Newmarket Era, 1 Oct 1897, page 2

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ill s- t I In I i- h J i l f7 r J J J I J E EWM ERA FRIDAY gCI yiom AstraySamuel lite HEWS OBOW0 9BWHTBB AND The Pointed aft at Worn Oar Society POINTS PES Dominion Government given being dumped Into and streams will ho fitrfotly enforced on and let July willowners moat provision for disposing of both tapper and wore Winnipeg iifl Conserva tive organ at Ottawa that these gentlemen had gone week with view of tendering party to Hon Hugh J Mao- to Sir Charles Tapper denied A state that Lien Governor of North- Territories flailed from Liverpool to Canada on Satur day laat it that ho will re sign on reaching Ottawa to a- lucrative fauaineea The Dominion Government will have the appointing of Mr J that Mr Bonnie formerly of Hamilton boon appointed commercial for Dominion Government lor Argentine Uruguay and Mr Jftmeo has been chosen to re- Canadian the of exports at in next Courier baa replied to the Toronto Board of Trade and accepted an invitation to banquet in hie hon or on of October Secretary Wills cayn that covers will be laid for people but this will not meet the demand Ho boat element Conservatives of Toronto in very considerable numbers will bo at this banquet nomination of Sir Oliver to tho position of Lieut Governor of will a vacanoy in tho Senate papers having correspondent s at are the of Mr who Mr James of Gait OK James of Toronto as to fill the vacanoy A that it a reported on high authority that Baron Gibson Ashbourne Lord Chancellor of Ireland will the of General of Canada From this report it would seem that the spasmodic effort to Canadas High Commission er for the position a abort time has turned out a failure all same he have boon quite as acceptable to the Dominion ae the gentleman named Muslins of the Ontario Government are to address political gathering at the following Ke28re Hardy and at Qotober Meagre and at Hardy and Davis at parties are getting op steam for the approaching contest the wide divergence in platform between the Government and leaders the coming aesaion of the may he expected to be more than penally spirited A from Ottawa confirms a re port current for some time past that Sir Oliver will take the ernorehip of Ontario open the retirement of George Kirltpatriok are informed the will take place al moat immediately With regard to Sir Olivers successor In the Dominion Cabinet Minister of Rustic it la understood the portfolio has been offered to Hon David Wills with the almost positive assuranoe of his acceptance Now that Sir Oliver is to Government House will his political friends in the Ontario Legislature be juet keen as formerly in contending for its abolition thats the question To- want the establish ment kept running outside the city the lownsbips would rather have the on roads some Souths are expressed In quarters as to whether the conference respecting the Boa matters flxaa to take place at during October be held at all It appears the United States in tends to representatives from being present on the that tbeae two powers are deeply interested in seal life The Canadian Gov ernment declines to assent to this as it will add two votes In the- conference to the power opposed to Canadian interests re and thereby place the Dominion to a disadvantage Canada desrea the to confine Itself to a of reached by the who for two years have spent their time near the Islands England has not lied the United States that she cannot take part in the if and Japan are admitted to the D is very poorly rMlaa Toronto la DrBtuarte Mr Vernon and family to city last week Mr OUver Stevens of Toronto was In Town last Saturday Deputy Hunter sports a flno now turnout this week Mrs returned To ronto alter a tendays visit of Barrio was the guest of Father Morris on Wednesday Mm J Downs got back from tho Old Country one day last Mr Dennis who is in a Toronto drug was homo on Sunday Mies returned homo week from a at Mrs Boar Miss Swain of Toronto Sunday with her parental of Brussels of Mrs is hero on visit Mr and Mrs of were at Mr Brocks Sunday Mr Howard si Bond of Mr A during Fair Mr Bingham of of Mr was for Fair Mr and wife today for to her brother a visit Mesars Cooper and of Toronto wheeled to Town and Sunday with friends Mrs Bray of Barrio was viaiting at Lawyer Robertsons a of days this week Tho Hon Provincial and Mrs were gueate of Mayor Cane on Tuesday Mrs Ernes of Sutton and Mrs of Montana are spending a few days at Mr Bev Turk and daughter of Toron to were the of Dr a couple of daya last week TJxbrtdge Times Mary Boyd and Mr Jas wheeled to and Mrs and her son Walter loft yesterday for Detroit to spend a week or so with relatives Mr Arthur of and her England spent laat week visit ing friends in Town and vicinity Mrs cams from Roachs Point on Saturday after spending almost flvo months at her summer resort Mrs George Fogg of and of are spending a few days with Mra Lopard Mr Armltage and hie son Roy wheeled up from Toronto on Sunday and spent the day at Mr Mr ana Mrs of Bradford of our popular druggist and his brother Harry were visitors here on Wednesday Mies AJioe Jones has been confined to her bed for six weeks owing to a very of inflammatory rheumatism She is able to be up this rMr Harry Trents daughter about years of age baa been very the past couple of weeks Mr Trent is working the farm on tbe Town Line Mrs William of Toronto is spending a few with friends in Town and la attending the Half Yearly Meeting in connection with the Friends Church on Bev Matthews Is to preach In Broadway Tabernacle Toronto next Sun day and leaves next day for Halifax being appointed by the Toronto Conference as a representative on the Mission Board Messrs Will Boron and Harry took a century ran last Wednesday The former made the mflasin hours and minutes bat the latter got done out at Keswick on the way home and In an hour and a quarter late The following visitors were here from Toronto to the Fair Mr and Mrs Alex Millard Mrs Kitty Will Ramsey Chris tee Frank Millard Well and Thos Kirk It is years since the latter was here Rev WJ Armitage and his family have Just moved to Halifax where Mr Armitage the rectorship of St Peters Church the mother of the of England in Canada Before St Catharines several addresses and presentations were made The Ridley College masters boys and servants present ed Mr Armitage with a handsome set of table cutlery in a Mrs Armitage was presented with a beautiful silver and cut glass inkstand by Sunday School Mr and Mrs Armitage were presented by the congregation with a valuable table service of solid silver Mrs was presented with a case of silver coffee spoons by the primary class and with an exquisite pearl brooch by the Tennyson Literary Club Mrs Armitage Is a niece of Mr A A Ramsay of this Town Quit onto Torohto wellknown Dr suddenly on Friday morning last Two firos in this city Friday has stirred up Fire Department and the way fires were handled one had a number of people causing severe comment The first fire occurred at wholesale warehouse Front St Loss estimated at ffftO000 The city council will present an address to Sir Wilfrid Lander on the of October and the banquet of the Board of Trade to the Dominion Premier will take place on tho evening of the are pulling wires in Con ao rumor Bays so that when Provincial elections take place Mr A P will contest North Toronto in of Mr and Mr J J South Toronto In ConBorvatlvo Interest J Esq County is in Winnipeg this week Premier Hardy has accepted an invita tion to a to be Riven on under the auspices of the Worlds Hon Edward Blake arrived in the oity and will spend a few weeks bore with friends before returning across At lantic A meeting was recently hold at the Walker House to inaugurate a movement for erection of a monument to Robert Burns In this Scottish societies in tho Province will ho asked to contribute Monday last was Jowleh New day when the of this city com memorated anniversary of the creation of the world according to their computation of time The World is taking special delight days in cartooning tho Ontario Premier and the makes an offset by doing ditto with Mr Whitney Lieut Col Dawson died suddenly of on evening at bis residence College St ft ft t Elgin was sentenced to for two years at Hamilton fcbigoiiiy Five murders in seven is causing great excitement in London Ont Sept death from a most peculiar cause occurred in Gait hospital on paturday morning Mr Thomas a farmer of Blenheim suffered for some time from a bad tooth While attending Berlin Fair a few days ago serious set in and he was removed to tKe hospital hero where it was found that the decaying tooth had caused an abscess to form on the jaw The abscess broke internally blood sot in ana he at that institu tion MUTUAL CORNERS Miss Bert Wilson has been spend ing a few weeks at Mr and Mrs Edward of Newmarket visiting at Mr Nelson Mr and Mrs Crawford of Oak Ridges were visiting at Mr Hom ers last Sunday Miss Leo of Oak Ridges has been spending a week with her grand parents Miss Louie Vernon has returned home to Manchester are glad to see Miss Brown able to drive out again Mv Nelson threshed three last week and had a large turn out of grain Mr Ralph Willis now rides a wheel Mr and MrsN were at Mr A Bostwicks Bonds Lake last Sunday with other things it is said thai this is going to be a good oyster year the bivalves exceptionally plentiful and good When a man goes out of your yard leaving ths gate open after him you may safely conclude that he only uses bars or slipgaps at home A lad the son of a farmer named Jordan Man was killed and another boy badly wounded this morning by the accidental discharge of a gun with which they were play- John Stark of Toronto Junction a boilermaker in the P shops was killed at Gait on Tuesday night While attempting to board a train he got crushed between a car and a truck An old physician once said li If people fully realized what it meant to themselves to laugh and then laughed as they should ninety per cent of the doctors would have to go out of business The coroners jury at re turned a verdict of accidental death in the case of Henry Lake whose body was found on the shore near believing that the man was filled by falling over the cliff While out shooting on Governors Island on Friday Mr of Philadelphia Pa who had been staying at bis summer residence on an island twelve miles from Pone- tanguishene was instantly kill ed by the accidental discharge of his gun One pulpit theme that is much neglected nowadays is the obligation that rests upon professing Christians to pay their debts The duty of con tributing to the funds of the church not forgotten by the preachers That is enforced not only with special em phasis but by selected orators whose eloquence is calculated to cause the tightest fist to relax But duty of Christians is to follow the good oldfashioned of paying the grocer the landlord and the shoe maker is taken read and from but few pulpits is there ever a word heard about the iniquity of people contract ing debts they have no means of pay ing or having gone into debt imperative duty that rests upon thorn to economize in possible direc tion in order to pay what they owe LADIES NEW COATS We struck a bonanza this week in getting the Samples of the largest Mantle firm in Canada The samples we got are German Coats this years very latest styles only shown in the wholesale warehouse never on the road and they are as fresh and choice as the day they left Germany You can buy the newest Coats here now at forty per cent discount and fully fifty per cent cheaper than you would pay for the same goods in Toronto f m I STOCK OF COATS MARKED AND READY FOR YOU SATURDAY MORNIN NEW SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS Our clothing must be seen to be appreciated We handle only such goods as we can recommend and though our prices are in all cases lower than other peoples our goods are in all cases better The reason why we can all the other fellows in Clothing is because we buy twice as largely sell twice as much and only want the smallest living profit RESS GOODS We have got together the finest collection of Dress Goods we have ever shown Any thing that is new will be found here and the only difference between our goods and those shown in Toronto is that ours are in all cases quality considered twenty to fifty per cent cheaper See our Dress Goods and compare with others H E MADDOCK KESWICK The Methodists here are preparing for their Anniversary which is to take place on Sunday and Monday the 10th and 11th of October Farrows in the neighborhood are busy their threshing Grain is turning splendid Mr Spencer is calling on his old friends here this week He goes to Toronto this week to take a two years course at College He occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church last Sunday evening Miaa sister of Mrs who has been visiting here for the past three months is to leave Mont real on Saturday for her home in England was so delighted with her visit that she would like to live in Canada Mr has built a large silo at hie farm at the lake and they have it nearly filled Isaac Esq intends having a windmill erected on his barn next week to be used for chopping cutting corn- and pumping water The Bummer residence of VanNorman Esq was broken into last Friday night and things were upside down but nothing of any importance is missing The sermon by Rev Mr Powell to the Maccabees last Sunday was an one His text was Fight the good fight of faith Rev- Dr Young addressed the Methodist Sunday School last- day afternoon He gave his experi ence as a missionary in Manitoba The address was very interesting to both old and young The cheap rate excursion to this week took a large crowd Mr Mann is selling his stock and implements this Friday after noon He intends residing in Barrie in the future hie farm being rented to Mr Thos Huntley Mr Chas Goodyear was elected Worthy Patriarch of the Sons of Temperance for the ensuing quarter We wish him success Miss has been suffer ing from a severe sore throat The villagers are housing their garden stuff and in various ways making preparations for the winter Very severe frost on Tuesday morn ing The slight rain kept many from on Sunday it being just at the hour of service Leading Furniture and Undertaking House If you want Cheap Furniture Just call and see our prices If you want a Good Set of Parlor Furniture in which there is no deception and will last a life time call on Newmarket tTalertkmg A SPEClAIiTY Night calls Attended to at residence 126 Botaford Street A young man named Henry Garr was drowned in Pine creek near Gladstone Manitoba Saturday while bathing The wife of Si A of a daughter Charles On the 21st at the parsonage the Powell Mr John Shilling of llama to Miaa Julia Charles of Island T Leonard of HOLLAND LANDING The annual Harvest Home of Christ Church will be held on Wednes day next Service at 1080 a and p Several clergymen will be present and take part in the services We hope to see the festival well at tended Miss Luck who has been visit ing in the city the past month re turned home on Monday last seeming ly much tetter Our burg was well represented in Bradford last Tuesday evening to hear Uncle Toms Cabin Mrs Woods of was calling on friends here a couple of days last week There is a party in this vicinity who has a sunflower which measures 18 inches in diameter Can anyone beat this Dew T Leonard Tburaa to Daniel Edit v Cedar Brae the real- the brides father on by the Rer George Brown of Toronto by the Rev w on Tuesday Sept by the Rer George Brown of Toronto by the Rev Leonard Theodore or second daughter of Some children named Thompson set fire to their dwelling at Village and the baby was burned to death Barbie Sept 28 Allan Jones post office inspector received official communication from Ottawa yesterday saying that on October 1st the staff of the post office inspectors office here will be reduced by four clerks Newmarket Markets Sept Flour per barrel- White Wheat per bushel- Red Wheat Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat Barley per bushel per bushel SI per bushel Bye per bushel a per ton a out a York to Evelyn P Pearson Esq Tomb i Marion the infant daughter of a hotelkeeper at mans Corners near Hamilton died last night from the effects of swallow ing a bean James Gates a young man son Charles Gates plumber and Winnipeg while out shooting Satur day was fatally shot through the ab domen The accident resulted from a dog jumping into wagon causing the loaded gun to go off Gates died in the hospital today on tho S7th ftept and daughter of Mr A of Sharon aged years and Interred at Newmarket on Wednesday Sept Lewis Jones aged years months and a days Funeral from his late residence Park Avenue this Friday afternoon at clock s a Furniture Main St North Orders win Careful and Prompt Attention Weight Son Prompt attention to all orders WANTEDTKUTWOrtTHY AMD or to travel for ro- house lit Ontario Monthly S and expense Position steady Enclose envelope Company Chicago Butter roll per lb- Butter tub per lb Potatoes per Apples per Sheepskins Wool per lb- TOO CO live CO Pork per dressed Geese per lb pair per lb a a a a a a a a a a a a a it a OH 860 Toronto Toronto Sept Red Wheat per bushel Whtto Wheat per bushel a Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel per bushel Peas per bushel bushel Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag Apples per 5 i Wool per lb per ton Pork per I lb per pair Due a Turkey lb 1 CO W 60 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o to 0 to w W

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