MAY Tells When your and you feel bilious paled and QUI of tune will your buy a of And take fl dose from i You will bo at how will do work cure your and Wllouncus the i liver feci happy cents tiffin EMULSION d nil of von tow or JDKBK1TTV lb of By It of The D A I me for over nd gained lolyia weight CM- per LAWRENCE COi Stalled Mont EAT I NERVOUS DISEASED MEN NO CURE NO PAY TUB with K will litoly Blood or It fitful of Start Id or WE CURE SYPHILIS Mood fgWi of mankind our of your mouther tongue throat fulling head you IhowcondMj of tola BWl solicit ta iboi for treatment- and cannot cure By our IttAunfcDtlho lilwre hair ma marriage and CURES GUARANTEED ami and rapped J by liter worry otc No matter tb refuge And all I to a normal 1 Hi and are peered a man amonmen caw la treated vlduallynoeuraailheDea our wonder- 1 matter what all yon I InUh CURED Wo treat and cure EMISSIONS VARICOCELE GLEET fiTIUCTOKB IMPOTEKog unable to If una QUESTION BLANK IXUKATMSNT IKennedys Cor Michigan ire anil Shelby Si DETROIT MICH if we fall Anyone and description of any our free be patentability of same to Obtain a Patent scut upon request Patent secured through us for at our Patents taUtn out through us receive wo without charge In Record an illustrated and widely consulted by investors Send for sample copy FREE Address VICTOR J EVANS 4 CO Patent Attorneys pYlna Building Dont Guess I It Results around the Hub frttAV AND COR- V I TO An was spent in con- tuction with Robertson Lodge A AM on Monday evening paid official visit to on and a number of present from Bolton Hill and was opened dosed in degrees A during evening a candidate raised lo the third degree important work performed by Past Master J The officers received well merited from the way their parts wen- lane Leaving room all Hall whore an ex suppur was partaken of A number of pro- post and to when many witty speeches were yiven and anecdotes related following among the Hon J member from True Lodge J and Rowland of the me loilge Mr filioutdicb Toronto and Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church intend holding their Annual Meeting at Mussulman Like on May A good program excellent tea will he provided vs Tho ibis action live near here The one in which the plaintiff claimed a piece of wooded by session alleging to have had posses sion a sufficient length of time to be come owner The case was tried in October last about twenty witnesses being examined and the conclusion of action was dismissed with costs The plaintiff then appealed and judg ment was delivered on Saturday last dismissing the appeal with costs Thus Mr Brooks keeps his land Charged with Clarke bad George Irwin of summoned before in on Monday evening charged wiih theft The charge was to the effect that Irwin had taken some pigs and to To ronto Market for Clarke who was allow htm cents a hundred for his trouble in selling the and nothing Clarke claimed that he Was acting as agent for his wife Mrs- Clarke and a son corroborated Clarkes evidence James al so gave evidence was not clear as to whether Irwin told htm he was to get cents a hundred for marketing the pigs or that he Irwin had cents a hundred on the deal Ir wins counsel did not offer any evi dence Ho contended that the ease ffRs hot a criminal but one for the Division Court but if it were a criminal one Mrs arke should have laid it that Clarke by offering to settle it Court had tried to com pound a felony and washable to pros himself The Magistrate ad journed the court until Tuesday next at in order to get the Crown Attorneys advice on the matter Children cry for CASTOR I A MOUNT ALBERT The a a A Four Years Cripple From Acute American Rheumatic Cure was the True of Church street Toronto wife of Br suffered severely from rheumatism for Ave years For four years she could without the use of a At times the were intense and suffered So or treatment gave any relief induced to try South American Rheu matic Cure She four and today is free from pain and closes her aigned teatimopy by saying I am entirely oared and can move about blithely as ever in my life by Eat- Pharmacy Newmarket Reportts OP MERIT for John Orison Jr Pearl Ever iJrd John George Jennie Jr McMillan Sara Flossie Thomp son 2nd Rose Charley Maud Bruce McMillan EH Edwards 2nd- Willie Draper John Smith Arthur Ed wards Will Terry Silas 2nd jr Cecelia Clar ence attendance for April Teacher CROSSLNOJ A BRIDGE THE TASK WHILE ENEMYS Pine I I in M1ltarj fluppuiltln in Willi Hi Everybody knows time the bridge was thought strategical in earlier of the vual wail writes military It was he coiiUnued the chief con necting link with the south and England A bridge In tactics Is a dottle A In military language means any place that can only be by troops on a narrow front A road- two lakes or mountain with or InccessEbte on both a railway tunnel a ravines a street- these are tie vnl- a is that if you This man Knoiva what did and bow he did it Such endorsements as the are are a sufficient proof of its merits lifck on J have cored fld one IU of tour Ktodjut in four a tor Si ale tor J Cor ir RAILS VT YEARS Everybody appreciate the noon mai Mr Sam Johnson left on Tuesday for British Columbia Flo of Newmarket was the of Mrs Dr James Forrest last week Mr Wm has the con tract for building the stone foundation fox Mr new barn contract for the front fence of the Mount Albert Cemetery has been awarded to Mr J of New market Mr J Hester who owns the house occupied Mr John is improving property by putting a stone foundation under Mr Brooks has the contract Mr A has bought out Mr John blacksmith busi ness in and will get possession on the firsf of October DEJOrta CopviaHTOc Anyone ft dwcripllPD o proOmbly OiiaArictlfconadeiiUAl ita Scientific any Journal fl Sold lia if to Die Mrs fcoseHope Dr Qnre for the Heart Accomplished What the Physicians If the thousands of people who rush to so worthy a remedy as a last resort would go to it a first resort how much misery and suffering would be spared Mrs John of after being treated em physicians for heart dujoase of fivo years standing was horn the hospital a hopeless incur able The lady procured Dr Cure for the Heart as a last resort dose relieved a very acute spasm in less than half hour three bottles cured Sold Newmarket PUT THE WAITER TO FLIGHT i Dirnmmer How to Deal A large man with a jolly smooth en visage walked into a restaurant in the district ordered a steak a la In due time it arrived deposited hot on his table where upon the Jorge Juan proceeded to tuck a napkin under bis collar and attacked the dish with a quiet gusto that was exhila rating to witness He had disposed of perhaps a third and was working through the remainder when Ida waiter sauntered up from behind and leaned confidentially over his shoulder Steak all right he psked a tone of professional Eh exclaimed the large matt looking aided whats that I asked whether the steak ail right replied the waiter The large man laid fentfe and fork What do yon think is the matter with It he inquired la on un dertone Why why nothing I guess said the waiter beginning to get disconcerted I only asking yon know But what prompted you to ask urged the other I Insist upon knowing what excited your suspicion that was not what it should be Oh I muttered the waiter miserably 1 just asked that all But I had made no complaint mused the large man knitting his prows and facing around in his chair Theres some mystery here sure Did you ask as matter of private curiosity or Before be could conclude the sentence the waiter broke away and fled headlong to the kitchen The large man chuckled and resumed his attack on the It a like this he later to a man who had witnessed the incident and was curious about it You see Im anil live mostly at hotels ami res- trturantK There are lots of things about such life that wear on a man anil one of them is the way some waiters keep worrying you all through a meal for fear youll forget theyre on earth when it cornea time to settle and tip There is no renaun why any waiter should ever inquire whether a dish is satisfac tory If it isut the guest will notify him and lies there to remedy it So when one of them begins asking mo con- fiilentiully whether or that thing is- nil right usually squelch with the If tit formula yon have Just listened to It never fails to put em to New Orleans TimesDemocrat What Shall Be Done A FOR You have tried iron and other But she keeps pale And thin Her sallow complexion worries you Per haps she has a little hacking cough Her and she cannot study Give her scorns Emulsion The oil will feed her body the glycerine will soothe her nd the hypophds will grve new power and vigor to her nerves and brain Never lay you cannot take oil until you have tried SeottY You will be to change your it once Cfjlldren especially become very fond of It f inf Mints do not know when it is to their food SCOTT Chcnhti rtooJ K W BEAU try to get through to the enemys ho will pulverize you piecemeal as you if you are compelled to retreat through defile ho will make lhiiif5 hot for you you en ter it Ik obvious therefore that die must he in check as in any from auch as and long to al low of the corps crossing in fitifety Should the unexpected happen and the troops at bo driven hack compelled to retire across fiiBcIa before a victorious en- then they wilt have to accom plish a feat In his One work on Modern Tactics do- A the most difficult an army can be called upon to way to defend a bridge is from the rear Mint is at the end furthest from the enemy Here is a plan to show you how this is done The advantage of this plan is that you can concentrate on the bridge the fire of your centre while your flanks can engage the enemys cover ing troops on whose Are he depends to get across His covering troops could only use dispersed or direct fire If they their fire on your centre they would run the risk of flhopting their own troops- centre would therefore he left unmol ested to destroy the enemy in detail as he debouched on your side observe the difference if you tried to defend the bridge In front thus Here the enemy has tho advantage of concentrated fire while you The beet of of suffer ere case is no of persons reW fiuffcnng rimdy wom en is calcu lated aa gregatlng tea years of the thirty between fifteen and forty five Such a tax past and time is utter ly In all cases the suffer ings of wom en due to irregularity and nice cause may be alleviated and- in most case tltey may be completelv cured by use of Dr Favorite Prescription This wonderful medicine is not a cure- ail but a specific remedy for diseases effecting the delicate womanly organs It cures completely irregularity ulcer ation inflammation and female weakness and gives the enfeebled organs health and vigor a J KJdder of Hill Dale Centf Vt writes I wad you the following iwttmoolal of the your fldviceond medicine brought me the I found I wa with child Jo rapidly health I suffered dreadfully from bloating and urinary Q Your- is drawn lo a medicine prepared specially for women The form ula no It is the favorite prescription of the most successful specialists in their medicinal treatment of wo mens diseases It will strength en nerves reduce inflamma tion and encourage a free and healthy circulation You should use it It will then speak for itself 1otir Advice and received a reply I your direction and look twelve of Favorite fol lowed your I began Improve Immediately my heal lb excellent and I do my work we live on a good ami I waited and rodeall I could and enjoyed It I had a easy confinement and have a healthy baby boy Pierces cure biliousness The Test that tells the Tale of Merit Sold by all reliable druggists at per box or boxes for or TODD REMEDY CO Limited Pearl Street Buffalo Street Toronto mzmta Is the Test of Friends and Neighbors CASE TWO to use dispersed fire which is this least hurtful You also have the of knowing that if do you have to retire across the bridge and submit to the pulverizing process before mentioned You would hove to defend a bridge in front all costs If you were cov ering the retirement or advance of your main hotly across It This last Is practically what the garrison at Ladysrulth is called upon- to do Supposing however the river wad this thai and there were two bridges one at A and other at you would sel ect the at A to cross by be cause you could place your defending troops as shown in the sketch and deliver a nasty cross fire which would effectually prevent the enemy approaching the bridge In my account Of the march to teiii I omitted to mention many facta All along the route fuel had been bo scarce that When- came to a hit dry Wood he picked It up and car ried it to put ori the fire which cook evening It was a good plan and often- fences Were cut to give passage the troops fence posts for dozens of and of by- those who would later havo a warm repast The diatom of carrying fagots had become such a one that there should he no rtr- yood the still with lits of boxes arid wood oven as they d town Stanley Brown In Toronto You can get ail the convincing proof you need by reading Newmarket Papers mixed up in a law suit you would serve your interest by engaging the best lawyer ID Newmarket- If going into business advice of the best friend you know is worth consulting IE is but a short time since Dp Pit chers Backache Kidney Tablets first came to Newmarket ft was said they would cure back ache and kidney complaints and now you can consult scores of people in Newmarket people to verify the state ment Long distance reports are not given you to depend on but convincing statements like that of Mrs Willie Ave who says Back ache and kidney trouble has been a trouble I have suffered from for some years not to the extent of lejing me up still a lot of bother As it did not respond to the ordinary treatment I a bottle of Dr Pitchers Backache Kidney Tablets at J tons drug store and- am happy to sav they acted finely All the trouble I had is gone and what is more I have given them to others with like results in every instance I use them early ana break up the attacks I have them freely and snail continue to do so I like them better any other kidney remedy and shall always keep them on hand Price cents per botlle A free sample of Dr Pitchers Backache Kid uey mailed to every applicant If you doubt the testimony of your neighbors you can prove for yourself get a sample absolutely free- Send stamp to the Pitcher Tablet CO To ronto More Boxer outrages are re ported miles north of Tien Tain China where number of native Christians have been masaaoreed Trouble in The Stomach by Than Two Boxes Of Br The Of Mr similar to that many sufferer with chronic Indigestion Stomach will seldom really cure and liver muat be set right and the bowels made regular and active Mr Joseph I derived more benefit from the of Kidney Pills than from any other medi cine ever took can re commend for stomach troubles I A a terrible state and could hardly work at my trade I tried meat every kind of medicine and doctors until I was tired doctoring- and be fore I used one box of Dr Chaaea Pills I could see that they were helping me and after box and a half found that cured Nearly every family on the continent used Dr KldncyLivep Pills or heard of the remarkable they have effected One pill a all or and Co Do you think of If you do write UILDIN THIS SUMMER Van The LIMITED NEWMARKET And prions of eere Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooririg Screen Doors and Windows ALL THE Artistic Effects n Inside Woodwork I Largest Factory in Canada for the PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co liuheuj NEWMARKET SCHOOL IDEAL- AUTO Pleases Teachers Trustees Teachers Desks Makers of HIGH Office Furniture The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited Factory Newmarket Oat and Bay Toronto- 1744 Notre Dame St Montreal P Rag to inform the thai he baa to and that he Co Loom with all the late Improvement to date and that he ii do Beet Work In Ha Carpet weaving Call and Send your rag In Early more than actual want people A3 A CHASES diCCt the Ji4Wjl Ileal lb clears iv find lliy SMALL ENGINE FOR SALE Three horsepower in con dition Can he seen working at- Era office any Thursday afternoon- a bargain at but will sell for at this ITBVSAPlSaS lot over a Office- per Lb 1 1 li A I T