d so tor a I r ana curd headache liiUKa etc ana In Valuable to cold or up a certain bey your confidence Purely vegetable they can be taken by children price medicine or by oiCIHoopCoLoweiVMao 1 Dont rtJE rtAy FRIDA JUNE 8 man knows what ho did and how ho did It Audi tho following ore a sufficient Its merits lClfln tl joiirTi on Iks your now KiUeIIII prlft- I Jlh two of your core Prion all for a for for also on tioreo boot free or Pit J KEKdAU CO MILS pUt TO0BlWARE BELT ABLE TO Too A i A very meet was held here on the of May under of- the Mrs of County aid and excellent stress on work of said the society had taken up different hit Peers honorary acted as and short address complimenting the people of this com on the formation of a union hero and of Having an active christian worker our coming to in our mWat Burton end Eihcl Bag- by and auitahlo raiiaio a ahorfi spent and qui la a number of now members added to the union here Deep Gloom at Sutton iioajaa xnayjjvsax cm inon axvyaaow shook HaHd uiH sasscr J WW AHVWiaWK AVd J N3AHI OH VUHJO OH pa iutiano Q jngw ijdjiQ6u joiloia 4i Ol OJi lip0 1HXSKXVMX ijoon jbo moiM QgirVfanOd HUM oBTOtii ivijxi saoAjau oti iqttWj oil Dos Jur jo lJa on ON iiOMpo em joj Aqx jo v pavrif the grand jubilations at Sutton last night were cut abort by a and whole was thrown into tho deepest gloom It happened thus A jovial hotel of that town on down to Toronto on Wednesday and played the races with great -buc- Ho saw celebra tions in Toronto ami that Sutton could outdo them Ho wired instructions to make ready suoh a cel ebration a never was and left day afternoon to take part Now when Sutton takes a hand in anything it does tt ihoroly The ho telkeeper was everywhere ftnd were lively himself out his trusty 1 calibre Winchester and pa raded like beat of them Rockets vent up bonfires blazed cannons boomed And and rifles banged Suddenly an event which east the whole village in the deepest discharged his rifle and there was a yell followed by si lence and complete darkness He had to draw the bullet from the cartridge and had ciit the electric light wire in That is why Sut ton the deepest gloom knows yelled most expensive fur is the skin of the black fox of -r- It is probably called pin money because the is stuck for it Sutton is to have an Orange to be known as No District Master John Moore has the dispensation and will organize short ly OnWedheedaythe50 aire lot of second conpepsioq of Was sold by public aucj under to The Treasurers salo of lands for taxes in No of this took the Town Hall here on Tuesday afternoon There were fif teen pieces offered two in East will tabu ry two Id two in and Holland ln AH the lota in and in Bast and one Holland Landing meeting of the Meet De cree of the Royal Templars of Temp erance was held in their hall last Monday Rev and Mr High Chief Councillor present and ox- plained the cause of the proposed of insurance in the Or der The meeting was attended and the members seemed satisfied with the explanation On Tuesday Mr Elijah died at hie late residence Wellington St aged after an illness of over year Mr was born in the Township of King and resided in that township until about years ago when ho purchased a dwelling in this place and came here to reside About a year ago he had a Stroke from the effects of which ho seemed to rahy but on contrary gradually sank In March he had a second one which was followed by a third on Monday and he died on Tuesday evening as stated above He was but his two sisters kept house for him Mr a consistent member of the Methodist Church for many ycara I ri politics ho was a Reformer The death Mr Nathaniel at of his Wal ter Lemon Aurora removes one oldest resident of county He woa tmp wpjfcao jjriaodp inpuy jo u fwmw AH in guaranty of good ness in lee from the makers The detachable tire is guaranteed against- all defects of workmanship design for one purchase No other tire is guaran teed thus tires on alt wheels without charge rood extra DRUG STORE i Pitchers Backache Formula of Zjna Pitcher Di late Professor oi Materia Medica and Genito Urinary diseases Detroit Mich S A The quickest and surest relief for Ibackacha kidney troubles and can show more evidence to that effect than all other advertised remedies combined Dr Pitcher that he cannot formulate a remedy is good for all human ilia but stakes his reputa tion on for backache kidney troubles and will not allow them to be advertised as a jack of al trades Mrs Jacob Ave Newmarket aays Buffered for some two years from a backache and kidney trouble due to overstrain- My eyes bothered me a good deal I was very dizzy the pain in the back was severe I tried many things without wlief and finally got a bottle of Dr Pitchers Kidney Tab lets from J drug gist and must say they worked ad mirably AH pain soreness of the eyes and dizziness is gone and the in good order I can con- recommend them to any sufferer as reliable and If you have the slightest symptom of kidney and bladder trouble you can test this medicine freer Ar rangements have been made whereby every reader of this paper can obtain a trial package of Dr Pitchers Back ache Kidney Tablets absolutely free by enclosing two cent stamp for post age to The Pitcher Tablet Co Toron to Oat When giving address men tion this paper If you convinced Pitchers Tab lets are what you want you Can ob tain regular size for cents bot tle If not obtainable at druggists filled free of postage on receipt of was horn in Yorkshire England on Monday came to Canada in 1832 and settled on a farm on street York county and continued- a resident of that district until his death In ho married Harriet Mason of York county who died 1 years ago Council j The inot as of feeyi- fltonat- May Members present The following made tfnd the Roll passfld as fi A Davidson owner lot con Mr own- lot con Mr Poll ard and John Pollard added as tenants of Robert t Albert Pollard with Wellington lot eon Ezra King tenant lot con Nelson Leopard Cbas Miller Henry Manning man hood franchise voters One dog struck off tho assessment of Joseph Pollock Robert Pollock and Nelson Draper The court then adjourned and took up general business Minute of last meeting read and proved yN v yf- to lease side road lots lirth cofieideraiibni a petition the reconsider the change made in was not granted Jesse tendered his resignation as was accepted and p appointed in his- stead The communication of Win Pry concerning road near Lake shore end several other verbal requests regarding roads and ditches were referred to the road and bridge com Wellington was appointed overseer in place of John Rood Amos Crittenden in place of James John wasinatructedto do days work in 18 and days on con King the work of lot in Thomas Mann work in The labor as assessed was onethird The following amounts were paid Taylor Bros coffin for Email- uel Button Herald- advertising Court of Revision John Muerell halt value of one sheep killed i Valentine and work on road 8 John Merryweather repairing culvert near Jersey David Draper clothing foe and expenses- taking child to Toronto postage and Council then to- meet August A residents of in perion Holt feYeningl fay the He was in completed year Hip parent settled Ewt was Utile than a babe and he spent Jjis that section of the country He was a carpenter by trade the days when machinery did not lighten labor was as the says bed andearlyiiso a man healthy wealthy and wise He Wok part in of 1837 and was eyewitness execu tion and Matthews He was a in politics and was always in any thing which properity to country early life was spent in the iir and there ha moved ho has till the demise In he married H S ha Mo I Koster jjyin months hld a pry and it a- always to hear tell of bygone davn of a disposition in had ft gonial maimer and a hearty hand shake for later ho expressed experience of a higher life and leaves as his toitimony words Come Lord thy servant is ready He fay for nine months hut hi mind was clear till the last Ope remarkable blessing but few enjoy was lie known to and would read any ordin ary print with comfort Although for so long a time he suffered no pain It was limply old ago the wearing out of the human frame went out of life with a bright hope of eternal peace beyond be no broken ties l And the good Lord will HO ibftl diea A form of disease become to com mon thfttjit a necessary condition In fiotaeof valleys of Switzer land goitre or tTalck n fltcts every Inhabitant A party of American tourists ca tering one of thse val leys was fol lowed by a bod of who cried See these people have no goitres as if to be goitre was a physical deficiency Similarly the prevalence of irregular periods among ana the comnonness debilitating drains among married worsen have created the Idea that these are natural conditions of womanhood In normal health the periods should be regular painless and there should be neither drains nor pains the mar ried woman- To regain that normal conditionof health is possible to woman who will a- trial of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription It regu lates the periods dries up the drains cures ulceration and inflammation Sick women can consult Dr IK Pierce Buffalo letter without charge Every held as strictly private and sacredly I had of irregular which would Inst ten or days writes ilrs Alice I of Coolsprfni Pa Had also I r WsWWflV X33r3 Do you of i THIS SUMMER If you do write ME LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get Vaneere Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork ha to bad that I not tat raly Favorite ana liKOTcry three of the Jflorti flod Golden Medical yivcovery Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser free on receipt of one- cent to cover customs and mail ing or edition in paper stamps for tlxe clothbound edition Address Dr Pierce Buffalo 1 Carpet Veaying to Inform the public that he has moved to House on VntPr and that he hen hat Celebrated Iowa Co with all Hit- late improvements to and he la to do Best Work Jn Carpel Waiving Call and see Send your In Lava Sal at holt price Enquire at KflA Office Largest Factory in Canada for the of TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET OKI The Era till Jan 196l for cash THE MONTEREY Loft of P Webster the who accompanied the as one of bets of the quota to fill in vacan cies In first Canadian contingent in letters home that bad thrown overboard horses up to April 6th and long expected to over a great jtho horses ho says bad ciits from six to eight inches deep caused by the rdelelriflf of shtp He also states thai the oncers for not the at Halifax before embarking on lho after their long and tiresome jour ney from Ottawa to that point They passed a number of sailing vessels but the nearest to come to them was a which cainc within 200 yards but the steamer not stop to take their mail The ship took fire about the time they were retiring The bugle sounded Of ficers and men were sent to their dif ferent posts but the fire was soon put out without much damage be ing done Each Toronto boys received from Boyd Young Webster had as clerK to for to write out the orders for the day orders One of the boys was caught sleeping and a token toe- fere the but he let- him faeyoMse he had not scon riillitarj hut told hltn penalty for sleeping on guard to be shot The Monterey travelled knots in ope day for ahead of the other transports is the beginning of IN THEIR ISLAND HOME it mud Suit of St and his wife and two ser vants were the first to leave the transport After the arrival of the Milwaukee at St Helena Issued a proclamation expressing the hope that the Inhabitants would treat lho prisoners with courtesy and consideration The main body of Boers Including Col and the Dutch were marched to a place called Dead wood on summit It took the prisoners seven hours to traverse the winding road to their exile home The prisoners were quartered under canvas an enclos ure or barbed wire upward of acres In extent and Mrs were kept apart from the Other and located in Kent Cottage Hie are guarded by a detachment of the flhlre Regiment under the command of Lecfe I live oil easy El I Dank It frequently occurs that of banks retain the Dotes Issued the bank as If these brought into- circulation and are presented to for redemption the government much richer The recordfl of- the- redemption tliat ther not been an were firat organized where the entire circulation ot and to today la cousfderabjle fond In that Globe- The carry their to the hills and expose their to air having found by that la the quickest- way of curing them i 1 I Kentucky furnished toWkr other to population Protracted hunger means starvation and starvation means the scalp is starved the hair dies at the roots Whats the matter with your hair It gets dry harsh brittle dull of color the earls split You wash it and brush but it still comes out Its hashing and brushing would stop starvation then all the expense of a would be a sponge and a currycomb Hunger needs bread not a bath That is why AYE nts It supplies the requisite nourishment for the hair and the hair It restores the tone of the scalp and so induces the secretions of fol licles that the coloring matter is renewed and fading hair regains its natural color dandruff disappears and the hair becomes thick and glossy Men arid women whose abundant hair is the envy and admiration of friends admit that they owe it to Oyers Hair Vigor A Hi ALLEN No I jtart km vd A Hair for fifteen aia to ntL t A A