1 BANE McQIIX General Manager REST NEWMARKET BRANCH A Business General Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED I r AT AM Sterling and American bought find Rold Farmers Discounted promptly attended to Assurance Co I in over Children over years of age Insured Females Insured with out extra charge Martyr GEO HUNT J A Joseph A INSURANCE IN A J- Town t 1 1 re J lull ri J for cud ft to Loan Current JR A Vivo Insurance Agent Low Rates Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Tin Shop Now market CO Imutftue Agent MARRIAGE LICENSES iota GO thou faithful onto death and I will give ttieo a of v Id throe we have to of growing and fiercer day after day CharoU opposed by Then from within cornea danger from falsehearted broth Lastly the author actually do all dare do In a legal man nor Through alJ tho opposition wo have neon growing more united moro and more wholly upon God The was and and added to of week wo an other Qtoi Ono of moot follower baited to seal hie testimony Ufa God turns obstacles into a stairway in Church led to disoovory of to bis to conversion of tunny arrest Jed to his groat death brought to the front and by everywhere When man of ability of reputation and of force were needed for a now emergency all turned to Stephen Here intimation of hie character Though for a lay ho at otico to and uce the claim of the Gospel breathes his Masters spirit in his prayer for bis enemies that inhered in the mind of one persecutor and in time led Dim to follow Stephens faith and to carry forward even more Stephens work around the Hub WHAT TO TENTH LINE KING On Thursday of last week a merry sleighing party of about forty young people left this vicinity for the residence of Mr Castle- where they were joined by young people of that about fifty couple in all where tripped the light fantastic till the wee small hours THE A REMARKABLE In All Parte of Canada Convince Moat Confirmed Invalid That May Tot Enjoy Health and THE CORED TELL f k 010 of 80fKRHC most MARRIAGE on LICENSES f Papers Issued at private residence Mrs Baldwin flock On aay a I was a groat from catarrh and blood for oyer two years I could not do any work Was most of time to my bod Had terrible pains day Running ulcers broke Out and were not for many mouths Tho trouble was by core throat and my mouth became full of ulcers I a conflrmed village- mo fiargles did no good lie thou me to ro to a hospital where I was treated by but when I got home I wag worse than- ever and confined to my bed No appetite and completely prostrated I finally began the of Catarrh and Cures and two bottles of each has rnido mo a well woman and oh how grateful I am lien mat ism Cure to relievo in one to three hour and cures in a few days Price Cure pouitivelv all of and stomach trouble Price i prevents pneumonia and a cold in a few hours stops coughs nig and i lie Cure in the loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease Price Cure top headache in iiiinoten Price Pile positively ail forms of piles Price 2Co Blood Cure eradicates ah purities of the Price Female Remedies are a boon to all woman Remedies relieve in minutes and cure permanently Price Catarrh never fail Catarrh Cure price eradicates the disease from system and Catarrh price and heal the parts Nerve Cure a wonderful nerve tonic Price Vital restores lost vigor Price A cure for each disease At all druggists mostly a vial Personal letters to Prof Munyon and Albert St Toronto answered with free medical for any disease frGrirth sums up the situation as correctly as could any human being The Canadian Press Association is in session in To ronto week and it has occurred to mo that these- men these busy editors magnetized- by direct contact with the whole people could give ex cellent testimony on many a knotty point There is no in a com munity so intimately informed of the workings of its social machinery and so free to read the motives that under lie mens actions as the editor it has often been said that an editor de serves credit not much for that which ho prints as for that which ho refuses to print these the business know how true this is and how often it is necessary for the edi tor to say No to men of consider- able local influence There is no ono thing perhaps that contributes so much to the success of a newspaper man as the ability to Bay or No in the proper place and with the kindliness that makes or retains a a friend Indeed this applies to any line of business It is said that ninety- five per cent of those who go into business prove to bo failures and it long been held that- groat many of those who fail do so because unable to say No cither gra ciously or all We are all aware that socially professionally and in business life the inability to say No has wrecked many a brilliant future and it applies to women as well as to men W0 rf- i is Kl r A When you think of it how contradic tory that term is For there can be only one best in anything one best as there is one highest mountain one longest riverono deepest ocean And that best is the You can measure mountain height and ocean how test You could ifyou were chemists But then do you need to test it Worlds Fair Committee tested thoroughly They went behind theJabel on the bottle What did test result in Every make of shut out of the except So it was that was the admitted to the Worlds Fair The committee found it the best They had no room for anything that was not the best And as the best received the medal and awards due its merits Remember the word best is a bubble any blow but there are pins to prick such bubbles Those others are blowing more best bubbles since the Worlds Fair pricked the old ones True but has the medal The pin that scratches the medal proves it gold Thepinthat pricks the bubble proves it wind We point to medals not bubbles when we say The best is 1- if Special Attention to Shoeing Kaglo Street MISCELLANEOUS fvlt Simpson Main Druggists Sundries and Fancy Goods Is prepared to do Sewing residences Perfect fit guaranteed In latest sent through Newmarket PO wilt receive prompt attention firg Architect Me in her of the Ontario Association of Arch itect Consultation invited with parties or Remodelling their losses by tire adjusted Residence Main St JVIiss liizzie Davison received her tuition from tin Boot Local Teach ere and also from of Toronto Conner of Music is desirous of procuring Pupils for Pin no and Organ Niagara St Newmarket R l RINGING AND VIOLIN TEACHER On Monday morning last one of BtoufFviites boys passed away in person of George Walter Flint eldest hob of Geo Flint jr Deceased was stricken with typhoid fever and in a few days was no more- departed was bora in fitouffville in Ho left home eleven years ago residing in Toronto four years and then went to the United States remaining most of the time at Rochester He was thorough mechanic and a kind and affectionate son and brother His re mains were interred in cemetery Itching Skin Dis eases for Thirty five Cents relieves in day and cures Tetter Suit Head Barbers Itch Ulcers Blotches all eruptions of the skin It is soothing and and acts like magic in the cure of all baby humors cents Hold at Pharmacy Out Feb On Wed- Robert Thompson was coming down the mountain west of Colling- wood with a load of when his horses became unmanageable and ran at breakneck speed down the steep road They met Mrs J A Castor in a cutter going up the mountain Her horse was killed instantly and the cut ter smashed to atoms though strange to say Castor escaped compara tively unhurt Specialist for Voice Defects voices PUT if Delays You never can tell what day you may bo sick You not had your photo taken for years Make a note of It to call at Gallery the day you In Newmarket and leave your shadow ere the substance fade The reduced prices still obtain Money to Loan At per cent on Firstclass Farm Security by for taking Seal Agent Conveyancer of Licenses Etc Also Agent for Fire Insurance of and Citizens Montreal District Mutual In IK3S for the Confederation Life Association of Mala andLot AURORA Mr William Preston of secured for green wood for the Public School at per cord The Public Library is now more at tractive than ever and the fee is only cents The breaking of a belt at the elec tric light power house on Tuesday night shortly after ten oclock caused all the electric light to go out in town Evangelistic still in pro in the Methodist Church and as a result a large number of people have signified their intention of leading a better life A meeting of the directors of the Aurora Cemetery Company was held last Monday evening when a resolu tion was passed that for all bodies de posited in the dead house a fee of for the first month should be charged and cents for each month Butler Lloyd died at her resi dence on Wellington street on Sunday last aged years Deceased had typhoid fever last summer from the effects of which she never fully re covered A slight cold caused inflam mation to set in and she passed away The annual meeting of the Aurora Dairy Association Tuesday afternoon The action of the direc tors in offering the butter plant for sale was confirmed The election of officers resulted as follows Henry president Proctor vice president Directors Messrs Cook Hutchison Hartman and Mr was appointed Auditor Mr Hutchison was reappointed salesman In case milk from cows can not bo secured the directors are em powered to sell the entire plant and property An of Christian Endeavor has been organized- here with the following officers President Mr Johnson 1st Vice Miss A 2nd Vice Miss A 3rd Vice Mies A Irwin Vice Miss Recording Sec Miaa Gordon Cor Sec Miss Treasurer Mr Godson Regular meeting in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening at Mr the famous temper ance lecturer gave a very interesting lecture on behalf of the Sons of Temperance of this village All who heard the lecture pronounced it one of the best of the kind they had ever heard Rev Cocking is conducting re vival services in the Methodist Church The Misses Dickson and of Newmarket High School spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss La kins parents here On Wednesday evening Prof Kent gave one of his famous lectures on elect ricitv Two sleigh loads of young people from earn up to the patty at Mr Goulds on Friday- even ing The Bachelors will hold their first annual fowl supper and dance in the music hall here on evening the 19th TUB HOME OF Every Leaf is full of virtue Every infusion Is delicious Sold in Packets only All Grocers in Burglars who robbed Dialler Bros store at were captur ed at Fort just as thoy were crossing to Buffalo They pleaded guilty and was seat to Kingston Penitentiary for four years and Robert Duncan for three years A Veterans Sfcotty At Eighty Year of Age Oue Box of Powder Cures a Case of Fifty Standing It Relieves Colds and Catarrh in Thirty Minutes George Lewis of Pa writes I am eighty years of age I have been troubled with catarrh for fifty years and in my time have used a great many catarrh cures but never had any relief until I used Dr Catarrhal Powder One box cured mo completely and it gives me great pleasure to recommend it to all suffer ing from the malady Sold at Pharmacy- Many a sad and sorry shareholder says the Canadian Mining Review will there be in Toronto and other places who because of his own folly will condemn mining in all its phases when the real condemnation should bo dunderheads as him self who buy stock on tho statements and despatches of the correspondents and World who know as much about mines and their merits and demerits as the boy that inks the typo We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind Printing done see what work and terms you can get at the Era Office before Our you order promptness is pro EXTRACT OF 1 Oioiiw An Idea it of Protect your tmagToa Writ ft CO their for From tio Jan a COLLIE DOG WLIto stripe In face breast and and bus a short tall answers to of- Any bo una suitably A l SAWS AXES COW CHAINS HORSE GIRTHS PAINTS GLASS OILS AND PUTTY- mm mm POWDER SHOT AND CARTRIDGES O V BOX STOVES COOK STOVES COAL STOVES FURNACES EaveTroughing and Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done J A W ALLAN g Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write CAKE I SONS MFG CO LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT J And get prices Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory to Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We construct HighGrade and Repair kind on abort not The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET m IOTOOLE Has secured the Jones Photo Gallery St Park Avenue and is now open for business ENTIRELY NEW OUTFIT and all work guaranteed J SALESMEN Wo want or two men In each County to take for Nursery Stock and willing to pay or good work Wo agree to f that dies natural caused a Wo also a lino of PO TATOES Give a trial THE HAWKS Rochester ti