Newmarket Era , May 11, 1894, page 1

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THE NEWMARKET ERA it GIVE KB TO KNOW TO AND TO TO ALL I Every Friday Morning PT- LYMAN GEO JACKSON at HOUSE of the jf And SUBSCRIBERS tbi with In J ONTABIO BAUK CAPITAL bud til P it Newmarket Branch A 1 NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No papers sanodttldq of worth York ante la 16 Single Copies Cents Each J Newmarket Ont May i894 Strictly in Advance mos or at end of year Intercut Allowed on Deposits AT RATI DRAF ISSUED XT ALL A Drift old Oolite promptly to J a LEGAL Til J Off 10 on ETC WC Mosey to The Leading Stove Depot MILE CAMS w- Block J WOODCOCK Main ilEPICAL CHURNS Daisy Barrel Dash and gals Cradle a of York 15 A J- ftp On Brtm Creamers Milk Pans Butter Bowls Prints Stamps and Ladles in great variety Our Specialty A BINNS NEWMARKET A P I llwmcy to oSodT So Rr1 op- lribjtrtaa Chorea DR ROGERS AI Block Vitalised Air for TERRY ACTION for Co fttlC3llOO Mala St CO- HUNK York told on toa- 10 A Mlklttd ifctii Si- ROUT ROSE NEW CLOTHING HOUSE The place to order your Clothing for he future is NO MAIN ST Having fined up the premises recently occupied by Mr Chas we axe now prepared manufacture Gentlemens Clothing of every descrip tion in a manner second to no house in the trade The work we have set ourselves is to secure the trade of Newmarket Our facilities for doing so are all that can be desired Consists of all that NEW AND NOBBY AND HAS BEEN BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH A comparison of our Prices will readily reveal this to you and our reputation of nearly a quarter of a is the guarantee of the class of work you may expect MCCORMICK Late Cutter for Sutherland Bros Ztpbjt PO IAISTINQ HEWITT PAINTER A Order 10 am TAKE THE LEAD IN Low Prices IN DRY GOODS SOMERVILLE in F J and lift HATES The Toronto J House NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT InaaranreAKtal Old Co A A AOENTIor of Keg tcoiUd Bog Stock Low on mid Town Wrlxhtf ehop FIRE INSURANCE of J- Co of the of Wall CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLL AbAl ALL wotMwtdo fur In forte lwo J Large Stock Large Variety Prices Right W N STARR Central Telephone Offloft Standard Insuring the Lives of Females THE ALSO 1KHUHKH AND At if HUNT J A remedy POU MAN OR SPAVIN CURE SPAVIN CURE Dr J ftL It II IS I Yfi I J I know WARDS LINIMENT will cure diphtheria French Village JnO I know- LINIMENT will cure croup Cape Island J F Cunningham I know LINIMENT is the best remedy on earth Norway Joseph A Snow MARBLE WORKS NEWMARKET The Latest Designs OK MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES IN J Canadian and Foreign Granites and Marble A tail I CASSIDV ALLAN Cor MANNING SON T COY Mils KsleBt MUSIC D PIANO TUNER will CARL FORSYTH- of to toko of etch Arc- or AtirOr MR A STOUFFER CONCERT BARITONE of Crch of Instructor la Ex- Violin OpfD to or comer of France tod WW LICENSES LYMAN MAHUlAQIi At t a If ft win r kt H SIMPSON Main Ont Acrmotor Toronto Con of Culturo and Newmarket Photos Photos ISO lor wait my FROM My Entire Stock consisting of DRY GOODS GROCERIES BOOTS SHOES HATS CAPS PAINTS OILS ETC Must be sold within the next DAYS As I am retiring from business All goods to be sold at cost Now is your time to secure bargains in all lines Goods will be sacrificed GEO H WIGHT QUEENSYILLE PEPPIATT Ibt ho MAINTAINING LEAD And to turn outwork city and far It of an will bo Mr aim not bo to flood tho hood with cheap work but In Old Loss of Flesh Is of poor health Coughs Colds Weak Luns Blood follow Scotts j Lr4Hl Emulsion of Codllvor Oil cures all of weakness es It to you can Physicians over IU DhI Sabititttetl Ail A Sharon taken dp la Acting at before Mr JoilioG last voek oclock Room befog crowded to ihe and blocked many present from No was found in a jury en j- wo talesmen fceiog both by crown on thai one a and others neighbor of of of day up with of Be Id who told aocti remarkable luTeatlgitioa to in box and did abate one jot all long cross nation tho of trial lira bat teemed aod from to time at incidents that cropped op who a In hotel was lb Ant by Si a rather tfitl She em ployed at Wei the tempt at poisoning took She beard Mm tell December to go lo Bradford whence be returned a liiUfc bottle that looked When bo Rave the bottle to asked bow it bo and re led ho had better aee Aral anuary 2nd and ho and Lottie went down cellar together with Oaman carry ing and tolling her not to follow A few before bad overheard tell Mm the only way now was to her aome dishing out for herself at aape time ate ai be did 3 that ihey were bitter Witness did not know whether partook of or not Shortly Evans op from the and went into ha hall Soon witaea heard calling Lot wife Mr Evans did not till ho bad tha third time- hall and at ooco for witness and prisoner to come and help her When witness went into ball aba Mm arm of her liuiba were and twitching and hie jaw Mt was carried to bed and doctor telegraphed for Witness heard Mrs what he bad done with lb replied that bo bad broken iL Then Mm told her witness throw oysters out but not into swill Mr wards down asked witness where aba bad thrown the and when told Went out and ice an over place January On Evans was much better Friday witness heard Mrs- Evans log to Bradford Mrs Evans then told not to tell anyone when he handed Mrs Evans a bottle a fiuUlinco looking like salts Mrs shortly afterwards told bring her powders Ibo doctor bad eft did and Mrs Evana told her to leave her In her room A little while called witness gave paper containing the powder which now bad a nick in it and told her to i lacerate from the rest on the table and be tare to administer the powder from the paper with in lo Mr ft she gave any to patient Later she beard Mrs give Mm Margaret Kvans of same directions Some time afterwards Mr look twitching spelts again Dr Howe soon arrived and ana witness heard mention poison She went and told Mrs Evans what aha heard doctor say Lottie Evans then turned pale shook all over and said My God theyre not talking poison Witness went onto lav that Mrs Evans told her that It husband bad no one have that he bad been poisoned Witness left em ploy and a few after called on her and told her that Frank Waller Evans brother was going leit all Mrs Event and asked her not to toll and especially on and Coonfe the latter her pet name for Evans told witness If she wit- would stay there from Saturday till Monday she would giro her afraid witness would talk too much It she letter leave After the second of Evans Mrs Brans bad given her witness silver watch and In doing told her to tall had also given here ring- Evans hotel Why did aba give you this A Ho that I wouldnt tell I had seen her while the ball was going on Witness went on say that she often had seen legg and Mrs teteatete sometimes staved nearly all night with Mrs Evana when Mr Evans from home Wit told how Mrs had her djunken fool and drunken bow bad that would rather draw a knife across Walters throat than see him draw the over my had said night wished she get rid of him or kill him Witness had aeon end Mrs Evans taking white sub- from a phial some daya prior to Mr Illness Mrs about that time had In her a bottle of laudanum and a bottle of oil of cedar bottles Patsy Ho rati Mrs Evans father for her Some the laudanum wee out and this was Mr he went down to get a drink of cold let wonld take the laudanum When tailed It he noticed something wrong and did not take any About this she took a alp of cold tea oat of a glass in the kitchen White she was drinking Mrs Lottie came Into the room end exclaimed My I You have not drunk that tea have yon felt sick end Mrs Evans got her AND to relievo her While Mr Evans had aeon Mrs end silting together on leveret occasions kin- one another While Mr was stck witness hid Mrs pouring medicine loft by Howe out of e bottle Into a glass with some white sub- then Dr Howe drove up and Evens emptied the glass in the and to waall the glass which did When the about the same was o tako some black currant pre- Serves of Mrs Evans had said her Do yon want to croak toot Mtsa asio caws iiuunn Mr for the Iirlsoner Lottie Evans lis of witness Ho aiked If Waller of one of prisoners often got on a bender Witness I hardly ever him any way Wltnen denied having eat on the bed Walter and nursed to sleep acknowledged hiving charged of a of by Mrs Margaret paid over the value of mils lo settle the and avoid arrest by the who came after her Mr tried to find out it Mrs Etui had the witness admitted that Mrs Event had never treated Waller he was plainly loth to admit that lira Brans had been her Taking Into account that be was drank pearly sal Ibe time yon treat your yon had goo any baiter I A I try to keep him more at home Mr as to the reason of bar enmity to Mrs the prison er end dialed the Mrs Marga ret Evans bad told the female prisoner had stated thai tines was a girl Improper denied thai she had watch which she asserted Mrs Evans pre- bat acknowledged bating worm it about the hotel lor before It was given to her Mr enquired about ihoviiit of Mr father Patsy brought aome oil of Ibe hotel I saw kin pour of Into a cop of tea tasted It and said it was too bitter and then threw tea did yon not tell tbla to Mr Cldla I asked Mr Mnrdock Becanse be dtdnU w u th Corneal for prisoners and both teatiaed that was sold at Evans hole although the proprietor had no license The wee In A It was nearly oclock when court adjourned jury not allowed to asperate nod will kept together ihe end of trial When the ease was called Friday mora Ing tbo room wee crowded again Dr Lewie of Bradford brother of Druggist Campbell testified tbat came into store on Jan and purchase grain of strychnine him to poison foxed The doctor saw signature in book on Dec said to him Youre getting enough it Osman replied he bad tbe bottle and lot Aral lot He got grains on Be for a Lawyer took wit ness in hand the judge said dock examined witness neither counsel for and could be lowed to do so Both gaoUemen strongly and Mr stated that on day Held swore to bearing conversation between end Mrs she Maggie was Mrs Wilson of wife of a baker and storekeeper told bow a young roan bad to store on a day shortly after New day He brought a scaler with him and she old two quarts of tew nut of the hot lom of The young man came in a bo remarked ho came from Sharon aland op said Mr complied and Wil son said be looked like Iho man but could not be sure testified that Jan he telegraphed to go to Sharon he arrived he found Walter in bed attended by wife John John Wesley and Maggie die was suffering from spasms Ills arms and legs were twitching hie vrere set tight and had to bo pried open snap ped hi the spoon liae a mad Ilia spina curved hack his breathing irregular stood upon his lace aid legs were drawn up lie unable lo talk and the attack left him very week Next day found him better but somewhat stupefied He Mrs- Evans some powders for The third day Evans Area On the fourth day be waa again telegraphed lor He found Evans suffering as before bat condition raving Did you form ao opinion and can you state the eautoof Clute by Have any doubt about that None at The witness had asked Mrs Evens it there anything bar husband and be was and worrying over It Mr Murdoch after obtaining In formation as to shown by Evans asked it did that the man was on the verge of delirium tremens replied that It might be that Decayed vegetable matter In stomach might produce Mrs was atten tive to her Mrs said that the had made bar sick The lawyer here produced Taylor and quoted from it showed thai when a Is poisoned with strychnine the intellect Is perfectly clear Dr Howe stated that he bad not had much with strycblnlne poison ing He might have and opium powder Into black currant Jam not he did not It John Kayanagb postmaster at Sharon that on Jan brought a massage for tbe pent and then Kavanah went to the description of symptoms to that previous witness Poring a conversation with Mr Evans In the bar ahe bad witness that heard It wa reported around that Walter being poisoned I did not cere about letting her know had heard of It said the witness and I told her I bad not The witness told by Mr Evan that her husband fell alter The looked pink Short ly after Maggie told Mm that wanted to get her clothes away a there going to be an awful racket Kuan Vita Mis Held had told him that she bad overheard the doctor mention poison and also that she had heard minora miaou ing Dr Howe he concluded had changed medicine after the poison conversation To Mr Murdoch he said that though ha had known the female prisoner over since she was a child he knew nothing wrong about her though he had seen things that did not seem proper Mrs Margaret Evans a sister Wal ter Evans and wife of his cousin that she at the Evans houe on the night of January 9 saw and Mrs talking downstair end Wa asked lor Mrs Evans The witness told her to go up to him but she did not Walter the whom Is wife was talking and ahe said to Rod ney Wilton not wanting lo tall him the truth beoabse It would make him feel had Mr Evans lb ask ed the witness to Waller powder as she herself could not get him to take It The witness powder where the said it was and gave it to Walter be then left the house but was called back In a lew minutes when sho found Walter In every bad state Ho seemed paralyzed and could not move his hands or legs witness when crossexamined by Mr Murdoch showed marked reluctance to question as to her past history She said she wa first married to Alex ander some sixteen year ago bat did dot know where he now is nor why he left her admitted that Wal ter Evans had her tt taking action Maggie lor of her Frank Evans a brother Walter Ev ans saw Welter on January He to bo jerking bis arms and legs tic beard and wanted to go up see Mrs Margaret said that It was no use only Evans friends could see on tbat talking behind the what laid He tell Brans that she bad seen his wife kits and bad teen locked Id a room for two bean Walter if It so she said It was and that was sorry for it Tho witness did not think that was as attentive to her bis illness as The witnee admitted that bo bad been accused by brother of at tempting to poison him Campbell Bradford swore that be grain of stryobnlue on December and that ho there on when Dr Campbell grata a of nine Waller J gave testimony Maggie Ho Mrs getting tome currants for her husbands la few Evans brought them down her husband had only tasted them- Maggie took a spoon and started to Gat Then Mrs Ob Maggie yon darn fool do yon want to croak tool Then got and threw them Into the stove She the dootor bad soma powder Richard an old trapper of Hoi land Landtag that had to get strychnine from him to Holland Lauding that had spoken to him about his admiration or Mrs and had that it a pity thai Walter bad while he cot there He had alaasvn arms around Evans In dbaron Hotel a living at Holt that ha had seen Pegg kiss Brans pgg and Mr Evans had also been at hie Herbert was at Evans Hotel on January were there and as leaving the heard tell to be good to and After that ho beard a like a kUs but did not Evans Jadab had Bitting on knee in hotel two went out back door the afterwards theminaunaUbniid in the back yard At this stage of the proceedings Emanu el Chapman a Juror took suddenly ill and allowed to withdraw He attended by several physician who Ho relumed in a few mo- but was unwilling to overstrain juror adjourned Court at oclock Ilia Lordship gave the jury to in order that Mr Chapman and another jury I unwell might medicine All of jurymen looked very much fatigued from their confinement in vitiated air the court room for though the public Is not admit ted to court the room is overcrowded with jurymen who have a right to be present Juryman Chapman bad recovered to be in his place when for the owning of As ar rived on Saturday morning Tbo first the day was Joseph swore that on night on which Walter took sick Held asked him to take a letter from Mr Evan to Charlie Uider witness said kissing and tooling with Retd mora than twice It will be remembered that wore that had never Roger ho drove out to wo when getting end that told to toll Louie to eend the trunk to Bel haven end to be to morrow Roger under fitid that Roger hid a brother at llel- and expected trunk logo there Thomas that at Mrs he bad helped to her trunk to mow and bide it in hay Maggie present at time was not present when trunk was carried out Alex said that aaked him if Evens trunk might bo left at Ms going toberbrotboto at Mrs Kiizabeth an aunt of pris oner with whom a letter produced court which was read The substance of it that lb writer fa a fix watched night and day ltcid had told offered to do whatever he wanted The letter Informed Charlie that Walter would him if be saw her speak lo She confessed her liking and swore to stick by Witness said that had re ceived a plnah through the but neither eh nor nay Holt was called could say from whom the letter or case had been received Mr manager the Ontario Dank at Newmarket gave evi dence regarding an insurance policy made out on October by Walter Ev ans In favor his wife Lottie The policy lately been reassigned by in favor of husband The policy for John Kavanagh remembered a quarrel between and in the bam on the night and at when Mrs fcv- ana supposed to be with the Innocent cause of little tilt between and for prisoner was recalled to identify the prisoners In the hotel vard when he said ho Pegg and Mr Evans togethsr in an outhouse Detective testified with of Police of Newmarket ho searohed in the icehouse of Eva us hoot and found phial produced the of which the Crown claims Is strychnine The Judge would not allow lhadetectlve to conversation had with at Newmarket because ho had not warned him to be a Crown witness had told all he knew under the that be would be County Crown Attorney Mr clerk assize gave evidence to the receipt the phial and de liverance a portion of Its contents to Ellis for analysis Dr Arthur Juke Johnson Toronto stated that the symptom described in Evans case were thoso of strychnine poisoning and not of any disease he know of lie had no doubt Evans from strychnine poisoning This concluded the crown case and the case for tho defence was commenced Lib ZEPHYR The Editors Shears On Tuesday morning April the a gloom was passed over the people of this village when a tele- arrived from Toronto revealing the death of Miss who after enduring strong pain for two from at the midnight hour in the sweet est and most submlssbn to the Divine will breathed her last She leaves a deeply distressed moth er father three sisters and si broth- era to deplore the removal of one of the most obedient of daughters kind- est of sisters and most affectionate of friends in year of her age- STOUFFVILLE According to- the assessment roll we have of In crease assessed value over last year newly iooo increase in population Our creamery butter is in active demand On Saturday we vere shown a communication from a firm in Toronto asking for quotations for a weekly supply of lbs On Tuesday J Baker met with a painful and severe accident in the sawmill It seems that the carriage was being run down the incline for a load of logs and Mr Baker was in close to the chain which is attached to the carriage and by some means the chain which is attached to the carriage caught his feet throwing him violently upon the floor his head coming against the track causing a severe scalp wound lie also receiv ed considerable of a shock internally AURORA Mr Duke carried fiftytwo passengers on the stage last week besides having considerable freight and express His average for the last month has been thirtynine weekly Mr is making extensive re pairs and alterations in the QutCis Hotel A large brick addition is being built at the west side in which will be located the diningroom kitchen and pantry on the first Hat and sevcial bedrooms on the second and third flats We regret to announce this week the death of another of our citizens in the person of Mrs J Tool whose death occurred tan Sunday evening The funeral look place on Tuesday and was attended by members of the Methodist Sunday school in a body as the Royal Templars both of which institutions she had been an active member of for some years Homer BRADFORD Several our sporting men have been summoned to appear before our J for illegal fishing Cattle once more roam the streets during the day The bylaw granting this privilege came in force pitMay and continues till November At the League on Mon day evening last it was decided in friendly debate that the Franchise should be extended to women Messrs- S Graham and H being ihe winning debaters On Friday evening last a select party of about a of our young people out to Mr Wakefield Howards to spend the evening Pulling maple taffy was freely indulged in also games and other amusements ending up with an excellent lunch The parly report spending a very en joyable time A young man from the Township named Barber while adjusting a horses shoe with a wrench the other day was struck in the face with the wrench through the animal kicking in flicting a cut above the left eye The Sou man was obliged to come and Dr Campbell the bleeding and the wound will celebrate the There are men out of work in Winnipeg had some tramp burglar last week la- Diphtheria has been prevalent In lately is having a small building boom A new Public School be erected in CoUingwood bicycles have been sold in this season Brampton gas house was de stroyed by fire last week The has discharged forty more men at There are counterfeit and bills floating around Ienelang A gold mine has been discov ered within five miles of Parry The damage done to the wharf is completely repair ed Five carloads of fat cattle were shipped from Mon day Owen Sound is preparing for a big demonstration on Ihe May Peculiar to Itself eminently ocMttal bat that many leading eltl- mm from all the United of teem Hoods not accident bat industry sad It Pills caret Bick Bold by all A counterfeit bill found way to the bank at Tottenham last week Heavy frost greatly dam aged the fruit crop in Washington and states The Methodist church people of Owen Sound have erected a brick shed feet long Bowman viKe Council has bought a road scraper that works like a charm- Win Guest the bigamist was sentenced at London to two and a half years in penitentiary boy about years of age stabbed a man in the arm with a at Tottenham on day Serious damage has been caused by floods near Many million of lumber have been lost Bursars broke open the safe in the hardware store of J at Perth on Thursday and only got two dollars S3- Five Kingston druggists were fined Monday for selling liquor during prohibited hours without a doctors certificate A fire broke out in the cellar of an drug store and the stock was damaged being extinguished covered by insurance John a farmer living about east of was killed while foiling trees Friday after noon His head was crushed lo a jelly- A farmer pear Hamilton got a brick in exchange for good money he had paid green goods The Custom exposed ihe scheme Locusts have appeared by the thousand In the Valley and Northern New York They em erge from holes varying from one to two feet deep at sunrise and return at sunset This district has been cov ered with these insects every seven teenth year since SUTTON The annual cow nuisance has ar rived Mosquitoes ate to sing their praises Lake trout are fairly plenti ful just now St James Sunday School has pur- chased a new library The cheese factory will start opera tions again in about week The Whitby Hedge Fence Co has started operations in and around Sut ton Mr Geo has improved the appearance of his residence by terracing the giound Mr Sharpe is again confined to bis room Mr J has caught the fever and he Is having his sodded Arrangements are about completed for a celebration of the Queens birth day In Sutton The citizen were treated to a cal program Saturday evening by the band In their stand and the selec tions given were well worthy of ad miration Vegetation is a in advance of last year spring seeding was never more satisfactorily carried out than it has been spring and farmers nor withstanding the low price of wheat are more hopeful than they have been In ten years past The business outlook Is exceedingly en couraging quickly relieves and cures Indigestion mi The town council of Peter borough has decided to exempt from taxation machinery of all manu facturing establishments employing not less than 5 hands Cure Japanese laborers are flocking to Vancouver in such numbers that the Japanese consul has decided to advise his Government to restrict emigration The officials of the German army and navy after an exhaustive set of experiments have decided against the use of peanut flour as food for the troops and sailors or as horse food Tuesday Mr Herbert Wright Paisley Block shipped Shorthorn bulls to the Cochrane ranch at Calgary They were all pur chased around Guelphand and were fine animals Lindsay the constable shot by the man at Comber Thursday night died of his injuries Truskey was pursued by rather than be captured alive Wuj a bullet in his own breast At a sale in Orange- ville a mare with foal a year old colt a milch cow and a two year old heifer were knocked down lor f property was taken an Adjala farmer under a chattel mortgage D C Pills cure chronic pation ft Many improvements be ing made on the line of King The C is being raised and will be besides being otherwise improved Messrs James Robert McTcgait and Joseph Godson are each building a new bank barn James Watson of con Peel received a bad kick in ihe face a couple of weeks ago while cleaning a horse He had four of his upper teeth knocked out and three lower ones with a piece of jaw bone driven in and the lower lip so badly- cut three stitches were necessary Positively no from using for headache neural gia or pain All Last week a farmer with his effects passed through here on the train on his way up ihe line return ing from Manitoba Nine vcars ago he left for that province with iboo now he returns to his old Home us that amount labor lost No place like Ontario Clifford Check Indigestion with caretakers of the old MethodistchurchcemeteryPeterboio starter a fire to bum up rubbish etc and from this the flames spread in the long dry grass and soon the whole necropolis was After trying a couple of hours to extinguish the flames the company was called in Many the tombstones and monuments are disfigured with black ness and smoke and the fence Is charred in several places 1 T I v

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