r CAPITAL iiviu NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business uteres Allowed on Deposits IT DRAFTS ISSUED At J A for ftud Wf Homy lo Off market Agent on and Town Property Simpson and Goods AUCTIONEER ir Bolton I ft of MARRIAGE LICENSES At If MARRIAGE LICENSES NEWMARKET IN Monuments and Head IK THE NEGATIVE mc cay Llitoxrauli4 kIvo a ilioitvm We an cud ibu re fa in re the most or bug cupful Ik W print and will net KOOd plinlotAph W J SMITH Newmarket w ii WILES Grocery and Provision per lb fie Apples for ft J It Jam lis lor I rfJfiije jar lorries per jitc ft caw Tvers i Ada at i The Iho city to content West North Toronto electoral vJalons Jan tor J A Kelly for the Went and May Darwin lor Hie North lit have a hair tho to name a woman Wi a candidate arc made for lie Whitney party who axe going to revolution New to leave per Saturday train rallying point league op- en here on with the Cadets In tho firat Kaiijc and the Park Nine and Night Rust in his to Works tec a formal a steel and Iron over the tracks at foot of street The proposed bridge is ft wide a roadway widewalk It would be feet long and clear the railway tracks follow lug representatives of the Toronto Touchers Association lieon at the coming examinations A McMillan Mrs J Arthurs Mies A Johnston and Miss A Sims On tiic Kvenlng May I Ion Rosa will deliver the day oration in with the May convocation of University Arthur who ftucd the Coun ty for a lot of damftges because his horse through a culvert some time ago and resulted in personal in jury to himself had his case dismiss ed with costs at the nonjury Assizes last week He brought a lot of old luinher Into court to prove the culvert wan dangerous hut the defence by the nails in the hy the number of planks the lum ber not come from the culvert in- question Pretty hard on Dun Ion who it is alleged pasxd two for at a King St here and skippeJ has ten arrested in Detroit for playing the same Detroit gets thru will be here for trial IHC 48th Hand gave the first sacred cert of the seasrvn at Point on last bas received that the donated to the arrived in New York and will probably reach this city next week The animal is said to be feet high tame docile and sUll growing It is now known that the donor of this is President Win Kcnrzle of the Toronto Street Rail way of coal scents likely to same as last year The mine owners practically ftx figure Dealers will obtain the usual discount tilt September new St Lawrence market will not he for occupancy before the of next month for York left lrf wheel in of his residence last week and a few minutes later some other fellow rode away on it A J Philips of the Dominion Electric Co had his wheel stolen the night There is a ruction down at tins jail Charges gross immorality among the prisoners are alleged but it may turn out a teapot tempest Sarah A Ross of Toronto has a suit for for breach of promise against Henry of bridge The Alumni of the University will hold their annual dinner Toronto on Friday evening lo be invited On Saturday May ID Stone the missionary abduction and captivity gands created such wide interest in Music Halt has taken these lectures in to pay sum given or her ransom and she looks as if she will I successful in doing it past few days a new fea ture has been to tile public Li brary in shape of a collection reproductions from Audubons of birds pictures which are beautifully colored line the walls of the entrance hall of the Library and are the object of interest to hun dreds of visitors The of St Andrew Lodge will fraternally visit in a the brethren the Lodge of Ancient Landmarks on May next It is that the To ronto Masons will to have a special train to convey them li Word has been received at the Mis sion Rooms here from Rev Dr Suth erland who is trip to Japan He arrived at the first of April and says he greeted by an earth quake oh reaching country A CARD Ve tLe do hereby to wuMV a of Tar if it talk to cure your tough gMLraute 5cc bottle to to In Is Only Can Promptly and Pormanontly all Wasting It Lost Health When Pronounce Your Incurable If in springtime wick pcopic young and old act with promptness wis dom and decision suffering ago any would never be carried in to summer in on is To delay the of regulating nerves purifying the blood and restoring perfect is a serious tho blood is sluggish impure and the when digestion is and the poor variable be your condition is critical and calls for atten tion he summer bring additional At thin lime the of Compound do a work for every rundown and eased man and woman Its work first with the blood made clean and pure then the nerves are in order digestive vigor fully restored is made natural skej iii attd tc dtpond- is and is well to bear in mind Compound owes to the most physi cian that this American continent has ever produccrl and that his marvel lous prescription is publicly all our best aiJ ablest If all iflorcrs who have been dis appointed iii the past will promptly with Paincs Celery Compound they will be and with the speed with which this won derful remedy is able to call a halt lo wasting and dangerous diseases It is now tens well and strong and fitting them to the summer months vhi h to Die well and strong arc pleasurable and happy A high in makes the positive affirmation that the advertising which is continuous which never let up at any time but keeps on hammering away with win out no what it may have to contend with and of any nature o A Shade This is the result when yon are in duced to of the but ter colors that some sell for the sake of big profits When you use RICHARDSON IMPROVKD COLOR your butter has the rich golden tint of June made butter butter is always avoided and condemn The June tint given by RICHARDSON PMPUOVKD IIUTTKR COLOR gives extra value lo your butter Ail dealers flcll the kind that makes the butler The average man wastes lots of time telling other people things dont care hear Always willing to a grievance with your rathe than go to low Law Id be very last resort in the seitkment ntigliborhood The have ordered to pay for defaulting heir final game last season Though changed tlie date of first game to suit the latter club refused to do the same for and insisted that He re turn game le played as scheduled On this date it was impossible to a team and the club thought an be made Follow the Example of Millions of Women Now Use Diamond Dyes It is safe to follow the of millions of wise women who have Diamond Dyes their chosen and lor coloring The of- all is so firmly in the of It Diamond Dyes liLey woufd not use any other make oven they were given tiie common dyes free of cost and garments should not be listed with poor and dyes Ruin loss or money and bad temper the sure result Mrs p Harris Vancouver says I us a great of the Diamond Dyes and always had most sat- J dyed drosses mens curtains and any quantity of wool goods to my entire R Spoilt the Advocate Frederick Ross was a hired hand on a farm in Iowa where he was treated an a member the family in which was a general favorite He had to play and introduced the of casino to the Mr and Mrs Sylvester were members of the church but just at that were with error that there is no harm In cards at home Fred had principally argued them in to this position Prank Mary Nellie often the evenings away at this game with for an instructor one day a oriels came in career He became alarmed his and made arrangements with a certain minister for a meeting at the ministers home to have a talk on After supper Fred hur ried Into town and in parlor was happily converted while his friend the minister was praying He started walk out to the vcKlers a mile away feeling that he was indeed a new man He almost wanted to- stop the people on the who strangers to him and say Dont you Know that Ive founds Jesus V hut after a he came In sight Somehow his did hot so great as when he walking along the streets He saw a light in the eat kitchen and knew that all family were in there However he could go to his room from hall entrance lie weak ly losolvcd on doing to But when he opened the hall doer he heard Fran Sylvester in the kitchen say Here tomes he will deal the in great shape for Then Frank threw Open I lie door that Jed into the hail showing Mr Sylvester reading at one end of dining tttble Mrs Sylvester at work with baking and the three young folks at the other end of the table with a pack o cards Fred whole soul seemed to rise in loathing against those cards as Frank said down and have a hand with us we dont seem to have any luck shuffling and dealing The boy took his seat and for the cards He riffled them un easily for a long time debating in his mind what he should do until Frank impatiently exclaimed Go on and deal the cards Fred you have them mixed thoroughly Ill deal you folks a hand bit I be lieve that Ill not play lo night said as he daftly distributed the cards to others Ai this both the old folks towards Fred Frank seized cards that were dealt and giving them hack said Here must play with us Fred deal a hand riffling was begun again and was tubed with great interest by old folks Fred knew that he ought to confess Christ then and there by repudiating the whole game of oh how hard it was At last Frank impatiently cried Deal the cards Fred deal the Are you going to sleep It was now or never Fred lifted the pack of cards high above his head and threw them toward the stove They scattered over the floor and Fred solemnly said So help me God Ill never another game of cards Then Mrs Sylvester dropped the pan of bread she was taking from the stove Mr Sylvester nearly knock ed te table over in getting to his feet lie seized both of Freds hands and nearly shouted aloud Sheath- up the scattered cards them into stove and almost made for Fred who Was now He Ch Mrs Sylvester Ive P I it already Fred I even before you threw the cards Poor boy I could that you were hating a hard time of it making up your mind to stand for the right Hut you triumphed at last Fred arid youve preached the biggest toniEit that ever I listened you had a pack cards for a text If Mr Sylvester and I had been as firm as you would have never come into the hour If God will forgive me I will stand firmer hereafter School fccsson CHURCH AT ANTIOCH IN SYRIA Golden hand of Lord with them and a great num ber believed and turned unto the Lord Acto May 4 INTRODUCTION Tills narrative continues the was broken oil at Acts and shows the expansion of the policy of the persecution of the Church by the Jews who were now supported and raged by the Roman author ities at Jerusalem It also marks the extension upon- a broad scale of the Gospel redemption so as to in clude all the gentiles upon terms with the Jews PRACTICAL Nothing in made more plain in the New Testament than that God sets some men apart for exclusive service In sacred things The most unpromising conditions frequently give the best opportunities as in this case the brethren retreat ing from persecution lying con verts will like r i f i i 1ivi It abas strive to promote the growth of grace and knowledge in the church The Highlands of Ontario Can ada are considered most charm ing place tourists on continent A thousand feet above tea level purest no flies or fiurroundinj new modern hotels good rail and tzrvkt Perfect immun ity from hay fever assured Health and pleasure to all who go there Full information and handsome giving of Ho tels rates and all particulars may be had free on application to Dickson To ronto Wrights Castle vas burned at Brampton It was a historic spot and cost Mr Yorks sash and door factory rat Chester and a of lumber were burned William Tate a burglar was lo two years in the Penitentiary A party of Winnipeg yachtsmen wore upset while sailing on Red River yesterday and Mr Samuel Hart- stone was drowned A Superintend ent of Agencies of the Temp lars of Temperance has been dismiss ed by the directors and now sues for damages A of Ilea A fttub looltd to iLt did lock Id Mi tun Mr you Let And I am but got If youll tbto do will noted dUrtc uiut i ibrtr Id iU I Chicago II Icm ere of your Miss that be met me life a dti lo Ilfm is uu why be li4itild Willi Ilk a la Life Lover Mould my Id it fiiifi in jtllllic ditu The lutll Hi 111- lartliijfi dr Id- lil vl frtt i UliK IUililrliitI Beef has not gone up as high dft when the cow jumped the moon A good name without real estate attached to it cuts no figure at the bank When you plant trees remember to take care of This is good ad vice for those set out trees and leave ibelii to take care of A big dog attacked and horribly mutilated a little of J M Hunter of North near Peter on Wednesday child is in a The of living has increased forty per cent over the cost in Wat is to say it now to buy the necessaries life most generally by mass of that could bought for W Stevensons new yaflht Icing built at Chatham was sunk by a was at Chatham Was firtk by a wbliii Into tckte I 1 aukIiI to fell thai mil your in the hull Of the hall very well told me all lb- hall thick ot tie ttuie never a If- Cbii New LIFE Perplexing problems arise every day in business The man who is trained to meet and solve is the man who in life Is the sort of men arid women Vceiv in uptodate business -college- They are equipped to win race stenography Typewriting penmanship arid business practice may 4iy time No vacation BRITISH iivw a a CD it SHELF I I I I COMPLETE IN GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS i J A TELEPHONE CONNECTION HI HE I OF- Lace Curtains THIS WEEK And Special Linen Sale A WILLS door east HURON DEALER IN Wood Lime Cement of Have amalgamated with and in fu ture will le known as the- United Factories Limits accounts previous to Dec 1 payable va CANE SONS MFG CO Ariy person having such kindly tend them in at once as the Company la closing books and will apply for a return el its charter Flour and Feed MANITOBA FLOUR BRAN SHORTS CHOP CORN OAT GRAIN COOK BROS cor Main Huron Sis Telephone Connection Newmarket from April 1st continued Into our Special thru July and August in all Departments of our Splendid School The Central There are no vacations moo ters may at liica and continue lor any desired term A dozen Teachers Typewrit ing and a dally Roll Call of this mouth indicate the character and repu tation evicclsal Write for circular Toronto In r REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO At t Boy At at about of who altijfltJ Afcd Your of