SUPPLEMENT THE t i i NEWMARKET ONTARIO AUGUST 1894 i VSpeech Delivered in the House of Commons at Ottawa on June by Wm MP From in Mr Ma it Before yea leave the 1 Co bare ihffatntBQ of be for few a I to a matter thai good deal Attention at the band of and tie country I refer to tbe ties course I refer this potion to the bill that I introduced on March dealing with the matter and if by accident I ektfjll do so tAJ Mr Speaker you ill be ate the is one of considerable The order of the last having termin ated any of the and ul from the discussion that the Government contemplate not setting their faces against all ft only against my pro- netware and to inquiries I perhaps I might bo rermittrd to refer to the in the abstract without reference to any proposed legislation- if yon look at the figure of the cattle trade I think the most coma to the conclusion that INTERESTS WELFARE saffer If this trxdo destroyed trade in live with Great Britain within few years has national importance and its destruction must affect the national far If we to nor any cause destroyed the of the mines the bote country woold unanimously that W prevent auch a disaster such should to forthcoming and yet the product of the bare not- brought tack to within the last years within million dollars what has been brought back to by the cattle trade I the I have to if extended prior to i I am only taking the finres and Daring the four year the gross amount of tores of Canada ezpcrtJ the gross of cattle exported US Britain dnring the period lo In other wcrdt the live to thin back to Canada from the sale of ma no factored goods if you were that the ex port Canada In danger end in all bo absolutely terminate that there I not bo a worth of the man of act ores of Canada nnlHs Intervened public would demand legis lation no doubt that re sponse would bo the Parliament i i think all attention to which it entitled the in the measure has bran verified open- wo had daily pre sentation of petition coming all of Canada askiP for legislation to deal vith referred I to It there fore cannot be that the not of national nd it cannot be that there is no existing wo efdenco of it in the jurcals of the during the last three a WHAT ARE THOSE EVILS Hon gentlemen aware that there bo no live cxttle sent to gland now except through If it was to send tltcat through an American port Canadian woold be subjected to quarantine regulatron in the for a peril of days the being imposed as re Canadian Cattle entering the jilted States I fini no fault with the regulation for it a counter pVtof I merely mention it that there only one a by from here to the Rocky c4D Europe and that is through a Canadian which practically is Montreal It true there are other but it equally that the vessels which ply between these ports and Great Britain are tinder the Mine control as those which at the pres est time have caniel on the trade prin cipally from the port of Montreal It might be that the law of supply and demand would regulate this ques tion and I myself being in favor of free nearly as obtain it would in the abstract concur in the argument that the law of supply and demand would regulate this us ell matter But IP ARTIFICIAL MEANS to prevent the law of supply and demand applying and if these means are such aa to application of that principle then the time arrives Parliament to and an nearly as possible the principle of supply and demand- and overcome the and greed of those Tor to prevent the application of thai principle and therefore it we cannot ascertain at Montreal the carrying Canadian cattto to Brit on account of interference be tween supply and demand we mill be able to find the true value a result of the application of the OP SUPPLY AND DEMAND in adjacent and transfer rate and make it apply to the trade as con dueled between our own and foreign ports It charged by tho rates including rates for already on board Where docs the freedom contract come inhere rportephvelarxonom- of at the port only Canadian port from which they can be exported these cattle are in the stockyards or on the ear awaiting shipment and only pos sible way by which animals can be marketed is to send them by vessel all of which are in Combination and which follow the jracrice that is bare charged them Where I ask Is there any OF coder crrcu instances like The theory as to fair free contract if that both parties be to sub mit or not submit to its choosey but this case there no the cattle is entirely at the mercy of the carrying If this statement is true and it is not contradicted we must it it shows what greed will accom plish The Asso ciation on Each line has its representative at Montreal and what is easier thin for representative to meet weekly or and combine as to have their agents in cabling them constantly to price of If it goes they put freight rates rates already on board- If the price fallsratos do not comedown in proportion If there is a large quantity of cattle at Montreal the vessel men combine to exact exces sive If improve and shippers want to in time to advantage of such improvements up go tbe rate In fact every state o the market or ex igency of the cattle trade seems to bo taken advantage of by the vessel men to levy excessive rate- Buyers cannot as certain before buying what the rates will tires very great to the decline and I I very accurately remember a statement by one of these when he THE be Tore theGoremment a jhort time The First Minister will perhaps what I am to refer to and will correct me if I am wrong One of these gentlemen somewhat John I may tell that I speak as long life of your I have been engaged in the cattle for many years on business largely in the city of Toronto which my headquarters for some bat the practices of the I saw my iu the rained and many of who are not ruined TOE for fear of losing what was left to them and I before I lqt all my to to fc a buyer and shipper to England of Canadian so Ions as wo dyers at the mercy of the He further said 1 have been obliged to transfer my buying and selling operations across the lino to Chicago where I can get competi tive which I cannot get in Canada My home is in Canada my interest in my people are living in Canada TO MY BUSINESS drawn off general the mere circumstance thai during a portion of present the jicts have than rates from Canadian may bo temporary reasons or that done the trade en tirely overcomes any such argument as TO STATER because I refuse to imperil the rest of fortune in tfie until this state of affairs is put an nd Thus with a allgrounded fear of being charged excessive rates they have to in ignorance of what the vessel men will to carry the cattle to market The rate may be a head or It may be uncertainty alone makes cattle buying extremely to the great prejudice in some cases of the farmer who sells others of the Why should a legitimate industry to the level gambling Bayers who in baying have not reck a sudden by the venal men hare lost heavily some even mined or even driven out of the trad any event this nncer- renders it extremely difficulty for the to know may safely offer fvV cattle As a rale not know the rates are to be until the have been purchised brought to Montreal and traded and the veisel to In soma cues fixed after ship has Allied the cattle on board In the shippers at times have to agree to pay whatever are the going rates This meant whatever agents of the when the shippers are in their power other ways the whole port cattle Canada Is now paralyzed bvohe of the tion in Canada first principle of a contract is that parties to are free to or not to assent to its terms Here we have interests the cattle indus try vessel industry the latter dictating terms to which former mutt submit It is poircrlcsa to for other rente Is open end principal coming to Montreal and engaged in cattle by the Government and enjoying other of Canada When therefore I ahow Stock it has advantages practically utile to keep that the not boon contradicted that tbe Canadian other vessels except an occasional tramp OP THE that of tha mines and also that of manufactured not together but and show that within four year St has within five billion of the value of our fisheries the trade Itself is one of suffi cient national importance to demand the best attention and consideration of those who it It is one of farreaching conseqeeoce tnat I su satisfied that it detnsnd if It In the slightest degree In danger of It not farmer could now abandon the produc tion of entile turn their attention to KM other branch of husbandry time was when their efforts were and sale of but we know what In of that trade know how countries Wo to en to that our fanner had to change and attention to the production if omethlng In to which they a specially and was the reduction live stock and the products lito stock batter etc It to carry n dairying Industry unites Is a pKorirAULt If we treated dairying the main then be sale of live stock becomes M It were abyprodgt that Industry It do to Stock is of no and that the change their tret hod st give their to the live the Ktoes sooner when all tattle Lave to go to the t or fio at growing it a thine jest the wly reiaalnln the of live with a view of silling It or of trade s a thing of the past- Wo hate lost the Mil then it a Valuable market in lit tain for ccr- of It dvt on TGI mid has t tin is more it do I companies carrying on from Montreal have for years entered into a combination whereby they exact excessive for Canadian cattle There ere fito Hoes of engagol in the cattle trade thero maybe on trimp or two namely Allan Donaldson Dominion Heaver and Some of the lines have during the period received subsidies the Domin ion the Domin ion ails subsidies during the four years to which at least half a million dollars Cer tainly to to the extent of our patronage lines should show fair dealings towards the Canadian people but I do not rest contention to any incidental or The Dominion Live fcVck Association presented to labile in tbe early April a statement a been called which has boon tho country In Journal Impbr- It has brought the attention of and I think I nui correct in saying to the iiiAIji ventured to contradict any rjjf the charges fn tallied in the hero a of the document For month It the only recognition of it a wo can wo feeing for to them when I re- win I be- may that no how as companies their Methods irutmucli at ctily four years In juos- years interior to that i not to the risk of cattle oven for a com paratively fcntl at the of which this Imvo bad rccord- I is fair that as crrtct statements which ere ad niifUPhy to charges the cattle trade against the of vessel rrotriitativct The Dominion Live the line llcr their In constantly as tothe of If it Up they up the steamer route bus the condi tions render this and and it exists and is exercising its arbit rary powers most tyranicslly With practically no competition In rates from Montreal our carried from Montreal at excessive landed at the by the Side of American cattle carried at rates from York eta bring tho in the Eng lish market but the American farmer was aid more for hi cattle than was the Canadian farmer of the lower rate Thus shipping cattle worth more In the Buffalo than in the Toronto market It now remains for people todcteroiine whother this condition of shall he allotted to continue Shall steamship lines soio of them largely by the Canadian and all envying the advantages of Cans upon which millions bo arbitrary motion oh ratos front of Is industry le called upon to as it has In of railways other to protect the people from oppression In dealers have In vain against vessel combination but to break it They now the before public It concerns Canadian farmer If he a to be fair value of it must rxitaible to mar them at rates fact us cheaply as Lis American Hut this jufcufon concerns more the Canadian farmer farmer in old especially obliged to change his of farming by selling ft If the market for his cattle destroyed what Iccomesof bis industry Now there era charges by the trade who know what they are talking about of these Is the of the Association Topper What Mr- The next whslgns to there charges is Thomas Crawford vicepresident of the Association end It ftlto Signed by Henry Jlratken and A J Thompson of gentlemen ae or hate been engaged- at one time or another in this It not per hap be fair to charge that all the de in the cattle trade la due to these practices of tho representative but from what those engaged In trad have stated think It Is that tbe practices of the And he said further pat an end to prophoy that in five years tho export of live tie to England from Canada will to a thing of the past -j- ThatMr Speaker the language of a man ho was speak about a man who well versed in the whole question and who has suffered connection- with the Now sir It that is reliable evidence and there is no doubt that it is most not stand idle and fold arms and wait this valuable trade is deitrpyed- V when I the till I was ex tremely that coming from a member of the Opposition no should arise which would in slightest degree prejudice a fair of the measure and I was anxious that it should bring from the House the best opinions of members from ell sidns that the case might be imparti ally dealt with without reference to party but wholly in the interests of the trade which I to to in the tereJts of the For that reason at tho Introduction of the bill and from stage until now and now as well I have assumed the attitude of asking the Homo the of specially to the measure and my attitude it as simply In the interests of the trade and not to allow the slightest degree of partyiim to which might if introduced prevent a proper solution of the question being arrived at I hope that in dealing with the question in the it may be viewed from that non party standpoint and if so I feel con fident that way or other we will arrive at a proper solution know that it customary is an effort to destroy a measure to attract attention toforae weak feature and to condemn movement by alluding to some immaterial connected with it For example it might fco if there any In this House disposed as I hope are not to create a prejudice against the granting of relief by pointing cut objec tions to mo sure which I had the honor to But that Is not the way I submit which to bo dealt with If my bill is hot sound If It will not meet cafe let abetter that is way to meet tho case I will lay these propositions that the facts will show that trade In question IS Or and that its destruction will bo produc tive of national If we admit these two proportions are to that is powerless to redress a wrong or prevent an or of gigantic character Or wo to admit that Parliament is able and willing to grout the necessity relief ft has been that hill which I Is a novel I admit that It Is not el one but novel diseases require remedies and 1 venturo to ay that you will not find another case on record carrying trade of one class of goods In a nation the of Canada practically under the control of one man There- foro if the proposition I offered was a novel one plead a TUB OK Tim DISEASE Now Shaker I not take up the longer Tfto House knows whathas happened in I not point out the practical In of tha carrying on of trade It must be apparent to every member that If the buyers who go out country to buy cattle for shipment to do not know what going to cost to land thorn in they are going to everything against tile Canadian farmer In roaming the purchase They have the argument their mouths to enable effectually to reduce the price they offer that It it not an un sound argument shown by the fact that In United States prices for cattle higher than In Canada because the freight from United States to except In tho immediate present rule loaer than from Canada white our farmers are obliged to land their cattlo on the docks of Uvorpool and London competition with American The result has bean that have got fnoro per pounds for live cattle In gland than Canadian faraers not glpg to be that White J to know that tempor arily batter treatment fa toingurnished by the vessel owners at Montreal the I no great con fidence in the permanent conversion of I not the slightest that if public is drawn away from this question and opportunity again arises history will repeat the Canadian tlo trade will 9 gain be at the mercy of vessel owners lor these reasons while I regret in that ray bill is not likely to discussed this session owing to the Government all tho days for their own I trust that some good may come onto it if Government will carry out pledge given by the Minister to investi gate the question with tho view of granting relief I am sorry that the Government through First Minister have declared HOSTILE TO TUB J but I am going to minimize that attitude as far as I can in my own mind by tak ing the hostility simply to particular form in I have proposed relief I am going to hope that it is a hostility not to tbe principle that wo must grant relief but simply to the form which I have proposed to grant it If I am right in that hope then perhaps a batter measure than I proposed will the outcome of my ac tion At all events until I am assured to the contrary until I learn that the are going to to as bad as the owners I will be charitable to them and will that they are go ing to act view of preventing a the evil Adams Am jot j Bain Boiler Bennett Blanch Boy to Calvin V J Sir John Caron UdiII McDonald lou McLean Cock burn Craig Fergason Frechette Gillies Smith Ontario Giroaard Two Grant Mara Miller J Pa Pope Prior Hois Has lam Hazed Henderson Ingrain- Ives Jean no ltd Joncas Kenny John Wallace White SLelborne Wilaod CANADIAN CATTLE TRADE CONTINUED thereof the Imperial having scheduled States by reason of the existence of and other cattle diseases in that conntry that the Canadian were of cattle to bo carried by rail from tho to cut through Canada that such cattle would also liaro Canada to be by Britain nnlass pleas ures were adopted by of a character W pre vent the introduction of cattle from States that it was necessary la order to prevent such that Imperial thoritioi should aatis6ed as to tho suf ficiency of proposed baton condition that Can add not of Can- the Imperial to carry Got certain named and other regulations as to satisfy Imperial authorities that tho transit of American through Canada would be so conducted as rcaooablo security against tho Importa tion into Canada of diseased cattlo that reiving upon thp Canadian Government enforcing all regulations end observing aatd undertaking Imperial Government granted for the carriage of American cattlo through Canada upon tho distinct understanding that auch irafltie to he respect so as not to Canada the provisions of the Imperial Act respecting that the Cana dian disregarded such derukiugand toouforcoprODcr regulations sufficient t satisfy the subject that during continuance of per- granted by the Imperial author ities for of Mich wore made by to thadnalUnOovornmenl thai In tho States that it the duty of Canadian to regulation for of It extension Into Canada that not withstanding inch tho Cana dian allowed to bo continued in a tax And permitted very numbers of Ameri can to Import into North west Territories from the United was there exist ing after repeated warnings end owing of the Canadian In the nromhos the Imperial author ities did fn of schedule Canada to tho great injury not only to tho fanning to of tho and that scheduling negHerce of the That iu view of the foregoing facts of such negligence and bad faith this House is of thut the is of Iho con- of Mr Yeas i Opposition Huron yV Welsh fluatoup ltowmani Drown Caraphell Listen McCarthy Ore or Median ifqMuln Martin It Milts Charlton Flint Brant fcutcrlfpj Barnard Temple Baker i v Sir Livingston Maclean Northrop Costigan Amendment negatived I The Bora Kins- rromtheChristUti VISIT OK THE WISE Lesson Matthew Golden Text Matthew IL In this the men from th east repeat tho testimony by the by Simoon that tho mission Christ is worldly earthly A man did not where is Ho that Is bora to great est of teachers This was molt oral question to those whose had derated to study of wisdom if the common view of tho work of Christ embraced whole truth They not ask where is lie that born to greatest and noble of all the great Their question different They naked Where is Ho born KingJjfof thogJows And when they found him the honors which in oriental subjects to a monarch not these which loan would to or which ho would pay to one distinguished for virtue end self worshipped an earthly not there Are several objections to this that Christ the King of this the moourcb I Ho has no guards no no arms Bat authority of every mon arch is more moral than This oven in of kings who rule by military over their soldiers and thoir subjects Is They rulo by the paid to their olllca In this Christ is the grdatost of kings Kegel splendor was never by Christ lie had no palace no court no royal rota Bat splendor is not of the opsone of royalty The privato Ufa of many monarch fur Frederick Croat of very plain I rewards are beitowod by Christ This is only partially to Christ la profitable for this life If alto gether it ould only that Christ ft tho kloga Queen Victoria groaUst of living fewer rewards for devotion to and fower penalties for lack of it than any other sovereign not personally on earths No king personally re Idol In nil the province of his The monarch of vis many of the land to War kings of Scotland lived in ft Christ aiM Kingdota not of this worlds But to Then shyest that I am a King To end was bora and for this cause I that I should bear witness unto the truth- that is of tho truth my voice The truth be canto to boor witness iq Is the Old which bo came to fulfill TO WO law end prophets which to fulfill we find that they devoted to political duties The end objects of govern proper for crimes the right spirit for administering are fully The angers which civil govern went ore fully occupy the larger pars of their attou- Docs not loyalty to Christ the tciohlttgS of tho rip- tares on iheje and try tore duco therfk to practice If we are so engaged In th lo neglect the moaning of the truth which Ho came to are wo ily Chrl AufCtt We fceliovo in peo ple and for creeds clarcosor must govt r We tho that made rich by l