Newmarket Era, 5 Oct 1894, page 3

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Mi IK ABOUT Real Estate SAtxsTbe Hog- ihdir in ilr fan living In par- tad Mr Lloyd t a lump lam- Harvest Suffer The Allot ibo Church kct making to ft on Friday craning of October Sapper will consist hoi chicken cold and and other Committed opinion of Crown Foster jo iUnd trial At lb court of competent joritction in Toronto the of bat bail taken for bii in brother SIM Bags The ttXtU in Allots and effort Big ajrftgcod filled with rot- fcrd their bo audit is to bo trill fiooi Excursion Rates People at a ana afforded the Pair at market frcd visit old by rate which ft Co lnfiday will be at a and on- from all Toronto and IncIailTt and at fare pood to return on A big crowd of ax peeled Ready A committee Director the the tablet in Floral Ball and filing pooodi up all this will be in readme lor axbibxtota morning for pcc tbd in will unpin fceo made for of tanning a round toth diji of the fair go there is in ion for girls and A Hoax Chief Sapage reports that the of young at Pino is cor than a hood of the bo Mr Bolt A to and bid of the two men and them In lb of Mr to ozmoIo When found that Iho in wen engaged mil May Chlel that medicine for tba boy would bo to biro a good extract of about seat of Modcl School The in Ill obtained mora than per cent of daring In order of merit III Cor Harold and Pren tice Stella Chanties Minnie Frank Taylor Clara and Anna May Willi WQHoParlini Neither Chantler Ruby Frank Vernon Lindsay Alex Jeuta Home The mot Monday and ihe accounts which to The new iron roof and the quarterly the run high this The approach of weather number of In- having arrival last week total number at present la were two death a man Barker troubled a diseased hip and a- man named Arm strong who declined oo account root op at Homo molt Mr Kay brought In a morning that and he to ceo beat it It a feet three nnd a half measuring email and ft in Factory Shutings and Allliton rako Of nail The exery at office to tbia Crupck The rmt- Heeling lll lbIctux Room ml foe lord Homing la an to o01iBecrtioHpplDMt oeoinLlfi a Look Oirr on bOntioBnk barm flcUd Toronto with A front On a it lb Toronto words Wi Comfnjf the hpo tbi cot to bills ten to by refin ing counterfeits MUSICAL The first rotIog of the School Society held in Room of the High school Mr in the After the of the following w gif en month soleclion by Mr by Mr- try Mr nd Mr chores reading by Mr by Mr McDonslJ The then his and lbs meeting with his troaps attract a big crowd on Main Monday srsn- iog ftjitt afterwards drew a fair to Hall who with of oos comet playing ato is for a tea and on day the Fair Oct Mor ris and McMillan ar expected They y are two of the beat In the ranks of the 8 A being banjo solo and per formers on other How is to a In with the Fair of a number of His Honor the It will afford an opportunity for our to show the kind of stuff they are of trust that like mock will prevent to a and right ratal welcome Lei every store and every plane bo becomingly decorated and let show to the world know how to welcome those occupying high places deserving of If yon have not got a get one and it to the braM it a holiday If You Have or furnace pipes to clean and pot op It will be done promptly and properly if order is left with A LACROSSE On Saturday up wards of people witnessed what proved to be probably the of aver seen In the contestants being the well knowp Toronto and the Both teams had made splendid records the season the being beaten only by Brampton in the Central home was much weakened by of Murphy who hurt his leg In the football match and was unable to play teams lined as follows Irwin Bakes Wick Billon Boyd Lyon Graham Baker Jeryron Brent Brougbtoo Manning Doyle Doyle Lyons J Doyle Montgomery Can Factory The busy lately getting a car or machinery off to Midland where Mr J Cane It constrao- of n wharf for firm The ma In loading timber which will be sent to Midline In rails from their reserve and shipped to the mill here In logs It will then U converted Into pail slaves to supply the constantly Increasing demand for that the Factory There is also a ran on washhoards jail now dozen were sent oat last month and they expect to torn dozen this month Mr Jr got his thumb badly Jstotoed In a machine lut andhaenotbeon able to work since The Factory was lit by electricity on Wednesday evening first time this It looks pretty At a when the lights are all on Ask For Diamond Pipe Viirnijh And have no other best For ale by A Minns w Thp Fair These agricul tural fairs do a great deal good In community They beget a little pArdoo- strIfAn Mr dstenlnlng he shell grow as good If hot better than bis neighbor and bis shell have soma extra grooming that they may a slick appear and good boose wife will keep up the of th family for hatter pretence and or It may bo delicate tooch of the artists All this stirs up ambition and keeps a community from going to sleep In arms of People who satlsln by bringing forward large ex are to be highly commended end their wilt be written upon the annals of our country among am billons for the countrys good are the ones who prove what Canada can produce Slid we that the County Fair In Newmarket next Tuesday and who are expected hero old North York a hold It own In quantity ard3iltfc Oiilarlo- a real live show Dont ex- poet to red on thing Muy a Is IM you tan boat that and Ill W If It is a worthy stow It for sake of your or prise- ij NEWHMElt OCT a hS Icrossx The Jnniors to mood Hill on Saturday And lost by three to there souii ptettt kids against them and under coinitancita did not consider were very badly Fixer FoonoOnc of fist ha the ptcnlo at Wo So Walter Gain son of the who oapinied the flrsl to the yard foot of sating Kara of and from the coast A I Bright men to In fact the standing of a house is judged by the of the printed sends oat If printing Is neatly at that about your in with it printing And good paper pay We it to supply both Hard Time ETerybodj- fctli in the dollar far In power We wink oar lhlf tod Iho offer IS thx la for 169i tod yon get frw who Annoy fcoixowiiig Km Ihelr Launch the the whan tho flullanl to Ihrfr Oto lbs of to drill way on of go your aUiobqr loy and right tor a dftTy of 1If nd nil Wy down coon of and MoiiQbUJ mm- vjiS witching yon fxa in Sevail en- from ij to MS flail gmta of the of of and to cum In Brampton to a guiJiLgta for la all gtuQ will Oct In no9 to a in Iowa Clerk MTinU hoax preparing a of the of Up let the on lut bat it before the Council not did fira looking it reaura our which now to be well as Bdioolft Factory packs and Qnn Bait way- No than lawns baths and waterclosets froxotbe sboysls sbcml per annum Then are the witter csq be on at an boors Oca Point Point Defence Defence 3rd Centra 3rd Home 1st Home Inside Cain Captain The from start to finish was very fast and combination play by the homo was excellent ny play indulged In tho boy claim to be tbe most gentlemanly lot of have met Mr of the capacity ot referee to tbe satisfaction of all The visitors won loss and decided to defend the wcitern goal From the drawoil tho ball went to the home which made a attack on the vUHors flags and Irwin was called to stop several hot ball travelled down field end lot a time play was pretty hot around tbe flag twas long before the robber centre and made a splendid tbe ball going and the again went to do fence alter some good hard play in doing the trick in 9 minutes The next game was the longest the day New market re got down to and Shape did some excellent work play was mostly In and on Irwin Baker and Donglan were kept very buy and after 33 Cain pasted the bailto who game was lbs the day The play on both sides excellent and both teams worked bard to get ahead the bell lor pert kept on visitors and the home was together Montgomery Ifngeheid and Cain got In fait team play behind the flags and patted on to who shot tall game was not allowed however at the referees whittle bad for a face- off fa about two after how ever Montgomiry the tall ran around tbe flags and petted to who It through Time next game lulled and was much slower others- The borne several good chances to score and neither aide seemed to be working bard How over at pat it through This made tbe game again a tie and bath teams went In to win would stopped anything bat fun scon over ball near centre made ft pretty and after getting within few feel flags sent the tall tbroagb Tims min There yet remained about three to play but neither tide awing end the game ended to In favor of Talagooe makes the match played by tbe Talagoot with only one loss For the and on home sad end on defence psrIcoUrly well Jlrougbton cot In Manning played splendid game and on mors one or 8 of ehlrU the ball tho every time great work In Add while Cully played- herd from start to flnltb and tbefattcetran on the field Have A very complete stock of coal heaters and parlor all tlto latest styles Would like to have you call whether Harvest Harvest St Pauls Church on day of last week had a very happy ter mination The dinner nerved the school all that could be the ladles waiting opon tables were exceedingly attentive When time for arrived the church waa well filled by a splendid orchestra of five or six added vigor to the devo tion which were conducted by Canon by Canon of and Rev Mr of Canon of St James Cathedral Toronto an excellent and one It was For nearly boor a flow eloqnenoo and reaon from hit lips was llitenod to with nndlvlded attention The text were tboee familiar words In earth remains seed barrest shall not proceeded to the pro viiion bad made for all Ills and it impcitiblo to en- gtge in these servKet of thanks giving wltbont being exercised by on- broken covensnt through all the ages and exhibitions of Gods grace He that those engaged la tilling ground sowing and reaping the wc go to press a cue lfcra In Mr Andrews witticat uia Day intima- Mod has been made will be Day by Ottawa author Hew Wat son continues the his premises at End- He letting ftp a good this New on fau appointed License Inpeoor foe North Tow in to and John Tales for the earns Riding in succession to bare no doubt but that the appointment of Mr Hughe will meet with genera cot only well qualified for position but a advocate and baa done much campaign work But who la John St CBORCHNext Sunciiy will boa day among Ibis vicinity Iter Father arranging for a His Grace Walsh who as by Vicar of Toronto is among thoso ax- will ho seated- Vespers oclock the Arch bishop will preach The is prepar ing for These geatltimen are widely known and highly amodaoddodoahtthe church will be filled on both The for shore will be from the following Tom Brow pic tures of Memory The Barefoot Boy Vision of flrtt and second tng On BlinineM The Village Flow Street The Bell Clare of Landing of the Pilgrims Al ter Death Arabia Robert Garni Bide to Canada and the United Morality and from King John The selections for memorisation art from the following Fourth Header l Bells of abandon pp To filary la Steven pp 97 pp lag- Clare pp Lead Kind ly Before Sedan pp Three pp For- taken Merman pp 9 To a Sky lark pp 820 Elegy In a Country pp merchants arc going to capture the in prizes for dis play of goods at the Fair week What fanner is going to take that prise lor the most artistically arranged display ol grains and grasses in the at coming North York Whoso span of dranght horses is going to draw that scuffler Bo sum and take in the Concert next night promises soma fan with his mechanical figures Hare seen the Fire Hall this week a neat job with paint pots and brushes Mr Grooms to more into bis new house noil week Ills a neat reildence and an to the street took views of week and Methodist week fellows got a laugh on tbe Chief on Toesday A wheel came his rig at Mala street Tb Odd have arranged with Mr Ramsay for a new entertainment here on Inst The have engaged Mr Fax for a concert St Pauls church people the Methodist choir committoe are talking about Mr J Green getting on a new roof For information of School pupils and Jupiter are morning stars this month Several Newmarket men for lumber camp on Monday King and North crowded till week Cueese Board Official repoit of meeting Newmarket Choese Board on of Sept In the the President Mr occupied chair and called the Board to order at 11ft m- only buyer being Mr Barton J cable am Factories Board as followi thoutimat October make No Sept A Oct Be Valley Albert ft ISO Button pi were Mahtlei All new Job Lot lust ud t prcei a f In at w noblest examples of It was cot intended that man be an idler for Adam placed in of to drees it and so no matter how be pro- leases to help feeling an menu responsibility and account fa the were then referred to to the sow- log germinating and to tbs sweating process whereby men seek look down things with contempt when He gives with such and abandanoe to nngratefol creatures the people who have Lord as their said and all nations be proud of their land and Htm Notwithstanding tbe evil anticipations and the cry of bard times there is an abundant We should be a patriotic and religious people By the aid of great of and tba ports the world are open to rocelve our produce while railroad in the overcom ing almost in turn can table engineering the from to Pacific- Compared with other ends we hare abundant reason to be and lie considered that ibe wordahard times was a conrenlent answer to get rid of an obliga tion Or responsibility He compared the stringency of south and alw Australia their financial crisis when bank after bank failed while only one bank Id Canada went down and our national credit remains firstcltis He also to the Oriental War regretting that people with an antique history on the first evidence of civilisation seek to learn the diabolical glory war But It was with a large of faction we were learning to settle our national troubles In a Just equitable the broad principle of glory to Odd and peace on the earth congregation on the beautiful chorcb ixliflte greetings delightful music and weather and a liberal offering to assist In front debt offertory then taken amounted to over While this was going on the rendered a lengthy beauti ful also a couple at the close of the Tho net of the Festival over ft70 CiuldreksWoqlHais Hoods end Jackets in at Total Mr Barton offered for the Board No salts salesmen holding for to Ho On motion factories were al lowed to sell off Board There was considerable over the nest meeting place many contending that would be the most An effort will be made at the first meeting in May to take Board to that place A thanks was tendered Secre tary Mr On motion of Mr Myers Albert seconded by Mr Wood of the Board ad to meet at Newmarket on the third Thursday In May nest at noon Millinery Now at C Petty Thieving On Saturday last Went of into town on leav ing bis horse and rig at the Forsyth Hotel When he went for his rig about bis buggy cushion was though diligent search was made about the abed with lanterns there was no trace of It A team and wagoostandlng In the shed had been taken out just a few minutes before Mo started for borne bat when be got to St a was in hearing and on enquiring from persons street ft was found the driver was going sooth at a speed Mo became suspicious and followed overtaking him in Aurora be had In front of a butch er shop The first took In the wagon the missing cushion lying in the front of the box A warrant Immediately sworn out for the arrest of a young farmer living two miles sooth Aurora Ills own ball of was accepted a pm Tuesday when he appeared before bat as no one aaw him take the cushion and be swore that bo bad never seen it Mo lifted It in his Wagon be was dismissed tho J P slating that though tbo was not strong enough to commit biro yet It was almost impossible for a raw to drive under trio lights In and Aurora without seeing It lie warned him If over he came before him again he would commit After the court was over Mr highly com- pllmcoUd Mr for prompt manner la which ho sun down the ens- party recovering bis property A lantern was missing the night from Hotel and as there was also one In wagon arrived It Is Its whereabouts is now known- mm i fleto AT THE Embracing full lines in the Latest Styles of Dress Goods Trimmings Mantle Cloths Gloves Flannels Corsets Hosiery Flannelettes Wool Underwear Suitings Trouserings and Overcoatings Made to Order by Tailors a Fit Comfort and Stylo Guaranteed Fine Shirts made to Order by an Experienced Clothing we are simply Slaughtering For every Department we are buying from Manufacturers Direct and Importing as well taking advantage of every avenue of trade that leads to cheaper purchasing faoilUies and better value io our customers early Examination solicited UNDRESSED Dozen KID You will save the price of a Hat and a r of Shoes by ordering your Winter Suit or Overcoat from us We the Newest and Choicest Stock in Town to from- OUR PRICES ARE THE And every Garment Guaranteed to be well made well trimmed and a firstclass fit Call and examine our goods Clothing We have the Finest Goods in this line in New market and our Prices will be found to be to 20 per cent Cheaper than any in the Trade MONTGOMERY BRODI MCCORMICK No Main Street WORTH at This week ire invite you to call ami the we offer you before selecting your FALL SUIT OR OVERCOAT It is for our mutual benefit bat we advise you to go slow Do he by the Advertise me tits of Vendors of PrisonMad Ready -to- Wear Clothing but take a look at our prices and remember that guarantee of Durability and Workmanship goes with each garment All Wool Pants to order up Suits ii Overcoats 10 These prices were never heard of before in the Tailoring trade the Selection we have to offer you is not surpassed in the County of York MCCORMICK RUNTONS Planters Old Stand STORE OPEN UNTIL oclock S BAKERY will offer for the next tea days the following goods at Packages Soap Powder or regular price Bars laundry Soap for do Ammonia Soap for do Cans Sardines for do Newmans Baking Powder for sc can do 10c Give a call when you want Sugars We are showing extra good value Our Sensation Blend Coffee still leads They bound to find it out that English Breakfast Blended Black Tea We have a choice lot of Long Clear Bacon A Quantity of Crapes for Saturday which wo will sell Cheap Alio a Quantity Peaches for the benefit of those who were too late in buying Give us a call A ROBERTSON Main St The Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner T Mr the Mon- who hers Worses from to and shipped them More Room The dark driving lbs on the and Iho STflUio is Chbesb Factory a the Patrons of Tuesday was to In iht till 1st of Nov returns so fair yaar ssry satisfactory A Success The entertainment provided In the Town Hall by on evening Waa a high order and a good falsi delineation of Mr being cxocptloDally good Mils has Im proved and was and ancorcd alto at did splendid ready far Fair Big Urns Id next bo this Everybody show something Heme tuber lbs Tuts for ICe Bradford Fair Oct and CHINA OUR 3 HALL AUG Boots AND Shoes Our Toronto Market Oct I baths w or per battel per tOf per Wool ID lit f per per per pair i Oil ou IS on a a a a aid soa a a a It a a a a n JBWALLACE Merchant Tailor Opposite Pipher Hotel Main St South I Newmarket Special clearing of ail Suaaraer lines in Tarn Oxfords etc Mens Womens and Childrens Prices away down All clean No FOR THE Preserving Season Sugar and Jars Any quanti ty and prices as low lowest COMPLETE a of Tweeds Worsteds Chevi and suitable for Fall and Winn wear and we invite the inspection of all intending purch era Take a look through your wardrobe and sec what requite in this line We also insert a Patent Safety Pocket free of charge Prices are lower than the lowest quality and m considered McUOUGALL Tailors B IG r Clearing Sale per tea tor Wool lb An lUy loo Oct I a 4 imtl I t a I 0 U If on 10 0 CO on on a a a IS a IS to a a a DINNER SETS Just inked a special line of Dinner Seis For quality and price they cant be beat Always bear in mind In our Grocery Department fa You can always depend on getting the best quality at reasonable prices Do you use our Japan Tea for or our Excelsior If you do you get the best val ue for your money in town The LEADING GROCERY Reliable Goods Prompt Delivery RA SMITH Cor Main Timothy A GREAT SLAUGHTER Sign Red Boot ripsjn goods sold here sewed free E YE S ARE TOO VALUABLE To be trifled with Some things you can replace but not the eye there fore use them aright We have all the Latest Appliances and fit on Scientific Principles j DR S SCOTT Graduate of Optical Institute For testing eyesight we make charge You pay If yon

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