Newmarket Era , October 8, 1897, page 5

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Off President REST 800000 Qoncral Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest AjloWed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT POINTS and American bought and cold Farmers Collections promptly atte to INSURANCE THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY OCT 8 Sunday School Paul a at Acta 22 Standard Life Co Established Invested in over Children over years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge HUNT District Inspector J A Agent Joseph Cody INSURANCE IN ALL ITS and Saturdays At Town Clerks Omoo next to Hall Golden Text If any man Christian lot not bo ashamed INTRODUCTION Jews parte of world wore in to Feast of Among thorn woro who had opposed Paul In Asia These recognized htm and hie companion Tro- a converted of Booing Pan in temple ho Ailing hie vow with four at conclusion that be had into sacred en- closure whore bat admitted They raised a for help to preecrvo of tho holy plaoo and rushed upon Paul in a furious mob and would have quickly billed But Roman sol dibra in of which over looked ha temple courts tho up roar down and rescued Paul from mob IMOTICAL r Ho who God to dedicated to God The turning of a Dinner from his wicked way should load to praiao God who works It not well for a Christian to become so closely attached to any special or work as to sight of homo and vice toward ho going Many will to word of truth un til it wounds their or then turn away to tremble with fear who done injury or failed in to Christs brethren HIE IMPROVED DOHA FOR THE OP CAHABA SICK WELL or invalids and swereiw TEW BTOIUEB a Newmarket Agent for and Money to Current R Ramsay Insurance Agent A Low on Farm Risks and Isolated Town property Shop PAINTING The leading Painter and Paper Hanger years experience in all of 9 Full lino of samples of tho latest designs Ask to them Primary School Churoh Practical Painter PaperHanger and Church Lane and Sign Carriage Somet Opposite Main Street South of Home Main Street Main OrugKlBta Sundries and Fancy Goods Oct 1 A affair which lias given rifio to ft good deal of talk occurred in Thompson aged and lag named alwut eleven wore working in corn field and two younger also in the field The latter an noying Thompson by throwing corn stalks at him Ho had a shotgun lying near by which the Edwards boy wont to pick up Thompson rushed at his companion knocking him down and taking the gun stepped back a few paces and emptied the charge of shot into him The charge entered the wrists and arms of the Dr in extracting of the lead but it possible that there are still somo pellets in tho boy Ho will recover if blood poisoning does not set in Young Thompson it seems reads too many dimo novels for his own good iot Mr James Gaston Merchant of Pa writes For nine years I have been disfigured with tetter on my hands and face I have spent hundreds of dollars with doctors and tried scores of remedies At last I have found a in Dr Agnews Ointment It helped me from the first application and now after it for two months I believe I am per manently cured as my is smooth and soft and free from every blemish Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Mr one of the license commissioners of Ottawa dropped dead while at a meeting of the Reform Club in that on Thursday night of last week Happen THE PEOPLE SPYING Grant No Monroe Toronto Ontario anyo My daughter was bo bad with dyspepsia that lor weeks at a time she could cat no food and was liquids She had a soar stomach and the food could not bo retained two bottles of Cure she has completely recovered and now eat anything Wo consider her Wo also Rheumatism with the host rosalts No person need from whon thoy can obtain Remedies Rheumatism seldom falls to relievo in to three hours and in a few days Price Mnoyons Dyspepsia positively all forms of indigestion and Price Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold In few Price Cough siops night allays and speedily heals tho lungs Price Kidney Cure cures pains in the back loina or groins and all jorms of kidney Price Headaohe Cure stops in throe minutes Price MunyonB Pile positively cares all forms of piles Price Blood Cure all im parities of the blood Price Female Remedies are a boon to all women Asthma Remcdica relieve in minutes and permanently Price Catarrh Remedies never fail The Catarrh Cure price eradicates disease from the system and Catarrh Tablets price and heal the parte Munyona Nerve Care ie Price lost vigor Price A separate for each disease At alt druggists moatly a vial Personal letters to Prof and Albert Toronto answered with free medical advice for any disease Council Met Rt Sept following bill Potter gravel Billings salary Button two toiao j J Stnbba repairs to bridgo con John Rao calvcrtcon Storey con 4 con 9J276 Ireland plank postage commoted statute labor keep of infant of Stephen Bon repairs sideline A plank J Kelly claim 97 A Wilson appeared before the Coun cil and made oath tbat he had damage to his by doge to the extent but stated that he identified one of the dogB as belonging to Samuel Fergu son of Tecumaeth The Council therefore sottled for twotbirds of the and in- Mr Wilson to redress for the balance from Mr Ferguson The ByLaw granting a boons of to and Aurora Railway re- Its third reading and was finally passed Next meeting at Hotel King Oct In the Olden Time ni iif IhcIoodandRcgula- THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF- Perfect flt guaranteed In all the latest through Newmarket P will receive prompt attentio JJra Geo formerly Mies Miller of ftad a limited number of at her Newmarket Wns PRIVATE SCHOOL fa English French and kit Pupils receiving primary instruction have stood highest In after examinations 31 4 John Brown veteran of Marshall St Philadelphia By a mere I across Dr AgheVe Catarrhal Powder I was a great sufferer from that dread malady Catarrh This wonderful remedy effected a speedy and per manent cure in my case and I have been so for it that I am will ing lb spend the remainder of my days in spreading the news to my I Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket dignitaries in Borne are afraid the Pope rally from the extreme feebleness and exhaustion ho now betrays In Years Milwaukee Sept The steamer A Root which has been engaged for some time in raising the cargo of copper of the sunken steamer off Alpena in Lake Huron has arrived in Milwaukee having in her hold pounds of copper The lies in feet of water One lump of mass copper raised weighs pounds and the second in size weighs pounds The others run from to pounds up The water appears to have had no effect whatever on the metal that has lain at the bottom of the lake lor over years The mast of the was taken almost entire andit is practically as sound as ever Some of the hoisting machines a few pieces of crockery ware a silver teaspoon all marked Michigan Central North Shore Line were taken out and numerous pieces of timber part of a some flooring an old trunk and a miscellaneous col lection of articles I- Money At per cent on Farm Security by David for taking Affidavit Real of Marriage Licensee Etc Alio Agent for following Insurance Companies of London noolEngtand Montreal In also Confederation WfoAesoolation To ronto and Office Corner of Main owuiarkct NEWMARKET DESIGNS IN Monuments and Stones Call Before Ordering Alla Idea your MM teir tttO prim of two luindrcd James Allen of Stephen N B writes I was with very se vere pains in the heart pain in the side and shortness of I completely exhausted with the least exertion my case was a hopeless one I procured a bottle of Dr Agiews for the Heart A few does gave me per manent relief six cured me Today I am well Sold by E Lehman Bqntloyfl Newmarket rThe Canadian Company will build once into Ross- land and will furnish the necessary capitaVtoewcfciBmelte in the vicin ity that the of that camp will bo treated cheaper than they- can be the border Karls Clover Root Tea for Constipation its the alter using it dont Bay bo retorn and get money by Always Pelt Tired I with severe and lose of appetite and I always felt tired I concluded to try Hoods and after taking one bottle my headache die- appeared continued taking It now I am never troubled with and my appetite Is good Laura 247 St Toronto Hpodp Pills easily and promptly on the liver and bowels Cure r I Sept While attempting to cross the lake from Kalso in a row boat yesterday Wil liam Johnson foreman of the Pilot Bay smelter Arthur Ferguson and Peter Mitchell were caught in a squall and the boat capsizing all were drowned within eight of agonized friends Catarrh Cored A clear head and breath with Catarrh Rem sold on a guarantee Nasal Injector free Bold by Lehman People talk nowadays of the good old times that used to be but for my part I think that boys are better oft today than they ever were before Just think how horrible a rainy day was in tho twelfth century No um brellas no rubber coats boots or over shoes nothing but rain and it used to rain then every bit as hard as it does today If went out those days there was but one thing for them to do and that was to get wet they simply couldnt help it And then if people stayed at home and it was at all chilly they hod to sit in a room with a fire in the middle of it which managed to fill the room with smoke for the chances are there was no chim neys and no stoves A day of rain at that time must have meant a day of misery No hooks then you know for it wasnt considered the proper thing for anyone to read and write ex cept monks and priests And taking it altogether our ancestors must have had a pretty hard time of it It would be much easier to state what people had then the way of comfort rather than what they didnt have Perhaps you do not regard gaslight or a lamp as a luxury To day they are looked upon as necessi ties but there was a time when sun set meant bedtime unless you cared to set up by the fire or in the dark or at best by the light of a miserable taper that wasnt so good as the col ored candles we stick in birthday cakes The more one thinks of it the more he wonders what the people had to do sometimes If they wanted to travel they had to go on horseback or on foot and sometimes it took them several years to accomplish a journey that we can make in a couple of months So when the train is ten minutes late I try to be happy by thinking of the day when a horse was the fastest means of travelling and the roads were no better than a ploughed field not much better at any rate Sup pose you dint have the papers coming along regularly every week and had to depend upon wandering minstrels or nurses for your stories All they could tell about was knights and fights and witches and fairies They might also indulge in tales of wonders across the seas where no one ever went to see if the things were true but with all their powers of imagination I do not believe they ever dreamed of any thing so wonderful as an electric light and as for a railroad train why they would have fallen into a fit at the sug gestion of one and declared they were bewitched A letter is really a great thing and a telegram is really a marvel while to talk to a person miles away through a telephone is well it is really a part of this wonderful civilization of today while it would have leen considered black magic a few very few years ago These is ho need to continue nearly everything we have today and look upon as a matter of course would have set the people of bygone ages in a whirl We are greatly blest but I think so more than ever when I go forth with umbrella and overshoes on a rainy day the poor miser able oiks of who had a miser ably stupid time when it rained And they didnt possess a weather bureau then to tell them in the morn ing what it was going to do before night Promotes neither OpiumMorpuine nor Mineral Not Narcotic Sad Remedy Sour StomachDiarrhoea Worms Convulsions Feverish mid Loss OF SLEEP Simile Signat of HEW IS ON THE WRAPPER OF old jCrNTvS EXACT WRAPPER op in bottles It sot la balk Dont allow to tell anything on the plea or that It Jnrt good and answer oyer per- pew Bee that you get CO YEARS MARKS COPYRIGHTS fto Anyone sending a and description may ascertain free an ft probably Communication confidential Oldest agency for patent In America We have a office Patent taken ft Co pedal In the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN beautifully Illustrated largest circulation of Journal weekly BOOK OK copies and Addicts CO Broadway York A boy named Allen caught in the machinery of mill at Thornton and killed This is the time of year when the thoughtful housewife pre pares the little cucumbers for pickling We would just re mind them not to forget to add good fresh spices These spices may be had at giaTUY The Leading Drug Store DRUGGIST 9 Lehmans Perfect Liver Pills P L J Bond of Aurora has three laying which are only days out of the shell Hugh farmer was kill ed by falling out of his wagon near his home at tho village of What Dr A Baiter From my knowledge gained in effect of in oases of ad- vancad Consumption I am prepared to say it la the moat remarkable Remedy that has ever been brought to my attention It has eayed many from Consumption Sold by Lehman If you have a horse that is in the habit of kicking put him in a narrow dfaalfiuStifh ft Headache straw so that it will atrike his heels ete 16c bo and let the horse and sack fight it out Be sure to have things arranged so that the horse cannot hurt The sack will be victorious every time and in the end the horse will absolute ly refuse to the sack or anything far as the of life is concerned we should say that self- control is a duty and a necessity When a mans temper runs away with him his mental condition differs very little from insanity He allows him self to do what in his more quiet mo ments he regrets but the consequence of which he cannot avoid A bitter may be flung from the tongue like a poisoned arrow from a bow and the wound made by it may even last as long as life lasts Tie a string about a yard long to a common door key and take the string in the right hand holding it so the key will clear the floor by four or five inches If you can hold the key steady enough it will begin to swing back and forth in a strait line Let another person take your left hand in his and the motion of the key will change from the pendulum like swing to a circular swing If a third person will place his shoulder of the second person the key will stop Try it and then explain it if you can Ex by torpid to ferment and Then follow headache laKitnln and it not relieved bilious fever or blood poisoning Hoods stimulate toe stomach liver cure headache dlfttaess coo fflpationeto cent ftoW by all druggist PUIS to with mods Recommend Do not see as well as they should others see well but their Eyes Kwn tire others again Suffer with Constant Headache which medicine will not relieve because the Headache comes from the Eye Strain The proper remedy is a of perfect Fitting Glasses Here you get all that Science Skill and Experience can do for any Eye that glasses will help No charge for examination L ATKINSON GO FARMERS ATTENTION I T a THE SAAO USHER SON CEYLON TEA Lead Packet only and Is guaranteed to be quit to any of Jin Cements for all sorts of School fiTlMDISO OF MONTH OF NO WHITE ROSE MassMinnie Brooks Maggie Monk- Carr Victor Smith Ethel HI Richards Leslie For- ester Ernest Braith Wallace Ralph Smith Harry Bert Thompson Keith Pi McDonald Annie Ira Roy Thompson Nora Ethel I Annie Stafford Forester Violet Ireland Ireland Bella A appyt ZING General Agent A line of and on hand at price Town Carting All of dono on and on Reasonable Terms DAVID Cor Main market AND ACTl VK or ladles to travel ro le established Oily tinelnae f aP envelope The Dominion Company Dejit Soar

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