Newmarket Era, 20 Apr 1894, page 4

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i ES 1- ti ERA APRIL TttOTt Ontario As Ever After Taking Hoods Sarsaparilfa of a Disease- from whit Is U or fire years Tor it Urn I to J op 1 applied no bene fit Hoods la I decided to loud of abat is Irotio help liia frit I lo irI lis well I did lite- Of Toronto Hoods Pills prompt Sold til WU0HWJ A Bright Lad to this doctor said eld tfclt J too die go fill IhojLI Ten if did not die I to I so weak A ana I hart my vsd ard out or tone hurt myself to the is a I to of much vs fcn T U Kaoi Ruler In April Golden Me will I SO thither under lit to as or Ho be- th of the In tie Hugs edmln litre ability to woo coflfideccoo bis muter thai the entire wxicrjirnitei to him His doty hit feu of God him when to ft greet temptation uoosed the roily of bis end Into prison Hen bis sod eftsr Urns lbs com mi tied to of the other Two court officials on- the kings displsunre be to him of Ibeirs which be interpreted met with ful fillment- Two s do ess could interpret brought of only dream of plenty end then of but idviwd the to csrsfal for There lit and in life life The trials and of meant for larger and do not know is be fori wo do know a right use of the present is the only true preparation for future We cannot centre oor circumstance but we ceo control we Clods plant and promises never falls thoogb He be long in working them out ITethsteerrei God with will serve honestly and There is always a demand for who cm do The talent eacai than doing what yon can do do ing well whatever yon do WHIT TO for May is called the College Commencement Number end contains three articles especially lateral to or inspector DAVIDSON TO KDUCATIONAL DEFT TORONTO During the year teachers employed Exclusive of lie the average salary of male teachers was and of a difference of salary that cannot be justified by the facts of the case Returns by trustees show the rural and school to have been on Dec For it was ahowinga de crease of For the Towq- of Georgia shows an increase of North a decrease of j East a of Whitchurch a of King a decrease of and Returns made by teachers show the enrolled school population to have been for and for showing a decrease of children between the ages of and attended no school and did not attend days as re quired by or in all children did not receive their legal school privilege This unfortunate condition of things will not be improved until a truant officer is appointed for each township The great value oi the I Truancy Act is apparent wherever it Change from to Wo manhood is fraught with danger At this period the Young woman is especially sensitive ana many troub les which continue through life have their origin at this time If there be pain headache and disturb ances or the general health not good the ju dicious of medicine should be employed Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription is the best and nervine at this The best bodily condition results from Its use Its a remedy specially indicated for those delicate weaknesses and de rangement that afflict at period or another For all women all time of life in all cases of peculiar nature the Prescription is the safe agent that builds up and cures In catarrhal inflammation in chronic disorders and displacements common to women it is guaranteed to benefit or cure or the money is refunded- Has proved by Us enormous sale that Is The best value for the Consumer of any soap to the market of women throughout the world can vouch for this as it is they who have proved its value- It brings them less labor greater comfort i fli AYERS Sarsaparllla fcCff Cures others will cure you DYSPEPSIA CURED Jen Published My of Ytsrs Ago nd ffitli title Price or or Organ MMnta For file by all dwlen or will be scat on approval when direct from and if do on receipt in good condition Address Indian- KB Read the Proof Dub to tar ihal for from acuta from J to Try two J I quIU tor BI I It for toy mitt It I UB to my ion I- HAD fciirbrookQck Saturday of lata great Each addition to rtgular the day Woman Page Millinery De partment Sporting Dramatic it a number of Interesting Special Articles by On Saturday gave a splendid by one of the a racy How Won the Hat being a story of marine in the old day and other intereitlng articles week something good in it NEGLECTED a A condocted ii a ia every well regulated for good is Bad the coit of inch a prevent being welcome visitor For the Pre- family Citation ion and it ii model weekly bill of to h timely And attractive- We cordially paper to oar It Is raovr offered at rata lor year Canada Jordan treat Toronto for free copy The A com of the School MaaUr table from the Book and Fob Bomb Toronto who have Jait a Canadian edition The binding and the ill ultra of the book It to the but It great charm lltf in mingling of pathoe the the brilliant character ketches and the romance with which Mr ha book of art education by the rod Lay It on good a what I cay to the matter lay and laraln to- Allens Balsam 1 ra to Get a wrapper wrapper tearing word Why Doe a Woman Look Old Sooner a Man Limited Scott Toronto and you will receive by pott a pretty picture free from tiling and well worth framing Thlelt an way to decorate your home The I the market and It will only to tend wrap ft you leave open Write the to hare yellow fever In Rio J where be had from the and died ten days taken tick Hon good Ii ft character The ftboof the Village Squire and the Hard- ell Preacher are ex ceedingly rich One of the finett piece of narrative we have read li chapter the Spelling Bee But we moat our reader to get the book for and if they have not read it it will bear a reading we promlte them a treat Tbe have laid the pobllo under tribute by providing to cheap and attractive an edition of narrative has been energetically put into force have yet to the com plaint from parent or ratepayer against those who have put the Tru ancy Act into Thc condition of the school build ings is steadily improving All new buildings are built of brick and near ly all are with a basement large to furnish for furnace fuel and play room suitable its wet or cold weather During the year two buildings were burnt down In both cases the fire is believed to have had its in defective fire arrangements A steady improvement also taking place in Ibe seats desks and blackboards the latter now being placed within two feet of the floor and in some cases placed all around the building giving thereby ample opportunity for illus tration etc to the teacher and mak ing it possible for whole classes to ex ecute their work simultaneously blackboard No platforms for teach ers are now used where the black board is low thus adding to the space for classes and adding to the con venience of the teacher as well- The Entrance Examinations were held at Sutton Newmarket Aurora and Richmond Hill At Sutton candidates wrote and passed at Newmarket candidates wrote and passed at Aurora candidates passed at Richmond Hill 56 wrote and passed In alt wrote and passed or nearly per cent Two candidates presented them selves at the S Leaving Examina tion This the first time this ex amination was held In April wrote in schools In December 1064 can didates wrote in schools Each pupil that obtained a sufficient num ber to pass receives a plain certificate Each pupil that obtains twothirds of the total number of marks obtains a lithograph diploma as also last pupil that passed the trance Examination I hope soon to be able to present a special diploma to any pupil whom I find on my visit to a school distinguishing himself for good conduct and special excellence in any subject of school study Wherever these Uniform Promotion Examinations are carried out agree ably to the and the spirit the regulations much good is ac complished Wherever the teacher lacks moral couraye or the intelligence necessary to the proper carrying out of the examination evil is sure to ensue The Newmarket Model School was attended by students all of whom passed the examination prescribed by the Education Department and near ly all are now teaching in the Inspec torate The session of the Model School is at present a session of weeks a time for training by no means adequate to the necessity of the case If we are to have good schools we must have efficiently train ed teachers The average cost pupil to the section and municipality was for rural and village schools In schools the Scripture Read ings was used in the Bible are opened or closed with prayer The principal defects not of our Public School System but in the carrying of it out are Insufficient salaries 2nd Too young and in adequately trained third class teachers 3rd Lack teachers and parents Too rapid promotion of pupils from class to class and as a consequence thorough ness as a habit of work is not acquired in school and therefore seldom or ever after life This is nothing short of a misfortune to the pupil as the method of work forever abides with him and Is of infinitely more im portance than the matter 5th of a truant officer for each township A great many raedicioea relieve Catarrh in the Head That means that its driven from the head into the throat and But by mild and healing properties Dr Saea Catarrh Rem edy perfectly FOREMEN AND WOMEN A- THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT The Scientific Practical Boll for general p Genuine Cannot that can sod both In QuaiitUr and the It can lie worn working boors or cure Ltjpibujto My Entire Stock consisting DRY GOODS GROCERIES BOOTS SHOES PAINTS OILS ETC Must be sold within the next DAYS As retiring from business AH goods to be sold at cost Now is your time to secure bargains in all Goods will be sacrificed THEY MUST BE SOLD All accounts due Oct 1st be settled at once CEO H WIGHT QUEENSVILLE etna In at ami lttitkLuf iAUAtr tit fcun Hi QttUT Kevin a pbletf Id back of piux4 Is of wtUi tufa Jo puttti J icj Cured Inn stft A merit or to iMt 41 a l- tti dUppt4n- Tor 4l a aod trvm rlHMatr feiat at tiamacr Things are buzzing around Collingwcod docks at present The crews of the and tugs are being booked numerous are painted and the docks themselves are repaired Navigation will not open In earnest till about April a at The first ex cursion the season will be held on the about the first of June Have you depression of spirits use KDC Conducjdrs tell a good story once In a white Is one from the branch The morn ing on the tegular train was a pretty mitt and a fly young man Beside the pretty miss there was a vacant seat The fly young man went up and indicating with a of his hand the empty place I beg pardon but is this seat engaged The answer he got was short and direct No sir but I and he taught another place to get rested st Mr of Kid the misfortune to burn a hand some gold watch one day last week He had been trimming up his garden shrubs and unobserved by him some of the twigs caught on the guard and pulled the watch out of his pocket and it was thrown with Ihe rubbish on fire When he mlised it a couple of hours after he raked It out of the aihes burned to a crisp The watch was presented to him a wed ding gift Cure Liniment Cures Burns etc HOT A bylaw has received its first reading in the Belleville Council pro viding that each butcher pay a license fee and that no unlicensed persons shall sell fresh meat in less than quarters Use K for indiscretions of diet in children an exchange sums up the financial trouble Money got- tight and was locked up It Is now said to be sobering up and going out to do its legitimate work In the world We cannot expect the dollar to keep straight because it is round but we surely thought It had cents enough to keep moving Childhood Rev Hills Pug wash writes In a word I may say that has helped me more than anything else have ever used- I have been bilious from childhood for several years had rarely passed a week with out a severe attack of bilious colic with intense pain at the back of the head These attacks usually followed my Sunday work Since I began to use the I have scarcely bad any return of biliousness- and the attacks have been very light I have had greater freedom from suffering since I the uie of KI C than for yean past I believe that the occasional use of a bottle of KD will keep me comparatively free from the old trouble I thank you for call ing attention Had I tried ft long ago it might have saved me yean of suffering am glad to it to fellow sufferers potency Kidney Jack properly J von Rheumatic Urinal Trouble Hid will a in miiRly JiopeCe where finofro failed Any wcaV or i may by thl bo routed bcoJlby activity before la tiJate medical the Belt practice OUR Contains regarding the core of acute chrouo and how lo order etc mailed FREE to address Be 06Q Belt Co KlNtisT Ml toffll fit- Tuts Assembly 27oUb On a vote of to 33 the reject ed Sir for com lt public He an effective defend himself from the charge of being sectarian bigot considered schools should be conducted within the Hod Mr a lengthy Mr Meredith declared against ft ballot but had no objection to an optional bal lot contended tbat the Oppositioo how that the been injured by open a case had not been in favor change under the tioa bo Mr- Wood favor of change not because from operation of change more for the or offered greater free dom and liberty of He con tended that Mr speech a lecture on The however decided not to the object further and annoyed the A tense of relief experienoed all the waa over but not a few member on both evaded the vote If they old have had own way Mr voted with the on division There lo talk around of the that the Ontario Conservatives have decided that Dominion Govern mentis too heavy a load and that they will conduct the on purely Provincial The party flag will be run up bearing tbe motto connection with Ottawa Jo con- firmatlQn of this Is farther slated that Robert Birmingham ativooitfsnlzer has superceded by the nomination Mr A Campbell forAlgoma who Is not going lo baa candidate for re ejection but will organise the party on Provincial Unci Mr Binning to look after Sir John Thompson and Mr Clark Interests In matters Federal With to the re dijlribjitioiol seats In Toronto it Is thought the Liber als have a fighting In three of the district but tho east Is pretty generally conceded to the as the party is strong In that divi sion The of Hon Rots to amend the Act the fees pub- Ik officials Is not designed to reduce fees paid by people The object of bill Is to reduce the percentage fees retained by and turn a Hon thereof Into the coffers of the Division Court clerk may retain all fees to year On collections over and op to ten per cent- will be refunded to per cent on fees over and op to and per cent on alliums that amount may retain Intact ell sums op to Up to the percentage paid to will be percent 20percent SO per coot up to and W per cent over that amount flher retain all fees up to Ten percent most bo on all sums amount op to 2600 cont up to SO per cent up to and CO per cent on all collected over that amount In Arrears for Taxes in the County of York BY a Warrant by eat Fourth lome ma landahcrtlirtrst tvldarrfiarf of laxaand Wardco of York- the Three Hundred a with Ihe collection of Arrears of Taiwuu ihafsrs Sipeajw therefore giro sooner paid on MONDAY DAY OF APRIL At la to kII the said lands discharge the uld a ALL THE Block lfan kins lurrcj West of Lot on- A ft North tt IIqDLdhdi part of Village of of the abort In and Town and J In Sooth fide of In the of Toronto much thereof as may be to ears of and chorees ihsreon LANDS ARE PATENTED EAST Vlllte Bide J Kdgar Bide LOT TOTAL lllppplatWYBt It 111 1st WYSt- ID CO lllitXVYBt W ft lit I a Oil lit I Ml rata is IS 4S it NORTH a 1 W1 I II W it J TOWS OF South t pari Maria WIImo West part Victor part 10 South South corner Court Toronto Jd is J 108 11 a IS ii 13 CO IS 8J I 1 SO ICO OT ISO 3ff7 OF 1611 316 S3- 11 J IS II Treasure YOO PAY YOOR AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OF TORONTO THEM TO SEE IS TO BUY WM HODGE CO 21 MAIN ST SOUTH flHUFflCTU TO OP NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS LUMBER Shingles Lath Siding Doors Flooring Sash Moulding QUININE WINK tope jtl bole ft FOR SALE A YORKSHIRE WHITE BOAR Sir imported ST OUR AIM GOOD AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Blinds NOBODY SHOULD A residence Without QUIRINO ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS a Battle ftt Sea v7 mm at his station for every preparation minutes Would still before the action began bustle and bad ceased In silence and sriih quickened breath the onset was awaited A contingent of firemen waterten ders and coilheavers in fire- room performed its duties with a precision unvarying and mechanics Stripped to the waist with muscles knotted on asms and shoulder these grimy stalwart men handled rake and or from the bowels of bunkers supplies of fuel They were safe from shot and shell but also were denied all passing evenls The battle might rage over them with out conveying any intimation of the fortunes of tbe day might shriek and tear through the decks above dismounting guns maiming and killing score ol men nothing would reach tb em except muffled and distorted sounds In the beginning when the enemy was first sighted and the ship put under full speed to were informed by- their on of the progress of events Even after the call to stations for battle undecided rumors found their way to the regions below but after the forced draught was put and all hatches closed they were cut effectually from all further knowledge as if buried in the cata combs Silent and intent they toiled the blazing furnaces in front of them a tangled mass of pipes and connec tion over their beads The of the forceddraught fans made a mon otonous accompaniment to the metal lic clash of furnace doors and shovels the electric light fell upon their glisten ing shoulders and cast strong shadows on their rugged faces and with sus pense magnified by ignorance and unrelieved by excitement they did their part The main engines worked with rhythmic stroke On the plat forms at the gear at every valve and throttle were stationed men to make immediate response to every command to meet and emergency with appropriate action The oilers moved here and there Hilling cups feeling and examining every journal rod and crank Cadels were placed at the voicetubes and annunciators to remans in constant communication with Everywhere and in charge all the veteran chief- engineer moved a principal assistant in charge of each engine and another in charge of the firerooms Upon him was the responsibility of main taining seventeen knots until the issue of battle was decided and his sharp critical eye as it fell upon his engines and his men was filled with the grav ity of the occasion The engineers division was pro tected from but not from two Giber dreaded weapons the ram and torpedo A Whitehead striking below the armor belt might burst with great force through double bottom and coalbunkers or a grinding steel prow backed by the momentum thous ands of tons might crash irresistibly through armor beams and machinery to the very heart and vitals of the ship These were possible disasters which might not even be threatened and which if threatened might be avoided by coolness and skill in man oeuvring but they would be destruc tive perhaps overwhelming if they did occur The men at the guns were sure to have a certain proportion of death and wounds from the bullets and shells Those below would escape this danger and probably other dangers but there was always a chance of a catas trophe Tbe powder division provided ammunition and controlled the hoists which conveyed shell and powder to tbe guns of the battery In the magazines and shellrooms far below the waterline on the lower flats and at successive stations stood to guide the shells both great and small and the cylinders of powder from the depths of the ship to the turrets and fightingdecks This division also although in close touch with the active business of fighting would not have an actual part in it except in the extreme case of calling up all hands to repel an enemy who was gaining possession of the decks an exigency not likely to occur in modern naval battles Below the berthdecks its members were completely protect ed by the ships heaviest armor and upon the berthdeck they were par tially protected by the lighter side armor extending above the belt The torpedo rooms four in number were protected by light armor One of them was aft and one forward with fixed tubes discharging their torpe does in line with the keel The other two were on the quarters their lubes ranging forward to threaten any ship attempting to ram A crew in each room adjusted the torpedo put on its fighting head and upon placing it in the tube attached its percussion- fuse The torpedoes could be dis charged from the several rooms or from the conning- tower The ship carried twelve three for each tube With a speed of knots these torpe does would run 500 yards the limit of distance at which they would be employed between moving vessels in thirty seconds The crews of the and inch rifles were assembled in the turrets grouped about their guns and strain ing their eyes at the approaching foe- Time and again their glances were cast upon every preparation and every fitting to render doubly sure the assurance that the moment of need would find nothing unheeded or for gotten Cutlasses and revolvers were belled on rifles were placed near at and the silence was unbroken save now and then by hushed comment on the appear ance and sliced of the enemy her battery and vulnerable points At the lighter guns stood the sail ors in smaller groups A part of the marine guard was stationed here and the remainder assigned sharp shooters Airmen not actually need ed for the service of the gunsengaged were directed Jo remain in the shelter of the turrets There was to be no dramatic sacrifice of life Before the fight was many min utes there would be vacancies enough to give every man a chance to show his nerve and pluck The officers of divisions walked to and fro or leaned upon their swords with fre quent glances ahead and at the cap tain on the bridge On one of the flats below the pro tective deck the surgeons amputating- table was laid his glistening instru ments arrangements arranged in neat precision buckets of water sponges and bicdsges at hand all spotless I Burning Oils Canadian Coal Oils American Coal Oils Lubricating Oils Peerless West Virginia Cylinder and Castor PAINTS FOR HOUSE and HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES STABLE BRUSHES PAINTERS BRUSHES ARTISTS BRUSHES BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS TOOLS AND SUNDRIES HARDWARE DOUBLE DIAMOND GLASS AXLES WAGON SKEINS SPRINGS BAR HOOP IRON STEEL PROP HIGHEST OK CANADIAN TUB AND PIANO CANADAS AND JOHN LUSH Main Hi Sola this district ra CURED EVERY TIME DL MENTHOL PLASTER JZ3 and clean but soon deluged by red blood then Rowing through the veins of vigorous men Tourniquets were distributed through the divisions to men instructed in their use and in a hatchway were rigged a cot and tackle to gently lower the wounded men below In hospital garb white coats and aprons and bared arms the surgeon and his assistants awaited the beginning of their labors Now pacing the bridge with rapid nervous steps now studying his an tagonist through his binoculars the captain of the seemed ab sorbed in thought Doubt less he was lessons long since studied the varying tactics and opportunities of a marine duel and wondering what unforeseen situations the one now opening might present The time had not yet come to enter the conning- tower and perhaps in deed the gallant sailor would scarce ly enter it at all preferring in the fierce excitement of battle danger and a broader field of vision safety and a restricted view It had long been doubted a captain within the conningtower pro perly fight his ship The navigator was in the tower quartermaster at the wheel petty officers at the signals In his bulletproof turret at each end of the bridge a young officer kept the teles cope of the rangefinder directed upon the approaching ship The ranges were recorded in the conningtower and A dial in each turret and division kept constantly informed Harpers Magazine for April DUNNS BAKING POWDER BEST FRIEND SALE till Sickness Comes of PERRY DAVIS may need it tonight Shropshire Rams YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS Apply to at BALK Oil gHOP AND CELLAR To lot J Apply t FOR SALE- A and Lot For a JEH3E Good Farm to Rent in Klaa cleared pood turn well- acre owo nd from 10 to plowed to adtolnlcstfaorra FARMS FOR SALE lh hi TUB Royal Electric Co to Wellington St CO New Print log Wrapping ROACH FOOD NOT A TO WATER BUG wtL i A CD A acres- West half lot con acres North half lot con acres East half lot con acres East halves lots and 3rd con King acres South half lot eon Kirg acres Southwest quarter lot 2nd con King acres Part of Northwest quarter lot and con King APPI7 or to Mr- J Yobbo ihtoo win lej4ipue too 7 So Montreal Wall Paper Factory A CO IT cot told FARMERS A tb or TbUt aim took cd tad la 1 in on lot in at Toronto lo Eitmt lcforeJlUl iDpiOltd A l MUGIUGE LTQUID Craig wa FEATHER SAFE MANUFACTURER THE EQUAL OF PARI8IAN HAIR RENEWER for hilt to It tiri Ior fcad fcctaty fit lio hilt from ud hair tbo cf jocth Bold Of lull lli other li my WIc 1 1

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