Newmarket Era, 10 Aug 1894, page 3

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AUG 101894 Tig to OX IN A ABOUT TOWN Christuh Church Mrs Jennie Chicago will In Church l morning nod Bike Riders About two down member put Ihroujh on till on Ihtit way to and ether rammer on New Wheat Dianes mill got a of new in from Mr north well It weight and lh A Case reached Township of King of a of lie committed on a Ctrl J- art omitted for the New Appointment Last Satur- day official the an- that Mr J of RiDgWoAl bad Bailiff of and Third Conrts of York to Jam Stewart Are You Bothered Stray mala ara along ways at this of tod any is to the in open bfa tut in to paid for iraui6dislay taking in for owner North Yore Election The ex- the recent election for the fetor io ibis Biding to J J for lha foil amount and deputies may took for cheques within days The Best Sicx Merchants if over an adrsrlitar sign to basiceas to An in it many over many miles Yon carry anybody to sign bot the can carry to The Way they Work It The Frit of 1st cat of lbs hag last week going to bay Tillage In the Satur day qui in order to males a big show at market it anaoocices a certain date wbtna photograph of it wilt taken attdaiksforif a tarn Market if fill amy Saturday In Umbo For using iacgoaga au com doctor lands in the lock last Saturday In soli- ha was 1st oat on prom ising lure town of an hour This tramp was a yean It is that cot a thrashing ml not long ago It is to that ha will gift a wide birth in tutors Postponed Owing to the Fire men races ware till this Friday CM pm A good program been arranged for inclading fool and races A nd Dick for mi to start d and Shape for a and mils dash among tbs the C and mile handicaps Ncwinsrkct Orange a his Iba Ih having word that lbs Junction to here that day A Good Act Mr N J has made an by ex tending oloaa to Ing in front of his cabins shop basil that ha alio making other shortly Arm Brokeh Last Saturday while playing with some other children Roy aboat years age fell off a barrel and dislocated elbow well as broke the bona the wrist of the same arm It is doing Methodist Church- The dec- Hon of church to the Board will at the does of the prayer meeting on Thursday of weak A large of the Is An Atterxook of Sport The promise an afternoon of much on of the Ontario are to compete for the Mloabto prizes a note of date aod miss it a The Crops According to all the in North York are more than an aTarage better than ij well Wheat and barley were In good condition Peas are light light in plaoee gensrally speaking a good top Boon are looking well A Lesson Banana are mean things on the bat when by of got a last Friday night which ha will probably remember Squire May of Pint Orchard being In front of store the and took him to Chief strongly reprimand him and off this A Beauty Monday evening coon than fifty people called at Bowery to admire a MightBlooming which two flowam In all lorelinesa of form and aroma The following evening same plant harm three man of the handsome flowers aid a sixth was expected to that a magnlfloent flower which So long to droop with the first Asking The the telephone in town made sidenble the were in pretty good again While a pole was being changed in front of Mr store cams op and the empty hole was filled with water On the curbing being water soaked Into We store and the Company Is billed with damages What tha mains to be seen Entertainment The Jutjtor League of the Methodist the sooceu of their Eotertatomsnt in lecture Boom tut The President I the Mr Belfry the chair and the program of eioging recitations dialognee and In thetotUr by tha family Ben Mr address was alio appre ciated and the refreshments enjoyed Proceeds to Mechanics Institute There wsa a good attendance at the Directors evening and a on the work for the fall and winter whin it learned torn the report that ih fall grant be this the of the were byanjfaHtectaUbns It is probable that an attempt will made to ran Jog coming winter A Fair The North held ant October A mealing of the is batted for ett Friday when tried list will be an a copy forward to mitnbr Persons desirous of becoming members ardeiKa1lythotf who par- pose to ing present month which may be any member of the Board of Directors tia ChaiLnody Fred Trent ATDoeti AJXtogti Gibboni J Phillips a Trent J Woodcock Samsrrille or Jackson Now Is the time for Directors to be active CouNTvCouwcit A special meet fag of tbo York Council to Toronto next Tuesday for election of a Warden owing to the vacancy occasioned by the and of Warden Stephen son It that Reeve of East of Whitchurch are- for the Office It la safe that this election will cost about and the It a meeting stry Hit was Mr- for the lots not then those councillors who said yes to the clerks common I cation are or this Increase to the peoples for their advantage J differ on the it no wonder rate pay ers also differ York Council met Hall Ft 3rd There a Urge of delegates proieot and th reports from all were very Indeed York baa very materially daring the last and we believe that today have warmer In the hearts people of the Ontario than aver before prohibition work was done passed strongly condemning the action the Dominion Government in what fa com monly the Treaty whereby wince are admitted Into Canada at a very tower rate of dot Altogether the meeting a very profitable one The wit District MAI- will bo held in Aurora nest October Special Valui In all tines of Boots A Passed a flower growing in and then drooping in of Mitt Warner only daughter of Mr John Warn er one of oldest May as she was familiarly called thrown 1st of knee end from that to her death at oclock Hit Wednesday morning a constant ruffs At times the Everything that loving hands and the earn of a mother coald was dons for bar relief even to the ampliation of eased limb all to no ayall except the prolongation of fasr life The bereaved have of the whole town la their affliction and what Is their loss Is Mays gain The funeral takes at 3 oclock this ternoon the reaidanoe on Niagara St Follow ing fa a list of the candidates in this Immediate neighborhood at the reocnt Junior Leaving and Matriculation laminations Ira Edgar James Madge passed In Latin and German Art Oliver Leaving Ida Rate J Warren Matriculation J Donning in French A Webster Latin and the High Schools In the passed three In Junior tearing three fn Senior Leaving and two la Ma Richmond BUI three In Leaving passed in Junior Leaving Toronto Junction two In Junior Leaving and two Ma- By this cast New market School stands third in this and firat in the county for Primary Ax You OH The Voters for Is for who Is entitled its that pro- as this lift will probably be hails the one to be at the lo the Hit voters of which liable to serve on jury fit Ward has 9 voters St An- drawls and an entitle Elections and at elections for of the Legislative Down Weeds- In through the one cannot bat be attack with ths fact that soma of oar farmer do not pay to the requirement of law dealing with weeds thistles etc this it is an evldenoecf had farming to allow fields to ran to weeds any kind and often a of to those farmers adjoining who may be trying to keep of peats Also the In Irani of a oertaln every Is disgrace to in which it is located In Boots and Shoes at w a i merket last Saturday of batter went from to IBs and from to Appose more bat were soon pick Op prices ruled from per peck to par bag for windfalls nice eating front 5o market basket- Potatoes from IS to per peak Green peas shelled at 10a per per peck and green encumbers per Lamb from to lo par lb There was a of fruit raspberries per lb berries per or 0a per pall black per lb and thimble berries So par lb B The annual Bicycle will take on the exhibition Park on Wednesday the at three oclock close on the program oomprUee One mile novice open a Half mile mile handicap- One tape open Two fimlo open One mile North of Toronto Three mile handicap open Team race miles North of Toronto The Newmarket Club has had great in forme and we expect to see a big here a week from Wed nesday hi fast growing In popularity and there its a great many mora aspirants tor than formerly Wc clip the follow ing from the Wilson last week be- it hat a application newspaper nun will sit up to write something kind a fellow to help alonjr when he may have no for or Inter- t in him and will pay eat food money to pni his words Into print after have bean written yet the persons who eta benefited seldom think of making a attributing notice to their personal Tern chances to one tksy will oat of town for their Job of work or will to an jab shop the hnpreeslea of making a saving or they will It to effect had debt Bat a newspaper man keeps right along and saying food things everybody apsndlng Wore tins to aeeertstn the of what Mr John Jonsahas than would repaired to writ an The Cheer Echini met yirday lixes were and sold to Warrington of Belleville at The to Aoimt at On aiier noon North End Hope on the of East and played a match resulting In to for the Team Neat is In Aj fto nlora to u Uu who from Iowa ftll orr taction Mr John or of At A con of to Jckfoot Point A All member Minnie of wars paid Jan Co J- Smith Co fi9 Mfg Co James J Smith Mo A Co Mia Fay No A co mm aid cation from County Clerk for lew Home that to Com A coram lion from lot drat lion LioeoiS Food thai the with be r- ceired Resolved that atat- from Jan Ill to lit to Com coatmanJoatioD from A in Fin Brigada laid over till nasi Council masting A commonioation tea from it of Health at Cbfctham on of Aoxnat That of Mr Jonei re on to A Com that the of to ByLaw Com by by ilk the ByLw Instruct to a ByLaw it maeting of to ap point a member of Board of of Mr Cody to from Light dsPotrar Co nod were In aocordnnoa with form nbmittad to Cooncil than into Com follows that thalr Com baring of that for lha being not yet bo referred to the Finance Com to report at the meet- log of It moved and carried that Cane be paid the nm of twenty of cutting weeds streets On motion Council adjourned AT THE j T2ST Do You Know i That we are holding Big Clearin OF Boots hoe Boys Tweed Suits worth 3 for 150 Boys Tweed Suits fine all wool worth 4 50 for 2 Mens Tweed Suits fine all wool worth 6 00 Mens Fine Steel Grey Worsted Summer Overcoats worth Boys Black Ribbed Knickerbocker Stockings 10c a pair regular prices An all round reduction on Boots and Shoes All single width Dress Goods reduced per cent selling from 5c up at worth Tweeds at worth Fine Towels at worth each Wo want the apace cleared lor our New Fall Stock and hold oat theas genuine to purchaser At prices that cannot be touched by any house in the trade We want to reduce our stock and are our BOOTS and SHOES at Greatly Reduced Prices All kinds of repairing MONTGOMERY BRODI all TERMS STRICTLY CASH a AeOUCDi IT IS WELL RUNTON HOT WEATHER GOODS New Arrivals OF SILK GLOVES- CREAM TAN BLACK KNOWN That we carry the Best Stock of from up up Cheaper than Readymade TWEEDS WORSTEDS TROUSERINGS SPRING OVERCOATING LININGS a Him 1 Sudden Od Wednesday afternoon of Mr 7 from Hi by the wording Jwrinjt fait fiOQ Mr Mtlloj who Ltd moved Mr Mftlloy at to and Into It a operator bad add word ifilloj ah old law day Mai- loy took lick with and It Is that antdbfa and tad of hit dtatb oa wtra broogh btra tit day and by tha t yailitf day afUreooD Mr probably bill known man In North York taut Bailiff for yaart andhaa chatted to Board of Gomtalutoaani and tba Id connection with wtra In manner It not or a person In then to act without giving and doubt a can found that will mora and girt all around Swiss all over Embroideries a AT WORTH 7c Flannelettes 5 WORTH CENTS Victory The initial match in trip through centra On tario by Jacroaia Club at on aalnit local regal folk Although J by iU two crack and It Manning together with in Murphy and playiti team won day by toil to aorad by The nail day at and I to a One a ra than lo wblcb taken firtt fear win and Lames Summer Shoes Clearing out at coat at Montgomery A Cricket was a close andaxcUiogoaaioDingt cricket Exhibition Lai I Bradford and A good cumber of that fine old unfortunately been allowed to die a death and T made a with SI and SB rani for home teem Clarke and for Bradford mak ing it good at wtckete for Garret bowlerdid good taking or root while McCormlck and took tor and for following the score fintbcitandbTytler It V Hodge J Sr not out b I I a in it i Ountl a I b tot bo K Hoe A Stool not out Itiuo taken by To 111 Excursion The n- o the Fir od to wu will at- and man rupKti must tor train party Toronto In lima to mag atauner for aail aoroaa Ontario mi a clot proximity to axcanlonlita Iriniftrrad from to Electrio and ware rapidly coaTaod root la certainly and In raany batter view of the Niagara rapid whirlpool and the than fa afforded by the railway from caaa along location whirlpool from BroekaMona- oa a grand one and wall to that bit- locality for waary climb Speak lag of let It woald be no detriment lo of GoTernmenlor and pride oar people the masonry to repaired and lb toppolated who villi thai blilorical plac are mi anything like arldenc of waotolpnbllo not In harmony oar national feeling many who gave to Oar party day In notable Eh Ureal on it the Island to and re turned to time to Ontario by the fire oclock boat Toronto at abort before Many war tired It la tree bat all expressed satisfaction with The Newmarket band accompanied the excursion on the boat and also during the noon- boor la Niagara Falls Park to ottbeoo- by appropriate On we met oar old friend Mr Ed who formerly bire alio Mr Bush fires are raging in south western Manitoba The OddFellows Grand Lodge is in session at Kingston this week EjPVTb6 Church at Rich mond has a grand Monday- Miss Minnie and Mr Tyson went canoeing in rant bid on Tuesday and were drowned There was a wild panic on the Board of Trade in Chicago corn and wheat being la The Village of Harrow twenty miles from Grimtby was al most wiped out by fire on Saturday by defeating the Lon don Alerts Monday has virtually won the Canadian championship The postoffice and Bell store at were robbed of over on Sunday night No clue Grealis was killed at the salt works near Clinton on Monday night a soldier under Gen Sir Henry Have- lock The Scott Act which re- adopted at Charlotteown P E a few weeks ago went into force again on the ult The entire is now under the Scott Act Montreal Aug A special from Si Johns Nfld says R Green member for has been selected to lead the Opposition or the old patty in the Legislature KL Manitoba is all right judging from the vital for the past six months Its record is marriages and births The cradles are showing up better In the matter of immigration to the West than the railways Albert Syphex for more than a year past with Mr Pitts of the House Markhatn has leased the hotel at former ly kept by Mr McQuillen has been granted by the and took possession last week The damage done to the boil er of the steamer is more ser ious than at first supposed It was thought the seam could be easily mended but it cant be done in less than a month and probably a new boiler will have to be put in The steamer wilt not run again season Collinowood Ont Aug The store Bros was broken into Saturday morning by two young men named Woolmner Kamran They were captured by the and police before they got away with the plunder Police Mag istrate Frame sent them to or trial was an employee of the firm Aug There were a bout present at the Civic Holiday demonstration held here At one p visiting bands and bit- grades marched to the Agricultural Park in the following order Chic J Groceries of all kinds fresh and bought at lowest possible prices W A BRUNTON PLAYTERS OLD STAND TO BE HAD IN TOWN- Our Unbearable Serge is something you should have We also insert a Patent Safety of McDOUGALL MY Next door to use Baking Powder TothtEditorofthtEra Bom of o a piper in tor at wall it Us liont art to in my membtr on Draper wen by at both to perform duty quit utitdl atccllon a otwltbitaadtDg received through line by tha at Both trua lad Id work Oar ft project hope it will it twaro than have of It ha ware ft of hoped or mora Your in ARM TO RENT DRIVER for new CHINA JA3 Lot FRESH MEAT will PEDDLE FRESH MEAT About town fotmarly to hit and to uppjj the heat lbc JO THEJUBLIC Button of Ringwoo4 went up into his hayloft to put down feed to his hone and having no light he slipped into the one of the bones in his teg Chapleau Aug A bold attempt was made night by burg lars to rob the postoffice this place When the office was opened this morn ing at oclock It was discovered that burglars had been at work on the safe Three holes were drilled into and the combination wu utter ly wrecked The were evi dently interrupted la their work desisted to arousing the neigh- borhood K During the thunderstorm which passed over this section early Thursday morning lut lightning struck the Urge new bam with sheds attached on Jos- farm lot rear of the eon and consumed it along with the contents Some parties who were on the road to the market at oclock wit nessed the Hash and saw a ball of rue run along the from one end of ibe roof to other and al most simultaneously the whole build ing was ablaze Mr toss will be about 1800 on which there Is insurance Mr J tbe tenant will be the heaviest loser as this is hit first year at for himself and the retails of the whole years labor and savings of a lifetime are gone without any insurance what ever Fortunately there was no live in the sublet at the time bavins J ham filled up palmed to the BAKERY BUSINESS A Stock of GROCERIES AND CANNED GOODS Haw will at tha for a trial of our caw I am i WILSON North Kod CjaantUrot CrasmgWM TO FARMERS to the But od WjUDtry at I U1 si a road tot or EIGHT DOLLARS PER DAY a NEW PEERLESS SEPARATOR JULY Boots AND Shoes NEWMARKET that bt BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT HOLIDAY GOODS Hammocks Palm Leaf Fans Garden Sets for Children Childrens Wagons and Carts Base Balls and Clubs Croquet Sets Wheel Fans FRUIT JARS and JELLIES Central Telephone Office W STARR THE NORTH END ACCOMMODATION STORE trial MUtllad A Get your WILLIAM TEE TOURIST Special clearing of Summer lines in Tans Osfords etc Meas Womens and Childrens Prices away down AU clean No Goods FOR THE Preserving Season Sugar and Gem Jars Any and prices as low as the lowest DINNER SETS Just arrived a special line of Dinner Sets For quality and price they cant be beat A NEW DEPARTURE BARGAIN DRY FRIDAVJULYe No of Goina to Toronto or Elsewhere We Mean and No Old Bankrupt Stools Everything Warranted or Money Refunded BARGAIN DAY EVERY FRIDAY DURING THE SUMMER SEASON Remember the Place The Largest Assortment Oar Always bear in mind we Excel OBITS IS Department a asm SpHswa4atprkabat Smith Highland ers Band Toronto Balmoral Camp FBjBeefon Cititens Band AUiston Ham ilton Pipers Hamilton Camp S O S- Beach Toronto Band Stayner Mea ford- Richmond Hill Band Richmond Hill CitUens too Win who renew with The sports in park ids was the best in Barrio MM I ifi par ljr Ofttapar d it s litii4iiiiMiMtM4 tliMpiilaJ ii pat loo iaif moo CO Oil a a a II urn is I CI TO TUB Islands Rapids of St Lawrence Montreal Quebec SKA BATHING ON OF ST LAWRENCE White Mountains Portland St John Halifax AND ALL POINTS ON THE AT LANTIC A You can alwaji depend on getting the best quality at reasonable price Do you use our Japan Tea for Blend Coffee If you do you get the best val ue for your money In town The LEADING Reliable Goods Prompt Delivery LADIES OXFORDS THE FINEST CHEAPEST IN TOWN AND BOOTS I A SMITH Cor Main and ALSO MENS FINE AND COARSE BOOTS Boy GIV Boot Shoe we tojm Gife u you te in Boot via Shoe Line and you will find quality tight Sign Red Boot S HGRIFFI8 All riptiaftoocU told i

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