities against going recklessly into debt The Bruce mines and Rail way company was given power to ex tend the seventeen miles of Us road already built to meet the and thence to a point on James Bay Clauses giving limber and milling proprietary rights were struck out The Provincial Secretarys bill to amend the liquor license act will pro vide so it is understood that no person under years of age shall be served with liquor either in a hotel a store At present minors may upon the presentation of an order se cure liquor hut future there must positively be no liquor served to them whether they have an order or not The absolute prohibit of the sale of liquor to all women in both stores and taverns is also to be considered In the municipal Committee of the House the bill of Mr Lucas to em power County Councils to incorpor ate villages irrespective of the num ber of inhabitants was thrown out Mr Prestons bill empowering cor porations to levy taxes for collecting garbage was passed but its opera tion was limited to cities Inspector Smith of the Bureau of Mines reports that this year up to the end of April licenses have been Issued to prospectors going into the silver cobalt district in the region an unusual number The rush is of course due to the im mensely rich mines discovered in the region Replying to Mr Graham respect a reduction in the indemnity to mem bers the Premier said that as long as he remained at the bead the and the resources of the Government were what they are now the indemnity would remain at a pro per figure Hon Br in reply to a sug gestion from Mr Preston South Brant that something be done for the adult helpless blind of the Pro vince said the matter was under consideration in in The subwiption in of Mr who recently had bin house borne liberally met by hi many frjenh Hit we hand ed around by Mr John the amount Vat a the neighborhood of drilling machine from arrived in town An artesian will fa being put down for Mr A general store has at the end under the manage ment of Mr A- A quiet wedding book place at the restfence of Mr Thompson on when his daugh ter was united in marriage- Mr Hiram Potter of Mr J Dennis is sowing lumber M Leonard will regret bear that- Eiiai KIPtlHQ Living English Author A small man tanned and bronzed to a clear mahogany squarely built with broad shoulders keen blue eyes heavy straight eyebrows a thick dark mustache and square resolute Jaw dressed In clothes that shout defi ance to fashion plates this Is Kipling Alive alert aggressive and intense quick in movement a bit cynical and quizzical ho at first suggests one thoroughly one who is his own court of appeals At Bombay the most cosmopolitan city of Asia Kipling was born in Christmas week of His father was an a professor of sculpture in a Bombay college and when was six he was shipped back to England to bo educated At thirteen he entered the United Service College at Westward Ho under the direction of old Indian officers The atmosphere was military and Indian and was doubtless a potent factor in coloring the mind of the boy who acquired more by unconscious absorp tion than by direct study It Is true that he carried off the prizes in literature in a matteroffact kind of a way as If It were his assigned of the plunder but otherwise revealed no symptoms of genius At seventeen he went to India to work on the Civil and Military Gazette at Lahore where his talent began to be recognlred In a half patronizing way by the editorinchief Strange however the Plain from the Hills which gave him his first European success and his Departmental Ditties were accepted under protest to humor the boy rather than for any merit the editors discovered A man of supreme Individuality ho has the splendid courage of his con victions He dared to lash England into a light when the Boer war seemed to him imperative he scourged the country he loved for her treatment of her soldiers he inspired those soldiers by his stirring tingling lines and martial stanzas while Alfred Austin the Laureate writing pinklemonade verses guaranteed to offend no one Then came his magnificent a new classic added to our literature Kipling Is the apostle of the strenuous he color and paints It with love he Is thrilled by struggle by power by conquest He shows man with the primal Instincts and passions nature unvarnished He is often blunt to brutality fearless to the point of frenzy but always sincere and always best when he lets the Oriental In his nature keep him close to the India he has to the world as no other English writer has ever done Hit f l rutUKVr ISO Si iVUute Symptoms That Invite Germs that Should be flftep One to Well Contusion of mind Drowsiness under shoulder blade Pain between shoulders Sleeplessness Palpitation of the heart Anyone who has any of many symptoms caused by poor digestion should lake special care to avoid conditions where disease arc likely to be present Extreme thin ness is the most common indication Defects of vision or hearing of a weak stomach hut of the following symptoms also good I which of stomach troubles stomach and Imperfect digestion should he looked by the use of If one wants to keep well A tablet of this remarka ble remedy taken before each- meal will so strengthen the stomach and digestive organs that natural weight will he restored and health and strength regained Uneasiness at Stomach Acidity Waterbrash Flatulency Heartburn Nausea Gripes Spitting up of food Coated tongue Colic Sour taste in the Sensation of weight mouth or heaviness at Diarrhoea pit of stomach Dry skin Sore mouth Nervousness Constipation Sick headache Sediment of urine Congestion of the Night sweats head Headache Vertigo or dlzzi- hands fe feet Men Rob a Bank May A band of into vil lage of about mile fioni today blew open this safe in private Wife of and with a siini be tween arid When the startle village were awakened by roar of lUn explosion and had the rttreatinx they found that Iwl from world by cutting all the wire communication and when the pursuit finally up the gained a lead which could not overcome is so nearly infallible In curing indigestion and the many dis eases resulting from a weakened that a guarantee to refund the money Is given with every box should it not give perfect satisfac tion Ask J Y to show you the guarantee i ORDINARY CORN SALVES CONTAIN But old Coin Extractor Is in and doe not cat or Iwrn flesh It lilts com no pain and cures Price S5c at all only It Is- reported that the sod of Grand Trunk Pacific will bo turned at Fort William on July Husbands and Women admire the man who al though witty Is not conceited or if so he keeps it hidden who is not egotistical and takes interest in other peoples Joys and sorrows ho bbles his own A woman usually begins her life work when Kite marries a man to re form him Husbands are like clocks ob served the spinster Steady going ones are the best Oh said the experienced one I thought perhaps It was because when they have a ten dency to be fast it Is hard to set them right- It isnt the shortcomings a young man that the girls father ob jects to its his long staylftgs letting Into debt like dropping from a balloon Getting out again Is like climbing a greased pole The average man thinks he has done Ids duty by his wife when ho puts her name In letters on a monument Chicago News Walter Murray of rant ford sus tained a fatal Injury from wearing a tight shoe CJarko jewelry store at Montreal was entered and robbed of worth of goods The schooner W own ed by Cleveland ore laden from Marquette arrived in a condition at the at oclock Monday night afterwards fill ed and now rests In the channel at the head of Canadian ship canal Poop Utatey Blood The Cause of Pimples and All figuring Dr Williams Pink pills the Only Cure THE LEADING Poor watery blood pale blood is the cause of every pale complexion Had blood blood filled with poison- impurities is the cause of every bad complexion Had blood is re sponsible for eruptions and pimples and torturing burning itching These troubles can only be cured through the blood arid the only medicine actually makes biped rich- pure bloodis Dr Williams Pink puis for Pale People The new blood which these pills make reaches every organ and part of the body It clears the Complexion banishes pimples and eruptions and brings health strength and happiness Miss Lizzie Carlsruhe says Dr Williams Pink Pills is the best medicine I know of for cleaning the blood impurities My blood was in a bad condition and as a result I was not only weak and run down was troubled with pimples and eruptions I tried several medicines I but they did not help Then I was advised to take Dr Williams Pink Pills and these soon relieved me of all my troubles the pills to anyone suffering from bad blood Bad blood is the cause of nearly every disease that humanity It is because Dr Williams Pink Pills make new rich red blood that they cure such troubles as anaemia heart palpitation headaches and backaches rheumatism neuralgia in digestion kidney and liver troubles and ailments of girlhood and woman hood But you must get the genuine pills with the full name Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around each box Sold by medicine dealers everywhere or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for by writing the Or Williams Medicine Co Ont Reports S NO K G Total marks Stella Alma III Total Jennie 182 John Watson Emily Jr III Percy Bertha Gertie Thompson Eric Thompson Gertie Millie Thomp son Pearl Watts Arthur Walter Couch Flossie Maries Var- Byron Watts Gordon Mainprise Willie Andrew Mitchell Jennie Guy Rut ledge Total Gertie Hopkins Howard Willie Tra viss 215 Daisy Watts 212 John Thompson 200 PL 1 1 Bertha Thompson Jet ty Couch Mary Mitchell Blanche Rye Byron Cora Thompson Jr Ross Mitchell Howard Smart Stanley Maries Archie Mitchell I Arthur Couch Stella Jr I Maries Maries Ralph Jennie Jones Alice Kvan Allen Freeman Thompson Average TERRY Wachcr o o C- will soon be here so if you Intending to build this year now Is time to commence buying your Building Material We cave a complete supply of all kinds of Builders Hardware such as PUTTY NAM S VARNISHES GLASS and all kinds of SHELF HARDWARE fa Harness Repairing Harness Made to Order Stoves Furnaces Tinware J A W ALLAN 8l CO NEWMARKET OUR SALES IN a Have doubled any former season New Every Week AT THE- TORONTO JOBBING HOLT On the 3rd of May the roof of Mr It bard was blown off by the Mr Up Kay ban a wick horse which is a inconvenience A young man north of Holt is gaining an unenviable reputation for quarrelsomeness ARE YOUR KIDNEYS SICK Let your morning urine for hours in a or vewelaiid then if it milky or cloudy or contains a red- brickdust cdimcnl or If parti cles or germs float about In It your kidneys ere diseased If the are well they filter so much blood but if they are sick or weak from any they leave the poison In the blood this poison affects the entire system It is natural to pas urine three limes a day but many who regard IheiiiseWei healthy are obliged to pass water six to limes daily and are obliged lo get frequently during the They have sick and and dont know it Smiths Pill cure and all Kidney and Madder diseases and make new rich blood We will tend you generous sample paid Free together with our Urge on the above mentioned diseases Address Smith Co SI Hit ho itJM ESTABLISHED I CAN YOU AS AS YOU Jives us suitable room and light for the proper testing of eyes and being a Graduate Optician also using the Latest and Instruments we can give you just what you need at Reasonable prices YOU HAVE ONLY ONE PAIR OF EYES IK NOT TCWATSON and Graduate Optician Desirable Residence For The corner Vaetoria and Park residence la In flrstcUaa The property will be sold Woe or BUILDING LOTS will fca told on or Millard Ana good site Terms reason able Apply on the MRS J Carting and Teaming undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of and Teaming at Right at Lundys Huron St WALTER RANDALL A POSITIVE CURE FOR ALL OP ILLS at a at tub For Sale for Hatching Prom of Barred Ply mouth Rocks and Thomp sons Ringlet Strains Buff and anrf Ducks Eggs per sot ting Guarantee ten chicks or plaoe at half price AIbo large English Pigs Springers J For Sale The residence of Joseph on Queen St West Newmar ket Comfortable- House and good with lawn and garden A Administrator Spencer Aye Toronto Or to NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones