ft GL0A5 itri HO Capitol i flrC DAVIDSON Din JJ if r iV ad i j- the Sod Ob T4i of isonta Hopkins Block boiars to Our stock for has arrived We have all kinds of and Garden Seeds in hulk which we will Bell at close price Poultry Powder will kill lice on cattle and ttcks on Forrests Drag Store ALBERT FDRNITD You can aave money by buying your Furniture at the SUM A STOCK THAN EVER OF Bedroom id and Parlor Ttblfca and We are for Pillow Holders and the and yramtog a Specially Good delivered of charge when ordered quantity ALLAN THEAKER A market oh Tuesday Ibices as follows bitter eggs to ciickeus3 to ducks to lurieys Jive weight OF Ob of my and bro thers I Wish to extend my wannest to 5 neighbors assistance during the burning mothers house on Thursday night IMPARK grand Concert under the aus pices it society if l nail evening Oct lath nave secured the services a3S velyn jicradden soprano Aurora Mr Kills Fax entertainer Toronto ana iir ri- ricwitt character vocalist particu lars bins BREEZES I make a Did your eye catch on to the win contingent in the big procession I loves at first acquaintance They made quite an imposing you have to learn to like as were enroute for the wrrileaain there are those never by his Our late Free Methodist our Lord Mayor and the Royal one of the iUst order in their private carnage- now our Free Methodist win Grits True as Steel are debating in their- own mind to For tegVEra The Prevention of Mitts Guage GlUaesE0bber Asbestos and Spiral PcMng Best Grades of Machine nearly pastor he Victorian of Toronto spent last in Town fier aunt iirs pi were visitots at Air on Joseph is in Mis Fransisb has re turned a drove out to honor Sir Davis and to hear Premier his brother Scot came delight- it takes the Grits to do things up in style That little Holland trig aiiair was but a by speck com pared with Grit with Its and a and a Mr Davis must have felt extremely weH pLased is worthy or it all ft must sometimes be exceedingly to public men arid wealthy individuals to people fawn and cringe to them as a whipped cur does to its master it is a despic able piece of business axid usually has some bidden motive You will re member A P Dodge and how he was jobbed of his wealth supposed- his i Our market is dull it wants sharp weather to liven it up V Dont forget to come to Fair on- Tuesday and Wednesday The fair this year promises to he the best -yet- way the entries are coming in is a sign that wo will have the usual large amount of produce and stops first day will be devoted to sports and tbe Judging of the produce in the hall All articles to be exhibited must be in the Hail by oclock on day fair it is intended to have match There is nothing truer today than thai consumption can be cured ex perhaps that it ac quired for It is seldom Overcrowding defective ventilation and general insanitation are its prime promoters with the use of unwholesome and foods of alcoholic bever ages inexcess Canada consumption and other tuberculosis annually cause between and deaths Voluntary effort has come forward hi the or- the Canadian tion for the Prevention of Consump tion and other forms Tuberculos is to cope this great public calamity by means that knowledge of treatment and precautions which we owe to scientific- research and discovery The official report of the second annual convention of thi3 As sociation has bean distributed and LOTS HA MOUNT ALBERT have a Full Stock of J LDTHING for Men and Boys Equal to ordered goods and only half the price a match on first day local clubs Tb2 annual yas to flattery and concert will be given in the Skating iia A first they took advantage of his failing and today are living in luxury upon what they gobbled him Mr Henry returned from Late Temiskamingue where he has the summer lie says the country in Kew Ontario is fully up to what hasbeen said of it by the Commissioned of Crown Lands and he intends going back next Spring Our masons hve a great demand for serties in cementing this Fall MARKET your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get the Toronto prices in Cash Full stock of FUnneU Sheetings etc also a good of always on hand extra paid for wool taken ex change lor goods Geo Haigh Sons A house occupied by Airs most contents oh last auout tne lire originated is not as a wr iimeanano in nouse covered baa sucti a a portion contents was sated althbugh a large crowd quicKiy did ail was possible under the circumstances inere is about insurance j A many are using the brand of Portland Cement manufactured at j fciUICiDE A sad case of attempted death h poison Monday noon in tuts village the wouidJf victim unfortunate been men tal time ago and was to tne city fur treatment which was apparently she returned to Albert On Monday aqiiantity of carbolic acid after which she repair ed to trie house of Air J Cook a and told she had done staling that she did hot to alone ilr Cook promptly sent bis hired man for wbo quickly appeared on scene and it is hoped successful in counteracting the of the poison is still a critical condition hut her recovery is Hoped for Hanover near where our good friend Sam Miller formerly of KG re sides It is pronounced Ai Why dont residents of the peninsula at Roachs Point go into fruit culture extensively loca tion an ideal one like Niag ara and Essex distri is The soil is right and I think they could raise peaches- grapes pears plums the band A fact Fair always draws a crowd from here This year was no exception the rule Trains were late three days Mrs nee Jessie Madden- is now and quite abb to laugh heartily at the compositors blunder in calling her She will soon he able to return home Mrs was making Dutch last week of pumpkin sweet apples Made right it is good enough for a King made wrong it is not fit for pigs Mrs can beat the at their own game If you would learn the mysterious process of manufacture call upon Alex Hill A ililter thinks taking a trip New Ontario An eminent divine probably he would not give on Wednesday- evening A first class is guaranteed 9e sure and make your entries parly with secretary ti Wight The plan for the reserved seats at the concert will be ready in a few days and may be seen at Wights store Mr and Mrs Morton are in j Toronto a few days this week Mr Peter is in Toronto this week Rev and Mrs Mac Arthur went to Toronto on Monday Mr Mac Ar thur attended the banquet tendered Principal of Knox College on Monday evening last pumpkin pie social given by the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church at the parsonage on Friday evening last was a decided success person had of pie and plenty of pingpong Liberals certainly ex celled themselves on Saturday last When the procession came along from Sutton Queens fell into line and received Iota of Applause from on lookers on the- decora tions of her two wagon loads of Liberals It did not look as though turned Conservative Judge Sheep for Sale Shropshire Buck Lambs also cm J P Garden Tools Rakes Hoes Spades Shovels MIXED Hew Shades in Beaver Brand J ROWLAND Mount Aireft DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green Bought In up Is by Poison Fly Paper AND Tanglefoot We alto carry full line of Cure j Family receive personal attention or te The Presbyterian Congregation will have a ihank ottering rir will a on evening Mr J Shields shipped hogs Wednesday Oct 2nd Fair attracted a large of visitors this vicin ity on Friday fhe Liberal at marfcet on Saturday was well pat ronized from locality The latest piece of is a breast pin with a piece of anthracite coal in place of a diamond One of our young men Is fortunate scsj of one The heavy on Sunday sadly with the attendance l3th our churches Only attend service church at The temperance nieetinK have been lield In the Methodist on Sunday evening last wab 4 occasion meets at Sharon next Monday i newly Kras Band practice on Monday even ing Mr I well- known of been Mr Gardiner the Franklin Holler Mill from Mr I A jhe Globe a nice present to to a friend Leave your order at the Feinting Office Dont ail to attend bury Fall on Tuesday and Wednesday bit or a mans Christianity respected whose cat or dog were not the bet ter for It An ounce of practical Christianity is worth a ton of theo retical I see a professing Christian haggling and beating down the price of an article he knows perfectly well worth the price ask ed I say Ha your Christianity Is only theoretical Rev scorns to have similar views and licly himself has returned to her employment in the city Miss Ruby spent a In the city In fact found it so pleasant that she forgot to come borne until reminded by a po lite little of Invitation from father that her presence was desirable at borne Now Im like Chief Canoe I And life in the city intolerable Its too noisy dont there Give me the freedom and pure air of rur al life Last week Henry and Billy two hayseeds had a little scrap at a threshing no serious dam age was done the Bay when Henry his up hes a ZEFkmt Mr was home over Sunday from Mr of Sutton has taken a position in J Cooks store The league has arranged for a series of lectures for the next four months one to be given each month Mrs Deacon died Monday morning laat She was large number went from here on Friday to Fair Some have souvenirs to remind them of the event they did cost them rather dearly Rev A addresses a meeting of the branch Bible Society here Friday evening next and will preach In the church on Sunday in the evening Some men were here on and made contracts for cutting cords of wood and loading An the cars at 250 per curd It is most ly soil wood in Aid Fosters bush and is to to Jnrnnto ft the labors of the organization have evidently been- directed in a practical fashion to paving the way for greats er efforts in the future by the cir culation of literature with tuberculosis its causes its preven tion and its care in such a form as to be easily understood by or dinary reader- Consumption is no hew or modern for its deathdeaiing char- were well known five hun ted years before the dawn of the Christian era but it has remained the last decade of the Victorian Era to discover the origin of and provide a and dreadful scourge We now know that tuberculosis especially in its pulmonary form is an infectious communicable preventable and in many cases curable disease that it can be cured In nearly all climates where the extremes of temperature not too pronounced and where the air is relatively pure and fresh J that it is not always necessary for a consumptive patient to travel Jong distances and seek special climatic conditions but that in Canada in most instances he has a good chance of getting well in his own home cli mate Consumption being a preventable and curable disease the sooner the suspect or consumptive puts himself under the care of a competent phyV the greater are his chances of The well trained physi cian is the most competent person to guide the patient in the means to prevent reinfection of himself or the infection of his fellow men Con sumption or pulmonary tuberculosis is not cured and never has icon cur- fidby quacks patent medicines or any other secret remedies The most modern arid most successful methods of treating consumption con solely and exclusivity in the sci entific and judicious use of fresh air sunshine water abundant and good food properly cooked plenty of rest by sleep and the help of certain when these hygienic and dielcus do not suffice in themselves lo combat the disease and constant super vis ion of the pulmonary invalids the immediate Intervention when new symptoms manifest themselves or old ones become aggravated or do not disappear rapidly enough the of proper food and drink can only be had at hands the thoroughly trained physician WIT ALBERT Card of Thanks I desire to thank those and neighbors who kindly assisted at the funeral of my beloved husband MRS BARKER McLaughlin Cutters Also a number of ondHaad Cutters for sal Cheap Can and J COOK Agent Mount Albert WW SHIELDS Grain Merchant Highest price paid for all kinds of grain seeds etc Salt and -Farm- era Binder Twine always on band MOUNT ALBEHT 088 BROS FEW FALL GOODS TO HAND THIS WEEK Dress Goods Homespuns Cheviots Jersey Six Choice Heifers for sale five of them are fresh Also two young bulla for sale WDSTOKES Mount Albert The Liverpool London Globs lKsUlUXCE Available Asset i Balance or Subscribed Capital Total CANADA RANCH MONTREAL Andrew worth man Wen J Cbalr- Sir AJez AooepUdiOf Current Haiti SMITH Chief A Lseat for Dominion Mens Clothing Underwear PRICES THE LOWEST I Of therewest Patterns can be looking our Stock LLOYD and New Store Baldwin are letter Mian ever supply you with all of Build era Hardware for the cowing EaYetroughing Tin Repairing promptly to at lowest rates lie sure and see our Ityrniture be- It I not wit quantity that the the Herald ami Weekly at Montreal get never have a dull yon one dollar a year Telephone auction the ihe late Kaniuel Cook largely at tended and good prices real ized It Bell of Bradford In this vicinity last week Cherry Amber is a few days with her aunt Mrs Mr and Mahon spent a week with IricndH In Toronto J ha leaned the arm re cently occupied by the late Cook I r Hancock and wile fipent a lew days Whitby last vxck and daughter Km Ily spent a days In Mr and J arii Mr and Mrs of Newmarket vlslied at Mr Taylors Herbert Jordan engaged as teacher of mathematics in Markham School has recovered from an attack of inflammation P Lemon called on friends Town on Bund ay The Ladles Aid met at the home of Mrs J P Davis A pleasant time was spent A number from here took In the great Reform Demonstration at last Saturday and were delighted I grain coming to market here The stumping machine on Mr If farm doing a cracking Mr and Mrs Geo Atkinson have returned after at a lot from here took the fair Iff Draper has moved to venshoe Mr now the house he has vacated Miss May who was visiting at Keawick baa returned home Do tot buy before yon liave seen our KKLLI2R V The Fashionable Tailor- Mount Albert Try an A In the Era It pays TO CI A COM Iff PAY- Take Laxative Quinine All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure signature is on each box Strayed Into the of the undersign ed lot con Scott Hei fer Owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take it away BYRON STIVER Albert Oct 1902 Farms for Sale or to Rent North of lot East of of lot In the of Bast Apply to cowiesoN I The Peoples Supply House a A HARD WINTER No coal and very kittle wood within reach la the dreary out look for many a family No wonder it is alartoing It will bo he more ad when we are really in the of the Frost King When the Government becomes anxious it Is time tor the to rouse themselves and face situation We have ourselves ft little advice to which if acted upon we guarantee will en able you to face Old Winter with a hold face First have much outside work to do buy one of and StormProof Top Coats For Inside and chore work get one of our Cardigan Jackets Then try two suits of our- special line of Underwear Now you havent purchased one get a heavy Overcoat which will protect you all kinds weather Next In two or three pairs of our Heavy Yarn faced with these will protect your hands if you outdoor work to do If you would like to have a pair of Driving Mitts or Gauntlets we have them for you Then get one of our special line ol Fur Caps and you not fear the cold weather It you would Indulge in the luxury of furs this winter come- straight to us and get our prices Now is tbe time because as the years go oK lurs will always be on the rise In fact to be brief can give you a Fall or Winters of almost description- What about the price did you say Well come the goods and if they suit so will thepdoes When you are in jusfc make a dote of any you are In need of and we will grve you the freshest i Oh by the way are you contemplating buying carpet this fall keep all lines SUTTON WEST