f asp ERA APRIL 1894 Tig Mi WHAT IS GOING OX IN A TOWN week Mr- Millard a tog from rax of to lot on Par which fa to fit Iftfiftmwt The Hod- Ed a Hod an no the fall of High School fall Tbe Friends good at Ut Got- pel meeting IrtiooQ Mr- Lehman chair bill filttd to of next R T or At race ling bat WinMJy adopt the aclfoaol Mayor in to to liquor dealt In Foot mora for rtMobenblp pre- Ckimkev The strong a on ifr Sjkc on fire i bote both iib out Qnncfy alarm A on Dr mi dene wat blown down The way doit argnnd a fright of focor- were registered Newmarket list tempo to do at J j com- tl and farmer and fa grain on own A bailduxg KcarJ for the the company to commence abonl l5lo October- of bare cow- for Concert on Wednesday of and foil ffUl bdfoond in oar a J Mr Gorric of cornea aod an evening much prom- bed Hurray a Scotch and baa well In To ronto and SAtUTt Tuesday was a cold day for the of here to through of dost and faced a driving for of ibeir it was the wont day wo bit had for tome time put away for the bad to be booted Dp again remove a of inch of from walk- ft winter parting uloto and warmer weather now anticipated pie hid mm I a little of A a experienced giving good aatlJ faction to The Room at the Aurora Store very pice a lady of good experience is aUolfl charge a East at lit Albert Wed Mr for l Sunday la tor lite Tbe in Whit- choxch is to be told by auction in town tomorrow Oiir Jim stopped a rooaway on Lot Street last day at Bowery next Tuesday afternoon that Spring the will torn their toward bate and bonnets While one of the back the other day rig by feet of drirer bat were flopped without farther Demands of Fashion The trials and tribulation of this life are and the pretty girls with curly hair eel like On young lady from King was to a tot relief lodge baring aocIdealaUv bo rat here eight was not Injured The newfangled may be mora convenient than tdfaifalOnod they are and frequently ears their mark TtUawaapartioilarlydemtmitrat the yoang who the hot tongs drop down her back It which and t between tba l who two or three a and who their hair Four were found a a tor tar at by Constable Cain Friday and they spent the nigbl cooler sypeared As they strapped and on the tramp from Toronto Northern ports looking wan tat off Christian ad for the Sunday School Secretary Hies Tarry Howard Cart Procter The Town Hall bo tonight for two or three reasons The Fin Brigade portly a and fie to ataxy who at any might be to tba danger and by therefore the Singers whose Mrrloee bare been for this are flrrt- class former performance of and in fornatogaaranlea a splendid program And lastly price of down to bard times only I So ratepayer or alio make the Treasurer of the Brigade a prerent Those Corsets Hosiery At are to gxat demand now large aires for ladies The held Its annoal meeting rooms on April The was well attended and a one principal was the of officers which follows President Jam CS A A- A Captain A- 1st J 2nd Reporter A Committer A and It is reported tons Ibat that lying in in of and certain think it is lime the Board the Moo- Newest The latest mate rial i in cloth jut rt- from New York by A They ate goods and wonder fatly cheap a A lew una have an Angling and at a meeting in Major the other day the following offi cer elected Father Worri Major Com of Management J- Dr Sogers Dr Scott A Terry Cane J A and J The decided thai it shell be as The of the The dob leased the pond from for a period of fifteen and at a meeting lu it to place order with tbe Credit Forks Trout for fry the California Trontand7000of After the second Club to hate fun Is for troot as it all from spring a day a of of Martin Lather occupying at fagnlar roeeUng of league was by abbdt young people m I Dr on Main to Dr hurts and prsparing to more the The loss no time now In opening street through to Main street would great to that part of the Iowa Masonic- At regular of Tuscan last Wednesday Geo Tall Esq of Toronto Grand Master for District and a which is spoken of highly by numbers who were in ttnJ- Maaonip ternily am took A will the lately by BrantOQ Bros as their Mans Wear De partment on Tuesday the 1st day of May On 1st they will altera tions which giro a decidedly yoa will hardly know Main St This is the sort of wants Who will be next New The Directors of the Mechanics bare added to Library week which are the choice of many of the include some works by McCarthy Irish by pen and pencil The Century World Fair for boys will bare a wide as well as many others which we bare room to mention This over books added sincoFebrasry and there is till another on order which not be Canada A new CataJogQewiU as as is DressBIakinc Roche Co pay a Urge salary to a 1st class dmssmaker in order to good and work They aim at cut highclass costumes Visit The York Co Warden Stephenson of East Toronto Deputy Scott of Mark ham of East officii of the roads and other property this week spending Monday night in members of the Council them at the Bonis In the evening On Tues day the Water Street bridge inspected They were sur prised to find such splendid work at a cost much less than bridges built by the County Iron was also quite bat joitt carrying floor are together The Huron bridge was perfectly satis- Victory snd the town was highly minted on its three iron Protect The propriety of life la no point now raised Where can I get the com with AOUW believe they have a good this week order with the job for attractive printing the public some pointers the TheAOUWii to be the oldest largest and- safest hi world baring over number For next piaraoioed that the aim 10 of each for The average yearly paid by each in since only amount to Two new members proposed Monday evening and others thinking about joining for Thats tbe place to hate and a Odiiuary Another pioneer gone to reward person tbe late who at the on tot 25 In the 3rd Con of Township of has been long and favorably to town and neighborhood having on the farm werehodltd for lie waa the family of eleven children who their parents Province of New the year and whom reached a age one titter J CO years at the lino of her not ODly lived to up and make out of the wilderness f for and comfort was ever ready to help and aid the filleted and relatives besides a family of children 3 moo his some time be bad afflicted with cancer though all was tender and loving care could do to relievo his entering now fate and apprecia tive spirit has to meet yrlth loved ones In that brighter sphere where fain and sickness can the joys of a heavenly home The fune ral which largely attended took ptaoe at bis lite residence yesterday and remains family New The Boot Shoo Department of laoford Co ii under new management Tho stock Is wry Urge and price for first era very low A large and meeting of those Interested in foot ball in Robertsons Parlors last Wednesday evening The Secretarys report was read showing the dab to bo In a flonrishing financial lion- The following officers were elected for Hon Pros Mr Jesse President J A McCldlan A Captain A- A- biaaajtfnjc I Clark Montgomery Grounds ComK HLloyd Clerk A X Hodge boys expect to have Boiling and near ly all of last years players on band and will give a good After election of officers the Captsin made a few remarks referring to boys felt at having Mr Mr his knee Injured la match against Caldemtt A Co last fall audit was fonnd necessary for to go to and have an operation performed boys were all more then glad that It had been so sococssful and that Jack and on behalf of club Mr Smith was presented with a set of solid gold Caff Links with Initiate engraved also gold Collar Jack was very much taken by surprise but expressing his for kindness and although unable to play any more would still take a big Inters in the success Beitkr Week Than a year That Is cough that goods and satisfactory to the public when there Is- so much complslning of hard Ink Drops- Tottd next ifonday Firemens tonight Bred leA Montgomery NO of P Board last meet Monday crocuses are pretty Hotbed and onions are up of North York Referring to ihc deaths the Vernon family of which mention watf In the Era last week the bridge has the following death of Mrs Vernon last week was soon followed by thst of her who died on Friday In his year Ho 111 after bis wifes funeral and gave tipcat once not caring or hoping to live Pneumonia end bronchitis t in and lis only survived a few days P Vernon was a native of Canada born in Whit church township In He settled in Scott about the on the which how lib Two years after be wee Ann liccroft who proved a faithful and dvvottd wife and inothsr They members of the Society PrienJs neighbors would not found the Mo person was more welcomed In sickness Mrs Vernon Politically Mr Ver non was a consistent reformer but took no prominent politics or affairs Needless to say be was high ly respected by all who knew Of a of elht children are six left four and two daughters all being Lot one and one daughter The funersl took on to cemetery The previous evening John aged who bad from attend bis sisters funeral died from in Illness contracted on his arrival a week His wife has also HI for a long time He a fsmlly two eons two daughter CCORD1NQ to an no on cement lbs Pat- of met Convention at tha Court Mew market on last for the purpose of considering the advisability of a candidate to represent them In Local House at tha approaching election reporters we are not able to give as oU a report would have otherwise donebQt from Secre tary and others la gleaned following Information The meeting came to by appointing A Foster of ex- Warden of Ihe county chairmen and Mr of East Each lodge was delegates to the meeting A doorkeeper appointed and all bat were Credentials wsraexanilned and the committee reported tatlvea from the nine societies In the Rid ing were present Other preliminaries occupied remainder the forenoon session On reassembling at as should be pot In nomination or not waa brought before the meeting this subject appeared to have been quite at Some con tended strongly for a nomination that If none was made the order would soon die ont Other took Ihe ground that order waa not sufficiently strong there only being 271 reported In good standing at morning and that to bring a candidate to be defeated would be dfsaitrous and dis couraging or In tbe event of date being by either political party that he would then to to a purely Patron candidate After considerable discussion a vote we taken retailing In defeat of mo tion by a email majority A motion was then matter at an adjourned meeting fire henceand was also lost Oral credit is glrea to the chairman for the impartial In which be duties Jeffs Patron candidate for being present the upon the general principles of order and also approval of the course taken by the meeting fa not placing a candidate io the field the present condition of the order in the con stituency A committee was arrange for a to await upon each candidate In the field press particu larly for three points their platform Rigid administra tion Including abolition of rtsldeoM Uniformity of witness foes at County Courts That a much larger proportion of fees received by county officers appointed by the crown should revert to the county treasury Afier the convention adjourned the above committee met and appointed It Phillips Ed Johnston and to to wait upon the candidates on the street that some wirepulling waagolng on and too many delegates were on hand to another man In field which those strong wsrs tor govsmmsnt baring its erf ratifying the treaty baa task before it No been to the Boose of Common with loss to recommend and mors to condemn It It means A leas of to Canada amounting to over It an Impediment in tht wit of any of and a mortal at an Im portant industry grape grow ing and rnannfacinro of fiatire wins besides Wting Id for an annual sidy of fortbs Mlahllsbmant of a direct of steamship with France altogether apart from lbs fast Atlantic was In the initiating and carrying ibe ne gotiation and most reap what bare sown It la scarcely within the of the rsieffting is of the faith of crown being to it by signature of Marquis of tbe British ambassador at Paris- It is an awkward for any Parliament to find itself in of rejecting bad bargain and yet impelled by fore of to ly assent to Tba srine vintage of such an crop that immediately ad valorem duty of per is taken wine the French dealers will be in a good condition to flood Canada from end end with these sparkling As duty trill have to be off all wins growers of Australia California and countries will also be offered an attractive market in the Dominion with the thai the less noxious native wines of Ontario will be altogether dii Jin having great diffi cult in carrying out their policy of granting a year for a steamship on the Practical men declare to be and It the steamers carry the heavy freight which constitutes the balk of Canadas export they cab by no pos sibility attain a high rate of speed conservative members for the city John and all Brunswick mem bers waited upon the government Fri day On day the owners the lha line Beaver line now running out of the port of also waited upon the gov ernment and protested strongly against the propood subsidy es an Injury without any guarantee that new scheme will not fall through after it is established In conneolion with this subject I learn thai last November an English promoted by Mr Hector CameronQ- cabled a proposal to Mr Foster to a line with a of 16 knots an hour for same subsidy claiming the advantage of being to cany general freight as the extra two knots of would all to quantity coal to be carried Mr Fos ter cabled that the government negotiate on this bails but he failed to communicate to his Mr Howell who subsequently made arrangement with Mr by which gentleman was given months in which to float a company in England where he now Is Mr Camer on Is now here in a very angry at what be lick of city on part government It will some courage to ask Commons to vote finch an en ormous subridy to any company for purpose aa Mr Van said of laud ing a from England in Chicago ahead of the New York dibits sua he debate on the Budget carried from day to day Is going on but is likely to be concluded to morrow nfgbt at a late hour and the re sult of first division of the session will be published on Wednesday mora- lug or at the latest on Thursday A feature of debate speech made by OBrien whose attitude opinion of the McCarthy wing of the party ope new tariff Mr OBrien declared that the new tariff was from first to last a tariff and the pretense that It waa a farmera tariff waa a ah am Bo be would op pose government upon and strong hostility to the principle of protection of which the new tariff fs an embodiment One point made by Mr- OBrien worthy of nolle viz that new tariff discriminate a against Britain by Imposing a lei on Ica which does not come direct from the country of growth on a through hill lading- nearly one half of the tea In Canada Is purchased In Eng land from the of plan- tatfona In India and Ceylon It follows that pound tea will be subjected lokblstsx rudeness A new Is raised Commons by the Introduction of a bill by Mr Dickey member for Cumberland giving the right to vote pt elections to women Mr Dickey Is an earnest pro and one of the will bring to bear In support of bill Is that as the question of prohibition has become one of politics the women of Canada who are so deeply In terested who suffer so from evils the lienor traffic should have the right vole for members of a parliament which will right settling this great Mr however has position of champion of Somens rights In person Mr Mills of Annapolis who passed a resolution on paper declaring that tbe franchise should be attended to women as bill been Introduced Into the Senate and the second reading filed for some day this week Under it farmers cannot bo forced by creditors they permitted venture to predict that the bill will not be passed by the loose ol Commons this steilon it is well known tbat the Pro vince ot Is not In It The Senate has been the School question for on a motion for papers Mr Angers Large Additions This Wee TO STOCK OF NEW GOODS AT DAVISONS ORDERED CLOTHING In Dress Colorings and Effects Another Big Lot of Prints making onr stock one of the most complete and attractive ever offered in this Town Moves and Parasols Hosiery in Stainless Black Cotton Cashmere Hosiery in Black also Tan Shades every size Union and All Wool TwoPly Carpets bought by us from first hands the manufacturers and we will sell at ordinary wholesale prices Lace Trimmings Black White Cream and Biege in great profusion Lace Curtains in great variety from 30c a pair up and their accompaniments Wall Paper Ceiling Paper and Borderings in very rich patterns at very little price Like nearly all our goods so cheap that one half the world wonders now the other half lives Our explanation is that our TERMS ARE STRICTLY CASH Id of our for Much we have note Ihui doubled our over ihe same month tut year Do you know the reason why Became we up a claia of good and are underselling house in Sm our before placing your order we will convince you of what we GENTS FURNISHINGS department hi proved a great success it shown by our Increased tales The people recognue the tact tbat we are telling the newest and Most Fashionable Goods at very low prices We no old stock everything is new the latest style BOOTS SHOES Our New Spring Goods are arriving and without a doubt they ut the goods hit ever saw Our slock will be complete a week or two when we will be able to show you ihe Largest Most Complete Stock of Boot and Shoes ever shown ia this Town GROCERIES Our Grocery Department will be found very complete with new stock Our can upon our goods being just what we lent them to be We consider that what a they want it fresh and clean Call and sec us and we will please you p USB MONTGOMERY BRODIE DAVISON Tremendous BARGAINS 1 AT J 37 inch Factory Cotton worth for PRINTS Every yard guaranteed fast color yd SUMMER SUITINGS Worth 15c for New goods arriving every day stock always kept fresh and bright GROCERIES Buy your groceries where you get the best value for Your money A BRUNTONS PLA YTERS OLD STAN D All good use Baking Powder AT- 35 Having the 3 Stock We can now give on Built Suittf were i i now 140 SS Slock New Prints at and yard also which wen now cents- can now give our man Customers great Bargains for Light Jii lbs for Jd for Tea for Soap 30s per KQtintevl pa to pail tar Si Smoked Ho pet lb CHAS LUNDY THE P Are satisfied with our dealings with them as evi denced by their liberal patronage We are so busy that we have had an addition to our staff and we are now prepared for the Rush which is sure to come NOW is the TIME For you to order your clothes in order that you will not be obliged to wait OUR EXPERIENCE Combined with good taste is a guarantee of good work MY Next Door to Atkinsons CHINA HALL lobby of the Another bill will ft Introduced by Mr proposal to that country now pay to Governor til try and up Hi Jcau Hall another la too much ha It probably In accord with opinion moat of the of Canada paid to the Governor Id of with a can only bo mada after with Imperial authorities aod it what Mr LICENSE North Riding a I Oar UrktB April It 10 per boshtl Spring per buibol Wheat per OH per PeperbDihelw too CO IS 00 a 0 a a OU a a a a CO a CO CO of r I i i i I i I I Wool par lb per ton par pat writ Midland clear plot in Democrat Wall From a toll Ice and expected rood lut Job lot I open a of a by asking to wait notll nialll of calling to modify their remedy complained of A being made new ad valorem tariff oo not affording aofficleot protection to farm- era were low In United made to doty lit McCarthy to the from the people of it In hit them liberty to bill will a hot debate The the Copyright qaeatlon will bo laid od week They contain an elaborate Can fllr John who that the bare made the United era a of Canadian market and Canada being denied right to own for Mr and ii on OH SCO ICO 030 Oil on SCO aw 000 on OH will nor In Town of for the the lint Ihe boor of of eppt UceDxe for lb llcn 1 Court ball Mtlooi en4 ISSli All of tbeeboredAig St If In 1MI ft North nidlas ear the w York for iLoUcowe lit or rnirtULncii row font Toronto April it iw reJlWbutperbothel e Wheat per per boifaeZ par per Rye per per dozen Better roll per lb bat Wool per lb ton Pork par I I t per rv A t with frWMlniut Oil CM OCT li Tavern Fraok tw VIIX1Q raait A and or April 1894 A BOOT SHOE DEPARTMENT Now fully assorted all the Latest Styles and Most Solid Staple Lines Quality the best at the stock is all new and bought for cash Prices Rock Bottom Give us a trial we can suit you China and Fancy Goods DEPARTMENT Still fully stocked Just opened a Special line Printed Toilet Sets fit d in China Toilet Sett ever offered regular a for 6 Have a look at them Dinner and Tea Sets Special Value ARRIVING EVERY WEEK The Latest Styles In Spring Goods And all marked to sell at the Lowest Cash Prices Being only Store in Town deals Exclusively in Boots Shoes I can give you a Better Assortment to choose front than any other place in Town Sign Red Boot H AH in goods sold here sewed free Flower Field and Garden Seeds In all varieties from the most reliable dealers SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO POST OFFICE on Oil on 0S3 OK in UTtailt ihop tor bop Ad died loot carrtot lIow ioior to or All the Kit A Qiidenlitcoaftt or Iupoolor JJEIFER CmttlpODlotlpotl Cut boat Ibo A WHITE- w4l a riacua We only need it it always is well filled with the best to be hid Wo have a special bargain In Oat Meal Soap at At you know from our ad we giro Special Attention to our Tea Coffee Trade In both Unci wo a large Come aod get some of our Japan or for or our the finest blend of Black Tea on the market or our famous Excelsior Coffee which ha few equals and none better Leading Grocery R A SMITH t Ay Bit Entire Stock consisting of DRY GOODS GROCERIES BOOTS SHOES HATS CAPS PAINTS OILS ETC Must be sold within the next- DAYS As I am retiring from business All goods to be sold at cost Now is your time to secure bargains in all lines Goods will be sacrificed THEY MUST BE SOLD All accounts due Oct 1st must be settled at once GEO WIGHT