k I safes 1Xa g IJJI I BKV n a THE NEWMA ERA LIBERTY TO KNOW TO OTTER TO ACCORDING TO ALL OTHER LIBERTY ft YUAN GEO TEAM PRINTING mix And SUBSCRIBERS ONTARIO BANK DAVIT P Newmarket Branch paper wn wh lea Jo Vol 28 Single Copies Cents Each NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No tent of North York paid In advance Friday Aug StrlcUy in Advance within or at end of year Aqkneralbaksimq business Interest on Deposits AT mm DRAFTS ISSUED XT ALL African r J J HOUGH If Si The Leading Stove Depot mm J WOODCOCK so Main ft of York wick rfmd ST I WATER CANS for COAL OIL STOVES all from to EAVETROUGHING and General and properly on short notice New mark G A BINNS NEWMARKET KENDALLS ISPAWNCUREl MOST REMEDY UAH OR BEAST Certain In lit affect nd SPAVIN CURE KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE j I bat oyf DR doors NEWMARKET Carriage Works a Irani ax fflT Co two toon apart icuci Now is the Time to Purchase a or York Co St or PO For lb County York Ve- A El K ESTER Auction Aveilosccr Zephyr PO and Decorator A Ordcrapromptly St Sooth GEO- LIVERY BUGGY OR CARRIAGE I was cuREoof a cold by LINIMENT Oxford I cured of a terrible sprain LINIMENT Fred Coulson YAAC I was cijrso of Black erysipelas by LINIMENT J Rigs were never before got up so handsomely and never were so Low in Price Call at our WareRooms on Lot St and we will show you the Easiest Running Buggy on the Market JOHN BRIMSON Repairs promptly attended to C SIMPSON Main RE Ont TUNEK Order lad I Joyd Vetet lusty MR A CONCERT MASTER of la Vole a Violin to Photos Photos I Early ffomiQ hurled Who negro in dog ind won Who fat a pltj For woman For your ik help girls will Iidi woman and man are aowlng j- la dally From morn till beAjU of m iha Bui loo will lb ah ought Ob til ten It I liuL bop gird A To dreary to Tic Be Their bard doll Urea to al boon aik women Who negro throw Who a By ftcdbjraes feel pity For For own city Wo you NEW CLOTHING HOUSE in WOdTTEK THE FINEST I Id iry VKItX TURNOUT llNONa LIVERY J A ii lTKRST AT ffl The place to order your Clothing for the future is NO MAIN ST Having fitted up the premises recently occupied by Mr Cbas are now prepared manufacture Gentlemens Clothing of every descrip tion in a manner second to no house in the trade The work we have set ourselves is secure the trade of Newmarket Our facilities for doing so are all that can be desired G Mr W Co be utcad a THE to turn outwork work od KTfryitotboFrodiTif0Q KM QVH to complete ad atlr lli ct loo fte to flood the with work out In O STOCK Consists of nil that is DB Old A A Loudon i jioo Keg luiral Caoadlan ftUt Stock Compote nod Tom of the Mi I of nod ilia a of -No- Ate NEWiAND NOBBY AND HAS BEEN BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH A comparison of our Price will readily reveal this to you and our reputation of newly a quarter of a century is the guarantee of the class of work you expect E Late Gutter for Sutherland Bros 800 PRIVATE For All who love the Mailer terra King of tell by awtet id liberty That Cbriii atone gWe feel For Him to To all Him Ha rsat And them la ordered for the beat Hit ia burden la light That obedience a And icrrico a delight labor may lowly Bdl ft little of If done to Iht King To By gira To help the tired Hope foe ia to win the From Ihe error of I To Ot love There joy In iympfttb With no Tie joy lo he Hie food of grief to beer Tbe christian will If the life accord With the bleated teaching Of Lord Walking In footsteps In com in onion Well until He bids In glory share Newmarket July Prapetty for a Una of JACKSON a it LIFE CO YOD PAY YODR AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OP TORONTO SEE THEM TO SEE IS BUY WM HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH See our New Stock of Chamois and Druggists i I The first of fail ing Kyesight is when it be comes necessary to hold some object such as fine print or a needle away from the eye to sec hem clearly it becomes difficult to sec read in the evening When these appear it is best to purchase a Pair of Glasses to be worn only when it is necessary to save the from being over taxed Be careful io buy Good Ones to Start With We have them Steel Roll Plate and Solid Gold at very low price LATKINSON Your Eye Jeweler Tested si You Cough a sure sign weakness more Aon Oil notonly A Diamond One Sunday morning two young men sat in the smokingroom of a cozy apartment Outside the snow was falling silently in great bluewhile flakes On the divan bis tail and legs or namented with tufts of curly bain his body shaved in the improved fashion a poodle slumbered peace fully and Floyd Taller the owner of the premises attired in a smoking Jacket of a honey plaid was lolling in an easy chair his slippered feet stretched toward the fire His com panion Arthur Van Stade had been his greatest friend at college and this was their first meeting in three Vao Stade had been in India killing big game arid bad barely escaped having the tables turned as a large across one cheek testified Jail er bad stayed at home but to him bad come the greater change As he expressed It he was a settled down old married min with a family which meant that he had the sweet est little wife the world and a tiny mite of pi nk-and- white humanity- known la the house as Saby Thalj rather a fine dog you have there Arthur said Van turn ing to the poodle and laxity looking oyer the sleepy animal Well I think replied Taller I dont suppose you will believe me when tell you that when he Into my possession he worth no than The spring after you went away he went on having finished my course I went over to other tide ox the London season J went to London and In London stayed long after the time I had allotted to that city had expired It there I met Edith In six weeks we were engaged The remainder of the summer I pawed fa with of royflsneee had planned lo go to Nice when the coldweather come on and of course I determined go with them went as far as Paris to gether but at the last moment I was detained that city for a few days and was obliged to allow the rest of the party lo proceed without me pro mising to join era in a week at most I had run of funds and the remittance expected from ray father had not arrived This I did not con sider to explain to Edith and dirtily I said vaguely ibat business kept in Paris Four day after their departure the letter from my father arrived- He had heard my to my satisfaction approved of it Besides amount expected he sent an ad ditional with which he instruct ed mc to buy a suitable present for Edith As the modest diamond I had bought for our engagement had been my only gift I gratified with my fathers generous present The morning I started out in search of something for my dear whom I should be with the very next day- My which bad seemed so much ridic- small and I had almost of finding anything worthy of ray beloved when my eyes fell an extremely beautiful necklace con sisting of two rows of pearls caught together at intervals by small diamond clasps asked the price Five thousand francs Monsieur replied the Kxactly the sum I had to spend I I bought it without a moments hesi tation The blue wis about to be wrapped Up when the discovered some imperfection in the clasp He was profuse in his apolo gies and said that it would be repair and ready for me the following morning I explained that this would not do as I was to leave the city on the night express for Nice Alter a moments hesitation the jeweller promised that should have it at oclock without fail As I was leaving the store I noticed a woman standing by my I say I noticed a woman it would be more correct to say lhat I noticed a beautiful white hand with long taper ringers on one of which was a dia unusual size and brilliancy In this band was a small jewelled watch and as I was leaving the count caught a few words spoken in a peculiar musical voice At oclock I returned and true to his promise the man had the necklace ready for roe Placing it in the inside pocket my coat I left the store and had just time to com a few remaining arrangement before going to the station J bought a Mistclass ticket and tipped ihe alter- giving him to understand in my very best trench that I did hot want him to put other passengers in my compartment I lucked my travelling rug around my knees open French novel when the door was opened and a woman hurriedly entered the compartment and took the seat next the window on other side of the car I glanced at my un welcome companion She was dress ed in mourning of the richest material and in perfect taste As I was notic ing these details something by her si that I had at first taken for a fur cape moved It proved to be a black French poodle and as he sat up and turned his head toward me I saw that around neck he wore a broad sil ver- collar from which depended a peculiar heartshaped padlock Turning to my novel soon for got the intruders nor did I again think of until perhaps half an hour later when I was slanted by feeling something cold and wet press ed against my hand It was the poodles nose He had crawled across the seat and was evidently de sirous of making my acquaintance l4 come here exclaimed a singularly familiar voice- The dog paid no to his but wagged his tall content edly as stroked his curly head must excuse my dog sir said my companion He is a great pet and expects every one to notice him I am afraid he will annoy you I protested that he would not and added that fond of dogs poodles fn particular Perhaps roy answer was due in part to the fact that the woman was young and very beautiful- I had only that become aware of this the light having been too dim in the station to let me see face Her voice loo affect ed me singularly it was low and sweet and I was sure that somewhere I had heard it before A little later on looking up found lhat my companion was with out books or papers- so taking an illustrated magazine from my satchel offered it to her She thanked me and smiled sweetly After a time grew tired of my novel and resolved to attempt a liltle conversation wills my neighbor I asked her if she was going to Nice She replied that she was and went on to say that her sister- whom she had expected would go with her had disappointed her at the last moment She spoke of her dislike for tra velling alone particularly at night and explained that as the compart ment reserved for ladles was full she was obliged 10 mine She was sorry to intrude but the train was about to start and the guard had told her all the other seats were taken hastened assure her that I was glad of the lucky chance that had given me so charming a companion As the evening wore on she opened a basket containing a dainty lunch Would I share it with her The cook evidently had a ridiculous idea of appetite Why these was enough for six I This seemed to be the case as we were by this time very well acquainted I accepted her invitation and we were soon doing justice to a really excellent lunch What a charming creature she Is I thought How Edith will like her Growing confidential I spoke of my visit to Nice and of the dear girl who was awaiting me there She seemed interested and listened pa to the recital of my fair ones many charms We will drink her health cried my companion drawing a small silver flask of exquisite workmanship from the depths of basket I always carry a little cognac with me in case of sickness she explained Opening the flask and filling a dainty glass with the amber liquid she handed it lo me with a smile To Ediths health she said I drained the glass It was brandy of the finest quality had ever tasted She seemed lo read my thoughts a judge of good liquor That is Otanl of Taking glass from my hand she little of the liquor into it and barely touched it with her lips Soon after this I began to grow sleepy and as my companion not seem to talk I made as comfortable as circumstances would permit I turned toward the window through which ihe surrounding country could be seen dimly in the moonlight as we rushed along put a roll of rugs under my head and resigned myself to a of discomfort The next thing it broad daylight I awoke with a dull pain in my head and a sense of weariness that my sleep bad rather in creased lhan diminished My companion wis sitting by the window reading rhe book I had her the night before On perceiving that I was awake she put down her book and remarked that I was evi dently a sleeper and that she envied me She bad passed a wretch- night and was ri we should soon be in I thought of Edith should now see so soon and then the surprise I had in store for her hoped that the necklace would please her and then for the first lime occurred lo me that perhaps it would have been better if had con sulted some woman of taste before it A brilliant idea struck my companion was just the one decide I would ask her opinion It was not too late to change the neck lace for something else if she thought it not suitable I was sure she would tell me cindidly just what she thought Unbuttoning my coat drew the package from my pocket and laid it on lap Removing the wrappings I opened the little blue case For a moment I could not believe my eyes it was empty I 1 turned quickly to my compan ion She was leaning forward motion less breathless her face pale and in her eyes a look that I shall never forget One hand was pressed con vulsively over her heart She had removed her gloves worn the night before and on one hand blared a diamond the one I had seen the previous day at the jewelers In an instant I saw it I sprang forward and grasped her wrist roughly I am afraid Give me back the necklace you thief cried know you You stood by my side yesterday in jewelers shop on the Avenue de IOpera I remember that ring and your voice You heard me say I was going to Nice by this train The liquor you gave me was drugged and you thought to escape before your was discovered It was a very clever scheme but it has failed Give me the necklace or shall turn you over to the police 1 stretched out my hand thinking that seeing Ihe folly of further con cealment and the denial she would return the stolen property I was wrong She drew herself up haughtily and looked me full in the face You have brought a serious charge against me she said and one of which I am Innocent I am alone and a woman this with a momentary tremor in her voice that somehow made me ashamed of the way I had spoken id her If as you say you have lost a necklace your only reason lor accusing me of having stolen it is that we have been only occupants of this compart- The instant you opened the box and found it empty I saw the awful position I was placed in For tunately however I can prove my innocence Perhaps you may hesitate before attempting to blackmail an woman As soon as we arrive at Nice I shall insist on going at once to the police nation where a thorough search of my baggage rind person shall be made I shall then ask you to prove that you ever had a neck- lace This remark was accompanied by a smile that was not pleasant to see Until we reach Nice you will not address me again She leaned back in her seat and turned her face toward the window I felt rather than saw that she was crying began to feel uncomfortable What If after all I been too ready to jump at conclusions and had been mistaken Was it not possible that the box might have been empty- when I received it from the jewelers I had not seen necklace after it was left to be repaired as the box was wrapped up when I called or it My companion had insisted on an in vestigation that might prove her inno cencean investigation that a guilty woman would never have proposed Besides this she had expressed a doubt as to the existence of the neck lace and had accused me of an attempt of blackmail The more thought of It the mote unpleasant pdsttion became Suddenly ray eyes fell on some thing bright lying on the floor of the carriage I stood and picked it up It proved to be the little heartshaped I had noticed the night fore on the poodles collar Like a APPLE James neglected to shut ihe door of his granary last Friday and his best cow entered ate so much shorts that next day died Church Hill and held a union Sabbath School at Musselmaas Like last Sal- afternoon There was a large gathering of scholars The evening was delightful and a pleasant sociable time was enjoyed- The Royal garden parly was a grand success The proceeds amounted to 68 which will be Invest ed in a new organ foe their lodge room Rev Father was present very interesting and instructive speech There also was Moore Emery and other latent The tables were I did things for which we have to thank Schoinberg and vicinity Every one reports a good time and some seemed loth to leave until the wee hours of the morning The telephone is being erected lo and will be completed this week PROVIDED OUR- ISO THE EDITORS ABSENCE AT HIE The Paris Presbyterian Church is to have new organ s Canada now offices an increase of since last year The grasshoppers are doing a great deal- of damage to crops about Lemon SKCONU STREET Second St has been booming his season Four new houses have been erected- The masons have started to brick Mr James Wrights house There appears to be a deal of sick ness in this vicinity There is one or two cases of diphtheria and several of fever Haying is something of the past All the fall wheat that is not hauled in is standing in shook We see by ah ad in the Era lhat we are going to loose our popular school Mr Sorry we are If you are a lover of flower scenery go to Glenville school house Master Tommy Ough of and Vera Muir of Newmarket have been visiting friends on this street lately Coonv The apple crop in this vicinity is likely to be small in quantity as the leaves of the trees ate affected with a fungus causing much of the fruit 10 fail io come to maturity The recent extremely hot and dry weather has materially reduced the prospects of some of the grain crops Fall wheat turn out fairly well but on the low lands rust did much damage and barley were hur ried along too fast and a light sample may be expected The pea crop was literally cooked and the grain wilt consequently be of an inferior sample and smalt in quantity The grass hopper is doing considerable damage to and turnips on the light lands of and Whitchurch ft While playing on a raft at aged seven I yean was drowned The Gall Proton Railway wis officially opened for traffic week Learn how to tell a story A well told story is as welcome as a sun beam in a Rumors are current iti Stung- that war been be tween China and fa Ream Council will on lor Exhibition in The coiner stone Of the new apt 1st Church at was laid Tuesday afternoon August Sudbury vote on a bylaw for light and sewerage systems Mr Henry Jennings who died some time left to his daughter Mary Mr McLaren of Allislon the lowest tenderer for the town hall being the figure Council has pur chased a ditching machine for use on roads throughout the municipality Slorms and floods in Western India have caused much damage to crops Many lives have been lost Near a boy was killed and two other children were badly injured by a fall from a preci pice Sills flour mills at Meyers- burgh about seven miles from Camp- were destroyed by fire Sat urday The Owen Sound Cement Works at Shallow Like Owen Sound were destroyed Sunday Michael the Mon who stole a regiV lered letter was sentenced to three years in penitentiary t Do you lake this for better or for worse asked the minister I cant tell until I have had him a while returned the bride fc While repairing a fence a Casileford Renfrew County Fer guson a wealthy farmer was by lightning and instantly killed July A fire took place this morning in Arcade Sherbrooke street and as a result twentyfive families are home less KT A car load of cattle were from Collingwood to Chicago flash a thought came to here might be the solution of the problem at any rate I would put It to the test No time must be lost as we were just entering the station and in a moment more the guard would open the carriage door Reaching across the seat with a quick motion drew the sleeping animal to my side The woman sprang forward to prevent me but she was too late I bad already torn the collar from the dogs neck and was holding it to the light that entered dimly through the window from the station I breathed a sigh of relief the inside of the collar contained a hol low groove and in this groove secure- fastened lay the missing necklace I turned triumphantly to my compan ion The door was open she was gone That morning as entered Miss Ediths parlor the poodle trotted contentedly by my side and instead of the collar he wore the As for the woman I never saw her again Norwich had cases of diph theria week Cures Liniment Cures Burns etc AURORA Mrs Peter Graham of Whitchurch lost a 5 bill in the market here on Thursday The bylaw committeewere instruct- to prepare and submit a bylaw at the next meeting of the Council de fining the duties of the Mayor The of the Methodist Church congregation intend holding a lawn parly at Cornets on Tuesday evening Aug To all appearance the firemens ex cursion which will take place on our civic holiday Aug to Wilsons park New York will be one of the best patronized that has ever been run from here The party will leave here by special train at oclock in the morning The county tax for this municipal ity this year amounts to and ihe Industrial Home Last year the county tax amounted to and the Industrial Home which means we will have to pay more this year for county purposes than last While scrap iron at the station last Friday Mr Amos Lloyd met with a painful accident A large piece of Iron which was thrown on the load struck a smaller piece which flew up and Mr Lloyd a severe blow on the neck He was compelled to lay off work for a day or so and is suffering considerable at the present The High School Committee to whom was delegated the authority to employ a second teacher reported they had applications for the position onehalf of whom were ladies and after due consideration they bad decided to recommend the board to employ Mr E L Srigley of Banner The lacrosse match played here on Saturday last between Richmond Hill and Aurora was won by the visit ors a to The hay crop is fairly good and was got horl time ago The animals were under cover in splendid condition A large number of the people are at StsuffvilleontheIjke during the hot weather Janet Little of Stouflyille has left 56Go to be divided between her two brothers Matthew and Rae The says that Stoufiville is the dustiest place in creation A Grand Feature Of floods Is lhat it 1 Ibi it Owning hroogh lha fell of alio imparts vigor to every of body so often heard a person of me It overcome Ibil feeling to common now Hoods Bills vecUtifl per fectly always bees ficial V r obtained in the neighborhood Meaford Twentyone head of the Experimental Farm at Brandon Man have been slaughtered 10 the tuberculosis the herd William aged drowned at Port Stanley missed his footing and into water while stepping from the to a scow tL Owen Sound was on the nth with the Grant Trunk system by a branch lint towards which the town gave subs The report that death occurred in Ireland of Air Vahkough net until Superintendent Of Indian Affairs in Canada was untrue He is alive and well Kr Winnipeg Industrial tion was a great success both finar- dally and as an exhibition of and products Thursdays attend once totalled KT As soon as the section of Valley Canal between Lak- and Balsam Lake has been constructed boats on Lake Siraov can then pass out to Lake Ontario and return A threeyearold son Mr C AsUng of Epsom was badly in jured on Saturday last While play ing with a cuttingbox his hand caught by the knife and nearly severed from the arm at the wrist Martin an and one of the most skilful feiiers in the United States was ar rested in New York while hi the act of making counterfeit silver dollars He was held in cooobaiL Agnes Riddle old daughter of John Riddle neer at the T It pump house was drowned in canal at that town She was playing on the pier and accidentally fell into the water KL By the caving in of a wall of a cistern at Winona Minn three bricklayers and a boy nine years old were buried eighteen feet under the earth and brick A force of men were at once set to digging but all the victims were dead when found While workmen were engaged En a grain elevator In New York Tuesday afternoon the cabfe of the elevator broke causing it to fall to the cellar Four men were in stantly killed and another received fatal injuries A San Francisco despatch says Notwithstanding the large catch of seals in Japan Sea the owners of sealing schooners will make as much money as expected because of the low price of sealskins The catch reported thus fat is