WVJVlVS THE ERA Priilay Morning GEO A IB ffiix 7 Aci cited ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO TO TO CON5CIEHGE- ABOVE ALL LIBERTY Mm bank CAPITAL J NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER IMUOWUCuil Willi Vol No Single Copies Cents Each 1 Newmarket Friday October 2 V KTNopipetMentouHWeofHonh York unless paid in advance Terms Si Strictly in Advance vithin or at end of i PUBIHKea Interest Allowed on AT nisne DRAFTS ISSUED AT AU Drift tee hilt Altered to tfii A W ALLAN WILL BR V J IN NEW IS WITH A COMPLETE- Stock of Bummer Goods READY MIXKIJ MINTS AND PAINT CHURCHES ALAUASTINE WINDOW- SHADES CURTAIN POLKS LAWN MOWERS LAWN RAKES LAWN CHURNS DASH CHURNS ASSORTMENT OP GARDEN TOOLS A STOVES AND TINWARE Promptly and Neatly done J A W ALLAN GO Cloven of Description I Try Our Coal hies fBKP Mm tL- is i Try it GET OUR FOR eb ass on Hand A Per Eta jror miu Hid nit uill for nl in I J itrtarutrflta J a iht up lUierviJ A tit In nearly 000Wi BRADFORD Discounting Pawners Holes AT LOW KATES An J I At Cell PASS iJMloj to tut llltiv nil Fur Jnrortii JOHN ink f AY A I I to IV CD o Ly Prices You can thoroughly enjoy all your meals if you use brand for bread White Grown for Pastry Of Chop and Grade to be disposed of Choice Hog or Cattle Food Call at once and get quotations Oats OatChop Crushed Oats Corn and all kinds of Grain and always in stock at right prices SON W A Who h too oh Yet cr l wctltb to coca jontVtbilghlmcrnlng Mr Wheo Iho Hi And Troll And I ptfn iox4 it floplM V You Dot ihcy of rntllurri Yon ink talk Irtiulir Hot I In lion I wblre end JJfi can lo foarl Dai Wy fcomtiWtd trior fclooJ lo lit tinted Two for In Acdtbtfftfro of ill tholoctl pipor every in hi welwfni columns ill In V quit frTid euro to tint fellow jci if It da going to the to ellrl It either good or kid And ell kind with tihteelte the A He through a TRICK to John fall loMlbrrcUo VlC fell or I a Uctctir of Kiev A WOOD luetic fttt fivjr ini A Co s i A in for lt9A4 rtuj J fitter bos IS 11 Our new Bake Oven Works complete Our new Baker knows how to do the Work IS VERY FIN SCHOOL REPORTS Ill 111 i Jeph wyJ ffAld fleoie Pegg MerU Miry Mortimer too Williitn fllfckvood Gordon Wit Victor Vernon Ktrby flwilo W ocr Welter Alfred J Cjufill W I JOEKHKb ltr r 10 f f f f f J tAHTiuo A LIFE company 14000000 DOLLARS TUB FINEST TURNOUT I- iff VKKNOSHUYKHY- frWvvi lwmce VluUudAlfrHAiuI r 1 SON Mam a1hq At limits J i HUN IK CURED BY TAKING I for win lth foil I liAVlhUV iiriioti Jtr rem toiatct f ft iclirf I I Ifl HI si a Co IbVtt over 12 years Insured Females Insured RAVE YES I J i 1 J A A it your ailing If your ailing or your Trouble you come in and have them examined V U Ac4lc rib ejetk AHiti4LjCdCrHiCAtt4IiIiCntextcJ ft8Ult VAHXAffT or fluncerjr ltd in or lctMerrYor from Eruptions let j and Villi Ill iTir Only My lo I A During the oisacifc in Con- the Embaivy was ihe only one that closed it and to the M Phillips of Kingston returned to her burning house to took for a lady and overcome by smoke and found dead by the firemen AH the other the house escaped A certain gentleman his Rood scholar and to give a friend a proof of their progress in the language he took up Marys in he cam the following lines Sweet likibus World The light of the sun is so bright in the day time that it ob scures the stars If you go into a deep well or mine and look up through the opening you can see the plainly in the day time In the well the light of the sun is mostly hut off and all the light which comes to you must be from directly over jour head therefore the stars are visible Mia W Powell Richmond Hill happened with a painful Wednesday afternoon She was down cellar when a heavy door fell striking her on the head In her fall cellar floor she against some pieces of wood bruising her face and the side of her head She was stunned for a mo rrieht but coon recovered and nothing serious is likely to result from the fall Horses need no longer go to bed their on A man who forehead believes that a horse should be to A 6iiUl IT COSTS YOU NOTHING OR SCOTT Idea l i I Singingand Violin Teacher for nil Votoo Votcca TOWN Si to Two confidence men fleeced a rich farmer and cheese dealer of township out He Is a shrewd agricul turist and bright businessman there fore it Is more surprising that he could be beaten out of his hard- earned cash It appears that on Saturday two young men well dressed and with a polished of conversation visited Mr and proposed to buy a farm and the result of the conversation was that Mr consented to lend the strangers With this end view he came to the city and drew the money lending it to the men on a mortgage on certain property It appears tint the transition was a and that the farmer was deliberately swindled out of money This morning the bunco game was the talk of the city farmers on the market were surprised and promised to profit by the experience It appears that strangers when they came lo this district all the in formation ihey could about wealthy farmers and among the list was the victim of their game The crooks hired a horse at from Graves and drove to different farm ers In of and offered to buy a farm from one man with whom they I not make a deal In the evening they returned the horse satisfied with their wander ings On Saturday they hired Mr Graves War Cry again and drove about the country They worked the horse to good advantage and made engaged to buy a farm in the vicinity of their victims property at a cost of knew from previous information that the man they wanted to catch was in terested in the property they wanted to buy so they went to him and said Mr are going to buy the faun across the way and we can from a woman in the city and if you will lend us we will give you a mortgage on the property and close the deal The old farmer thought he was dealing with fairly honest men and allowed the wool to pulled over bis eyes With the two strangers he drove to the city of them to borrow and Ihe farm er called on his drew the in bills He put the in his and drove his companions When got about a mile and a half from the c one of the Grangers to the farmer that were tot ready to complete the deal would go away and come back again on Monday and purchase the farm To appear honest in their dealings they exhibit ed the alleged to have from a lady in the city and placed the money in a box and to the farmer Put your money in this box along with ours and then we will let you keep the box until we re turn For a while the firmer hesi tated but on revolving the matter over in his mind he decided that he would not be out of his money if he kept it himself and foolishly paid over his money to the knaves On being interviewed by a police- man he would not give any informa tion and in fact denied whole af fair He was willing to lose the in preference lo having his name published- He did not want bit neighbors to know that he had been the victim of sharpers and if the name was published It would cause him a great deal of pain The money which they showed the farmer and which said they borrowed from a lady in the cay was counterfeit money but answered the purpose of fraud as well as ihe genuine stuff This morning the Manager of the Ontario Bank was intertiewed and refused to give any information He satd that the man interested made a special request that his name be suppressed and if he had not made this request he as manager of a bank would be violating a rule in business if he or his clerks were to give away any financial matter of which they were cognizant man who lost the money is willing lhat the whole affair he published he would be only too glad to give the story as he learned it All be would admit was that some man lost A Wrse reporter drove out to Mr home this morning and had how the money was taken Mr very willingly gave the following details On Saturday a finelookfog and very respectable man drove up in front of his house He drove a large bay hone with a white spot on knocked and was ad- Well I will consider it the responded as he drove oft Monday morning arrived and the stranger drove up with a large valise Your farm is rather too large he said to we had better drive over to the other places you mentioned Mr jumped Into the rig and drove and the farms were surveyed As they were their way to the farms they met a stranger with whom the was ac quainted He was Invited to go oyer with them 10 Ihe farms which he did Mr farm satisfied the pur chasers Ideas and the price was fix ed at the exact sum which the owner paid for it It was agreed that a settlement be made the day and the three drove away The sharper then cautiously in formed Mr tbat he had only with him which money had been drawn the day before by the widow because the bank interest was to small Now if you can oblige me with the loan of to make up the amount I will allow you to keep the property deeds until I with you Unsuspectingly and following ihe dictation of bis own generous Mr drove Into the city with the two gentlemen and drew the out of the On tario Bank When home again the fellow picked off the road objected to going any farther as he wished to catch the at Kingston When Mr Fairs residence was reach ed Mr offered lo wail there until ihe purchaser drove his friend to the city and he could be picked up when the fellow relumed Oh no that would not do there would be of time After passing Mr McGatveyt residence near Sunbury the friend raised objection again and the supposed purchaser asked Mr to slop at Mr McGarveys until he drove lo the city and back and pulling out a tin from his valise he put bis 3000 in with come and as willrng to Mr to the box if he would put in his Mr thought that a fair deal and consented The box waslockedandthe stranger put the key in his pocket He promised to come back and stop at his house over night The next morning the deal was to be closed When the fellow locked the box he dropped it Into the satchel and suddenly realizing lhat the box was not to be kept its hit care he said Oh I beg your par don and picked out a box Mr got out of the rig with the box and after receiving another pro mise that ihe stranger would return stop over night started for home and ihesirangersin the direction of city Lite that the fellow did not appear and Mr became and pried open the tin box 10 find only three chips of wood within It then dawned upon him lhat he had been duped and the fel low had two boxes in the valise and dropped the valuable one in as to lake the other out Mr the next day re ported bis loss to the Bank authori ties who gave word lo the police Messages were sent abroad and yet Chief Horsey received word iwo men answering the descrip tion of the sharpers bad crossed over to the United States from Mr Langwith received the money from Mr Macdonald of the Ontario Bank through Us kindness and this morning the borrower visited the Bank and passed over the full amount Handling for Heating lighting heating may be Illustrated in a very simple way If put a poker In a hot fire the heat motion of the fire will start ihe Iron particles into heal- motion make hot At fitsi it remains black although even then it out heat presently in a very hot lire il becomes whitehot and gives out to much light as well as heat that you can read by ft in dark if il gelt still hotter it will melt Bui the poker is a hollow tube and has water in it ihe heat will be con ducted through the Iron and the water will boil Or if hollow iron is connected with an other pipe and water pxised through beat will be carried off by the water flowing through without boiling and if the tube is removed from the fire Instead of being whitehot it Is warm Now when electricity flows through a sufficiently large wire the current is conducted away with out healing ft flows into a wire too small ihe current heats the wire and unless ihe heat is carried radiation the wire melts If carbon is used instead of wire it be comes and we have the electric light In one case heat is external from the heat without in other it is interna from the cur rent within and shit is a chief differ ence Electric heating it the simplest in the world and when elec tricity cheap enough all of us who can get it will do our cooking and warming by it If an overcharge of electricity is pased though a wire the effect force Is converted into heat force as above stated and the wire becomes hot If no provision is made off the heat the wire melts but by embedding the wire in an enamel of such a kind that il expands just about as the wire does and to does not crack the electricity is confined to the wire but he heat is carried off through the enamel If this wire is wound round and round a teakettle or coil ed underneath it protected by such enamel the heat is conveyed through the kettle the water and the water boils just as if the heat came it through coals in the stove If it is coiled around an oven air becomes hot and roasts or bakes J fit is strung across like a Wtdironl the hot strips will broil if it is coiled wiihin a flatiron he comes hot enough to iron If it is woven in with asbestos fibre it makes an electric blanket or bed- warmer arranged in plates electric or in Urge sizes roomwar men heat us up A spiral such wire properly arranged be put in any and will water for shaving or other If a very volume of current is sent two bits of pressed together the electric current paset from one the making the metal hor so i at ihe pans weld locilier more irmly than a can two of meial the heat of his fire and his hammer There but a few of the applications of heating which in Innumer able Gold Messts Gunn Bros It Co of Toionto have furnished us with the following regarding the killing and handling of dressed hogs During this season of the year it is well to select if possible a cool day for slaughtering The hogs should be starved at least twelve hoars be fore killing A many farmers are experienced butchers and the number of hogs is very much less now than some years ago however we strongly advise that none but experienced hands should be al lowed to stick hogs Instructions as to the scalding and removing of the hair we think are unnecessary What we wish to call special attention to is the treatment of ihe carcass after it has been hung up The bone between the hind legs al so the breast bone should be cut through so as to allow the removal of all entrails along with the gullet This being done the carcass should be well showered with cold water and to hang up from twelve twentyfour hours accord ing to the state of the weather if very then more cold water should be used and a longer time allowed to hang If the hogs are fat by way Is not desirable especially the light weights they should be split open through the a Feverish Bat Great American Are of Solid Rock A If id for And Fill He a la a Few Has been endorsed by the medical- profession for twenty years Ash your Doctor This Is because ft is always pafatable- always always contains purest Norwegian Oil and insist on of- man and fish Put up in jo cent ir3 00 The may bo tpha treated as as a good man has a horseshoe is ad- Justed to the animals loot without nails The shoes aie put on and re moved at the pleasure of the owner and the horses upon which have been tried seem to exhibit a threat ap preciation of them doing their work better and a number of ways in dicating that life is more satisfactory without a hoof full of nails London Sept a Auguit was evil enough In all con science but Its have been even worse For tome eight weeks the sua has scarcely been teen for an hour at a time rain bis fallen practically every day In years ihere hat not such a waier-ioik- ed September This week was marked by a succession of violent gales and tempests culminating yesterday in a hurricane which enough ill four sides of Impartially with wreckage AH late crops with hops at their head are described as ruined everywhere Violent galea prevailed long coasts evening and roaby wrecks chiefly of art conversation on the condition of the farms and crops he represented him self as son of the President of ihe British North American Bank and was travelling through this couctry for the purpose of land I believe ire a large property- holder he said to Mr and probably you can give assistance in the land Mr to give any assist ance and gave a description of the country own property over and the visitor thought it too large About or acres were alt he desired minion be said was in ihe Interests of a widow who lived in the city no doubt Kingiion and worth This widow had two sons whose wild and reckless liviog was fast eating up her money and she wanted to invest In faros property Mr men tioned two farm In the town ship of Kingston owned by Mr J Elliott and J The pros pective promised to come back on and survey the farrow Before going he Iff bow- be for backbone to allow the animal heat escape which if not attended to the chance are you will have tainted meat These openings do not in toy way interfere with ihe price selling as all hogs have to be divided En the middle prepared for curing We wish to Impress ibis point to regard to fit bogs very strong ly Under conditioot should a hog be cut down from the place where it hung up to cool until alt the animal heat hat left body even should It take thirtyshe to forty- eight to do this Of course it Is understood that during Ihe winter weather ibe care In regard to chilling of the carcass it not to necessary but as there axe Urge quantities killed during present when It not favorable this Is the lime that the above pre cautions should be taken and if ibe above Instruction arc carried out ihe rcsuli will every caw be and highest market will be for hogs so prepared Wo Wlddes former resi dent of fatally burned while threshing a Man- and died and reply Sunday Kidneys Rich in healing power is is the testimony everyday tor the great South American Kidney Cure It is a kidney specific It diaolves and radicates from the sssiem all foreign mailer allays inflammation and pin In the bladder It relieves the most distressing kidney disorders of six and effects a quick and per manent cure Mrs Coghill states I was very much distressed withe severe kidney trouble I was unable lo attend to my household duties I South American Kidney Cureadvertited and procured a bottle had permanent in six hours and after using six bottles I was cured Rheumatism The roost acute and forms of ibis dread ailment absolutely cured In from one das by the South American Rheu matic Cute Its action upon sys tem is marvelous Mr John Cray ice dealer says Five yean ago I happened with a serious accident which on rheumatism Was completely laid up and tried all kinds of liniments and other remedies without relief Read ing of the great cures by South American Rheumatic Cute I pro cured a bottle and got In a few hours I used six In all and my cure was eompfete It is best remedy for rheumatism in the world The Tbe Great South American Nervine has no stronger leitlmony for it than that contained in the story of this miraculous re covery Robert B English Kike- field pot was taken HI about five ago with la grippe which almost succeeded En sendrng him to an limily grave From the effects of ibis he contracted a nervous twitching culminating In fits Added this rheumatic compilations let in proclaimed his case a hopeless one So great is suffer ing bat be longed for deaths hand to Mm Reading of the won being wrought by Souih American a bottle was pro cured its effect was marvelous In a very abort lime fits ibe nervous twitching lessen- After taking six bottles he was completely cuiad While theres life and these good remedies theres A lad aged fell the cars a freight train at Hamilton Moo- I and coolly Got Bio The nickname Uncle Sam at applied to United States Govern ment it id to have originated as follows Samuel Wilson commonly called Uncle Sim pas a Govern ment of beef and pork at Troy New York about A contractor Elbert Anuerson purcbas- a quantity of provisions and the barrels were marked A An dersons initials and U S for United States The latter inilials were not familiar to Wilsons work men who inquired what they meant A facetious fellow answered I dont know unless- they mean Uncle Sam A vast amount of property afterwards passed through hands marked in the same manner and he joked upon the ex tern of his possessions The joke spread through all ihe department of the Government and before long United States was popularly referred to as Uncle Sam Heme Journal A Story A CALLING- THAT ENTAILS MUCH HARD fine and exposure Cass la on La and Altar Victim is but a small hamlet but it hit achieved a wide reputation ow ing to the fact that it is situated in the very heart of Ihe farfamed Thousand Islands and for ihis reason attracts during he summer months hundreds of pleasure seekers Among the residents of village none is better known than Wilson A Root Dur ing the summer months he folio wa in occupation of an oarsman and none knows better than he the of the gamy bass and pickerel In the winter spring months Mr Root follows ihe occupation of this putiylr requires to be out in all soils of weather and in the water frequently at a time of year when the water is none too warm Asa result of a welling Mr Root look a Severe cold which de veloped into a which toot such firm hold upon his system for a time he was unable to leave the His became affected and he suffered from severe pains the back There was a feling of continuous tirdnets which no amount of rest or sleep coud relieve The appetite was fickle and there an to or A number of remedies were tried after but without any results At juncture a friend strongly advised lhat Dr Williams Pink tie given a They had cured thousands of other and why not ha I Acting on his suggestion Mr Root procured a single box of the Pink i before ail were used an iriipovcrnecL This him lo persevere with the treatment and after ihe use of a few more Ixixes of pills Mr his health restored all the pain and aches had disappeared and their rlis- Op aranct came renewed arid Mr Root I irm ly believe Dr Williams Pink Pills to be unsurpassed as a medicine I advise any who are ailing to give it a fair honest trial Dr Williams Pink Pills Hi ike at the root of disease driving it from system and restoring the patient health and strength In cases of paraty us spinal trouble locomotor ataxia sciatica rheumatism erysipe las scrofulous troubles etc these pills are superior to all other treat ment They are alio a specific for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a burden and spied restore the rich glow of health to pale and Men broken down by overwork worry or excess will find Pink Pills a certain enrr Sold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid at a or six boxes for by addressing Dr Williams Medicine Company or Schenectady V Beware of imitations and substitute alleged to be just as good Mr Robert Gardiner Har wich while entering the office of a doctor in Ont on Saturday to consult him regarding his health fell down dead Hung Chang reached Yokohama by the India Sunday He was pleased with the voyage and will travel the rest of the journey a lent on to meet biro Sept It now appears thai Armenians were killed during the recent massa cre at in the district and it is reported thai Armenians lave killed at Divrig in same Vilayei Isnt il amount of people who off parlies ihey owe with the cry of hard timet no work but whenever an excur sion picnic or ciicus always rind enough money to lake their families and occupy best teals Sept Lord Salis bury arrived today for pur pose of with the Queen and ihe Cur The and Prince of Wales and his guests are on a hunting today This afternoon the weather having brightened the Queen and Ciartna fo a d A Cli lbs out I Us Hal do tea too Store atd Croup Cars III lwolyflo Sis Boots KARLS CLOVER BOOT A