Newmarket Era , November 25, 1898, page 4

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i WELL KNOWN VIOLINIST Statements His Experience James Murray well known violinist placed who Jus traveled throughout make I was log down in health and sveurht fell from to pounds did mo but good My trouble wrI called dyspepsia I MMrtltoaKde6tnprUU after taking flva bottle I benefited well now In my life and In flwh so tint I now pound am Well known In this part of country having followed that or ft violin muslolan for the last I gladly tell what done of I began talcing the tut did not ambition bat now and my dyapoptlc trouble JAatw yon decide to take do not be induced to bay any Be aura to get Moods jacksn Best Advertising Medium tln York County cents licr no for flraj Insertion Hates It le Mr P or been appointed a fill vacaooy In Iho of Prince Edward Island A new Canadian postage stamp la to bo by the Department to commemorate the of the Im perial penny on Pay The new will Imperial Idea bat the design not been finally determined- It will be In for a limit- period only No better preaoot lor a child be a twenty- Ave cent payer covered book entitled The babe of Bethlehem published by The book has been highly of and a delightful ftoooont in in Mr Hasting inimit able style of the life of our A decree deleft at refers- to who line joined It allows a and the interment be In oonaeoratcd ground providing the was not openly lo the oho rob and some time even If indirectly neas to to faith Up to Saturday last duties to ftUO000 have paid Ontario Government far this year On Friday last duties amounting to 000 in from two the estate of Ottawa and estate of Toronto over Succession tbia year ox- coed received for corres ponding period last year by The total amount received in was 9228013 and the estimate for this year la Inched- Inehoa Tut will dawn upon world At dinner of the Hew York Chamber of last week the Health of her Britannic Majesty Queen Victoria was toast propos ed toast was drunk standing op and was followed by the band playing the Now stand oat of way for Hall Columbia notable religions books of the year is Key Dr era of Methodism a dollar bock published by William Toronto It bas been praised and is one of the four books League Reading Coarse fa Canada and tbe United States during coming year Dr throw is a great writer and Is one of his beat books A bock from the proper at Ottawa has been received giving a re port of the criminal or ending Sept This shows that number of charges for Indictable in the Dominion for the year numbered being an increase of oyer the previous year number of was against pre vious an of of docceaaed In ova fiootia and Hew and increased in all the other provinces OE total number of conviotions in per cent were females Advertisements with writ ten InstruQllona until forbid and accord will chanirid once uob month If desired For than the cotnposUIou ho paid for at regular Changes for contract advertisements must be In by noon on Wednesdays Low ltatos for Notices to Lost Found A notice will be Inserted Tree for any Church or potters arc fur owned or when noudmlsslonfoeoircollcotloti Is token Ufty cents will be chanted for such a notice this rule LEGAL J Robertson Barrister Public Ao 8uect to Loan on good Barrister etc tor of A otapATcnfromJWinoiig states that Mr and Dr Simpson returned report that Ogllvie good service In bringing of ficial work of the country out of lis state of chaos Mr say is looked upon with favor by the minors Things were in very bad shape he arrived and trouble was threatened The Lake country say promisee well Tub petition against election of Mr J Holmes P P for Liberal has boen withdrawn against Mr North Toronto snd Mr A White North Renfrew Conserva- have been dismissed In North Hastings the petition against Mr J Allan P P Conservative also been dismissed but as in the of Mr of West Huron Mr Allan agrees to resign and allow another fight for the aoat Tire osw Postal Note system appears to be growing an importance as the same be- generally known During month of August the first month that Postal Note came into use were In the next month thai of September number Increased to and last month figured up to Anyone wishing to send a sum not covered by a note may paste upon its face postage stamps sufficient to make up the amount required For example If ore wishes to send fortyseven he will buy a forty- cent note and affix seven cents worth of an cancelled stamps to its face and the forty seven will be paid upon presentation The value of this system is coming to be greatly appreciated It is less hampered than any other and will soon be in general use on railwav trains Is the teat Innovation The Idea is to while the tediouaness of long distance journos A Toronto evening paper states thai up which passes through Diamond Express of the high Valley Railroad will be largest on will bo- on exhibition ftt Paris Exposition It is call- an and inventor and builder is Antonio Xibordi who claims to workod upon it for years kind of concrecated rauajc and con tains no less than different and independent musical instruments It coat about inventor has employed moat applications of mechanical skill and electrical apparatus which not now but the composition of which represents an incredible amount of most careful study and human pa tience instrument will be work ed by means of two petroleum each of 3 horse power which by driv ing a dynamo furnish light for tbo inside of the instrument showing its details and illuminating the hall where it ia shown A curious combination is small fountain within the instru ment which will show light when the lights in the exhibition hall are turned down the music from the continuing all the while There are two separate seta of in struments which can be worked sing ly or together one a perfect orchestra the other a military brass band of 1 pieces They sep arate seta of cylinders but there are some pieces of both orchestras where the two cylinders are started togeth er The apparatus will be taken Milan to Paris oh two railroad and after having been admired At the Exposition it is the intention of the inventor to present the instrument to the Queen of Italy New Orleans DO is a and Leads to is Causa of Celery Compound Natures Nerve Bracer and Health Restorer Do you brood from day to day and J tea simply because the root of the and homicide One of the most celebrated phy sicians of the day says that there are several forms of melancholia simple melancholia melancholia agitata mel ancholia and melancholia Celery Compound mar vellous medical preparation does its work directly on the nerves It tone strengthens and braces up the enire nervous organization and as a conse quence the tissues and muscles are with stupor The two are the built up and pure lifegiving blood is most difficult of recognizing and are freely supplied to every part of the the form that especially endanger the Replyiko to a question in reference Division Ccurt Building Newmar ket Ontario if p S Barrister Solicitor Conveanoercto it i I ft and prompt made tr Money to loan at lowest rate f date when Parliament will likely for the despatch of business a member of Ottawa Government while Id the last week ventured the opinion that It would not be called earlier than the 1st of March and later than the International Conference now in see- Washington will probably interfere with Government being able to eider necessary work for the session before the Christmas Brave men Fall Victims to stomach liver and kid ney troubles as well us women all feel the result in low of appetite poisons in the blood backache headache and tired Untie rundown feeling But there no lined to feel like that Listen to J Gardner fnil Heays Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down and dont care whether he lives or die It did mure to give me new strength on April 1st next ion land goofJ appetite than anything I inter st Steps are bains taken take lean now eat anything Several of the railroad trains ruuuuii of York with vaudeville car- out the accessories of a reifuUr BOUrvtani Dunn flarristersclloltors o Manning Arcade Kim West to Lena Toronto Block Money to Ucensed the Co or York acid on commission Terms reason- able Farm Sales attended to A trial solicited Ecsinaaox Street Newmarket tiiat ftuH contracts have a wellknown with several Ameri can whereby senrs wi I be able enjoy vaudeville entertainments en route departure was snyeitfrd by the practice of Christian and ether societies holding while to and a new Only cent at any Drug Store Every bottle The Gave Thanks THURSDAY It was decided to authorise High Constable Jones employ six con- stables on Thanksgiving Day to pro tect property and keep order in con nection with the sham fight- on that day J The Council went into committee to hear deputation from the City Hall re the dispute over the pavement in front of Court House Mayor Shaw Aid Saunders and City Solici tor Caswell spoke for the City Coun cil The County Council agreed to pay their fair share of the cost The cost of the pavement was of which the city assumed and the ratepayers Subsequently the County Coun cil discovered that the assumption by M rf them of a share of the cost would bo make life a continued misery for your- disease iB not reached illegal and they accordingly rescinded M aTW family If you are a victim Hundreds of cases of melancholia their promise The question was left melancholia understand at once in all stages that have baffled the beat in the hands of the Finance Commit- you are suffering from a gravest men have been successfully tee The countys share would be disease a trouble that induces suicide cured by natures nerve medicine per year for ten years The report of the commissioner of the Newmarket Industrial Home was presented and adopted It showed that the Home was in good condition aud well managed The year had been a good one the crops the farm lands belonging to the Home having been most It wok sug gested that an effort be made to re duce the cost lighting which for the It wis recom mended to purchase of land containing veils and springs upon which the Home depends for its supply Dr Wesley physician of the Home presented to the Council two fine pic tures of the Home A vote of thanks was passed to the The pictures will be hung in the Council chamber A deputation from North Toronto the Council to grant them to cover the cost of repairing the bridge over Andersons hollow The County Council granted for the work but in of strictest economy the work cost and North did not think tho difference should fall on them On motion of Councillor and Bull the in quest was granted I In accord with the of County Council it was de cided to mcmoiialize the Ontario to pass such legislation would compel the county in which a crime had been committed to bear the expense of trial when a change of venue had been obtained wan some argument tin question of the and ance of bridge over the Rouge river at a point near the village of Mark ham The County in former year In Town and you can be assured that me Good are no trash lives of and their friends Some of the first and roost import ant symptoms of melancholia are sleep- depression of slow mental movements terrifying hallu cinations and aversions of food The whole nervous system is soon in a most alarming condition the mind be comes affected and even insanity may its hideous form body Reader this should be an allimport ant to you if you are sleepless despondent languid de pressed in mind and mental faculties impaired Your path of duty is clear Terrible dangers are ahead if you fail to banish the first symptoms Your present and future happiness and health depend wholly upon your choice of medicine The use of Cel- Expenence has proved that the or- ery Compound at this time means new medical treatment of melan- life health vigor activity full mental fails in nine case- out of every powers and a length of happy years A SPKIsTP It will Fay you to get your and Shoes at H FFIS He has Best Quality Lowest at the JcsTierved them no lets then fourteen persona wore reported for corrupt practices by the Judges who tried the Hil ton election petition These fourteen will not be in it when the byeeleotlon piece For a term of year they have sold their to Jacob Grit or Tory who eel themselves et elec tion we no use for and are pleased when we observe that have to mark their corrupt practice at election We only the briber had boon reached as well m the bribed There were eight or tea of this kind suffrage trafficker re ported in Bo nth Ontario trial and three in the Kingston case They can now tike a back seat for the next few year their more honest neighbors make themselves fell at the ballot box MARRIAGE layman G- Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Baa Private 9fT Paper at private If NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS i IN Monuments and Head Stones- Before fis Allan the East Mr Liberal on Mi the petition On the day the petitions Ron Rom for West HTaylor for North Middlesex lor North all Liberals were a I bo sod likewiae that against Booth Grey The intimation 1 also given that Centre fijmcoe and London Liber al will be dropped by tale veiUy like a Ottawa two one side of publics and both are protested bat the story now goes that a will be outcome of protests also In South Perth Mr G been in con sequence of in printed bal lots used A new election will follow Thats where I draw the line aajrf the hired girl as the head of the family hurrying across the clothes yard almost snapped neck off against it in the dark Broken down systems shattered nerves and emaciated forms are rapid ly restored by Millers Compound Iron Pills E Lehman Nov An acci dent occurred at the Grand Trunk Railway crossing between here about half past twelve when the way freight from Hamilton an into the way from jf The- was that an en gine and a numb ir of cars were thrown from track After the great victory obtained by the English at the battle of the renowned prince Henry ordered the One Hundred and Four teenth and One Hundred and Fif teenth Psalms to be sung on the battlefield by way of acknowledgment that all success and all blessing come down from the Father of after which the fell upon knees and shouted with one heart one voice Not unto us Lord not unto us to thy name give we glory for thy mercy and for thy sake When Henry to England Nov commanded that no ballad or song should be composed sung except one in thanksgiving for their glorious victory Cincinnati Poet For Infants and Children order has received by the Kingston Locomotive Works for the building of six compound locomo tives for the Canadian Pacific Railway Company at Story by tDcOovernmeot Historian to war was written In array Ran on the at Honolulu In Hon American at icanita In Insurgent camps on liia of tee Dower and In tho roar or battle toe fall of agent Brimful of pictures I wrge book Low Dig profits Credit given Addreie Barber Tun election petition flawoff is be coming a matter reproach realm of party politics The referring hereto indignantly observes It has been simply outrage on the country way hat power of life death over petitions has been central In bands of two groups of To ronto lawyers After to that In days gone by each local bad leaders who decide I a petition should be pushed on a power now transferred to a poor er our adds This im proved modern method may have many virtues but has not to of politics It not be bad Toronto magnates for withdrawal of where there is no evidence of corruption The gamaas worked under the of the central authority is for Tories to with draw a Grit who ha been corruptly If the GiiNwjU Wjlhoraw a Tory who is equal ly elected by corrupt A that Is Causing Talk When a lad about eight years of age I fell into a cellar a distance of ten feet striking on my head and causing con cussion of the brain I was taken to a London Hospital the first seven days not recovering consciousness I am now years old and from the time of my accident until I began taking Dr Ward s five months ago had been subject to fainting spells never being more than two weeks without an attack As grew older these spells be came more frequent lasted longer and left me with less vitality I was weak had no strength or stamina always lowspirited and downhearted imagined that everything and every person was going against me and life only had a dark side for me My appetite was poor roost of the time but am now happy to say that since taking Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills I have only had one fainting spell shortly after I began taking them so I have no hesitation In saying that Dr Wards Pills cured me Before taking these pills I always looked for a spell not more than two weeks apart now I would be greatly surprised recur rence of these spells Life now bright the consf ant morbid feel- Is gone being replaced by a hopeful feeling I feel like working My appetite is good and in every respect have experienced the health strength restoring properties of Dr Blood The v certainly proved a great blessing to roe Yours Thomas Stanton Bright too Wards Blood and Pitts ane sold at perbox5boxefoVoo at druggists or mailed on receipt of price The Doctor Word Co Limited Toronto GRAHAMS Art Studio We are folly prepared to do all kinds of work in the very latest styles Carbon on Porcelain Carbon on China Colored Crayon Water Colors Embossed Work eSSBBBBBBBBSBBlSBM a Saturday Bargain Day Photo at loo Dont forget to call AHAM JONES old stand NEWMARKET To Farmers I you a Portable and Belt to cut com or do other I A THOMPSON tmarket built and maintained on the main road and the western deviation roads but these have fallen into dis repair and now the village wants the the county to erect a bridge over the river at a point where it cuts the east ern of the road mat ter was deferred to another session The Council held its annual banquet Thursday night at the Clyde Hotel Councillor Evans occupied the chair and the guest of the evening Warden George High sat on his right An enjoyable hour or two was spent at the repast after which the toast list was opened by drinking the health of the Queen The House Commons and the Local Legislature were then and responded to by F McLean and J The guest of the evening was next toasted and the Chairman in complimentary speech presented the Warden with a cane on behalf of the Council Warden High replied briefly thanktog them for the gift and Mr Moves the nineteenth member of Council replied to the Warden The other toasts and speeches were as follows The County officials the learned professions Robinson Dr Wesley and Sha ver the Wardens of replied to by Councillors Woodcock Baker Chestel and Hall FRIDAY A detailed report on bridge repairs was presented It showed an expend of which after vari ous deductions left a net cost of A new bridge will be re quired at Weston in a few years The new steel bridge at will cost and an abutment and the Sutton steel bridge fi Mr Evans considered it was an out rage that the King bridge Co of Cleveland had been given the con tracts for the new bridges because of their agreement to build them quicker than the Canadian companies Several councillors declared their determination to deduct the per diem forfeit for the delay The contract was for two months and over three months had elapsed The opinion expressed that the had disgraced the county by going out of Canada for bridges for the sake of saving or A long took place over an unsuccessful attempt by Mr Davidson to secure for a sidewalk on the iiew bridge at Sutton TMiHePs Powders cures fits in children- Sold by Lehman to be imposed upon the public but the very best that can be bought CALL AND SEE FOE YOURSELVES at H Block one door south of old shop Orders have for rtL membersof the Blooraington 1 a battalion of Church have decided to hold Cbini tod lend the port of j lhe anniversary service and hot roast Wei Hal Wei Sunday and Monday Dec and Moffat a constable of was fined by Judge for abusing a drunk aud dis orderly whom arresting last August Mrs of Bradford had misfortune to foil down cellar and bruising herself badly sustain ed a cut on the head which neces sitated fctttcHea SKIN LIKE BABYS disease from merest pimple to the most obstinate alt rheum running tore are quickly and permanently cured by Or cent WiodoMQOtcavy a baby velvety pinion life and Dr How many suffer from distressing Ointment his you suffer It Is a boon to mother it la boon to zeauaJariblotches on and which are spots and driven off and restlessness pisses away- disorders and j Ague this balm rest Ointment allays the and a cureIt Itching bum- ISO wt relief from lng stinging Itching irons Weeding or has brought bo quick relief spared surgical operations as Dr Has proved itself an cure for ease no matter of how long to all at all stages standing baffled its one will relieve the itching In cases of chronic it has irriutfn sensations- in an InstatArS iJ Utiding ewe after from of Its patient and com- soreness quit you and the tumors sensa tions which are part and parcel of such troubles- 4 In a thousand cases whero treat ments have failed to heal vol them It has worked wonderful and curesand no sVin to Count to foe fcctettteen took roxo It Tbo ppliciiloQ lbs and of another Tocooto ifctrlMr nude to tod fee di on PaaSoArtvht acrlbedbyh continued It Uia and now for two has been return of rood frttnd a eared be of trouWevxno ib biitb FOR CATARRHAL i I J

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