rf- rf 4 ERA a New By A- to Lloyd Hoar foe Card of Clayton Coyne Farm for Sao Hamilton Rent Millard Agent WantedToronto tor for ISTS UV I AND BRIGHTER WITH SUCH Era Is Printed all at Home en aurrca Patrons East York met Jo el on lasted John Brown to Brown state that lb and office lb Inspector Offices la Lbs salting and room foe A xchwyr cert ud m Ii ui It ImpovM upon for randx3 ft too ibair- FRIDAY OCT Toronto Toxoxto A fayIiv si on trt by a on ot one rJ j- u oa a cat got u of Id a roojb Mid tomb fight Andrew big looking In caitody down with and boy Dun lo boyf mother to doctor bill At of ft redotion the for ft from the A win lit irly zooming ft ooa- Hill tbt Central for fln for ft It ftdmittea jail it moat fti- of rmUmy Sir baa written a Utter of oil that he cot only bat ftgaio the of of there In air to the effect that if la highly probable the of Lbe aboald to of Dr the chair wlU be flJJedby Sir Hector Toting baa been mere or in both en the etnxop and through the hot of the two teen way to tbeOQtt a In platform- baa adopted it and the elactlona recently held to that took operations It hi now thai new wall and deprlTed petty from the opportunity of bribing electors net to rote at aha Poet Office hat elicited the Information that the of the Domin ion hare no control latter which this lor mafia are forwarded like ly and if be a Id official In detect ft and col lect accordingly ere In Canada of and the sot keep track of the The Toronto Telegram appears to entertain the conviction that Patron representatives in Ontario House are not far removed from ordinary politicians of the partisan order where money is the incentive to any particular course of action It points out that each Patron member is sure to receive per annum if he is spared and the Legislature lives out its full term bound up in this Which the Patron will receive during the Kb of the Assembly without the worry and ex pense of another election a potent power so our seems to think which will control votes in the House likely to result in the overthrow of the Government and the conclusion is drawn that if the Patron element was strong enough to defeat the Administration without bringing on election Sir Oliver would be in more danger than he is now Possibly so but this view of the situation simply Patrons being governed by a very low stand of political morality or sense of duty Evidently Patron members are bound to have pretty hard lime of it they will be blamed if they do and theyll be Warned if they dont give the Government more or trouble and in either case old time politics will be made answer able for every vote which they may give- although claiming to be actuated by independence Ontario Bureau of re port far it alii which Indicate with certainty that oat farmers ere gradually attention from whaat growing to the of more profitable According lo report tbire was a decrease of acre the area of epilog wheat grown in Ontario aa com pared with elan a anu of In fall wheat and in that of barley- On the other band to as compared with the year there fto in ana of hay grown of In an tocreaaed average of while seres wars added to sua corn ana to to orchard and garden to Thais figures indicate that dairying and roll collars la taking the place of wheat end cropping of weak dew Dr of down to attend the toners of Dr pent of days to town ceiling on who riritlng at Port Pope- left for wbers will e few weaka with bar Mrs Dr BC of In a years to writee I have many pleasant of happy times In Utile town some years ego Chief Banger Lloyd and Recorder had the of Mrs Park with a dollar chelae but eTening being the on Ufa In one of the town Order The who to Bradford hut in a Hon on the home from and the next morning was brother of Mr Albert who attended High School bars tor Mr who spent fire weeks at home on of the of the late Joshes Davis accompanied by her Mrs fiogart of and of Pickering After remaining bar for stent a week all left for Pickering where Scott Intends a few with and P of Parker will thanks for an torlietfoa to attend their Wedding neat Wednesday bat distance compels to forgo of being present However we add our con gratulations end hope that many mors year may be added to their Urea They former of hire- Manners maiden name being paper Mum Walker Diamond and Johnaoo of Board of rerouted by the Board at its last meet ing Kindergarten on John St morning and for newly an hoar ware of the of Imparted They sway with the fact that to Stockiog lbs right has been and that with m sod Mil Brig- nail and Hist achool be Ml Qtecktog to am No 1 Table Near Entrance to Basement in North Store fa No 2 Table Near Entrance to Basement in South Store 3c Am No 3 Table In front of Cash in North Store No Table A m In front of Office South Store No Table Under Archway as you enter either Store Come and take a look if Money Saving is any object to you Roche Co and Main Street People wonder why we are always so busy The reason is plain simply this the people know we always do exactly what we say Never have we broken faith with the public we use no catchpenny methods to win trade Everything is done on the square and HONOR BRIGHT Is our motto in every transaction Our Goods are the Newest bought for cash in a hard times market This explains why we under sell other people and still pay one hundred cents on the dollar Bargains This Week IN DRESS GOODS GLOVES HOSIERY CURTAINS CARPETS BOOTS SHOES OVERCOATS BOYS SUITS MENS SUITS trieBBS MlKlloaoI Mr of la of in ll but of membwei tot mud ballot was to Mr mi nude and ilecL ilr into wnm tree early in to that ha It now aasy flUingrl ho the Ontario fchft In Honr He a mad a The la iTPfcrdid lbe daily at bo It no easy Eodtfatigsibre I voiker ftt Mr rod hi to an the floor of member for North flrrt Op- work tad la he betl for LastatMnrtby majority Ha J or wm foe by tha Liberal wovclioo on Ilium to faftva At J lie la hoped that will of removing and of of North in not a ficdlnoiioiUlouto ictntnhkl of a avllifcoc a Society is Doing I srssojoi Ihe of Ail of and the Han York llowmae She match will he haM on arm of William ezmens Corners Nor when villi be offered for Volition Asftooateotloaol la County was aJoneJ to defend the thai baa Mr Leas wbo wee as Domtnee to also Mr of Booth la the for Commons Oct of la week with ottoer to clffss of the cor pora lor we hasitllj eadoree At to hare the of or gosrdlaos for bat he gorcrameot will be to e poster So the to to fie la the matter A fioggtog more good of criminals offers many and to sad lbs writer Weeks has to both aorta of ilea Ilia of life la It la affected by ere by est I Lea from the of aa The Weeks on appear the to ceiled A The thoae of a writer mwcUmdI painter Mlia of Toronto Is Mrs Dr of with relatives la WlddlOild of Toronto Is fag fa town sad illu a till ing with Lsnrs Bell over Mia VaaCaajpleilon to la Toronto Hamilton and Barfln Ma of Toronto Saturday with bar Mr Of Mil Martin of Toronto ever Sunday with brother i- BJLn of with for a few last week Are firele end one aeoond at Bradford Fair She baa won fall who wee con to her bed weell lllneei a able to be Mr sod Mr Veughao warn at Mr Park At two or throe fait and her Friday for so spend ai month with bar slater Mr Cemmlsga Mr John of Fort wee on laat week Mrs much Im plored Mrs Speight and daughter of George- town week with bar Mr end Mr we competitor at lha Bradford Fair and had Saoceia She baa attended alx fair and woo Farnhaua JEw old com- plaint left him par tally paralysed Miss and Mr Fred Miller are dateKitee from to B Contention at week Mr A Btooffer I Umpteg around week after being up for nearly two with a sore of Mrs Thoe of Toronto fae been with Hi John Cook for the pest three or oar weeks ex to home tomorrow Mr A of who fcxt been for three month and la now bar slater J of town a QUEENS The Qaeensrilte Division Sons of Temperance intend celebrating anniversary of their on Thanksgiving Day and are miking for a grand concert The King Fall Show held here on Thursday and Friday of last week wit as usual a great success in The weather was delightful Rev Br and Rev William Bums were here on Sunday at the opening of the new Presby terian church At all three services it was necessary utilize old building for overflow meetings and then the was inadequate ZEPHYR On Tuesday of last week one of the largest crowds ever seen in the township of Scott visited our village and the Agricultural Hall The ex hibits in the hall were numerous and of good quality and lbe live stock far ahead of any exhibit ever nude here before The concert in evening under the auspices of the S of division was largely attended the receipts amounting to over BRADFORD By the aid of fine weather the Bradford Fair on Wednesday was the greatest success they have ever had About people were on the grounds The show of ladies work exceeded the Newmarket fair Three fancy stores In Toronto com- but considerable was expressed with the judging The horseracing and the fakirs appeared to take most People wen away with the idea that it was a splen did show chiefly because there wis a good deal of racket on the grounds A interesting convention of the Church of England Sunday School workers was held here on Tuesday last St Lukes Day- Clergy and laity from most of the parishes in the Rural Deanery of West York were there j though soma of them notably those from Holland Landing bad great difficult in teaching here The including some from Toronto were most hospitably received by Mr Sibbald and his oeople who are al ways to the front good At the Holy Communion service Rev Pro preached upon companionship la work basing what he said upon St Lukes faithful ad herence to St Paul Rev Canon being Rural Dean presid ed at the meeting and introduced one of the subjects Rev S Mack- lera of St Simons Church Toronto and Mr A M of the same place were also leader Consider able followed and inter esting points concerning Sunday Schools were brought forward If not settled The evening service ism Rev Mr Mackiem being the preacher and the excellent choir of the AUROiiAv Sunday morning the of family Aurora the of apoplectic As mm hi opinion was solicited far and not that hew and re- tiling As a citizen he waa by all and carer bad enemy He tarred la the of the town declined tosny to the head of body Hillary born on la Dublin Trinity College and High School began of rsedlctaa to with Sir of Dahlia came In 1B5S wae licensed by the of Upper Board la and Immediately began practice at Towaahip He GROCERY DEPART A GREAT SUCCESS I Everything Fresh and New Cheap and Good and prompt delivery for the smallest order Try us THE CO Corn remained there one yj snd removed to Spring Hill King Station and one year later removed to Aurora where he had enjoyed for last year a very tic In res toration of Trinity Medical College he was tojoLo took degree a from there Hillary wa a member a Con In and a number of the brotherhood He was married Carcass Several parties la neighborhood have had rooat completely the Bight by or who If ahould be made an that wonld put a atop to Tu Co icxcr Mr It has started on hie annual tour through collecting Great prepsr- are for the log Concert to held in the hlelhoeIit of Day talent la a choir of W volcea under the of Mr Pa boh and Mr 9 P and A of were Jilting here on Mr who la attending bnslaee Toronto home Dr of place on Thorsday tart to Miss Boas The happy took the train at Ox bridge was Ailed both morning and evening of on January to Annie daeghtar last Sunday Dewey In- church being supplimented by former- from the congroga- lingers represented abort list Tuesday The threshers of this township no doubt try to out do each other in both style and speed The machine operated by Win Smith threshed 3 bag of clover In hours at the barn Friend Morton Jr which beats all previous records We notice have not been as many come to this place from the fairs as in former years Our new storekeeper has got his store well filled and no doubt will do a good trade If he as good he long In there arc few bet- let Four of our have been notice 10 appear before Judge rmour this week give evidence lor the Plaintiff and Defendant In an action to recover Insurance on Ihe old hotel burnt here over a year ago Quite a number attended Queen fair from this vicinity Some person helped himself lo about lbs of nails and carried them off from the new hall here There Is considerable thieving going on around this What about the fel low that caught in a farmers pork barrel near Roachs Point and that caught wouldnt give away but let htm go that he might visit someone else Mr Chat leaves this week for Colorado secured a permanent ill The Brown Hill- Warehouse and Shipping Co seem lo have able trouble In colledlng their snares We dont tec why as it ft a good In vestment and Is now paying cent The new ball or School room will be opened on the nth and on the evening of the will finish with a hot supper commencing at oclock Mrs Dale of Uxbrfdge will be present and several other noted S School workers will bo event of a Let everybody come Tbe ladles of ibis vidnily are noted for their excellent cooking and we can guarantee a supper At the social on Thursday night of last week to finish up the fragments from the Home about wire realised Mr John went down to SiauflviHe on Thursday of last week to attend the burial of bis father Mr Peter went down with him she a sister of deceased We bear that a number of our sportsmen arc off for the regions In cjuest of deer and other game- Farmers are now busy getting up their roots there are some fine this season some of them he ins so large that a single one would make a good feed for a cow Turnips arc also excellent There are some very good potatoes but the generality are not large as could be wished for We on lire fur a time on back- wheat cakes Mr Wm Sephenson had bats full bushel and a half sowed share in the regret with the relatives in the death of Mrs Joseph of St north who was interred In the Cemetery here on Tuesday of last week Her younger days were spent in this vicinity with her parents they being a good num ber of years resident on the Lemon estate lot con Mr- A Yule of Aurora filled the pulpit in the Christian Church here last Sunday Visitors Mrs John Kendal of Toronto Junction at Mr and Mrs and child of Vaugban at Mn Sarab Lloyds Messrs Jar and Walter will have sale of farm stock etc shortly Saturday afternoon our foe- ball club paid a visit to Newmarket where they played a friendly match with the High School Club The game wblcb was quite lively at limes resulted In victory for lbe visitors by of two goals to one After the sport over the visiting club was invited to luncheon and a very enjoyable time resulted Kettleby team was as follows backs Art Clark halfbacks Fox Terry right wing Jno Precious Ait Hoi- left wing Ramsay j centre George Clark We would like to bear from Eighth Royals of Why do thev not accept the challenge that our club to them Keuleby Is very anxious to arrange a match with under any conditions for i6 years for the and retired lately bo by oa It Ha as Ontario Aaaoolatlon and repeatedly Masters chair In the Masonic Order and waa a member of the AOOW Hie now of Dr It Hillary had lately him la hi practice Harry now In Col Hit Martin Alberta Norman Traders Hank To ronto biles Nan none at Children Ottawa and who with hi widow bis departure The on era I on Tuesday waa the largest In town sines death of Joseph The piocetaloa by the York Hand followed by the AOOW and lodges and the lath and was halt a ratio long Dun In Trinity assisted by and Heethconl The pallbearer ware Dm Strange Hot and two interred with full Mr be fog ceremonies la dloenrs are nil of practical troth which fall lo aooompUah good to those who hear them The annual of I a to be held bars In December SHARON It is with feelings of the regret that we chronicle this week the sudden demise of Mrs A T which sad event occurred last Sunday morning- Deceased was a resident of Sharon ever since her marriage to Mr twenty years ago and by her cordial and obliging manner won for herself a large circle of friends Of a cheerful disposition she had a pleasant word for all and those who were most intimate with here can scarcely real ire that their warmhearted friend has been called away To husband and relatives we most sincere In our tenders of sympathy Mrs Ira Mrs Hill Toronto Mr and Mri D Miller and Mr and Mrs H of StouDville were among the many from a distance who attended the funeral obsequies on Monday Mrs Clougher who has been stay ing with her brother CoL since August left last week for Teaas where she purposes spending the winter Her many friends wish her a pleasant sojourn Maris Oct a3 Charles McLean ax stubbed Ms toe an Saturday and suffered able pain that night He took to bis bed and on Monday be K A Paul North Bay has assigned Liabilities fiyafiiaooij Cor ft Oat CANADAS QREATE8T pluDl In MiGgasilx to fircfc NOT The shed at the Church is finished and ii quite a credit to the place The member held a bee draw stone for Church foundation last week The recently organized of axe progressing favorably Mr John is noma from Dakota A couple of weddings art reported booked for the near future- Miss Sarah Piper of Albert and Miss of Roachs Ft have been visiting at Mis Greenwoods Next Sunday afternoon a mission ary sermon will be preached In the Methodist Church Paring are on the Mr Thos- Peters intends moving here soon haying retired from farm ing Yum Acta an alslou OF WIIaUAH la s doci4 who or ebon er ere Or be lass to of sail be la ore eSNte esa bad Bead by Wltpald I for lbe I Jul of IfanyheWbrtberat Ibst air of December isil s dUinbite lb J rani only of bid bat thr will cot be sM Dart to SB Of of ibar di fasts Dated of IXOVD for of a 0 GOOD MILCH COWS JOTICB All to the Co for pay asm to Mi older ihe pol tat filt iflfftll wfareltsrs sajaej ess pet ITA j of and bed gap ecqne Salt 1 Fetes Mr The reason Keswick has been so poorly In the columns of of late Is correspondent chief has gone to Michigan whither he baa taken wife and family to visit dear to them and as he has a couple of good men managing his farm lit may not be back before mow falls Rev Mr preaches excellent sermons and Is a popular preacher Mrs Atkinson Is Visiting Mi Mrs A Ewlng Inspector Woods Is busily engaged Dotting the forfiihnels and he finds too Mr Job Hughes f with his wife arc their daughter Mrs Alfred Morton The former has improved wonderfully in health which he attributes to his lo Keswick In the summer The last night of Suiton Fair Mr J Pollocks little girl got a fright and narrowly escaped a aerious Their fancy Mule horse Tommy got his bridle off corn- log through and Ethel bad presence mind enough lo run him into the fence just to time to gel out then he skipped off borne alone Mi and Mrs John have been on a to her sister at Essex Centre and every one of their many friends seemed glad to have them though ihey were gone onty a week Lottie Deacon has taken her departure for her home In the city Mr Seymour of visiting friends here last week Mr John of Newmarket and company spent Sunday at their cousins Dr Wesley our popular teacher Is Improving and expect to be back next week are preparing for The plan gave the refrain of the pro tain who Inst bis horse time ago but now If poor lit llo horse looked in ray on day People he terribly changed Bail one beak to stay The la the ait night pore than ordinary attract Its Tha Bible Society meeting Monday was poorly attended bat we hope under the new committees work w til rush Rosamond a doing extensive re wblab when complet ed will Improve the look and John Is an enterprising man tome mora to follow hie ax- ample ladles of the are making for their to surpass all efforts Salvation Army Is trying to Eta wandering few together are afraid they will have to shorn load The banting has already wandered are cow about Whether this la Indian What leyone opinion collets ana caff of oar should the new baa arrived On mora of ear men has Joined wbb la new life Who nam oUUtbtrsraoratofQUov nolloe l Andoreoa and who- vary HI again Our took Zephyr and the people they up to date buyers are beginning their rounds again One visited hare and la fine ones TJko A happy event took place of last week when Dr J village was la matrimony to Ellis eldest of Mr Donald Roes on the Forrest groom and Wee Mag Ross attended bride with llltlo and a Maids of Honor The happy are the honeymoon at odor too of from To made things flatarday night and art to bo hers men mads a at Fair Mr died on Tuesday small ran tlr It has tor another year at echocJ The Ira not nod a better nun Constable teener took two bey to Jail morning for SO days TO RENT Latalr real Plat over eJ by at Co or whole to salt party Mad do ok Soluble or to J0SXPUH1LUUID Mrs Hughes and daughter FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking A A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD On Wednesday Mr J had up twd of the Cana dian Electric Co before GJ Booth charged trees on hit property while for Ihe company Mr appear id for the and Mr for the defence The magis trate ordered tha defendants to pay damages end It la said that the town will have to pay Ihe as they gave the company the right to cut trees where necessary If so it will serve town right as the Council should have pre cautions to prevent the wanton mu tilation of trees The Wynnes com- TO LOAN by DAVID LLOYD tor Of sr Fire Com also tor ihe sr- Notice Creditors ttjl Ibo of dp J IOC Ihilrtiestaf at lhW flikV tribute tt flleds cor oUati mU t Telephone Gratia rVtLMOTTAtaroaffrUltoa Thuradey Oct el Prof A of aeon BauLSYAYsRSA are on Wfdaeelar flreUt lo of both lues Anil or iheUeibcdlK ParsoDsge BoltooeaiholtilfJi A- r- to Uabt sir Y07k WiHNirto Oct a The Northern Elevator Company grain elevator at Portage la Prairie was burned on Saturday with bushels of wheat Lou at STOVE Kki plaint of fishlne in Lake Sim Tk It lays no Inspect ueui4apbriaaMniiiKoTfiattF or for this laVe and con the law is constantly violated by partial not only netting but dynamite and the beach on some of the islands at one lime this tummsr was literally covered with dead fish Nets are freely used and unless a stop is put to It the lake will shortly be stripped of fish that are anything What la needed on thcie waters are fishery In a sufficient salary to insure performance of Iho duties devolving on them The adds The Advance has not heard of the appoint ment of constable Clarke of to the Of Lake Sitjicoe nor has It heard of bis appointing as deputyInspectors Messrs Barker and H of TIRED EYES May find great relief with Spectacles or may not Its all Id the tilting We have all lateit and fit on Principle OF nsderstanaa to to tbitr ibe Joenaa I iMvla wall at re A FOR SALE I for UK ft toMriv Vbo At MO U Wilt ure aNortb Iht WD- tttollasV Aft At lei of woe rf JoHpb lreuie g j- ar Alt orders rsoeive attention W OR SALE CHEAP- term at let No iheSrd Coo llmbury terra ar two tweoiTeersebirdwood limber of goods afjarr to Id OR SALE faratta tbe sores Alto A or Apply or to HOME at to Toronto Came anon let a area waits Owner mar ft old ted re tbe w w pa Graduate of Optical Institute Tatting You only pay for the If Required JXTKNBIYK Credit hale FURNITURE ETC et Mi wtc- et SATURDAY OCXs l Plash Parlor VUrksaK4enstoa table Tables li Wire- Mat ooBd of Arm Cist a Boston Rooke WaxoosaedTTterolJ AUoftbeiataovsfi eUdBottoCQ qi new firroM t ilb Mount 01 etock bo Ccab I j MMtOfftMCeuij not i rill ni At J r