Newmarket Era , April 14, 1899, page 5

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-i- I ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL At REST WoOItL President General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Business General Banking TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT ATEB DRAFTS ISSUED IAVAftbB and mold promptly to ibtepfuQbaf School Humility Jobo 18 April Text I example you an MS CI it v Main HI mjijn p in lit PllUMHlMV to Dr fllined Or tlrnt Of mitt 1 IObi J Tire lor Comprint to liter eat at Current Kales A i the Post Office A Ramsay Fire- insurance how Orrtcs- limits Town Property Newmarket PAINTING JO yearn House Paper In all branches of the business Full Hue samples of the- latest designs ln Wall Papon Ask door North of the Primary School Church Street Bolton Hewitt PaperHanger and House Decorator lltaiOENCE Corner Mlllarda and HOME READINGS Friday Mark Saturday Matt Sunday- Phil 2 Undoubtedly tho oooa- caeion proraptod to wash his disciples feet was the fact noted by Luke of among them as to of thorn should bo greatest had a deep- or than teaching humility though that was most were to understand So Iftuving that for their he made the direct applica tion of the incident by tolling them that what he had done was an oxample unto thorn Once before ho had thorn an object lesson on same subjcot Mark And for all time little child in midst and with the basin of water and the towel washing and wiping his disciples feet will remain as the highest rebuke to selfseeking and strife for place PRACTICAL aUOOKHTIONri For a long time Judas had been getting his heart ready for the coming in of the devil And men yet are irn- consciously making similar prepara tions Let us not he solicitous about our rights and titles but dony ourselves fur sake of others In the washing of the feet is shown that daily purifying which Gods children they are still on the earth The of Jesus shows us a great dignifying small duties and giving to every act of daily life a moral quality Love for others prompts us to servo them are many ways of help ing others besides giving them money Some do not need that but counsel sympathy a kindly word An evil spirit comes into an evil heart The devil came to Judas God cornea into the heart opens as a flower to the sunlight to receive him Obedience does not come from knowledge but is prompted by love When so prompted path of duty may Boem rough and hard but it leads to happiness for I Wireless SHOULD The following in an from lecture being by Prof of tbe Geneva Experimental Station before farmers Institutes through out State of Now York Prof a apod al study of birds and their as pest destroyers and ho lias collected a vast amount of information which is exceedingly interesting and valuable His discourses go far to prove that tho increase of pests and hurt fruit trees is largoly duo to diminution of He says that quite a number of varieties of birds disappeared owing to tho and ignorance of man birds worried and disturbed telegraphy has already been perfected to an extent as to rendor it most important invent ions of the day big- nor apparatus has been proved to bo an unqualified success in the Eng lish Channel distance of miles arc received and sent with same regularity and that ordinary telegraphy The invention will bo rapidly adapted for uses and even if it wore not improved any further it would fill an important role in the business world But efficiency of tho new apparatus will not be restrict ed to a limit The inventor says ho firmly believes that it will be possible to send bis signals across the Atlantic and he intends V Constipation HeadacheBiliousness Heartburn Indigestion Dizziness Indicate your liver it oat of order belt to liter and cure nil His It found la Hoods Pills Bold by A coming to America this fall to work on in their domestic the transAtlantic problem professor says small hoy is the greatest enemy of j He thinks wanton of bird should bo slopped and ho condemns the of decorating hats with dead birds or their feathers Prof Iw6 in pointing out and de scribing some of hi ids that friendly and to man any the fnrniliai is it bird is great to grower as it fml on the plant lite char our fruit Cork is nothing or less than the bark of an evergreen oak growing principally in and other coun tries border on the Mediterranean In gardens it a When the cork tree is about fifteen year old the bark has attained a thickness and quality suits purposes and after strip ping further growth of eight years a second crop bo on at been found hi- nay four intervals for even ten or twelve crops red and fortyfive of Iiu in bar is stripped from the trees in stomach of the chickadee Thin inches in of con represents the of nearly length and of such width Simpson Mala St and Fancy Goods Money to Loan At per village property Davidson for taking H J Real Agcnlo for following Companion LI and London and Nonflob Onion Midland- Mutual and Eco nomical Standard Lire Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At Five per cent on Firstclass farm Security by David Commissioner for taking Affidavit Real ttttv Agent or Ktc co Agent for tho following Companies of London and Liverpool England Citizens Montreal Gore District Mutual established In also the Confederation Life Association To ronto OrriOB Old Registry Office of Main and Lot Btroeta Apt Quotations Proverbs axioms and wise sayings have been altered by and other wiao rneo from time immemorial but few pie bow many there are of them I Hood A Co of fame oyer two thousand and they have or iginated ingenious plan of serving them up In delectable in thousands of newspapers with one neatly laming point to the merit of their wellknown extensive use of the pro verbs is original and to Hood Co one hundred million plant lice This also destroys countless caterpillars that produce hud moth The yellowhilled cuckoo feeds hugely on the tent cater pillar and sand fly one species of which is found on raspberry busies doing great damage thereto Twentyone stomachs of this bird once examined Prof Lowo who found therin IK saud Hies a num ber of grasshoppers buys and tent caterpillars The well known redheaded woodpecker feeds on bor ers at least per cent of his food being composed of them The king bird cornea next It is a feeder on winged irwects which are taken on the wing It in often seen among bees but been found that it eat only the drones and not the workers of the hive It is a protector of defenceless birds and has boon known to drive hawks away from chicken coops The sometimes eats corn during the early months of the year January to May but as a rule they are waste grains Meadow larks feed largely on grasshoppers and dried seeds the wild carrot being one also and some others The butcher bird feeds largely on mice It occasionally eats eggs of small birds but not often to the curved form of the trunk when has beon stripped peeler or cutter makes a slit in with a knife perpendicularly from the top to the makes another incision parallel with it and at some distance- from the former and two short horizontal cuts at tbe top and bottom For stripping off the pieces a kind of knife with two handles and a curved blade some times alter tho cuts are made he leaves the tree to throw off the bark by the spontaneous action of the vege tation within the trunk The detach ed pieces are soaked in water and are placed over a fire when nearly dry and acquire a more compact texture by being scorched To make them flat they are pressed down with weights while yet hot the Old Says CENTRAL SHOP The new spring bonnet is a stun ner It has a catcher in front a tail board behind a flower garden on top with a bunch of grass on one side and a birds carcass on the other side The whole elaborately banded to gether with ribbons and top ped off with a very abundant millinery bill Red Hot From the Gun Was the hall chat hit Stead- man of Newark Mich in the Civil War It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for years Then Bucklens Arnica Salve cured him Cures Cuts Bruises Burns Boils Felons Corns Eruptions Best cure on earth a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Lehman Druggist 3 Bidden TO tub disarmament The April invita tions to the Peace Conference which were consigned to the JDutch Govern ment for distribution have been issued The following governments received invitations through their representa tives here Great Britain Russia Germany Austria France Italv Turkey Spain Portugal Denmark Sweden Belgium Luxemburg Montenegro Greece Switzerland United States Persia China and Japan The Amorican Government has appointed delegates to the Czars dis armament congress Garth big foundry at Montreal was destroyed by fire entail ing a Joss of A Manila despatch says Gen eral Montenegro the most agressive and next to tbe most influ ential of the insurgent leaders has been killed news was brought to Malolos today by who re turned to the American lines and it is generally credited Man April While sawing wood with a steam saw yester day John McPaii was instantly killed by the saw breaking and a piece strik ing him on the head Steven son had bis right arm almost severed at the shoulder and the lingers of his left hand badly cut by another piece Ont April The general store and kept George Anderson in this place was entered by thieves last night and a largo amount of dry goods boots and shoes and small wares stolen together with some stamps and about in cash Just Received a of NEW SPRING GOODS imported from the Manufactur ers comprising the Newest Shades and Patterns which make the Nobbiest Suitings in Town Call and examine before going elsewhere as will be highly pleased Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed McLaughlin R We undersigned do hereby agree to refund money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle do not relieve Constipation and We also warrant that four bottles will perma nently the most obstinate case of Constipation Satisfaction or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Druggist Newmarket Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Ont PRIVATE SCHOOL English French and Music receiving primary stood I a after The Postmaster General has awarded the contract for a daily mail service between Bennett and Dawson in the Yukon to the Maitland Kersey Co cure at per lb In lota over JO JJillera Grip Powders Sold by Lehman Walter Hansford of Mount Albert slipped oh a piece of ice and fell on a saw ho was carry Forrest dressed his wounds- which were chiefly on his cheek and head flppil Wash away the filth and waste that have accumulated during winter In like manner Hood expels from the blood impurities that have been deposited during the season when there has been but little ation and perhaps constant confine ment in impure and vitiated air It is a boon to tired house keepers teachers and others who their time indoors It gives the blood riohuesR and vi tality fitting it to nourish and strength en the nerves muscles and all the great of body- It cures all spring humors and banishes that tired feeling It is medicine money can buy for all diseases caused by impure or impoverished blood You should begin taking it to day The labourers who built the Pyra mids did not work under each disad vantages as have long been attributed to them Recent research snows that they had solid and tubular drills and lathe tools The drills were set with jewels and out into the rocks with Children Cry for Rheumatism cured in a day South American Cure for ttheuraatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to days Its action upon the system is remarkable and It removes at once the cause and effects disappears The first dose greatly benefits cents Sold by E Lehman Bent- leys Newmarket A company has been formed in Barrio for the manufacture of peat fuel with a capital stock of The industry will be located adjoining foundry which will supply it with power From the bad lands of that enough of the raw material to keep the plant going for many years can be obtained Gazette April Preparations in leading began for a large exo dus from this vicinity on Tuesday next to the Northwest The car goes being loaded on the several cars are eleven houses which Messnt GalHe built and erected their factory for shipment to the prairies where they will be erected by the respective owners of the houses one a half stories high feet wide and feet long The announcement has been of ficially made by Dr Warden that the Presbyterian Church funds have closed the year practically free of One month ego Dr Warden issued a speci al appeal asking for This sum has been exceeded hav ing been received during March clear ing the following funds of Home missions augmentation foreign missions evangeliza tion Points Trembles Assembly and widows and or phans Undiscovered Regions Writing in Companion of unseized Opportunities for Young Explorers Sir Clements says In Asia there are unexplored tracts in various directions In spite of recent journeys in Oman in there is still an unknown region in Arabia upwards of four hund red miles square and there is also much yet to be done in Asia Minor In Persia parts of and the country of Persian Kurd still remain unexplored Farther Dr extensive as bis travel have been has left a great deal work for the future explorer are Ihp passes from Tibet into much unknown country in south v era Tib i the mighty rant- hound ihe valley j lb- extensive tracts of plateau while Lhasa has never been pine tin- i Hue and vr there of fifty year- groat river lati tude ninetyfour and ten km- lo its entrance into of the nam- wholly unknown The whole region of mountain and river systems India and China urgently call- fr bold and hardy explorers to disentangle it There is also much to be done in the mountain ranges of western China Passing to mass of islands ly- ing to the south of Asia there is a great held for exploration in the Dutch portion of Now Guinea It3 interior is a complete blank with its chain of mountains believed to be sixteen thou sand feet high Some of the larger islands to the cast of New Guinea are also still virgin ground It is however in South America that the most extensive unexplored re gions awaits the visits of scientific travellers Although this continent is rioher and of far more beauti ful scenery than Africa and although it has attracted tbe ablest and most accomplished travellers such as Humboldt Martius and Bates it has received on whole much attention than Africa and much less than it deserves Many parts of the Colombian Cordilleras still need exploration as well as the basins of several northern the Amazon there are enormous tracts to the eastward which are still practically unknown It is that wild forestcovered region which was the scene of the adventur ous searches for El Dorado in the teenth century Farther south al though the region to the eastward of the ancient capital ofthelncas is now attracting attention much re mains to be done There are also many parts of tho Andes of Peru which are of great interest in little known districts round the lake of The mountain peaks of range above are still virgin and these of and Pal- not yet been measured Indeed the whole orography of west ern South America is very imperfectly understood and offers a most tempt and interesting field of research for young explorers Equally unexplored is the south ern part of the dividing range between Chili and Argentina which within its unknown recesses soveral geographical problems of great interest The wild mountain ranges still farth er south and the numerous intricate rooky channels up the Gulf of Trini dad also invite exploration Those narrow winding channels full of rocks and islands look as if the Cor dillera of the Andes had here dipped itself into the sea On the whole the unknown or un explored parts of South America offer the most extensive and certainly not the least interesting field for research that remains on the earths surface apart from the polar regions NERVES AND BRING m THE BLOOD AND TONE THE SYSTEM Scotts Pharmacy Next Prist Office m I L of the famous Model will be sold at each one- third their froquotm Work totted- cause iheJr too built and wo Lave bought plant at dollar with It we pot Model 3 JiOquols flnfhlied and com- to mall at 960 To advertise our business have concluded to eel W at Just what they stand us and the oner of a Model Intl Tim yUly lit Uglily rlowU I Known to nie iob- loy crank let lubl In- JrI I uid coach grin Genu aJ to lo tlfr nil fajb Guarantee Sond dollar io on lip id made tend it In foil OOModeU at ItBO and op We town to represent Hundreds earned tbelr bicycle last this year we offer wheels and cash f- done for us of sample wheel to amenta Write for liberal proposition f everywhere as the greatest Exclusive in world and are per- we refer to any or business boose In Chicago any ex- lrcts company to our THE J L MEAD COMPANY IS If I livll nd of we j i to it jou ftna it Offer to you want to W Ji-ALpolnt-tO- for cub WE HAVE BICYCLES to earned their year year we offer and cash f- Aork don for us also FREE U8E are Tj al AUCTION SALE -OF- Fpeehold Situate In the Township of East Gwillimburyj the County of fork sm IS Valuable LICENSE DISTRICT il OF THP North Riding of Notice hereby that the the of ComralMlon- or District lie held at tbe under by virtue or the powers In the Village of oa id In certain mortgage io the Vendors which mortgage will be produced at the time of talc there will be offered by Auction on April at 3 oclock p AT THE HOUSK in the Town of Newmarket the followlog valuable freehold property AH bat certain parcel or tract Of land and premise situate being In Township of Kaat In be County of York In the Homo District of our Proncc containing by one hundred acre be the fame more of being West half or the Clergy Reserve Two In the third concession of anfdTowuhblp of East Together with a dwelling houac and all other buildings barns and staolra on ted are situated about one miles from of New market Toe Vendor not be pro duce any evidence of title nor any title Other than what are In their Terms and Conditions of Bate The property will be Offered for in one parcel to a purchaser at the time of Bale pay at least ten per of hie purchase money in cash The of pay ment of the oil other of sale will be made known at the time of sale or upon application to the undersigned BRISTOL A Vendors Solicitors Ray St Toronto Ontario- r BE READY for a good in September by ing a term In the OP TORONTO from April the Session The College does close for July work for Teachers arranged for cheerfully given SHAW L fund Working aid Day The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever wan made is Dr Kings New Lifa Every pill is a sugar- coated globule of health that changes weakness into strength in to energy brainfag into mental pow er- Theyre wonderful in building up the health Only per bos Sold by Lehman Druggist A been let for the con struction of a new steamer for P Edward the mainland Creditors Notice April hour of 10a for Ihe purpose of con sidering appllcaduiia and granting for he License year held lie of the on or before above date AJ Inspectors Office License Inspector April lei I applied for Licences In Ihe above Walctior commencing May 1st lfcog T KINO J Francis iceneed TOWNSHIP Tavern- rick Young J Deacon Embury a Rose maid Wide Beer- Samuel King township Tavern William Gordon Mrs Victoria SewbUin Beer A- Wine- LCrittenden WEST A horpc Beer Wine ix McDonald HOIAND Tavern Jane Miller J Martin TavernMargaret Evans John nab Flanagan Joe P J Flanagan Joseph Pipber new premises Tuvern Wells Lemon r for current year Taverns as Shop tor License year I Any petitions the of a or bo filed with the four Jays day for met I In jr All govern ibcmseJrtd Ac cordingly AJ T v T tors other per sona having claims against the Notice hereby given chapter I ail creditors other H To a Gold in Day- Take Tablets Alt refund if fails to care iir of late of of East in the Couniy York who died on or about Murch are or be fore The 20th day of April 1899 to send to of be Will of and surnames with full particulars and proofs or claims a eat of their account aod nature of If any held by them And notice Is further given that luiiuedlale- after the said day April the Executors may proceed to disirlbnto the as sets or the Estate the thereto having regard only to those claims of which they then said Executors will not be liable for such assets or any porlUin thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not have bad police at Ibo of distrfbutloo I at Now market this day of March CC SHAMMER Exccutora Sharon P K Indebted to Eslftto are quired to nee nnU with the unflersigned EDWARD PROMPTLY SECURED Write for our intercut in Help How Scud us rough or lot your Invention or at you our to probably Wo a of itppllcaltons in furnished PATENT lfl Law Aiwclailon V AiWCUtlOD rOEuiTtfort of KOtfUKfri mitt run an vise m TO FARMERS A l- A Hoar will kept for service on lot u St West Terms aldenwd

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