Newmarket Era , November 11, 1898, page 6

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i i r Sv -Cffi- vj THE Itife around the Hob JHT WOlkTlIY TO v ROACHS POINT Mrs J of Newmarket of Mr Jesse of Point baa gone to Winnipeg to join her be having secured a situation there in Hudson Bay Co Wo wish them prosperity io their now home Mr and Mr spent few in the City last week KINO CITY I- The Church of place being repaired It will be a great improvement The here give concert for the League Friday even ing A good attendance ia expected The English Church intend holding a grand concert on Thursday evening A Marching will be given in which twenty eight girls will take part besides other Miss K Baldwin has gone to live in Aurora Mm Quarterly services being hold at last Sunday ho service at the Methodist Church was withdrawn We under stand there was a largo congregation at going from Epwortb held its social evening last Monday Rev Mr Jen kins an entertaining and in- of views was not as largo as anticipated Total proceeds A week from next Monday Nov at a Concert of unusual merit will be given in town hall under the auspices of tho East Society The services of Mr H Dennett Co of Toronto have boon scoured for occasion and those who never heard thorn will enjoy a treat Come one all Mr is doing good work with bis chopping mill Farmers will find it to their advantage give him a call Mr and Mrs moved into their residence occupied by Mr Ken yon who baa removed to On Sunday the Quar terly was hens He Dont make any for Monday evening Nov but attend lb- Agricultural Society Concert have a good time BALDWIN Theres music at the Travellers an Best Miss Crittenden in taking in- from tin worth My in struotion on the organ Master Less Crittenden took a load of sportsmen up to the hunters para dise last week While there he took iiuariRrly were a crack or two at a deer but owing to Geo Washington I a alight nervousness the ball flow of the mark Miss Hadden of the line East Gwillirnhury is a guest at Geo Mrs had a sovere of indigestion last week but thanks to Dr Jiernard shes up and around and feeling tip top Baldwin Breezes always pleases The men folks of the Elm Grove Free Meth Church had a bee last week and put a now cap on Che church Rev Reynolds who happened along and who is an excellent mechanic gave a hand at shingling and Be v Minor who is a skilled mason built a new The folks about here j have a very high regard for sufficient to thee Tin- was not tin- weather being unfavorable the church was filled tin- held here a on the words Eternal will never lie forgotten We sorry there is mi Dengue here and no prayermeetings Mrs Rush wan hew on Monday Rev Mr of Mount sermon from l The second meeting of the Literary Society was held at the residence of Mr Simpson on Wednesday even ing An excellent program was ren dered a number of new names added to the roll Tho continued Vet weather has made- tho roads Miss Alice Winch homo on Monday after spending several weeks with arid relatives In Toronto Tho strong wind storm on Satur day evening blew down considerable in this locality- Tho weather on Sunday evening prevented many front attending Christian Endeavor but of Mr J A wore ap- Mr V will address Sunday Mr and Mrs Irwin of Browns Corners were guest of Mrs- A Winch last Saturday and Sunday Mrs Williams is spending a week at her homo at Gilford Miss Tillio spent a few days in the village this Mr Jesse Conneil has been repair ing his blacksmith shop and building a forge He is making preparations for an winters trade Goapel Temperance meeting under the auspices of the on Monday evening was not so largo ly attended as usual but program was a good one A speech by Mrs of Rosens Point on the Temperance Situation was worthy of special mention also Mrs A Winchs recitation and Miss were well rendered The consisted of a duet by Mrs and Miss also a duet by Mr I Gilpin and Miss C Winch both worthy of mention These meetings aro productive of muoh temperance instruction Everyone carries a lantern these dark nights Messrs and are putting in an elevator in their chop ping mill Messrs Walton of and Wood of Aurora organizers for the Sons of Temperance wore billed to be here on Thursday evening to organize a Division There was quite a appear ance on Monday morning A thing of beauty is a joy till the style changes and the style changes very often in this village Toum CO Regularmeeting last Monday even ing Members all present Councillor Smith Following wore J Manning repairs to stand J Anderson for services on night of each- J at Fair coal John Gill cleaning Market cellar road sidewalk repairs P putting in water service putting in water service sidewalk re pairs David Millard drawing cinders repairs to cross ings W Gray opening watercourse at High School 1 P road repairs Martin Grant putting in water 1 Martin Grant oiling hydrants Jos Snider outside wiring re electric light Johnson watering streets J Caldwell glazing at Fire Hall Walter fixing arc liRhta Roche hardware for It A hardware forR fc John Bona repairs for Co repairs for Pumps 1 Jas Robertson Co supplies for water services r Nov 1st to J OUR MOTTO HO CO We put forth new efforts together with better facilities for doing business in a businesslike way It is something new the people want these oldtime splutters are no use today We want you to interest yourselves in this Grocery Our prices vary with the markets excepting with special sales You appreciate good bangupbargains its your trade that governs us and we are always on the lookout to take advantage of the markets to put before you goods well bought at Low Prices to turn them over quickly We are Making it an Interesting Sale in Every Line OUR CEREALS We are glad to be able to say that lhl but few Halloween pranks were car- on here This is as it should be A thumping big lot of roots were and is a credit to our burg housed in this settlement week Last week aome young men created VGr JP a disturbance by throwing stones at the door Mr Williams Mr Williams and a friend gave chase when one of them turned and threw a stone which struck Mr Williams in the and felled him to tha ground They made good their escape We understand their identity is suspected and trust that such an outrage will not pass unpunished HOLT Mr Eugene and Mrs Rowen have arrived home from their wedding trip and have began house keeping Mr Richard Rowen is moving off arm to live retired at Mt Albert Mr Glover has moved into midst from Ravenshoe Part of the family are very sick not able to be out Mr Boyd Cunningham has returned home from Uncle Sams domains where he has been for about two years Mrs Samuel Douglas has been very low with inflammation and in con sequence most of her family were call ed home from different parts Mar xian is home from Manitoba Mr J A Hopkins building a model piggery being feet with decks for pigs will be one of the best pig pens in the county when finished Farmers are yet very busy and not many are seeking pleasure or visiting at the present time Robinson is packing apples and shipping car loads week to western points Mr John Ramsey of Bond Head has been assisting his brother Geo Mr feeding stalls are being much improved upon by ad ditional feeding capacity The idea will no doubt meet the approval of the public as the same pen that now feeds or bogs can be made to meet tBe requirements of twice that ber by having a deck for feeding young pigs over the larger ones Much sympathy is expressed for Mr Webster and family in their prolonged sickness Mr Henry White has been quite ill of late Christian Endeavor of Kettleby visited Endeavor on Tues day evening last Mr David Terry will return in the future from Hospital where he has been for weeks having had ag operation performed and a lump removed from bis Mr is visiting in ton inner Mr Wm Arnold put in in neighborhood of two thousand bushels What lovely weather wasnt it Mr Kay tax collector paid his annual visit to each household this month It is reported that David Evans and Stephen Winch have agreed to settles disputed land question by arbitration A very sensible idea Our boys were very good on Hal loween Thanks Mr Wallace Young of McMillans Corners took dinner with his sister Mrs B on Friday He as well as others says the Eras good as a letter as through its medium he hears from his friends Dr Bernard Greenwood seems to be steadily buildiog up a practice in Sut ton and surrounding country He has had a number cases in this section and has made some fast friends for hes a gentleman We have very good reason to know that the Era is rapidly increasing its circulation in this section whilst the is on the down grade with all brakes free You do not have to seek far for the cause Oh no no I no its not the Breezes Just read Era and youll find out mighty quick or else youre a chucklehead Master Jim Sedore caught a hand some specimen of the owl species known as owl Like all his race he had a special love for chickens and was seeking round to gratify his tastes when snap his foot was in a trap He now adorns Mrs Crittendens Wm you know is a capital taxidermist So thinks Owl P Whats the matter with Owl Oh hes all right and heres another for the Eha to Arnold Baldwin A wealthy fanner keeping house for fifteen years and never has taken a paper Double Get your fingers ready for another Itll be along next week in all probability Ed- Note The Owl is evident ly ha a humorous strain this week hope he may continue to feel good till at least Wo have no doubt about Breezes being appreciated because ten names have been added to our fist at Baldwin since the Owl lit in that locality The cognomen is well chosen our correspondent sees everything that is going on both night and day and has a keen sense of right and wrong He is having a good moral effect in neighborhood and we are justly proud of The Owl The nineyearold son of Oliver Henry of had his right arm and wrist crushed to the bono by an engine running over it I see you have got my boy mixed up in Dafoe cattle stealing I wish you to correct this statement in your paper Milton Draper not my son but the son of Nelson Draper Neither did my boy know until he arrested for stealing nor did I My boys name is Percy Draper I remain Yours Ac Draper Jesse Cook cedar scantling Express Electric Light sup- lies freight B Pay Sheet It Wangled by a SttratuCuttep Samuel Moore a man years of age was killed Tuesday while at work on the farm of Michael Blake just across the road from the asylum Mr Blake bad a steam cuttingbox at work cutting straw for the day and Moore was one of the men engaged with it At the time of the accident he was feeding the machine His left hand caught in the rollers and in a moment his arm to the shoulder was drawn in cut to atoms by swiftly revolving knives The teeth of the rollers even lacerated his neck One of Moores companions pulled off the driving belt and the machine was stopped but not in time to help the unfortunate man who was so fearfully mangled that he died almost instant- Paul Brown a mulatto of Winni peg has been sentenced to be hanged on December for murder of Wilbur Burton Two boys of while playing with matches set fire to an outbuilding belonging to Mrs Lewis The flames were extinguish ed before much damage was done Norman of had a narrow escape from being burned to death Friday night While cleaning a lamp with benzine the fluid ignited from the lamp and set fire to- his clothing That is emphatically in favor of the principle of civic control of franchises is evidenced by the ma jority of votes polled on Monday in favor of tho bylaw to raise for the purchase of water works system At Mr George during a gale went up to do some repairing the windmill at the park While the work was in progress the whole top blew off and he fell a distance of about sixty feet died from his injuries Parry Nov 8 The steam- er Northern was burned and to tally destroyed near Inlet yes morning at oclock The steamer on the return trip from to and when going up tho river near Byng Inlet fire suddenly broke out from the hold The crew and four passengers had only time to take to the boats to save themselves She had no cargo The JitUe was owned by the Great- Northern Transit Co 18 15 The bill of from Millard for placing stake for surveyor waa re ferred to the Finance Com The bill was a surprise to everybody as Millard and heirs are more inter ested in the placing of the stake than anybody else Following bills were referred to the Fire and Light Com T blacksmith work for Water Works and R Com several bills from the Can Gen Electric Co oil from Vaccuum Oil Co coal from Packard 11791 and freight on same also communication of J P Hunter re electric light at residence The bill of King Council for repairs on Town Line was referred to the Town Line Commissioners to re port thereon Mr Waaley enquired if tho bylaw was ready for the Rebate to farmers The chairman promised to have it ready for meeting The Market Com recommended that one of the furnaces in Market be moved to the north side in order to heat the Town Hall more economical ly Report adopted The Treasurer inBtructed to pay the Mayor Clerk and Assessor 2 each for selecting jurors An agreement was passed between the Corporation and T Lloyd re garding light and water works extension to stables on street Council adjourned at 1010 gciu are the most pleasing on the market We give the Highest Quality Clean Rich Nutty Flavored Roiled Oats 12 lbs for 25c Rolled Wheat lbs for Flaked Barley lbs for 25c Gold Corn Meal lbs for Farinoso per package Use Davison Baking Powder 1 pound Tins for lbs Bright Sugar for lbs Bright Cooking Sugar for lbs Granulated Sugar for 1 New Currants Special at per lb New Raisins Special at Try our CofTee at lb regular Coffee Special at Choice Salmon Special A PROVISIONS Pure Leaf Lard lb Choice Dairy Better 15c lb Strictly Fresh doz Eresh lb Cheese Very Choice 10c lb Oysters Strictly Fresh quart Sealed Herring box Choice Roll Bacon lOc lb Very Special Ham lb Choice Breakfast Bacon lb Sliced Ham lb Long Clear Bacon lb Soda Biscuits 7c lb boxes Soda Biscuits Zephyr Cream tin HandPicked Snow Apples 15c peck Cooking peck Potatoes large peck per tin These Prices Continue Good Every Day of the Week DAVISON CO Main Street Newmarket gnu gem Fat 14 Fat I loss will be by Auction sale of the umlertlirncd on Lot No in the 3rd Con Terms Cash P Teacher Wanted- For School Bectlon No Earn Second Certificate Duties to commence lat of January Applications to be acot to Newmarket P stating expected with references not later than 1st or Dec next Secretary To Rent Brick house corner of Victoria and Park Newmarket Fairsf zed bouse with modern conveniencesbath furnace c For terms apply to all Barrister o Main St Newmarket WANTED 9 Good Strong School Children To Test our Now Lines of Fall School Boots They are strong and durable made of leather and well put together GRAHAMS Art Studio We are fully prepared to do all kinds of work in the very latest styles Carbon on Porcelain Carbon on China Colored Crayon Water Colors Embossed Work Toronto Is Better Prepared this Week than Ever Before to serve their Increasing Trade Enlarged Store Enlarged Stock Enlarged Staff of Salespeople Enlarged Bargains Dont Invest a till you see us TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Saturday Bargain Day each Dont forget to call O T GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS Baker Grocer Call and see our MENS LONG BOOTS MENS LEGGINGS and i MENS GRANGERS m Custom Work a WM WRIGHT Shoemaker NEWMARKET HOW MANY MEN Want a Good SHIT Leave your orders Cabbage 30 to cts per Celery cts per Citrons 3 to cts each Central Telephone Office and Robertsons Old Stand or This Fall Winter If there are any they will find Good Satisfaction at 9 WCLUNDYS Tailor Shop STARR Caretaker Wanted Application will be received under- of the for the of Chretaier of the High Particular of can bo obtained from the Applicant to the pay they expect at much month ford turn- and much per month for winter months J STEWART to TO market Parts of Manitoba have a foot of

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