CHINA HALL THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE Our stock in many lines wo find too largo To Quick wo will Big Reductions for next flays piece Dinner Bets Blue Pink and Brown best quality worth special at 5 China Tea pieces New Designs worth 7 for 4 Printed Tea Sots 44 pieces to clear at 2 2D Sets pieces shaded in Pink Green regular for Whito Toilet Bets large size best quality for 125 China Flower worth for Ladies Oxfords worth 1 for GO cents Ladies Oxfords worth 185 for Liens Bicycle Shoos to clear out at worth price Mens Bf worth for Lots of other lines Equally Low in Weeks Jioeal Items WHAT IB GOING OH IK ABOUT TOWN Post Office A now Post was oponod at town On 1st of Jane with Mr Brill in- Postmaster Attention A mooting of Fire Brigade will bo hold next Wednesday night of Juno at sharp to report of Committee Dont fall to Prottco previous to meeting of Womans Missionary Society of Methodist Church will be hold at the of Mro Geo on Thursday Juno at Tributes of Marble Works aont out handsome Granite Monument a this week wont to in memory of Mr If father and other went to Maple Largo at meetings hold in Davids from May 29lh to Juno Meals Lunches Fruits IceUream at Meeting also Wheels and checked a Wanted Room A was held on Monday bo- manager of Office Co and of Town oil with reference to No doubt matter will up at Council mooting next Monday Depot of past week boon as follow Division Next Court Day at Now- market and a good business day la antici pated will bo two or jury of Childrens Day Christian Sunday will Childrens Day on of June A good program la being prepared by and will bo decorated bast Monday night was Social Evening at Good attendance Pastor presided and Miss at the organ Mrs and Mr J Mo- Kay contributed humorous readings and recitation by Mies Lena Thompson It was decided to hold annual Party on of June Caught that Birch was under in Toronto Constable went down to city and brought him here on Wednesday Yesterday morning ho before Messrs Robertson Woodcock J charged with fraud Birch pleaded guilty and agreed to a week till tho claim was settled Tho had to take him to the to appear in on an other charge This is tho young man slippod out without paying Borne debt Ink BO in shade Tuesday Its getting Only 4 weeks from Dominion Day Convention at today Town Council next Monday evening Council orowded out Plebiscite Convention CAMPAIGN IN INWARDS 7 salt 1 oar land piaster car fruit oar cars I amber i oar shingles care care grain cara woodouwaro oar car marsh bay car Hour One pound Cans Baking cents 1 lb Glass Jars Baking Powder worth for 1 lb Glass Jars Parisian Coffee worth for 1 lb Cans Coffee worth for Good liaisons lb Never loose sight of our Japan Tea lbs for 1 A Good Japan Tea for 16c The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts weather Gospel Temperance David Mitchell at meet last Sunday afternoon and in the course of her address she stated that after a resi dence of a year in Niagara Falls New York State aho had changed her opinion of Newmarket She used to think it was a pretty bad place but after comparison with what she had seen over she now that a little heaven on earth Readings were given by and L Jackson excellent re citation by Mr J Green and addresses by Mr John Webb of Kingston and Perry of Pickering The will provide the pro gram again next Sunday Serenade The Town Band Rave a splendid program last Saturday night at the corner of Bote- ford and Main Streets which attracted a big crowd The sidewalks in the vicinity were lined with people Several new pieces of music were played with excellent taata Following was the program rendered March Sousa Waltz Blanoh Seeme Baas Solo Coffin March The Stars and Stripes Sous Waltz Happy Memories Gotze Match Fran Frohman Taylor Pretty Little Claire March The Royal Salute Hume When the Band retired the Salvation Army took advantage the situation and held an openair meeting for quite a while Drop in and see what Has in Spring Suitings Also a fine Assortment of bantings abd Overcoatings At Right Prices W C Lundy Stand Get a Move On We have commenced OK work and be to book your order Painting PaperPanging ingj Etc in all its branches the North of Toronto wo can of In we can Hoad or Church St Newmarket The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church held a meeting at Rose Lawn on Wednes day afternoon and decided to a Pipe Organ Specifications are to be pre pared and the organ to be constructed by tender The Quarterly Tea at the close of the meeting was a very affair Six ty people were present and the proceeds amounted to During the Mr Wm Wright assisted by Mr Charles Walker very kindly entertained the com pany to a Gramaphone Concert on the lawn The wonderful instrument repro duced most excellent brassband aonga quartette vocal and instrumental aoloa with remarkable Mr Wright is open for engage ments to give concerts for societies or pri vate parties His selections cannot fail to Coup of Revision Robertson Lloyd Cody and formed the Court of Revision at the Council Chamber on Tuesday morning The appeals of Eliza George Norton A Moore against too high as were not sustained Norton properly on Queen at was reduced property on Main at aud lots on Andrew at Sterling atrock off roll for Jos to owner Walter Wm added as John for manhood from Starr to property Court adjourned till Monday at pm Homo workers from all parts of North York assembled in the Temperance on Wednesday morning and arranged for the business of the afternoon Con vention by appointment of the follow ing Committees Nominating D villo Lee Holland and D Nelson Aurora Resolution J Daley villo J Wallace White Rose Jackson and Mrs G Newmarket Aurora J M Walton Kettleby Rev Robinson Rev W Hager Mt Albert Finance W Kettleby J Daley Holland Aurora Wilson Pine Orchard Joseph Stephenson Sharon John Wariner Br Keswick Silver Sutton Robt McGlellan and Wra Luck Holland Landing The committees then proceeded to prepare their reports COKVKSTfON The attendance was not so large in the Town Hall as anticipated but was fairly representative Elder Chidley led in prayer Mr R J Daley observed that the object of the Convention was worthy of attention attendance and interest and he felt that when the time comes York would give a good account of itself Mr J Walton in taking the chair spoke of the importance of the present movement and as temperance people we should be thankful for the opportunity long sought when voice of the people might be taken on the question of prohibition of tho liquor traffic and wo should make the best of this opportunity He hoped that every effort be made to carry the riding with an overwhelming majority for Prohibition The report of the Nominating Com mittee as amended was thenadopted as follows President W G 1st Vice Jackson Newmar ket 2nd Vice D Silver Sutton Secretary Treasurer L Aurora The Convenor of each municipality to be a member of the Executive Com mittee and member of the Local Committee The candidates before the Conven tion for the Presidency were Mr Bogart of Kettleby and Mr J Daley of Both were very popular the election by ballot show ing only one vote between them Mr Bogart on being intro duced thanked tho Convention for the great honor conferred upon him aud asked for the hearty cooperation of all workers through out Riding in carrying the banner of prohibition The Resolution Committee present ed its report which with alight was adopted follows That organization bo known the North York Prohibition That the object this alliance shall be to call direct and enlighten public opinion to procure the total suppression of the trafiio In intoxicating beverages by the circulation of literature platform addresses and also to get out the largest vote at the coming pereona of good moral character who or voto in the municipality bo eligible for membership The principles of Alliance are follows a That It is neither right nor for the to afford legal protection to any or thai crime to natural re sources to corrupt the social habits to health and lives of iltv people That traifio In intoxicating ages la hostilo to of in dividuals and destructive of he order and welfare of society and ought therefore to bo prohibited o That history and all patt legislation In reward to the traffic abundantly provo that it mi- satisfactorily to limit or rcgulatoa syetem essentially in its tendencies That no consideration of private gain or public revenue can justify the uphold of a system ao utterly wrong in prin ciple suicidal in polioy and in rcbulte in intoxicating liquors That the total prohibition of liquor trallio in perfect harmony with the principles of justice and liberty ia not of legitimate commerce and lal to the integrity and stability of government the welfare of the com munity That rising above sectarian and party considerations all citizens should combine to procure an prohibit ing the manufacture importation and sale of intoxicating as affording moat aid in removing tho appalling evils of municipality in North York is requested to form a Local Com to work in conjunction with tho North York Prohibi tion Alliance elect and canvass the voters of each polling Division reporting the result to the Secretary not later than the 1st of Sept next to the great necessity for united among all those in sympathy with thia movement at this important criaia it is urgently hoped that time and means will not bo withheld either person ally or in societies that tho Banner of Prohibition may be to victory The following were then appointed as Convenors in the several municipal ities for canvassing work Aurora York Newmarket J Green Sutton P Holland Landing Win Luck King J Walton Whitchurch if Powell Van- dot East Ml Albert North Gwillimbury John Wanner present Jaw prevented crime The real importance of the present is in tho future Canada on the eve of prosperity as alio has never before enjoyed There a strong feeling of British abroad and Canada will play an im portant part in the council of world Let us give to tho nations an example worthy of emulation by shut ting out the most prolific cause of crime misery and sin in world Political considerations should not enter into tho contest A man who stifles his conscientious convictions is unfit to discharge his obligations as a citizen and unworthy of his duties and privileges This is a serious issue and the vote for prohibition must be backed up by moral influence to see that the law is enforced We should vote for prohibition be cause the liquor traffic is a menace to our civil and political institution aud a menace to the civilization which we enjoy The question of Revenue was very ably dealt with According to the Royal Commission the value of liquor consumed in Canada in one year w b The revenue therefrom is 8455000 but the in produc tive labor to the country through lost time on account of drink is 70- per year Taxes will be no higher under prohibition but the re venue will be made up from other sources The increase in taxable pro perty in two years will more than pay the loss There are 10892 merchants dealing in the staple articles of food and clothing The amount spent an nually for liquor will give every man a yearly increase in trade of No fiscal policy that any country could introduce would work such benefits for tho people The license revenue is 1 GO per head while the cost for tho administration of justice maintenance of asylums etc on account of the liquor traffic is per bead The liquor traffic cannot he defend ed and it is time the majority had its way The License law is violated here just as much as the Prohibitory law is in the State of Maine The people there after having the prohibi tory law for years asked for its continuance by a vote of to Let be willing for the sake of those who sffuer from the li quor traffic to bear their burdens Mr received a hearty vote of thanks for bis able address Prepare for it by Painting the Woodwork and Kitchen Floor Full Line of Paints Oils Ready Mixed Paints Paint and Kalsomine Brushes- OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES Cornice Poles CREAMERS MILK CANS H edge Hoes CO Barrel Churns HORSE CLIPPERS Lawn Mowers and Pruning Shears Garden Hose Rakes Rakes Spades Shovels Agents for MasseyHarris and Noxon Bros Repairs 0 a Jacks for Hire Si Short addresses were then given by Revs Matthews Geo Abbs George Powell and Mrs Cody while the committees were preparing their reports Mr Matthews considered that the Riding was in better condition than 10 years ago when it carried the Act or years ago when it carried the Provincial Plebiscite Mr expressed the thought that temperance people needed to work more than en thusiasm Abbs spoke of the necessity and power of prayer and Mr Powell of the need of backbone while Cody said the ladies were unan imous for prohibition The Finance Committee recommend ed a schedule for raising for the purposes of the Alliance The program for the evening meet ing was announced and the session closed with benediction by Rev Robinson DEPOT -oxo- Sale Saturday Jane Mortgage Sale good business stand in to take place at the North American Hotel Newmarket at oclock advertisement and posters Some people have an idea because we do such a business in the Bakery Fruits and Grocery lines that we take no interest in the Book Stationery Wall Paper and News Departments but we wish to let you know that as long as we do Business in Newmarket that the Book Stationery and Newspaper Departments are and we will stand by at all odds and in Wall Papers we can let you have a choice of Ten Thousand Rolls at Lowest Prices Central Telephone Office THE MASSMEETING The Town Hall was not packed on Wednesday night but it was a good sized and appreciative audience Mr president of the North York Prohibition Alliance occupied the chair and presided in an efficient manner After Elder had invoked the divine blessing a lengthy program was presented including sing ing by the Methodist choir supported by the Orchestra appropriate solos by Mr J male quar tette sextette recitations by Miss of Newmarket and Master Johnson of Aurora short speeches by Revs Matthews and Robinson of and an ad mirable address on the Plebiscite by Mr of Toronto For over an hour Mr pour ed shot and shell into the ranks of the enemy of prohibition and was repeat edly greeted with a storm of applause He was satisfied that if all other con stituencies did as North York was doing the result of the Plebiscite would beyond doubt favor Prohibi tion He called to mind the conditions of the temperance movement and years ago and marvellous change in public sentiment He dis cussed the causes that brought about these conditions and declared that the very people that are pressing for future have brought about the present efficiency He pointed out that benefits of the License law are in its restrictions and not privileges hut the Govt can only go so far as the moral sentiment of the people will support them Par liament of Canada by a vote of to have already declared that Prohibition is a wise and beneficial policy and soon as the people say so they are prepared to enact it This issue is to ascertain the voice of the people by means of the ballot box In a very logical manner the speak er proceeded to show that Prohibition was not annihilation any more than TACK OF NEW BOOB I Purely Canadian- National in its character Age limit to Fixed Premium No Death Assess ment Gives 500 1000 or 2000 Insurance Over One Million Dollars paid to members and tlieir dependents since organization Careful medical selection Death rale for year of its history only per 8 Has a larger Surplus on for each risk than any Society of the kind in Canada Security of Investments Not a dollar of the Surplus invested out side of Canada Premiums and Interest accruing therefrom used only for Payment of Death Claims At a cost of from 2 to cents a day any healthy man an acceptable risk can secure 1000 Insurance for his family or dependents Full information lent on application to EUIOCT Titos White Ernst 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judging fowls description Of breeds mating cents Every poul try rafeer needs these AT- Very rrre And the best of it is they are all of the Quality I AT- Prices That Will Astonish You Call and see that we mean business OF THE RED BOOT S To get a Suit made by a tailor and another thing to have in made right By leaving your order with McDougall what you want when you want it and how you want it As he always keeps posted as to the very Latest Styles and finishes every garment in an artistic manner Prices Low Terms Cash MY TAILOR