of Purified Blood Raved an operation following curcawhon fall Mood A ago my cod token Italy ill ruth of ho bladder suffered deal viry low for At doctor raid not get wrti performed llrfio re to try It In bill ft bottle Lick ho could tit Utile When had taken lliro en vrll J Ontario Bo Only True Blood Purifier publ today Hair VIGOR color o half It out Mi A tliaiitwoyciHeo my uho of of Hair my restore to Us origin color ami fulling owl An occasional on has In condition I used Hair Vigor for yearn ami it hair hack lolU natural color J iters Hair Vigor DILICAVER ft Golden jhalt go ft coot to presto Luke I Thin a It tho accord log or of cartooo laben lbtt lire Ifcrjli before rack coming of III fororonntr ao In 1jo -LKf-EOMA- W It to In of to let our light in do iktJcU atormcit night Ilia for you hire on that you rhino villi JJJa ftnd how to night in id that our light by Jovoftnd la even pa hi lantern la by Ihrough vhlch It mo ol Arc and worth than all thoy ro a power for training And Of call out moat loio fore And truth It fa to of Children help pQiaona to their youthful for ft pirant la or doe ai In t end Aa AflllcKojn or of cornea vorkof our Uvea Ifcnodlctiu from months Krca ho out from preaching 4tor euro fitch JERAjAN3 thfllfoOirlbyJ ifttepwho rojiarby other Wfnalptjj on recall In Caidutlli wired triafatiJ happy s it A a lit to wore In Juta on Friday hit tiomv appear that bonds ft lgt who linso fork of J wflb not an whoa think to not A telegram dated Lag OTlh Charabirlali whocamo to Winnipeg in IBM for Hon Martin and caught on ball forfeited It and a ate arretted a Toronto for trial and to ft In Ilia city today at ate a that during Friday largo of from in of country by on of gratifying to aged Irttrtltr but political from IJJr Win roomB to effect the clcctora of Montreal Centra hid chotis Jliamy of tho doctor rA kind of birthday token ho anticipated whoii naming of an day Her Wu Con rain tho and Health Record I that if I had begun WniiimV pfefc Pills not have lived much longer words were by daughter of Mr Johnston Mossop of trifii town a lady exceedingly among her ft tends Miss had been ailing for yea her recovery to health is in tier of general rejoicing among her friends To a reporter she gave her story follows scarcely how my Illness began The first was a feeling of tired ness upon IhcatightcUcxcitlon The color left iny face and 1 became as pile a corpse Then I was attack ed with a pain in my left side and coughed a deal At first home rente Jits were tried but as they did not do any a doctor was called in and I was under his care about a year iJulthc treatment did not do me any good and I was steadily growing weaker and I could not go upstairs without having to ait down and ret when I got there and the pain in my side became more and Two were caught one night in the of rt burning building One of thorp on trousers and jumped from the window In his right and hurry ho had on ihogir- wrong tide foremost with which when he recovered Ms ft equilibrium after lht jump excited profound Pat I rati called out his com panion still In the loft Air ye kilt ft I I elections in North Ontario and Card well are over and the result counts l wo on a division in the Cora mods against the Government The next contest in the Province will take in West Huron on the this month and according to present indications will also he a threecor nered fight the next ten days therefore the political interest lately centered in Ontario and Card well will be transferred to a riding on he Western boundaries of the vincc where Mr Liberal Mr and Mr A for titer Patron try conclusions since lie general election in this con itituency has been represented by the honorable gentleman recently ap pointed JieutrOovornor of Manitoba who won the seal by only of a majority over the present Liberal can didate Should the Patron nominee ontinue his candidature to the Close of the poll not succeed the result between Mr Cameron and Mr Weisrniller will depend largely from which of the two representatives of the old patties the Patron candi date draws his greatest support In a straight patty fight as between the Liberal and Conservative nominees it is pretty generally conceded Mr Cameron would victorious but the interposition of the Patron cle ment makes the result problematical Meanwhile a vigorous campaign is being waged reply the flllion tftben In firnt do Dominion Its order without Infomiritlon J thai before lUpi wcro lakin Premier In ft will not comply by Initiation crcatini tho JJorutn- ton fittunpfcinK to a school for Province tltlo to Icfri lory in from Ditch lit by and that nor in to put of the Dutch territory I iti of riven poind out document to in the And cant ho people of Iho United who lhonIvcH will bo a party to of Vonwula to IIva a ftilCU j oat Drilalit ijaaranteiia much go to war tlio matter HAVING UP ALL NIGHT Willi ihbt COUil if you Jo not waul lo the buy OLD STANDARD Gray Syrup of Red Spruce Gum Cough Id the Sold everywhere Us a A CO perfect tea Jt ttoror rains but it pours tay an Ho In of tlio defeat in on of MM followed On Friday hat by another Montreal Centra when Hon Mr by majority Vm jovcrnment nomlitco lino in thoficoof Iho fact that political of clot wan aadly blurred by of lila without pot or can only bo accounted tlio ground by Worlds Montreal vote in tlon where thceltclioa tool pro- In moat man nor again it remedial In lhoOfanjsdittnct of Point candidate of the Administration obtained of ft majority want to The total given Me 33JG appcarfl to up in tho Pro- of more intense I kept watting away and lost interest in life and at last Was so that recovery was not expected At tins juncture my mother an article in a newspaper the cure ft lady whose case was almost identical with my own Was to Or Pills and this prompted a that l into a of wfirs used liHrd of improve rnenl and Pink Pills until I had lakeii the time j lining rpidJv until now I haw my old I on walk a twin ft J am no longer troubled with that terrible in my side- My ap petite has returned and I can now eat almost as much as any member of the family and I know that had I not taking Pink I would not have lived much longer Mrs Mossop says she cannot ex- press the she toward this Krand medicine which had re- loved daughters health and will speak- of it in terms of Pink Pills valuable to i hey build up the Mood restore the and eradicate those roubles which make the lives of so many vomers and old a burden Dizziness palpitation of the heart nervous headache and pros tration speedily yield to this wonder medicine They ale only in boxes the trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink at 50c a box or boxes for may he had of druggists or direct by mail from Dr Williams Medicine Company WHAT ViJtlTC ABOUT- author of young yon and I were Mr W Toronto another fcOng on- titled tmt Awdile It very pretty but in hardly likely to have Gate of the over half a a larger for On This of ho la for llovu joiinai than to any in America for work of a Elmilr His ftrat artlckj in number of cold mag arlne THf f TO tints At ipl tf lit Text- it i A and growinx is of different for Ctttfaniotti a year has popular for young and old for often onto a week to keep up bringing information and for avery member of tho family in Mass lb- dou icIMnio CO A iutvj El J CI tl iJlil CiiUn fccil jwi Mil fc irf w I A Just his Pour Quarters for a bottle of Burdock Mood Bitters S Jit people tioj cures Cou- Sick til ell of tLt towels ana blood ttfmva to the Sore Tor number of tho called Holiday fashion article j for mouth are timely covering entire field for ladle in licerlo fronds rich holiday in do- ihonotlliu in making price per year S3 Richmond To- Uvea to boundary of Alaska in late of to Con moro than attention directs thereto It will bo that paid to for Alaskan territory and that the American Govern- haa from that country in from tho whilo worth of Eta I products The industry ftllAO00 more and it computed that for fish and mines up t had to than When it that of represent capital of over 91000000 reader form ceac4ptlon of tho of their operations most valuable feature of the country cay a Ilf id now turning out to dtjotilo on Yukon constitute but fitldi in The now million dollar of gold a and the for tho future to by England and In thiffvilublo gold district in to bo an the correct it ia it wilt mean a territory to United at wall an and Thtn a religions called and attract a great of go to til for a aw them and Iraciforuiod Into a Inn around and on ttoQr until Vahavaoodeairo to converted ft Hornet must bo to tho fakir Prophet nation of mi It is that Canada with tho lot of January Us of public The r grown f until It ft as to Jour- cat frlwayiooiuandoJ tateut in decjoaiSclion It for the outing til Iho retain a of 10 to the dj- lAilaieula of lL piper W A J If tin formerly I firth la tud Us A are tleudid J2 El Toronto Wybeidg Dec About oclock on Wednesday morning fire broke out in the premises occupied by Mr merchant The atoie and dwelling were com pletely destroyed Loss partly cov ered by insurance Rostov Mass Dec The storm last night caused considerable damage The wind Accompanied by End rain was blowing a rate levelling telephone and telegraph blotving chimneys over and breaking windows by driv ing sleet the Dec Fire at an early hour this morning in the Pull man Man at corner of Fifty fifth St and Madison Ave Hyde Park the big fourstory building doing damage By a miracle ho one was injured many the occu pants escaping in their night clothes Captain A Cab If it ever found that me any Piled Drug You Unless you ore vay unfortunate there is some little oasis in this world where dwell one or two people who really love you I wonder whether you value their love as you should human and a man at lhat very likely do not Ambition is your god per ha or Marnrion or you hay hobby to ride and want to he applauded as you gallop What love more or less to you I And yet though you win all what a miserable creature you would be if no one field you dear How much of your strength and courage without your knowing it from love you take as you do the dew of heaven or the water you drink or in the air you without thinking how wonderful it is J rid is find when love is ours something divine is given us on earth It is the only of heaven accorded to poor mortals in the flesh strongest and purest in the emotion the mother gives to her children most when it is the luve comes in after life to the passionate heart holy and true as brothers and feel it beautiful still when we accord it the name of friendship It is the one great jewel worth possessing and yet how often it is set aside forgot ten How often men of the world busy with other cares make the hearts that love them ache by their want of appreciation How often the old mother wonders that boy docs not How often the wife sits alone while the jolly comrade of the hour occupies her husbands time or for some motive policy he lingers where men of influence are gathered How often children long for dear papas coming in vain I How often some solitary sister itiil dwelling in the old homestead says with a Ah I never see anything of Jack now Life must have its cares and am- men must work and wo men must weep even when they are not fishers hut at least a word can be given to lender and loving ones to prove that they are not for gotten The time may come even to the greatest mm when he would give more for Ihe affection he has flung away than fjr anything he has gained in doing it and I fay to you from my heart Value those who love you The world is of people who do not as you he some day No MoikeV replied Pat in hope lesi lone Its not kilt am me bye but fear faulty twisted Liverpool What Connect Constantinople I wish to speak with Sultan Abdul Who wishes speak with the This ii London Who is lhat Good morning my lord I am Abdul Good morning to your majesty I I wish to call your lent ion to the fact you have broken your prom ises Dont let a little thing like that disturb you my lord I can make plenty more just as good Pittsburg Many stories have been related of the odd form adopted by eccentric young people in presenting the mar fee to minister but not one have I heard quite equalled in unique method the story told by the minuter of an Episcopal Church in the northwestern section of the city A couple was to he married and each party being a scion a Wealthy family the minister naturally looked forward lo a generous reward for his offices The ceremony was performed and the room ax the proper time handed the minister an envelope a little larger than the or dinary jze and ths contents appear ed to be of such oft thickness as satisfy the clcryman that his been realized In ihe of his own apartments the seal was broken when alas all pleasant anticipations faded away for there was but a pair of gloves a very fine very elegant pair lis but still only And so the minister swallowed his dis appointment and laid the away Nearly a year when a special for their the him of the gloves and brought them to the light He found considerable difficulty in fitting hem to his hand and upon examination lo in linger neat ly folded a fresh crisp five hi lar bill And now the reverend doctor makes careful search of any unusual object a marriage fee may take the form of test that which may frivolous at firit may prove a blessing in disguise in Fatally It is a remarkable thins in regard to little people it is almost never loo early to approach them with re ligious suggestion writes Rev Charles the October Home Journal ft is not what we them that makes them religious it is the religious instinct already in them that intelligible lo litem whatever of a religious kind we say tin in The best that a child can become in this as in other accrues from wisely handling and fostering some already contained in childs original dowry If the beginnings of individual religion were not an im plant no of treatment no in genuity of culture could suffice to es tablish such a beginning Religion can be immanent in the child and even he a part of his experience without his being able yet to know il as religion or bring able to compre hend ihe allusions 10 it by his elders holds in the light of life what is true in each dawning it begins to be morn ing a good white he lore there is sun shine enough in the air for the sun dial to be able to tell us what oclock it is The infants eyes are full of light waiting to greeted by the light of the sun soon as lis lids are lifted The heart of the child is tuned to the things of God and its strings are ready to become musical so soon as by a hand that knows how to stir them into resonance It is a good while before child and the earth come very close to one another hut on the con trary Heaven lies about us in our infancy of of fill many a wouinno breast with There la no childbirth fraught with danger fljid It la a natural and should be performed in a natural way without undue Nature never intended that be tortured whtn the thing which them wholly wo manly The of brought this about and a return to right Jiving will stop It Nine out of ten women troubled more or less by wtakntri and to their It Is to because hey do not lake proper care of them- they neglect little ills precautious A woman In per fectly hearty health goes through her lime of with comparative ease The thing to do then is to make ell expec tant mother healthy to them generally locally The cine and to do it with Doctor Pierces It is rt powerful and it coot lies and the and nets directly on the In ft way which fill It for the proper and regular performance of nil lis functions fit all Taken during gestation it robs child birth of its to both mother child by preparing the for livery thereby labor period of confinement A hoot of telling how to cure of Vomcn hometreat cents stamps to prepay postage find duly A tor If 111 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY sinned ex immmfs 7 It ft 0 K 9 a 0CO CO CO OB SI I tics A ft J OF scholars in the at Richmond Hill have every hook in their library of volumes Dec The of Mr A near Why Farming is one of the most inde pendent of occupations The farmer is the indjfendent roan in the world He can go where he wants during a portion of the year with less than the men of Other callings This liberty is one of the greatest privileges ever bestowed on man He naturally tongs for the freedom which independence or liber ty to do as be pleases gives him and nowhere else can he enjoy this free more than on the farm The businessman is the slave of his lOmers the farmer is the slave of no one So far as concerns the manner in which bis time be spent he is absolutely free lo determine Of this doc not imply that he has any lite n a to neglect his business but it does imply that he can modify to suit convenience Generally do tomorrow with out any serious inconvenience what he may not have been able to do to daw And fuming is more remunerative loan any oilier Calling under heaven The farmer who is at all provident simple in his mode of life sure of a goid living for and family Over and above this lie is able lo provide something for a rainy day This is not true of the wen of oilier callings that is to say it not true of the rank and file of hem In business some make fortunes but the many go to the wait at some period of their business career There is no calling in the world winch is pursued by the many where the increment of earning is to great if live living of the farmer is considered and of course it ought to be in for January Wonderful Nolo wonderful are the cures by Hit rill even filler other preparation ihe in and trid is true blood Hoods Pills prompt rd do or 2Cc A nineyearotd boy named was fatally burned at Burlington on by the explosion of a lamp died shortly afterwards Messrs Hiram Walker and Sons the distillers learn ing lhat there was a probability of the duty on whiskey going into the United States raised fifteen per cent by bill on Thurs day shipped to Detroit three thousand ix hundred on which they paid fifteen thousand dollars in gold Woman has more in vaded domains and taken to the inhering business ft is said that in Chicago ihew from one hundred to one hundred and fifty women already engaged in the ton line Barbers as a rule do not allow their customers to go to sleep while are in Ihe chair but when one of the lady barbers gets a bash ful young man to sell him a prepar ation for growing a moustache or removing dandruff etc he had better gO down into his pocket once and talked BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL CARRIAGE BUILDING PAPER TARRED FELT PITCH LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF GLASS IN TOWN PRO WE IN J i ij 15 dp A f 9 a t w tl cue i 3 a J FOR SALE OR TOWELLING AND SHOP f to ft ftoiifiyiyLiiGP OP AND LOT to lo Us SO MOTEL TO RENT At I to ML AILrtor If to Residence For Sale lernii tit VIctorKRt For ftttlr to TRY OUR Washboards Building Material REPAIRS FOR SALE OR REST We fitttvl up In car Machine Shop for tho purpO4 of til in All with tttinjjlf C up IuttingonWtv Forks Tubing Rending Handle if into iPntumatics 0 All Wo ftre to to order any will the the attorn Call it SONS CO Ltd vhiijs iiUHinmHrifimniiiinifiiHiHiimiuiiiniuijm Keep Milch Cows in Good Health IT t w rundown fiiw j lie g f The diHctyIilituaineil was destroyed by The loss is fire yesterday ft5 A Treasury of CURE the Cute it In contains twtntyflro only Children Bold ROOT your your Complexion Itto jour Lotto your a tod to discover MKD of Rich The Hill School the form of a debate Toe subject vas that the of puriry have clone ill country greater vice than her Generals have The Wre J1 good attention ftvor the and received Decision in V Mr who of the at Richmond Hill for consecutive has been Dec The cloth ing house of A- Co the largest in the City was burned this morning Lots covered by insurance The house and blacksmith shop in Goodwood owned by John Johnson and occupied by Geo were consumed by fire on Tuesday afternoon Mr Schell all his working tools It is not perhaps generally known under what hurtful condtions the of lice is carried on It necessitates in fact the Inundation of the tract of country where it is colli vated and obliges the laborer to carry on his work during the portion the year with his legs submerged in stag nant water A lawyer in a room may call mm a liar scoundrel villain or a thief and no one nukes complaint If a newspaper such a reflection on a mans character there is a libel suit or a dead editor This be owing to the fact that the people be lieve ivhat an editor says the lawyer no figure A painful and probably fatal accident took on the V Kirkville one las wtek One of the guy the lonm broke allowing the to violently mike a workman named teen a leg broken in two place and he received other Little hopes are entertained of his I recovery Information the fcaae ttr It onto Dicks Blood Purifier will the jij It try It its fecrcit jt hut la a wctis it p 0 Acft JfIlrr Vet if Loiter fa iti la flriVtltJ UK FARM FOR tils of Ofih cf rttlry Govt fcaUliLxi FARMS FOR SALE porch the tun Id tit fir A acres West half lot too acres lot con GwiiWinbury acres Km halves con- King- too acres South half lo 3rd coo acresPart of quarter con King acres Part of lot in the con of J- r d tt If At Street biuuHUiiuiiiiiniiiuiMitiuiiiiiiiiiiuiniiLUUiUiuiiiiuiiiuiiH S3 tfii A COPY titers tea CcmiiifLiI l rt h jr will recede Free 43 liyptD-AhWM- TerriTvcArADA A TEHOEHT MONTHLY lstlc fUl CftlczU iisu- Buy early literary for very where illustration tors of high printed itinera mas No irkt IIOTKL 81 It room- job do no alio any Office to outdo in this line either in style or pice you any kind Printing done see what ork and terms you can get at the Era Oincebefore you order Our promptness is pro- verbial THE JANUARY By JlSt Two If or- Iter J FULL OF COOP rot Hew cyrvnrcJlf Antcl I Ski BOLD lv- A Lirl PRESS tT Si DRIVER fjiiAito fch P no jitniiisj J J FOR YEARS BEST FRIEND LAHQKOr 111 OAK ADA COPYRIGHTS -V- lj a liiti a I il South End Tannery TO BUTCHERS I fciitfUlAiiyjiy J