Newmarket Era, 27 Apr 1894, page 3

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A 4 J NEWMARKETERA APRIL Ill Local Sews WHAT IS OX IN A TOWN CouKciiAThe Coun cil of Towmliip at on Saturday Kids la tame day it Hotel King City Real Estate Sale The building lot on St LhU by Mr Factory and ha rtlieao9 this on Fair renin- Mr Jam Its by with fore that ft broke boo in hi Ibomb The Sharon Poisoning Case j ntfrsl la the mm will oome for at and he daily rape will a lively ai that Chief baa to at neat Monday to Got Th eke The building pur- by Mr moved Sired in bat it coat all that it as the moving racked to gap which it on Main St what an it wool J be if were opened through it bo The Close Season S bare people an idea that the for catching on the lit of May it a Jt not open till aod or had possesion from the of May to the of June The cJoe for ia now en and will remain lit the of May are also not in till the Epworth The Lecture Room of Church was flld on 11 people to hear Wb RMoIed a rather Wm to affirmant Mr the negative Fred Miller and Jo OJery the chair and decided in favor of the firmatire It a Purchase The Win Co ttU town the of what known Baiter Timber Limit from ria Bay Lumber Co It l whole In on the North Short- Mr Cane and three or of the employee here took a the limit jut after cold set in Hit Fall Co- hope to have material for their pail department off for many years Condolence The of Locomotive Firemen on the Chirago Bell Lice Booth Engle 111 have a resolution of con- Mr Chat who died on the 2nd init and they moara the lost of an efficient trust worthy member At regular meeting of on Monday a Intion of condolence to the widow and family of late Alfred to Irwm the lou of and to Beamish in the of his mother death of lire make eleventh the of the here in vicinity through the Order Wide Oilcloth Roche Co hnwinj Oil Cloth 3 wide tolGfeit wide and low pile a Fajr Drivers should re member that a man who want to go faster than they do his a right to paw him on road If ha is prevented by the other and an happens bo- of the letters Interference ob structionist responsible for No man in the eyes of the taw has a right to infringe on righte of hie neighbor or check the latter in passing He is in fact obliged to assist him to pass There ara a large number of people in who do not to appreciate this fact Riders on bicycles are also en titled to hall toad If compelled to turn oat in rough places they are likely to break their and In that case would hire a good action for damages of T Interest continue Templars and the attendance ram from to at each meetings List and ad Licensed TheCommie- not complete their last Monday soma parties plying with the and they tomorrow As is their re quest not to the whole list Is complete will not appear till next Jack Wax The members of Christian intend holding their annual of Hot and other things basement on the evening of Friday are food of the sweet opportunity as no It will be season trthar weak The York Rangers Major- General Herbert report HA of the Militia Twelfth Battalion Ths excel lence of this bat allien is due to the ex of officer in en to establish a system A very fair a gvxvl spirit in all rank Church Last Sun day Mr Ed of Toronto brother of choirmaster was visiting ip New- market and delighted congregations morning with his excellent singing Besides taking part In the an thems and rendering a beautiful In one of them he sang Abide With Me with wonderful and also a couple of duetts with his brother Mr may be sure of a warm corns whenover he cornea to Newmarket The last Sunday morning was by lit Her J- a young man whom rcaton to believe will bring honor to his native town at the termination of his present college course Pastors sub- Society After three or four weeks of terrible suffering Mr Alfred Whitchurch past away last morning Deceased was son of Hid Brook Dennis and resided at the The very Urge attendance at the funeral Jut shows the in which by the community Revs Bell and comb on the under whose the appropriate service of the Order was conducted at the Cemetery Job Lot Summer Corsets We hare got in extra cheap a Postal Changed people of North are petitioning the General to change the name of Point Poet Office to and also to change present fiewick office to The people at the Point are perfectly justified in their be cause the original survey It that name At to Medina then is nothing registered in that the late Draper who was clerk of township for many year gave that name to the place when he laid oat tome village lots many year ago If the Post are changed In the name it will cause a tittle confusion for a while bat two or years would overcome difficulty A The Cheese Factory A meet- ingot the Directors and others interested in the Newmarket Dairy took place in the Chamber last Saturday the solicitation of the milkhaulers who had taken contracts with the expectation that former practice of purchasing milk would be continued a discussion ensued and former motion in that was rescinded It was decided that the Factory will commence for the season on of May and haulers will take all the routes except which start later Mr Irwin was appointed to ascertain the probable cost of heating the whey and re port meeting Mr banded In his as man stating that he had not time to at tend to the duties but no farther appoint ment made for evening Things a Man Cannot do Three Dress Making Department Roche A Co pay a good to good Drees Maker who has change of Department and they turn out good work They are showing a lot of French Wool Dress Goods with Silk Mixture at cents price reg ular price per yard See them Foot Ball From the interest shown In the foot ball match to take place on the Fair Grounds tomorrow afternoon the boys may expect a large crowd to see game Gordon A team played hero two years ago when the gams resulted in a draw They are champions of the Toronto Dry League and have of the best players In city in their team The home player will bo Goal Fa Fatter Qibnoy Ed Irvine Halves IClark Doyle Left Wing A Clark Centre Watt Rolling Right Wing A Mr Art Smith of will referee the game off at oclock sharp Now dont gat high ground and look over the but add your dime to the boys recelptwaud they wilt give us a lively summer field Is polling a fine driv ing shed at the rear of his Atb which many others a pa tern Division Court A regular Court will take In tomorrow bat far we can of spec- op There are not many on docket Ax Expensive Crossing It will be remembered by reader of the that a few week aj3 Mr Title had hit arm broken by being thrown his St owing to condition of The last Monday night considered matter In all its bearings and decided to accept the offer of his folic tor settle jt for This shows the attending to dangerous places though hundreds of teams over same creasing while It in the same con dition and nobody was hart Visiting On Tuesday evening Major and a camber of Udei men drove down Aurora to in spect the new of street lighting They ware well pleased with the brilliancy of the lights and only fault than wore not enough of thorn About another worth woold giro town very fair service The Methodist church is lit to perfection Owing to the hills and condition of I would coat us from to Light town with incandescent system that it was furubhed at the rate per light Alderman Ross Sunday in honor of St Day Examinations at To ronlo University next day Quite a crowd over Fair Grounds Saturday to the of the Foot Ball Club Birthday falls On Thursday but it Is not likely to injure it very seriously April have given vegetation a atari- Agricultural imple ment men are busy these The for outdoor sports is rapidly ap proaching nAslriking feature In the just published is the of the accounts of the Coun ty Treasurer A photograph the team that is to play hero is quite an attraction In Starrs window the deodorizer advertised br is a splendid article A couple of on Tccnmseth hays been newly roof a doable house on Eagle Mr has the foundation dog for new extension to his Packing House No school at the Primary this week on account the Teachers Regular meeting of the at the sesidence of Mrs next Tuesday afternoon Monday the last day for Assess or lo finish their- work Gardening operations are brisk this week Light Ox is straightening up their poles around Town this week The Town Hall has been engaged tor a week tor a travelling troop A young man named Lyons floating togs to the cawmill took a cold duck last Wednes day A procession of Town Fathers passed through St George Ward on Wednesday on a visit of inspection At Its Height A big Rush at Davisons for his pretty Wall Papers at prices within reach of everybody and no extra charge for them a April Special meeting pursuant to adjearn- llanler Read hooao Bennett Trivet Com recommended pay of the of of 111 59 in full and that the using Uarkat floor on Bait bo charged the of for the same and thai to tor this charge be made for Its use adopted- Tbe Com recommended that Idrary to each and that of J bo paid Report adopted The Finance a lease bo prepared between and the Corporation for Water Works tot and also tires of Aruoll A Fox bo till April 1ft to remove off the lot claim of Lloyd for dam age to cotter not bat of the of Central Co was Thus far rciwt A clause aaklng to consider claim of Walter Webb for damages was altered In committee that paid in Coll settlement the sum mentioned by bis solicitor an after discussion was considered to adopt reported favorablo adopting the Dry Earth System as propoeed by the Board of and that tenders be asked for the Work that petition of the be and that the Town Bell bo rang at oclock p in In stead of as at Report adopted The Fire Jb Water was in- to for tor watering Main in Water to lxt Water and Water to Huron Large Additions This Week TO STOCK OF NEW GOODS AT DAVISONS Should use best disinfectant known for foul premise per package A Wise With iuch a good local as the Km of it is not Decenary to till the margin with writing before sending it to your absent friend but for fear you might think there was no harm In it we might jnat repeat that some people have recently paid that communication of any kind a news paper except name and address of sender audit is Illegal to enclose any thing In a except accounts and receipts for the same are Instructed to open any newspapers which they way suspect and if they find any thing Illegal to report the same at once to the inspector The rates ar low and the public should act Instead of trying to defraud depart- The suit of Afts Blanker vs claiming I COO for liquor to her hus band contrary to notice was for the llarrie AssUcs on Roth partita pteptting to through and about a doen were at the dct on Tuesday waiting for the train to come when a telegram came announcing that the case settled expected to receiwtlestiOO and costs but there wore some mint her solicitor was a little about and other the offer of and costs to It he thought It better to accept that amount than to go the Judge end perhaps have the case thrown out Mr had some ten and In the specific charge he was prepared to prove that the liquor was obtained by another parly sod to Blanker In alt liquor case trouble that the witnesses to the Illegality arc Inclined to fa the bar tender rather than the Informant hence the difficulty or securiuga convict j Last Saturday For and other Goods A bigger crowd ex pected next Tract Society meet ing of the Newmarket Branch of Upper Canada Religious Tract took place in Methodist Church on Thursday eveutog of last week- Mr Oliver in the chair After devotional exercises Rev Dr Moffat of Toronto ad dressed the audience for about an hour on the work of the Society during the yiar gave many Incidents of direct results for good Last year Newmarket contributed to the of the Society and he urged a continuance assistance our people Mr Oliver then read the financial statement of last year operations which was adopted and the reelected President Mr J Dickson Mr C Oliver J Davison A Terry IL Pretty and If You Would Like to sec some thing in Refrigerators drop into A All alwajn slock a Ructioh at the Resi dents in the vicinity the School were attracted last Friday after noon by loud unusual voices and It was quite evident that something Out of lbs ordinary had transpired The object of contention was a small toy named Bean and the participants were hie mother and the Truant Officer As sho marched away from Khool with her anna around the boy as was a hero she declared that she would the Truant Officer up for assault but wo not heard of the being entered yet the trouble so far as we can are these The boy lives out of town bat this school being closer than his own section la the township the par ent are paying a fee to allow him to at tend here The profanity which he has been to use is terrible Because of ottering foul language on the school ground the teacher punished him on Friday morning At the noon hour probably on account of some of child ren making soma remarks about the mat ter he threw some stones and hit two little flirts In head Fearing farther punishment ho away from school bo fore bell The teacher missed and sent word to the Truant Officer Major Lloyd went at once and finding the boy at bis slater marched him off to school lie had only just nicely got him before the teacher for an invest lion when Mr Bean entered the school and used her umbrella freely the Truant Officer causing quite a commo tion the little children and dnring which she ejected by the Major but she hung on to her boy The best thing the trustees can do for both teacher and pupils Is to let him stay away Snaps in Tin wars Creamer Tea each Lanterns each Dish Pans 12 each A A His Cap The many friends In this section of Dr 0 a former Newmarket boy will bo pleased to hear that with greet success in practice of his pro- in eland Ohio After a resi dence la that city only two years be now enjoys a Urge and Increasing pat ronage and is considered one the bright physicians In city An Instance his supremacy Is found in Mr and is locally in teresting on that account A severe it tack of typhoid fever mouths ago left Mr Murray with afilktlon in the aliKpe of two in the breast He with several leading medical men in and Now Mexico wbere he spent early part of winter and on bis return to consulted emi nent physicians In connection with hospitals there but was not benefitted Dr took cae In hand and two very delicate oper ations requiring great skill bis pattern Is now and expects to bo able to visit friends in Ontario during the coming summer men of Dr deserve and wo aro glau to see hints well advanced on the way to farac and fortune member of Canadian Association will also bo clad to learn of our friend Murrays recovery Gloves Veilings Parasols Ac A full stock at Burglary There was general excitement at the North last morning and news spread rapidly that safe had been blown open by burglar Lois peoplo visited the wreck but not a clue could be found to throw light upon perpetrator was evidently a professional and must have had a fine of Entrance was effected a small office window About a halfinch hole was drilled In safe door evidently with the expectation of throwing lock out of gear This failed a similar hot was grilled through top of the a nicely calculated distance to be jsit Inside door A heavy charge powder was then poured in and a match did thereat explosion forced the door to swing open on its hinges bending the heavy bolls almost at right angles also lifting safe more than a foot away from wall yet nobody anything of When Mr Went into the about six oclock In tho morning a sight met his Th6 papers and books that Were accustomed to occupy the safe were all over the floor and were In a terrible style The explosion had set them on fire but burglar had taken a crock In the next room and filling it with dirty water stsndlug on the roadside En front the shop extinguished the fire There was no money safe conse quently the crook had all his work for and ho was evidently for cash drawer In the counter with patent spring lock had been opened with out damage and the few coppers left therein were strewn upon floor The matter was at once reported to the Fro taction Society but far nothing been developed Those New Hair Crimpers At Hughe going to be great sellers Spltiat thi AVa Our Ottawa 1 Ottawa April It sometimes remarked alike Taltv and Liberal cor pood that the Opposition lovarlablj to have best of the debates in parliament Why- this should be no one natures an opinion It max that iho Oppoaldoaaroablo the position It la to choose Cabling grounds But thtt event erupting as It be explained that skirmishing and a session the do by mistake ambuscade make how Itlhat the govern better tbftm inte resting stud of laws of fatally you think la a partisan lean assure you that Ills verdict of the whole Of newspaper correspondent for be It recognUed that thee of parliamentary proceeding have truer In thai matter than always tees into their report lustration of what baa been said that the Interest moment is directed Who could believed that a gorcrn meat to bo to opinion would have marshalled alt Ms forces against allowing con tracts sum of money to be held under the an That a govern- should be so stupid may wby the opposition find many opportunities tor playing of welfare the la this Instance stake for which they played was of supreme Impor tance Because It tbe caseation of vas there wouldbe an end of the parliament for their money That re ions Will only maintained by and efficient the function of parliament and If they are rendered by destroying estab- of would real issue between parties on Thursday was whether by aid oath should be mail effective or Whether by depart log from practice of sworn Inquiries should be a sham and a farce That government were In wrong may be seen at a glance That the have taken op such a position a one the conclusion that the desperate course by a more than revelations and and fear of threats repest session were given by as IhecoM True premier after eight of hid placed upon record as not only that It was tuex- to take evidence under oath but moreover parliament had not tbe power to Invest It committees with power to oaths- premier after committed the government In way abandoned them In his conclud ing speech debate bad been on for over a week and that was third day It had been Is Impossible premier bad not been consulted Yet when ho saw lhat case made out by opposition he did what looked very the preservation own legal reputa tion At the same vote alt right He agreed with the opposition hut could not himself to support motion Unlock had moved with forenslo force and Several days Industrious work baa been put upon revision of tariff Upwards of a hundred Items have been pasted Opposition barefoot been ob structing but they hare required a thorough of every duty with to which either or their party that a discussion should There has not always supply of information with regard to certain Item as staked for but tbo Finance shows a moot application to a of trade his opponent would no doubt freely concede to It Is not possible to speak In as appreciative a way of the of the governments policy or practice In ebonies tariff when It comes out of Committee will bo very from that which Mr an- budget speech- altera- one to keep track of They ere upon of lotcntloutut then we must recollect pressure which mauufscturershSTO putting and make some allowances One of feature of the weeks tariff was the prominence by reciprocity If had Idea that that part of opposition vaUlogfsirgotieu with wellknown wide markets arguments were and established would hive vorled htm particular phase which was glvco most Lion attempt of ihoROTernment by i In Dress Goods Newest Colorings and Another Big Lot of Prints making our stock one of the most complete and attractive ever offered in this Town Gloves and Parasols Hosiery in Stainless Black Cotton Cashmere Hosiery in Black also Tan Shades every size Union and All Wool TwoPly Carpets bought by us from first hands the manufacturers and we Will sell at ordinary wholesale prices Lace Trimmings Black White Cream and Biege in great profusion Lacs Curtains in great variety from 30c a pair up and their accompaniments Wall Paper Ceiling Paper and in very rich patterns at very little price Like nearly all our goods so cheap that one half the world wonders how the other half lives Our explanation is that our TERMS ARE CASH We are value in SUGARS We can give you Beautiful Bright Yellow Sugar At fci for or fot Wo have a Choice Lot of Comb Honey Our Strictly Fresh We dont have two prices fot our Goods but one price to We have again commenced to roaVe the celebrated ICE CREAM that took so well last year Why cat when you can get good atsame price Soda Water and Milk Shake always on hand We received a large consignment BANANAS on WedreicU We buy our Fruit to large quantities which enables us to get the inside track Choke Maple Syrup Imperial gallon Try a Sample Pound of our Sensation Blend Coffee It Is the best in Town and there Is no doubt about it Give us trial and you wit stay with us A ROBERTSON SMART BOY WANTED Main S R SPECIAL ARRIVAL Of New Dress Goods Latest Shades with trimmings to match TO KNOW That your Clothing is at ierect in appearance skill and honest workmanship can it it to them from P S We have added another experienced hand to our this week which goes to show that we are in the lead while others follow NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT The best makes of Corsets in AH Sizes- pair guaranteed VSvvw All Good Cooks use Bruntons Baking Powder always fresh and guaranteed absolutely pure W A RUN TONS OLD STAND MONTGOMERY BRODIE ORDERED C INC offer to Its ft-mcti- offer tbftl of a would from ths US aik that 10 teles would bo mi to our sod as ad offer of reciprocity Is only a bad nuttier turn of ltb lolcttt as Ul to flro off lbs with Mir churned Hut It not to nda a stnwol word It itaJorOcutrat Herbert ljt luucd tscauilnv a talk Soma of Ms comments upon i iiJtJC iiurif in has to officers who likely bo that Herbert Is a aoUHraol Kcosral held up loths country as Iocs or vlll htm do than aro to aroulltlo bats watted to another of oooitUu- codes say that la when was ade they bj leaiJarot That ho was lo ihUblll tared as too Liberals advaataas This baa la a good taito sJEirod though was a proposed out atkd as tho that such sJwajs wait with traders Is no Sir I Cbaraptoa Jobo aoosedlra prist follower from other foil particulars too bill I It w loo ffteal a storm fioalroprlaVXfCtaTtUt J The fine weather has caused a rush of business in this We are making up some of the nobbiest goods ever turned but in this town Next week we will ship two suits to Calgary which shows we have more than a local reputation Come and see our goods we will quote you lower prices than any house in the trade GENTS FURNISHINGS AND HATS AND CAPS We ace showing the very goods in the trade oui stock is well assorted and exceptionally good value Boots and Shoes We have got the greatest value in these goods ever offered the town Our goods are late in coming this spring but we can show you goods you have ever seen GROCERIES The people are beginning to recognize the fad that we keep a very superior class of Groceries Our Teas are the best in town for the money Everything is new and fresh MONTGOMERY BRODIE CHINA HALL Large Stock Large Variety Prices Right STARR Central Tele Tremendous BARGAINS AT u Having or J 35 on the AT Suits vera Mens wore cow Suits were now now Wo forgo BKek of Hew 5 G flnJ per which now coots We can now give our many Customers great Bargains Sugar lbs tor Light Brown for Dark Brown 23 for 1 or Laundry Soap par dozen lbs f pail Lard for Smoked Dams lie lb THE LEADING Goods for HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES GARDEN TOOLS LAWN MOWERS RUBBER HOSE READY MIXED PAINT PAINTERS SUPPLIES CHURCHS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLES CLOTHES WRINGERS Also all kinds of Fence Wire J A W ALLAN CO MAIN STREET Telephone No Jack to boot SHOE DEPARTMENT A Now fully assorted witK the Latest Styles and Most Solid Staple Lines Quality the best as the stock bought for cash Prices Rock Bottom GItc us a trial we can suit you China and Fancy Goods DEPARTMENT Still fully slocked Just opened a Special line Printed Toilet Sets at fine value and the best value In China Toilet Sets ever offered regular for Have a look at them Dinner and Tea Special Value We onlv need say it Is as it always is well filled with the best lo be had We have a special bargain In Oat Meal Soap at 5c As you know from our ad we give Special Attention to our Tea Coffee Trade In both lines we have a large sale Come and get some of our or tor 100 or our Ceylon the finest blend of Black Tea on the market or our famous Excelsior Coffee which few equals and none belter The Leading Grocery A SMITH Main Timothy Sit LUNDY ARRIVING EVERY WEEK The Latest Styles In Spring Goods And all marked to sell at the Lowest Caih Prices Being the only Store in Town that deals Exclusively in Boots Shoes I can give you a Belter Assortment to choose from than any other place in Town x Sign Bed Boot H All rips in goods sold here sewed free Flower Field Garden Seeds In all varieties from the most reliable dealers SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO POST OFFICE

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