ERA TONE Purified Blood In following case fill full blood A year ego my Thorn p taken suddenly 111 ratio a of bladder He for time Jul doctor ho would not get well edition A no about Mood flirt tod 0 try l Lilt ft bid comeback til little ho of Ihft medicine ho Attain J Ontario Bo Only True Blood Purifier AVERS Hair VIGOR nftluial to end fcUo It out Mr fl A limn two yenranxo i to turn gray nil out tor llio of of my linlr wan restored to original color runt falling out An In ool II J Vigor for it lias hair which was fust becoming hack toll natural color J Hair Vigor Mr Aver cure Weft feiswu Walk to 1605 Qoldon If opened to us Script of Ibofoortli of Resurrection day Ho Appeared to Mary women way from then to ImmodJittly More dlKlpliMlout to or during early part of that then and to la being apaomiova Jndkalo man In titan of two had their of Joy Cbrfil ArCbtfiiaalody not very roach filled with and even despair do not know might boon led by tbo tho Word ftndwbon re within there Ji no room for but Joyful wnOdeooe BUS in that Ah now Irtaldinl of the Trunk will reach in nolicr It la furiiicr reported a country reorganizing whole of iIjo line quite number of may fall Ibo of It the In- of the earth Mi la let than lit put but Wlllftlm the Juno thai country of aiil at at ever to traveller It ft Homo in Africa upon which ho but atternpu by tbo to ancient Imparlance of tho country are bolter after Mr It and It If be and worthy of In whereby value of any publication may bo judged Cuuinl In all theto qualities In an eminent degree of tkla reader will find three months a wtilth of In formation on all In all patio of world wild and yet In readable and form putting within reach of ha ordinary InUU led a clear and coin pub entire view of the drama of en acted Cox Co Buffalo With no Withouhruss CHEAP MAIL Ul to fl AlVitOrdwilldoit I I Ifco fiiuoDOl John to tj vforlbUlonflihJp PrjiDk and VelCJiifooOrydtrmiQ to do on between Iota fcadlli Ood7i Rod id road lots Bad Coo work lot 17 Con to in lot 0 a Dlr lot Con la and King til Jo In of mot Hi Ii day Atttr to lb it Into Court Tbtto do for following wore raide Tack William owner lb prl coo to Taylor added ftiitmDt of John Sag and to McDonald wu to ftiisfamenl of lie- Donald alter lb Roll wm adopted and Court On a and weto laid on labia Work to notify to bate off neat tod of con Una appointed to appointed by Council tba pit on tot con is of and ropoil to In miller of of and Hush Lyon round- Keeper and JobnJWalr In room and aUid of ann Weir accoonti Kara to paid tyno Hidden blank foima Alt palra to 2nd con abwp at following grants for Ibo laiprovlmcnt of John J Com Knock Nathan Mitchell n Wm Taylor 13 Ceo A 10 Corner fcl Alex Clark InitructC to notify Iatbiatiteta taking gravel from tha pit on road to ho caret and not undermine fenooa were alw given to Ialhmaalcre In labor adjourned to meet at Saturday at Ion oclock A Co BACK TO Or KxiuuxsuryxkiKO to of prlacd and bad Faffed to Swore Mr George is of the in the vicinity of He bad through an experience painful as I remarkable and hi iiory as told a reporter will perhaps be of to others I was born In tne county of Carlelon said Mr Argue bate lived all my life within twenly miles of the of Ottawa Ten years of that time have been years of pain and almost beyond en durance Eleven year ago I con tracted a cold which resulted fn and of the lungs Other complications then and I was confined to my room for fiye years The doctor who attended through that long Illness that toe reason I unable to move about was due to the contract- A petition of In School Section has been got up In favor of their John A McLean It has already signa tures As Mr Henderson and his son were driving home from Toronto later On Saturday night the they met with a mhbap at the bridge in front of Dr old residence in Scaraboro which might easily have proved fatal It was raining bard and night was dark and as the horse stepped off the bridge it walked through an place on the embankment horse and occupants rolling ten or fifteen feet Into the ravine below Mr slender- a n and his son crawled from under the rig and finding no bones broken walked back to Wobuin Hotel where secured and by daylight had succeeded in their damaged and rig from their awkward position GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY son a ro Iff ci jcoOt f lute 11 or Couffhs Colds Grays Syrup A Red Spruce Gum ASTHMA I jjjiicnxviSi VI t r f up Loll It fA Watson a Co SKIN ZINCS At AT SCOTTS KOHO The Toronto Nigtt a In on at follows j lor by Ml la gratifying 10 And firm InUfCiUd In lllcralaro and Ilia It moIi that a In all of Canada of ah in other oodtd that If no why not try ft hundred doll re In Amount being among five received for competition Dr Co Jel July tint and la of a J In of In volume Mr Hasting clearly that tho of It to acconnt for wida and ovtu go in pic of there id thought In and can ihvro to thought a I If thcia in atrocluto plants and aoi- In alovoandin earth and imntal audmoit of all ju not conclude that of critical principle Wo should liko to extracts from this very interesting and took did our apaco think do bolter by urging who an In Urea in auoh 4HUtIoiil4 tba book for tha to and to read mark learn and in digest Kiog rc at Mar tab alt paid atfaptrtM3 for T6ytoranodIntI a hauling Wi KIhUay for UtCJecntiji lhoioo fc to General culvert flth vail Ian snow drawing acrara lumber Jack- ton road con lra of labor tax Mr were pointed to look Into of 1aUr by twoflt that ibUCooccU no ttutthll Inn of the muscles and nerves of rny hands and feci through long confine ment to bed I could hobble around a little on but was well nigh At tins stage a second doc tor was called in who declared trouble was spinal complaint Hot medical advice anil treatment I sinking lover and lower and wis regarded as Incurable I was now in such a state that I unable leave my bed but deter mined find a cure If and sent lor one of ihc most ablc phy sicians in I was under Ms caio and treatment for three years He blistered my back every three or four and alt Ms skill but In vain I was growing weaker and weaker and began think the end could not be far off At this Juncture a Wend strongly urged me to try Dr Williams Pink I yielded to his solicit alio and by the time six boxes of pills were used I found myself getting better I used In all thirty boxes and they have accomplished what ten treatment under physicians failed to do Thank to this wonderful medicine am able to at tend to my duties and am as free from disease as any man in ordinary health is expected to be I still use Williams Pink Pills and they are the medicine for me and long as I live shall use no other If I had got these pills ten years ago I am satisfied I would not have suffer ed as I did would saved some hundreds of do lass doctor bills It is only who have passed through such a terrible as I have done who can fully the wonderful merit of Williams Pink Pills Mr Argue experience should even the most skeptical that Dr Williams Pink Pills stand far in advance of other medicines and are one of greatest discoveries of the age There is no disease due to poor or watery blood or shattered nerves which will not speedily yield lo this treatment and in innumerable cases patients have been restored to health and strength after physicians Worth Paper tires are soon to be manufactured for cycles They are supposed to be more durable than rubber and to puncture less easily Municipality only who ft fa I had pronounced the dreaded word incurable Sold by all dealers in medicine or sent by mail post paid at cents a box or six boxes for 250 by addressing the Williams Medicine Co Schenectady Refuse imit ations and do not be persuaded to try something else Lib tail lofcaipifaQroadllaittfalf adjourned and a Jioir3 of Health Dr ItablaMLrt Mil of tot fiam hud Acd to en to attend public or dtrtd LIU aft ainouolingtolVO waa laid over for of Council will bafaatdat liotJlych Jute Ota breath lha t and dilute 111 10 tut It and fcsartrOolde touli tin tic Cur for aVcaLdtoitUrloua Bold by Heart ao for- la Bjinpa Han to SuiuU tiinetu of ielliiJoIo Horn UaitKaiifK lit Ju iivo or It attoOit to of at Dal- bavao May IhtCltrksftxlutliucttd to following loll tlien an finally Grillflndau lot Con lot Con ffm owner lot Coo Lira and Irwin lot Con lot Coo fi Frank lot Con lot Con lot Con of lot Coo Frank Con IOCod Sydney lot Con occupying lot Coo Robert Cola Coo Frank Stona- occupying lot 14 Coo- John tot IS Con Stapbeo Hart occupying lot Cod occupying lot Vanderburg occupying tot Con lot Con and Thompson dog struck off of and Hamilton and two of Joilah off lha awawrocot of and addtd to llia Tba and Council took op to being of killed and by dog or c- Van Van Norman 42 W Win 41600 till A for alaluta ai aatcucd was and Xrnytrisfe aunidat to until ere collected to on to a King Council Court at KcttTaby May alt following warn beard and adjnati lot con claimed hit too acaament confirmed Vctli tot coo 1 red a cod Mali villa lot con lot IB and 19 coo to 4C03 Palmar lot con Ed Walton lot coo autment con firmed comfirmed con fol lowing Wire relieved of dog tax Jamci Dap Win Coleman J for ona tba Aiioator bit rounds bad placed on roll ran kTtenta name uninitiated for aa John Dixon property Foliar at tenant lot 4 con John A lot Court general bait taken tip paid tot buying and tot bury Clark J to pay being paid to aboa Jo ac cording to taw following made in Jenldnt Boy forty Mount Weill place of J place of Baker railed from labor Webb and J A Wat ton A urn- wire paid of year AURORA The of Trinity Church is repainted The price of bread came up to cents per lb loaf on Monday The Sons of Inland held annual church parade Sunday evening The company here is good in drill to going camp was in winning a stiver cup at by first In n one bicycle race The senior football team which went to to play at demon- there on the succeeded In winning first money The fust league lacrosse match of the season will be played in the park here June between Aurora and Weston The many friends of Mr will regret learn that he is ill lie has been confined to his bed for some days past Wheat has reached the mark at last and still has a tendency to go higher The above figure was paid for a load here on Wednesday- Mr Robert lost a cow on Wednesday evening The animal on lo the track at street crossing and was run over by a passenger train While attending the party at Mr John Cooks residence last Friday evening Mr Chas Russells horse broke loose from where it was tied and ran away swashing the buggy badly Mr I Norman who been at tending Victoria University in Toron to spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Home here He leaves Montreal on a trip to the old country tomorrow Saturday Mr Arthur Addison ac companies him The at the lawn patty at Mr John Cooks just north of this place on Friday evening was veiy large and a handsome sum realised The band was present and gave excellent selections The was held under the auspices of the ladies of the Methodist Church Friday afternoon ihc barn of Mr John about two miles of this place was stroveo by fire and all its contents In cluding his farm implements There was a small insurance on the barn but none on the contents The origin of the fire is unknown While amending tho ram at the Woodbine in Toronto last week Mr Wells of ihc Queens felt tome per iod interring their band in bis pocket where his wallet was He lost no time in trying to secure he would be thief but failed The fellow very nearly succeeded in getting the money I ooo DO YOUR PART Of marvelous success of Blood Bitters lies In its specific curative power over every of body Liver Blood Bowels the Kidneys Skin tho Bladder in fact all parts of tho human system regulated purified and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine Thus it CURES all diseases affecting or other of system Dyspepsia Constipa tion Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Obstinate Humors Old Sores Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all Irregularities of the caused by Bad Blood or action of the Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant the assertion that is the BEST SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD I Nature will then do the rest Part of your part Is to secure the SEEDS SUBSCRIBE NOW i FOR THE- We have them in all varieties FLOWER SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS From the most Seed Growers alio Bulbs and Plants The Leading Drug Store ID lii GUILDERS HAIR FOR SALE- IS Goal FOR SALE II by everybody to be by long odds the BEST LOCAL PAPER IN THE COUNTY OP YORK Balance of FOR BALE X 1WO Wblle a ACS DAHITORU ItOOflK k CO WOTICRTO FARMERS will th awmiiniotr lti it Off Make Pure Blood fi do fcefoca frioal to IS Ii Ilia and mult which try ia tally irtsiw til yoot- Xifco low with every who jr Vox The annual picnic the G iuploiei wilt be year I Ihrtholomews eldest child un fortunately got hold of a bottle con taining carbolic acid on Tuesday and took some of the into her mouth burning the tongue Sometime between las and Tuesday some person stole all the cinntd friit out of cellar On Sunday last as of Allen 10 of were to and abet ibis side of it Ihe horse and fell throw ihc eldest son who out of he cart The ran away with the rail and the other son Clarence in it The wheel in contact with a threw Clarence out and he fell upon his head and shoulders injuring him sever The horse a corner felt tangled in the harness and was caught Clar ence is now somewhat recovered from his injuries The case of Owen for alleged perjury was resumed on Mon day before Justices Sander Dough erty and Quite a number of witnesses were examined for both prosecution and defence and some of the evidence given was In several particulars contrary to fact The magistrates decided that there was not sufficient evidence to show that Mr McQuillen did swear to truth when he stated on oath at tbt recent school investigation at trae that the Mr McLean drank a glass of Mansion House on March and honor ably discharged him The Old Time concert held on the under the auspices of the Public Library a good success The hall was crowded to its utmost capacity The was necessarily unique In particular and there was a fair repfeniaiion of old lime costume amounted to the noble sum of I6J As regards some the costumes of the ladies Jennie Stouffcr wore a canary muslin dress over years old and broach years old Miss Mary wore a dress years old Mr wore of boots old and a coat yean old and Mr- Jjcch had on a con worn by Musard of Mil It Out can of ihc leg- iment of York Militia at the liak eat are Still better OlM from are for all fccifei DRIVER Ma a now all Tor over trow fcitfl alviaja to A g Cash with order for Address G JACKSON Era Office Newmarket Ont 0 hit laAftdlo Tor ADA It it tor time- to trcjAMt IP ant- fJjniiuFAGYuniiiaioTDr OF NEWMARKET E E 1 vie QUiitg afluiAr SPECIAL COURSE til GREATLY RATES Doric ud Jul Kzpeii HARRISON BUSINESS South End Tannery BUTCHERS Tho Com puny IfOYSH FOR TWENTYFIVE YEARS AKIN BEST FRIEND LARGEST BALE III CAflADA TRY OUR Building Material AND SHOP JACKSON bar OF PASTURE It TO RENT tax 5 atJVcni- to I Ait Wo fiilCd a in car chin of Id All Colon Kef airing lUnilfn iih Now Tires ItctotticgU op or Yet to FOR SALE to v IO ARM FOR SALE- r Ikying into fto All We ire to any ii CANE SONS MFG Ltd JOB NEWMARKET Weil If IK Hill baton Also ii to let- Ave THIS IS A BARGAIN to SALE VlIwo r Ai nil lot AfpIlolfciBkaeco TO At Hit cut TO LOAN iS Webster from Cover to UJ fcLilLLi A Collie or 4Uc cantata or I xci ltt a DAVID LLOYD a tUftt WORK Li I 1 tSrfJXu save by your Wool and on the buying you at v A a acl to il i- Residence For Sale Corner nearly the House Skirt Bone Oil TO RENT OF MARKET UiUlltlt lUl Of ill flit tolb Iwj blVUtvllfxU Vatj iioll itIlJii with it IT For Hi vie a STYLE and SHAPE A It If tttili till iii Di to I Tin fiViil lt5 iKit Caleb ended this A 141L3 fill IU lit It Igfttu way EXEMPTION OK TAXES ViltrilOvtL to yAlilOUl I ON Stove and Furnace ivt jcr t 1 tf v tfjWtJ