V Vr ERA APRIL Like a Miracle I Consumption Low Condition Reiutts From Hoods SarvapAriUe the tea Hannah Foar a country front In a Terr low the ndboti5 veXnJoa trip to count- to roil feel better lo off it pw foe ind and If UL la to tip with Bald Was Past All Help to licet for Hoods Cures walks ud out no trouble fcr and do to be Brain a firi We a Mixta Hoods PHI partly WrfeLiybirc2to all ffa A Neuralgic OF THE If PLASTER MAGIC SCROFULA CURED BY BBB Forgiving Brethren April Geo iff by which The were sol merely local landi raftered a to Joseph down to bay com cbaDcedibafiripUflglh Ihex do of their lo Dot hid theca and atlilcJo at bis By In thai ha draw oat of toricJ to rallied them their great put fiuili and led them It another that them time when down they undergo a yet Mrere Guilt on brother They all brought to Josephs Ha that bo Ibe go free But pathetic iwoaatiaooa that they will rather yield thin allow harm to come him doo wrong ex pect to bo and before received back and trait Hera of over the food ia own and he evil thai Mr of Toronto reported to hare ted In South mile from inf thai ho to enter the field u a agaioal Cart Bit As that atloo for jesu- at will bo Now If the will Inform how property of the city may bo to form an opinion of taxation a rale of bat not Writ of a town for fa by the action of the Mayor of who ordered guardian of law to flame of every oca mid- and report the same for entry in a register kept by the chief of Any desiring to know who night hawk are can do eo by coaittltiog the police register in PUT UP glass vials hermetically scaled and always way fresh the of it- 1 bad abteeia on my arid ih kind it a bold to doctor treated at last raid tore for take and IberiaM It would do too no harm tike It Inked 11 in before three I I bare Ir I find llurdock liJ a good children at a JAMES CHASE Politics in Toronto Judging from rumors Riven ia pa Toronto will have a lively political circus at the approach ing general elections Gossip at the party Club Rooms assigns Messrs and S as contestants for the West cm division and although ihe Rid ing is considered Conservative an opinion prevails that Mr may cany it for the Liberals the North district it is said Mr and Mr Tail will be pitted and a warm contest is expected In the South an effort will be made to induce the Premier to oppose the pre sent senior member Mr Clarke If Sir Oliver consents Reformers have strong Hopes being able to cany the Division In the Eas Dr son will be the nominee and will be opposed by Dr Ogden or some other strong man Leiden in the labor organisations of the city are also planning to place a candidate in the field or this division What the result of a fight may be it is difficult now to foresee should a temperance candidate be put forward it said the trial will be made in the West or South Ridings- It is quite however that neither the temperance nor labor parlies will do anything until after the Liberal and Conservative Conven tions are held A paying and Senate tor their aaarfonal aUovra them to from wb Thla all war from to No than eight or tha each for their travelling and the of tha aura paid by fax J the Dominion and nearly Iho whole of Into the plate at an axtxm at the of el a In aoroa way moat in the of McCarthy the tariff and J the opinion who live In glass about throwing stone But a Rood many people ootatda think a of own a Liberal hot now a Tory of the Tories and champions the Tory trine protection it most form In eyes it a political sin for McCarthy to change respecting fiscal policy of the while a complete am mem alt on a riRhleooe act Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets com When you take pills its an important point to have them small provided they have equal strength and efficacy Youll find what want in these little liver pills of Dr Pierce Theyre put up in a better way and they in a better way than the huge oldfashioned pills What you want when youre all out of sorts thickheaded and take a gloomy view of life is these Pellets to clear up your system and start your liver into healthful action Sick Headache Bilious Headache Constipation Indigestion Bil ious Attacks and all derange- meats of the liver stomach and bowels are prevented re lieved and cured Theyre ihe pill you can buy for theyre guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money is FOR AND WOMEN THE Does your Wife L DO HER OWN Washing the does see that the wash is made Easy J3d Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP which does away with terrors of washday Experience will convince hex that it PAYS to use this soap An Father You dont to be lieve in the adage Business pleasure Son Of course I dont Father You ought to its in Son Aw pop come off tft fellow couit ft girl long time before he lo lee her father NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT FROM My Entire Stock consisting of dry GROCERIES BOOTS SHOES PAINTS OILS ETC Must be sold within the next SO DAYS As I am retiring from business All goods to be sold cost Now is your time to secure bargains in all lines Goods will be sacrificed from Wood A genius has invented a machine gas for illuminat ing out of wood instead of coal The machinery is very simple consisting merely of a retort and chamber with a tank for trie gas He claim that the machine can be used for domestic purposes and that by attaching It to an ordinary cooking stove enough gas to last a day can be made by the necessary to dp tht cooking African Two Groat the at MONEY iUU CATC COPVRIGHT8 A Us Editor I US fltKS TO A sill tor the and inipM Hon Light will In the Federal this it Sir John to to of his prominent The Mr Toronto reported to fio6 South Oxford from and it he to eater politic Slid ft Sir Richard Cm Wright reported of Mr from the of oat to bo ma attack of grippe but he is now writes to tbo to give currency to reported he in the field till the lul In the toll that he wilt be next member for York in the From our knowledge of Mr believe he will be no discredit to the Riding or the party sup porting him He hat bed Urge experience knows the wants of the Hiding sod should ft repre sentative The minutes of tut session of York County Council were distributed to mem bers of Newmarket Town Council on night lest week end in look- tug over items disbursed we find from of the Committee on contingencies that they recommended the payment of for services on roads and bridges ftud Industrial total of to the Warden of last year The bylaw a the County fixing remuneration thflWrden en- That the Warden of the County of be allowed mm of 9400 per in ot payment as member of the Council Commissioner of property and all ether Ay kirn in with the the County said sum to be paid quarterly by the Treasurer Will some member of the Contingent Commit tee furnish authority for this In the face No This looks like a way of a fixed salary The only and Practical Boll of Electricity for aim both la Sunlit Mrtor It won at any lime working or euro WeakneM Impotency Urinary ElectHdty pSorinigs SSyand Urinal Trouble and will cure hopeless when wery other THEY MUST BE SOLD accounts due Oct 1st 1893 must be settled at once CEO HWIGHT QUEENSVILLE known moan hi faHol Any riaKifh or by tnU to roused to activity beforelt men and the Belt their practice OCR ILLUSTRATED CAtALOOUB t cure Acute and IUaisc4 how to etc free to Oven Co KINQ St TORONTO SATHKTI to Mutant iaunfif J ivoii A torn to lci Loot nut rtcelre it arc petite to lt lifowUrlffAlilirHlotraiiNlliityfsucbi tfrritio a- ot ia i- at tern fc4Niib2tAaUinJVjll4rtOaitovlX How to Got a Sunlight A named Gamble who 1st convicted at of the murder of Dray by performing a criminal operation has been pardoned lie wee at first sentenced to be but the sobse- commuted to for coDseoaence of Mr Berwicks retire- meat from the of in spector for the Toronto a change has been made by the Ottawa Depart men all around Barker of London Is to locate at Toronto Is from this division to London Jones of Kington the district remains at Stratford and Ottawa A new is ton divtitonl Soap wrappers wrapper tearing the words Why a Woman Look Old Sooner Then a Man to lira Toronto and yon will receive by port a pretty picture fee from and well worth framing This is an way to decorate your home The is the best In the market and It will only to send In the wrap you leave the ends Write your carefully Two went to law over a piece of land worth about five When the judge came the case on the docket he scored it out and ordered each party to pay his own colli one of them and the other in the neighborhood of Heart teved 30 or heart relieved In and Cure for Heart doe A Moon to Oct com- a curb horse I take gesture acts with piomptatu In the ft Of hard soft or and farmer Bold by I Kldiiej New a tfitt and xce4IojE to of the la or female It of and to It alAOct Hold at furs for la I to i Its upon It rttnufc- Abiekod 1- It at tbe WCaodtbodlaMlaamdtatclf for 1 sle scy An exchange has been dis covered at Montreal that some bavo been at work altering the denomina tion of bank bills from fl6 to ISO np- wards The City and Savings Bank was offered three Union Bank of Canada notes and some greenbacks and Bank Toronto bills altered this way Other have had similar Attatt Woolpeg a copy a handsome entitled Vleton a pouptof woo at the Worlds fair Chi- cago tit summer Canadian lira allele breeders will the displayed In the pnbtlo inch a permanent memento Canada In that great ring Oat in won United A crisis In Newfoundland and history again re- peats part at least The was and ilr leader Opposition called In to a new Cabinet cooded In doing when the party rallied and voted a motion had when the was enacted In the days old Canada Bat the Gover nor defeated pari the Double tihaQlcre by prorogae log for a week wh the premise a farther adjournment ja order to allow upon the election re- sorted to by the party daring the laic general elections there and also so enable the new to seek after taking and thus be la a position to defend on feeling Is to be very bitter and trouble Is anticipated C it Ihc justly celebrated Klog of Cute The unpleasant relations existing be tween Warden Mamie and Inspector Central Prison baa devel oped an opportunity for a diversion In the Committee has been friction ever ap- poinlmeot and la current talk In ot th that the Govern ment would advantage the Institution and the Province by tha dismissal of one or other Trades and Labor Council delega tion of Toronto held an interview with the Government leat week and urged the adoption of voting for beta of the Legislature The Premier replied at some length and expressed the view that the Province was not prepared for it Nearly all the petitions Ha favor had been sent from Toronto atone tie expressed much sympathy with objects of the labor men but thought they got In the way as it they had representatives On a motion made daring the past week by Mr for a return show ing what amount of the Schools grant was apportioned to cities towns and Incorporated villages contain ing High or for the past ten years and the amount to the remaining a warm discussion took The Opposition charged that grants to cities and towns had increased at the expense of County schools Several members took part In the debate bat lengthy reply the Minister of Education clearly that the charge was groundless that those who entertained a contrary notion did not make accoont the tact that a very large percentage at tending Schools wr residents of the coanty Instead of the cities and towns where nigh Schools and Collegiate lute were located On Thursday night had been advanced a stage Mr Miss- made an amendment to the motion to go Into on censoring Government tor Its crown timber policy and incidentally an attack was made upon Mr In which It charged that Inasmuch Hon gentleman was extensively engaged In lumbering connection with Administration was improper more especially a tha company which be was President had no less than licenses For nearly three long hours was discussed during which Hon Mr said that his company had bought a foot timber from the Government and that all the privi leges the company had were purchased from other holders Moreover bis com pany had not been by presence the Government as the Umber dues had been advanced per cent hla Incumbency office As a matter of fact timber dues were fixed not shifting or dependent on the Government About a quarter before oclock the debate closed and the vote taken resulting In amendment being lost by to On this dislon Mr Campbell Equal voted with the Opposition and the Patron with the Government Mr the P P A member was absent Ho far as other concerned It was a strict party vote Hon Mr has Introduced a bill amending the law In regard to societies special provision for lbs benefit schemes connection with It will then to I obUln privileged for a I to and the While housecleaning last week Mr Harvey Sr of fell and broke her aim EX A brother editor remarks We were a little surprised a few days ago to find 50 in road be side a hedge at the corner of a prom- home and the more so to find it had lain there for several months unmolested and beginning to look much the worse for exposure- The money was in the of a mowing machine that will have to be replaced with a new one before many years unless cared for better than that Did you ever notice asked a man the other day that a woman never sits down in a chair under any circumstances without first moving it And come to think we have noticed this very thing It matters not what the place or circumstances in the or lecture room every where tt is just the same The po sition of the chair may be all right The conventional act may be almost or wholly an unconscious one the change of the chair position may not be an inch or half an inch but be it little or much with or without reason the motion itself must be made for it scents to be inseparable from a a womans Instinct A stamped letter is a sacred thing in the eyes of the United States government No one is permitted by aw to open it except the person whose name it bears A man com mitted suicide not long ago and on his desk found a letter addressed to some one in Iowa The stamp was on the tetter and though it had not started and though the coroner was most anxious to open it for he felt sure it would throw some light on the mans death he could not do it The small pinkish oblong bit paper with a head of Washington en- graved upon it that was gummed Up in one coiner was as a body of armed soldiers to protect the dead mans wishes K C Pills the best laxative for children Only a few years ago a pho tographer was thought of as a man who too pictures of persons simply that their friends who could not be with them all lime might at least see any minute just how they looked now the roan with the camera or even the boy or the girl with the camera does a good deal more than that Since it has become possible to lake instantaneous pictures the use of the camera has extended in every way In England a short lime ago a iron bridge of one of the railways was suspected of be ing unsafe It looked all right but there were some reasons why the managers were afraid of it They could not decide themselves and they sent up to for a famous ginter and over He came and was puzzled too until he thought of a way to test it He took a kodak and made a picture of the bridge with no upon it Then he kept his camera In position and waited for a fast train to come Pretty soon an express came thundering on and Justus the big locomatlre struck the bridge he pulled open the and took a second picture on the same plate that held the fust When the plate was examined the picture with the train was found so much be low the other as to show what the en gineer and managers hid feared a dangerous droop the bridge with PALE CHILDREN tad t I or Cod Liver OIK rctoizmtcd ltd loliit THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD That will bum ROUGH WOOD and GOAL Equally Wall the oxford OIL GAS COOK STOVE Has tha Largest IS A Is Every bodys v Cook Stovo Makes and Bums Its Own Gas fiafltK From Common Coal Oil NO DIRT NO HEAT IN THE KITCHEN a Family Dinner for Two Cents The FOUNDRY CO ML PAY YOUR MONEY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OP TORONTO SUE THEM TO SEE TO WM HODGE CO 21 MAIN ST SOUTH OF NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins AND LUMBER Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES f m Lath Doors Sash fa and Blinds SHOULD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT EN- AUOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS I U CURE A COUGHS Notice to- ttit all others ih ESTATE OF WILMAM In lbs Vwk KeSh amy to Mod mall or to dtllvar John and ioi bat aM o to MM aball lbo lb ban had Sbq liable lor Of oj ihertor or claims not then rotolrod not loo ficlidtorfor Xo AKDKRSONB FORCE PUMPS For A Ciiterai in on M1LU or no iht sidaeow I WM it UR mm WRINGERS PfJiQ ALL Tbe tscher was uithmcllc class in history On day is Washingtons birthday Twentysecond of February an swered the class And Independence Day The of July What is difference between the two days This seemed to be a poser and no reply was forth coming a who had been scribbling on a piece of paper held up his hand Good for you Johnny the teacher encouragingly now tell us what the between these two of the days in our notional Four months and twelve days maam and the teacher was shocked because she had forgotten that there was an arithmetic side to the ques tion as well as a history one W A Thomas- ton Maine writes Suffering from in digestion when in Nova Scotia a year ago a package of C was given me I cheerfully acknowledge that the effect of remedy in curing the trouble was very marked and prompt as well as Lasting oclock on Wednes day ntghfthe barns and belonging to James Morris Alton were totally destroyed by fir The fiie started in the stable where Mr Morris was feeding his horses by his upsetting the lantern which wasted struck by the fork handle In his efforts to put out the fire Mr Morris was seriously if not fatally burned Ail his farming implements together with milch cows and fat hogs were burned but he succeed ed in getting the horses out of the building No insurance Use for indiscretions of diet At Sudbury a demonstration was held in celebration of the Ontario Governments new mining bill- re specting exemptions from royalty Liniment for sabbTorywhera It is a common custom to leave a box of matches any just where you happen to use them last- on the table closet shelf in fact any place except in the match safe get hold of them and slip them into their pockets and then in pulling out their traps to find some thing else they slip out just as likely to fall on the carpet or barn floor with straw scattered about as any where else somebody steps on them or a mouse nibbles the phosphorus and off they go Unaccountable I Strange The work of an incendiary I Wasted In one hundred thousand households in America a willing sunshiny will not fret when asked to wipe the dishes or sigh when requested to lake care of the baby a daughter whose chief delight is to smooth away mothers wrinkles and who is quite as willing to lighten her fathers cares as his a who thinks her own quite as fine a fellow as some other girls brother Constant love high esteem and a most honored place in the home guaranteed Employ ment assured to all qualified ap plicants Address Mother Home Office A lady who did not wish her daughter spoiled sent the following note to the teacher when she instruct ed the pupil to procure a grammar I do not desire my daughter shall engage in grammars as I prefer her engage in useful and can learn her how to spoke and write proper myself I have went through two Rummers and I can say as they did me no good I prefer her to en gage in gentleman and drawing vocal music on the This may seem like an exaggeration but is true and It is a fact the more ignorant the person the more conceited they arc Wilson Star Minards Liniment Cures Burns etc There are always In every community people of jealous dis positions who eel aggrieved when they see the names of their neighbors mentioned in the local newspaper Such persons usually bear about the same importance in the community as the figure one on a ten dollar bill next to nothing They that one name Is inserted with the same idea as another simply to disieminate news without anr consideration of the financial or other standing of the mentioned But this could never be made plain and appreciated by hairbrained people As mosquito buues around so will the little piping voice of such people be heard in the community but it does not hurt This is the season when peo ple begin to put away their stoves for the summer and at least onehalf of those who do so will find next fall that the stoves which have been stored in good order in spring are half ruined by the rust in the fall Most persans regard this as a sort of dispensation of Providence to be en dured with uncomplaining resignation but in reality it is result of ignor ance and carelessness When a stove is taken down in the to be put away for the summer a pan of kero sene oil should be in readiness and to every part of the stove the oil should be liberally applied with a or rag- Be sure to reach every scam Joint and rivet then cover up the Hove with old newspapers and go your way with a clear conscience for when you take off the wrappings In the fall there will not be a particle of rust anywhere on your heating ap paratus Liniment Cures Burning Oils Lubricating Oils Canadian Coat Oils J Peerless West Virginia American Coal Oils Cylinder and Castor RE HOUSE and PAINTERS BRUSHES HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES ARTISTS BRUSHES STABLE BRUSHES BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS TOOLS AND SUNDRIES BUILDING HARDWARE DOUBLE DIAMOND GLASS AXLES WAGON SKEINS SPRINGS BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL PROP TUB OF DULL v- tar CANADAS AND LEADING JOHN LUSH A Toronto paper is happy over the return of Canadians from the United States It says Many who foolishly removed from Ontario to the Western Slates a few years ago are now on their way to the North west Territories Hundreds of FrenchCanadians who have been de prived of work in the factories of the New England States are getting ready to return to the deserted farms of Quebec Good Let the work of repatriation go on The returning exiles will make all the better as a result of their discovery that the brilliant verdure of distant fields often exist only in the imagination FOR BALK OR TO TO LET OoOorbsmStrcvt Apply to MRS WILKIN IS Si Victoria FOR SALE A good flouts and Lot on fit For Bale p Apply to Newmarket RICK STORE FOR SALE on Street IhoKorjjih at occupied A Terms For Apply to Good to Rent burnt- firm Writer veil plowed IheSrdcotLof pood nod sown Kent Keilleby P or J 1 FARMS FOR SALE of for trio following farms too acres West half lot con acres North half lot 6h con acres East half lot con acres East halves tots 3rd con King acres South half lot 3rd con King acres Southwest lot and con King acres Part of Northwest quarter lot and con King Apply or lard to Mr J or to Mrs Hunter or IX raiJI at of at tho west Tenants on soU will to teases and ahtn Per DUNNS BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND lannEST Sale Canada FOR Si ALE A YORKSHIRE WHITE BOAR ismOQtbs old by boat Boar Bow ST I Shropshire Rams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS A1soawomslos lS Apply Royal Electric Co Srrut Gf rests si to MOKTZtEAli PAPER MI LIS CO Mews Printing 0 HORSEMEN PETERMANS ROACH FOOD NOT A FATAL COCKROACHES AND tOktAEi ft EWJNQ CO H K A aK Wall Factory CANAOA FACTORY Seed ft ROUTE Reaper THiH AT T1IK ERA OFFICE NEWMARKET a nolle lo Its Km for ISM sad Roots fUsioa OSTRICH FEATHER MANFR SAFE MANUFACTURER THE EQUAL OF HAIR fcCfi4 for W color iho fct4d till youth when ltvoincTerksoQtofssiK or pried Of Bold svsrinrrisr a