Newmarket Era, 3 Aug 1894, page 6

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The Canadian Government Charged With Neglecting an Important Undertaking With the Imperial Goverftmei Evidence Proving that Oar Ministers Are Directly Re- sponsible for the Scheduling of Canadian Cattle In England A History of Perfidy that Has Caused to Fall Upon Canada P Mil Mr Speaker before motion that you is sub mitted to the I desire to bring to its attention a matter of very pub lic importance bat for which not at this late period of the session intrude upon the time of Tbo ques tion to which I wish to invite atten tion of the House Is the position of tha Canadian cattle trade with England by reason of the Government hav ing as it did in tho month of November I propose to trace as briefly a the circumstances will allow the history that scheduling and to see whether it reasonable to place the responsibility upon iny and if so upon whom- Now Sir allow mo to for information of any gentlemen who may not lo familiar with the fret that in the year I think it was Great scheduled United State Of course all gentle men understand the details of the Act of the Imperial Parliament under which scheduling takes It com monly known ad tho Contagions Act and it provides that the Imp Government if that cattle arc fought to bo iraprtl into England which are either themselves from disease or which coma from a that J or has actually disease in it may schedule such country which means that the mast either before embarkation or at the point of landing scheduling of therefore a most for the cattle trade inasmuch as it pre vents cattle kept alive until they are required for consumption and their is depreciated front to 2 cent a pound or an average of about a penny a pound The ol United cattle in took because of prevalence of pleura pneumonia in the United States In the following year the Canadian GoTernment desired that the Canadian Railways might be permitted to Ameri can cattle from an American point through Canada to an American point without prejudice to Canada po in England It was manifest to the Government hero I presume that with tho United scheduled it would bo perilous to our position to per mit tho transit of American through our country without that traffic being under regulations entirely satis factory to Government In that view and a one it the Canadian Government put themselves in communication with Imperial author ities to see If It would be possible to ar rive at a basis whereby railways of Canada would bo allowed to carry Ameri can cattle through Canada end leave Canada still no from scheduling under tie Act question At this present boa member or Mir Hector was in England I am not aware nor is it material to de termine whether ho went to England for the purpose of doalJng with this ques tion or was there fortunately at tho tine At any sate La happened to be In Great and ho put himself In communication Ufa Imperial author- He first presented a memorandum to thin forth auch regulations as might be adopted and hi would bo regarded as entirely satisfac tory to prevent the introduction of pleuropniumonia from tho United Into Canada regulation to the Imperial authorities and after much consideration Imperial authorities decided to them They decided that regulations were not sufficient to meet requirement and it locked at tbo Canada would be Immediately scheduled if American cattle were permitted topis through Imperial Govern to give permission the then Minister Hector re newed overture and pressed wore stringent regulations Those met with favor from Imperial this trade of carrying Amor leap through Canada eastern points was fcot interfered with- Under those regulation the went on for some yean and about Eleven Inter Canada was scheduled- I propose to show the arrangement that wai made which satisfied the Imperial jropcio WAS In other word I propose to show that representation Government on which tbo corneal that given to tlrt tra01e wore not lived op to but allowed fall into neglect vera ally abandoned I prpoia to show that Government deliberately neglected the crucial precautious which the would pot have Its cement And sir I J o to show part of on charged with this serious public and it will bo Or the an the lag of cattle wm la Hansard result of this neglect or whether it would under any In order to induce Imperial Govern ment to givo tho question the Canadian representative wrote to the authorities that would all bo inspected entered For the purposes of convenience I may say that this trade from the States entered Canada by the Detroit at and Windsor In order to the Imperial Government to give this permission the Minister then representing Canada in England the for Hector first of all that thero would to a satisfactory INSPECTION AT THE OK ENTRY from United into not that thesa eattlo were to ho taken to Canada and there but worn to on the American before entering That representation was con tained in the document which secured tho consent in and that under taking was deliberately departed from by this Government a short time after and departed from- by the authority of the Minuter of Agriculture An other material in secur ing thU was thi In first memo as to regulations submitted by the to the Imperial precautions were suggested tut not presented being finally determined upon that gent are absolutely valueless adapted to see that spirit of law is enforced every point and in this whole success of this movement lay in atten tion to detail and having those regula tions lived up to at every point from the time the cattle entered Canada until they leftit It one can easily see to make many provisions and watch many detail in manage ment of tho traffic which could hardly bo of Orders in Council or oven printed regulations Anyone who notices at all the traffic in knows danger that would were any of these details ignored i and accordingly it was represented by document which secured consent that the inspection would to made by competent veterinarians at points of export into Canada and that each train containing would bo placed under tbo control of a who was to that train from the it entered Canada until it left lie was to that it was not delayed on way He was to watch and trainmen tbcydidnot ill loir train to Stand ad joining other trains containing cattle and to there was no communica tion between outside world pleuropneumonia can bo carrioi by human beings as as communi cated from cattle to cattle He was to see that those trains the vans and cars bo constructed that ex from the cattle would to care fully prevented from dropping by tho wayside- UK WAS TO WATCH THAT THAW Until entered the United Stated and then to f that the cattle and before they were returned to Imperial know well bo- paper regulations their therefore while In their dealing in they declined to grant lliU because no provision for the enforcement regulation overture was made by the and tbo undertaking was given that TMAIX Hi in way by a Government an independent officer who was to watch and that the trainmen aid duty they gave consent under which this traffic somjy oar a A Mr I that one provision without which consent would hate been given In the of which It to show that Dili enforce tht regulation but adopted a colorvbte and the for mftny I Alton Sir from Agriculture will provo that they Mated pledge the perlat by having failed to Independent to tee carried out dulj cast them under thee stance I to prove from custody of the Government and all am to I shall recoils In the florornment that the precaution having the car thoroughly cleansed arid disinfected was I TO tint tho by of at least a toot place with the of the under conditions rendered it I propose to prove Sir that the Govern- men sanctioned the inspection of rholo loads of night and that for a long time as they said authority said while did not ectoal- lysond give sjstetd of dupeotipia TUB IT TO propose to that the which froco Imperial the In re presented to no cattle should bo allowed to those that were to be passed through in bond In the manner to which I and for breeding purpoees And I propose to prove from that this provision violated and that of cattle were imported into Caniila from the Western States In express contradiction of the pledge which bad been given to the Imperial Government and quench of which they assented to the trade I propose to prove thtofEuers charged with of openly disregarded their duties and to enforce those and that one wasauipeudod for a while and tboo re instated and that another officer who openly violated these instructions to extent of giving blank certificates of in was continued in service of this country for eight or ton year after ho had in that manner I propose to that- ob tained from Imperial authorities that cattle through old Ontario and Quoboo on the way State might be Allowed to out of the car at a point called provided proper regulations wore up to at Lynn- hole regula tions A couple of of was to bo inclosed in a a short distance that fence Was to be fences wero to bo effectual barrier to contact with outside rattle The trains wore to be allowed to this enclosure and to looted in and tbo cattle might then be allowed out of the train for water end fresh air But the manure the cat tle was to be effectually and safely de posed PROPOSE TO SIR that lancing was allowed to fall into a of dilapidation instead of the manure of safely be destruction or other moans it was given to tbe of district fertil ize their lend and that anthrax and other two result in tho district in question Mr Speaker I may in of the evidence a great many more thinf but these I think will to of on tho part of way feel charged with duty of trying away or difiprovo to cite such a I speak of this because I am obliged in advance for length of I shall have to They will be uninteresting la themselves but still not lev effective I trust I stated in advance that the firit overtures to British Government for per mission wero not in in ad vance by the Imperial authorities Lot ire that statement read now the memorandum that submitted by the Canadian Minister in question to the Imperial authorities on day of April is from Sir Hector Lingo Memorandum ApnK The undersigned a representing tha Government Canada has learned with concern the of the conient of Imperial Government being ob tained to Upon cattle from United through Canada via a Canadian port Hut while rcuanl in- this result Canadian Govern ment will highly Appreciate displayed by Privy Council in question and a solution it a would relievo cattle trado of Canada it the things Assuming therefore that the proposal heretofore under further pressed on at Import d with a reason able of its iindcrsignol venturo to submit n sug gestion which if acted on wilt effect important end most in of carrying trado In Canada without infringing the Imperial and without risk of disease either Canada or to this country carried by Canadian railways may lo divide into throe classes which aro those which to bo shipped from Canadian porn end these which only tans through a part Canada in transit joint in tha United States to somo other point in that country of Canadian Gov ernment prohibits entrance of eattlo from the United for any these thoy remain in them until thqir destination being fed and watered in them removed from them on way fur any what ever and It plain that if ihelr could be as to pre vent possibility of cob teat Or with Canadian cattle there would be no ground placing Canada anionic the be cause such transiC is unable at moment to lay before Eight Honor- able be Any plan for scoh of transit but It pears mm that It might be effected by adopting as lit to ansnre of transit in cattle cars rem time tbey enter ad till sfter they left it fc he adopted for so par- the tin for transport of tattle to be for point in Canada to and for used for the purpose being applied to the latter Tfiai bAdftpled or pre venting of tittle transit from remaining tbe country or in manner But the not precautions ilem of prevfintibn which theCaua dian adopt to guard ffect from transit subject would require end receive the careful of the Canadian and a would be darned for complete cattle in transit which would prise any addition the Imperial Gov ernment might and which would made efficient in every And tho would remark ibo anxiety of to prevent of as groat as that felt for the of British cattle by the Imperial that it would en sure most careful attention to every precaution the possibility of each infection dud interests of rail way companies would obviously lie in amtf as stoppage of the would be the penalty of any neg lect of of Hi The therefore that may bo satis fied that tho of cattle through a part fit Canada- subject to a proper and of isolation will not render it necessary to place the Dominion the operation of and in that a now prohibiting the importation of for eign cattle into into Canada for transit except upon Conditions to be established making any requisite modifications of the terras of the existing proclamation which term the 1st May next would ho at issued and steps would to immedi ately to conditions and mode in a manner to Imperial Government end to enforce wry precautionary measure that may be upon Signed Hotel Park London April Now Mr proposal were not presented in the of an Tho Imperial authorities them them save their answer which now read It is a letter from Mr reel ecre of the Council to Sir Hector VBtGRiSAny sen n a 2nd Sim lam directed the Council lo acknowledge the receipt of your totter of ult enclosing memorandum on the subject of the tran sit of cattle front no fort of the Unite States to another through Canada in which arrangements are proposed for isolating in transit in such a man ner es to insure a complete security against any of eattlo within the Dominion becoming infected with The adoption of these on the grounds that Her but it ii obvious that there a litittcticri from one joint in a foreign territory another and ahtpinonU of foreign I rum Canadian ports Ill tu latter fslas of transaction that the proposal Canadian Our- was moro directly regard to the transit cattle undersigned submit that It bo to schedule Canadian because such provided pricatittoiifi to taken to prevent of contagion animals In l by which this takes Trunk Canada The Western of Canada ThoConadaSbqthern Kail nay cattle trylninf Grand Trunk by steam ferry and inline through by port in Cahadx roach Eastern Kits in United Bute by of the bridge near Montreal frontier nv a from that bridge and about W from rier Great Western and Canada South Hallway trains Dot roll in a similar way but only frontier a I tii point and river of about juiGys porfin The cattle in United State yj eluded van called They entr Canada an i1km of moved 1 am tho can Majestys thus on to continue the under which Canadian ore allowed to bo landed subject to slaughtered under part 1 of tbo to Contagious Act IBTH and that at tiinoan iniportatit iinprovencnt in the condition of currying in Canada would to effected This has rsceivcl the careful conidpratinn Lords of the Council who before them a submittal by Mr- Pope Sir John on April to effect that under certain condition present restriction on the introduc tion of from Unite into i might he relieved lordships that both oil view that no cattle in Western parts of United State and that is of cattle fruin to west in the of animals for breeding end that therefore If transit belittle or brought into or point out to you that Council to tho importa tion animals Into United Kingdom Is strictly limited by of Jailiamcnt The general which applies to ell foreign animals term by section hf Act include fro country out of United is the fifth tu the Act special animals can only be landed at a foreign wharf defined paroso by an Council and not toko alive out of wharf provisions which Canalian at present exempted from slaughter are contained In iamo schedule which provides that if as the Privy with regard foreign that any country out United Kingdom tliaf the laws thereof relating to tho and of and to pro- vciilfon of of and the general sanitary conditions of therein an such to security against the therefrom of then time to time tho Privy Council Khali specfal kind of from that country without to slaughter or Animals Order front the Uni ted State and from tho of Canada admitted under the excep tional periston but in consequence afier ihotdJscovory of in cattle the Lords of Council wore reluctantly to withdraw exemption accorded iu cattle iroui that country and the voald tiaro been adopted but for jrohibitory paiwJ by Dominion of this year been made Her the United States Government for the restoration to United privilege to land part bet under it has Weh found pmsible toiraJn to this request the Lords Council hare been un able to draw aur distinction between dif ferent parts of United terri tory With reference therefore to the Pafs now made on behalf of the Lord of the Coun cil regret to to Inform yon that from the United ah allowed to pass through Canada would not bo justified under Act of Parliament in continuing the from slaugh ter at port landing which hi hitherto extended to Canadian cattle I am your obedient servant L True copy That is directed to Sir Hector you that regulations did not meet the require ments of Go will now road A communication from Sir Hector which was mora uc- as a revolt of which consent was and it will be then for the House the representations and the undertakings Involved in this docu ment hate made good by the Gov ernment of Canada This it loiter frum Sir Hector to of the Council t Alexandria Hotel Part May yin I hare the honor to acknowledge receipt of jour loiter of 2nd 61703 with regard to tbe proposals laid the the Privy Coun cil the Importation of United States via Canadian prU transit of Unit ed States cattle through a portion of I to express my gratifica tion at the careful con aid oration which received from Ixrdbipa and I am emboldened by the diirc which it is apparent entertained by their to the wishes of Canada if they can do so under the term of the Contagious Disease Animal Act of ley before their Lordships omo further r presentation which I venture to may their Lord ship to their Views upon of these proposal a When I had submit tal my inomoranducn of had become of against the importation of United States cattle via Canadian ports and was prepared for upon that cunt eyed in your letter and I pro- to my present the gestion that to pre Canadian railway trains might bo permitted to a part of dr- ad a loaded with United States cattle 1 by your letter and by part of of the Act that continuance of privilege allowed to Canadian depends up tho question whether in the language of the schedule Tho relating to the and end of the of and the generAl condition of therein ore such ta afford reason- aide security importation therefrom of disease animals I am that I can show that laws of Canada to transit if ore satisfied can- hope to obtain Any relaxation of the system and I now venture to trouble their Lordship in the hope that a more full knowledge of stances connected with tho trade and freedom from danger with it could be en may iuduce their to reconsider subject and may enable to reach the sion that will not deprive our Canadian of the character ere admitted to A I had the honor to observe in the a carefully con sidered system of Isolation le adopted with regard to United States in transit among deUils the inspection of animals by compv of tho Canadian Government the ivoro to frontier If inspection proved sitifjctory the Government might take charge train and proceed with it during the transit through Canada in rdor to ensure tbo of ell prescribed role car could bo kept locked by tho in and foreign cattle they would pass through in bond and all would enable the to further aitbsii might and s2ch would bo submitted Up the and vould amended in according to their Under circumstances I fail to hiW any danger infection to cattle could from mere transit of nd It infection of Canadian cattle which country would to fcar arid no of the cattle so through Canada could by any possibility bo Canadian port And I would ask oh grounds a their of the to me in your letter I In letter reference to an amplication by United States for withdrawal on or made in of their well as to the firsft proposal of Government and I that these two proposals end their upon tut aw ins to me neither of faM bearing on the ion now made It Is true all the applications rest in some sure the tbat dis4 ease does not exist to any extent in part of the West At all id of the Wo torn States although the of cattle disease any part of the United States render It under the act to ell the from that country id tbo amo category here I submit that it has a very bearing up the whether or no parts of that country might pass for a few hours through territory It that the may not bo et the time of tion and may not develop for soma time afterwards But this f act canmt much weight in respect of mere transit of cattle as the during which are upon Canadian territory is so short And as during feriod would be Impossible for them to coma into contact with Canadian cattle direct- or indirectly I therefore that their upon reconsideration may not find it in consistent with the protection of cattle in England to concur in tho contained in my and I would to remark that no Order any kind Mould in required to bo made by their Lordship as to the proclamation and the Order in Council would bo part of law f Canada in respect of the importation and exportation of animals their present order would not re- quire alteration if their satisfied in the terms of the Statute such laws so- modified would afford reasonable security against tho of disrated animals I hope their Lordships will for to the my memorandum which should no havo done but for eat nest desire of Canadian to relievo a trade to important as the in to far as may without danger to the agricultural the country nor without IxTd if precautions provided by the Customs De partment for c us truly through the country in bond would bo adopted The transit would only occupy a length of varying ten to The train never topped except a miuutoi at to ascertain if the line Is clear Tho fed and watered In cars and arrange incuts for thee crvuld bo if they du not already exist by which feeding and watering could bo effected without oponitig the door aid bo no necessity for clean out tho cattle cars during period of their transit and such cleaning be precautions at those under the cirojtnstnces as would bo con by Canadian to prevent of tho diouo to Canadian cattle and I their Lordships that Can a Government desirous of protect ing animals from infection much of intrinsic importance of subject within country than on account of any privileges to their importation to which freedom from would entitle them- Hut it Is precisely the Canadian Govern satisfied that bo cor in transitu proposed without danger of contagion that determined to transit if can do so without Interfering with their already enjoys in ports I would therefore ash thlr to consider whether the prohi bition of Importation of foreign cattle Canada with the soto exception of tat for of tran sit proper pfofisiout lionducinot law in that respect in the the schedule already referred to- would afford a security against the importation from Canada diseased animals If thoir Lordships should fiod that such a would bo existing prohibition would bo con after further provision the only exception to its uniformity namely that might pass from point on the frontier to another subject to conditions us might bo imposed upon such to time by Oruers in Council and an Order in Council would be iinrneliately- prepared nature and the detail of the of isolation and containing in addition to precautionary measures which j knowledge the facts would gladly moot of tho Government of Canada if they wera satisfied could do so ly with law and with duo protection of cattle have the honor to be sir Your L of the IV ivy Council is as folio Council Offick Parliament St Sir the honor the receipt of jour of the Gib instant containing conditions upon which the Canadian Government bo prepared to insist in the event of their allowing transit of animals by railway through Canada from Western to the Intern States of America and requesting ho if such transit were permitted on thef terms too Imperial Government would deem it necessary to change in conditions under which the Can idian are admitted into United Kingdom and in reply I am to inform that Lords of Council considered this fresh and details stringent precau tions which it ha to adopt for notation of the during transit under tho supervision of a Gov ernment officer they have arrived at conclusion so long no dis eases exist in the Dominion and provide the measure indicate in year loi ter are found in traduction of from Unite States intoCanada their would not think it necessary fci make change in the regulations honor to obedient torrent a I when ha the of from the United ho mutt have To that letter Sir Hooter vin replied Letter to May Sir is a of latter which I addressed to tho Lords of Council on tho May as men in my last letter to you via I honor to acknowledge receipt of your Informing mo of lut of Lords of tho Privy Council hat so long as ml diao exist in the 1 minion and provided that surcs indicated in my lotter of are found to prevent the introduction of from tba United states Into Canada their Lord ships not think it necessary change in existing HECTOR la a Privy Council Office letters indicated the on which this traffic was to bo on subject to modification tb month of April It appears that it was deemed necessary that cattle should out when thoy shipped via Victoria bridge and accordingly application was to Imperial authorities to consent to untruchedfas the term is in correspondence at station and that consent was given on roenttoutd in this memorandum- The CauAdian Government represented that thoy following caution if Imperial Govern would consent to the there ThU proposition of Canadian to the Imperial Government yard at the at It was proposed to feed and rest cat tlo comprised an area of over two acre and surrounded by a boa fenoo feet high trains would tjion directly into yard through gate by a and the gate mediately rioted locked after entry After the feeding the traio would pais out to the ma track gate on

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