rf sEa MAR SO 1894 V I Hoods Cured After Others Failed Scrofula Irt the AH la tiro Toe At jrui Id I jot Cm I Hoods Cures Wheal dm belli of ItYPudcsclUhc Sums do be to PUIS ur6 lux it of ILciuaifntu Jacob Prayer Aprill Golden Text I will A jor of tbe ux5 t of which fat bad ibdMroo TPMWC that b of and ft of God to win to Vim of wwntd ftJaii Injaring bimwjdlhiy Jacob to of ilrm ho by by Bun of oar bun aw wiped away Tim nor nor ill by of of of of bo as to Mid to fray The come only from that will col let be God ok toaToeiloM5 may to better a in we fcuj to prayer if bftt we Aral for and fat Utter in tbOQb bat p whole life new and a higher idwJ our feTJUT TO for T toft fa fcwUiid hi The Puffin iWp lhr-cnt- ii INFLUENZA Or filways low prevalent The for bU complaint Is IVctoral I down wllb At timet I o was reilMs at azed cage I procured a A bid It followed- Ibit Use would to rapIJ aMUjo Cherry Pectoral Prompt to act cure SCROFULA CURED BY BBB to pof pp ton fit bJclioO of and wHhoai peal thai the Mm which Ut Conger Parry ifidaU tot to of jrra rtmmVer Mr aVliU of a the It ii baa the of the In for the the liberal will not plied ffir of a physical condition but it a clear complexion and ho tig It the fcnucil f If in the ttjppjy n predicted The prophet belter wail a wee may below the average jar thereby Jit chau bid a on my iisdroliiUotbeTWyrortklndlbdocb I wall wound without to poil The doctor treated Hum tee do I tut I felt 1 bare now well fled burdock Blood a purifier good a JA3IE8 CHAPE Our The member for York Mr Mutock has a bill in Far liament to empower the Council to fix a rale on ocean of cattle the the bill being to relieve rattle ex the extortion to which they have been subjected in the In presenting his bill Mr Mulock called to the fact that ship owners have practically formed a combine to fix rates and have be come so arbitral that they now refuse in some cases to quote rates till the arc on board ship Where these rales oscillate from io So buyers in the country are placed at a serious disadvantage It would seem under present con dition of affairs that shipowners take advantage of any rise in the price of cattle in England to enhance freights thus reaping bene fits lhat would other wise go the producers in the coun try Oftentimes the rate on stock sent Montreal about double the levied on shipments or New York but ihe latter ports are practically inaccessible to Canadian shippers on account of the lengthy quarantine required respect ing Canadian stock through the United Slates- In ihe interest of cattle exporters as well as the farmers of Canada the bill is an important one and Mr Mulock deserves credit for thus early bringing it forward in order to the necessities of the present seasons trade During the brief discussion which took place on the above bill the Premier took occasion say lhat every possible attention would be given the subject with the view of meeting Mr wishes in so far as the Government should be able to do Mr Edgar also pointed out that the business of transporting cattle from Montreal via the St Lawrence route being largely in the nature of a monopoly it was a proper subject for Government control district are mora or agitated a IocaI Four aw for honor the whea diitrlci ensiled a conDti coolest narrowing to two latter and weak- woman miserable A vooiiH who to proper jia to debiiitv and a tie time wo advise the Inscription- all and of ftft special orgtnd which result in signs of inflammation from the ittpnibraqt5 distrossing Invgulariiies this iign Co or money is r ft FOR MEN AND WOMEN THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT to tbo iouiinio laid by Mr be a reduction year compart last On of food if given on capital aocoQDt But dd band to follow by way of ttL prevent Im- cities of On lirio by lion Mr Gibson a mora in right direction but ptovUloo that give attorney for each deputy officer with for and Is to Tortalo would coat over for blank received from the Dominion pay of the Connolly to Government that the a public and not borne by the county This probably true bat what a the olid Practical Electric Hell Current rfVJtotrktt for and lotti and ine tody It can at uy lluio wvrUntfboun or euro Sciatica flcDrnl Debility varicocele lliuici I ttet of all itfteurptfiA cuivJ Iu rta UKArt Any or by Ic Is loo Belt In tLeir Contains cure and nervous how mailed to anyaddroas The 0i MX Co KINO St TORONTO SOI St flJkR i Tut April nambcz of the of tba lata lamented It contains a Ado portrait and eloquent tributes fay Dr ltev- I Shaw and Hugh Other aw Through Samaria ha current Eon It alio the the remarkable Met of the it and In the world now to and fitly Cold lb PMrontof Mr an ConMrrMiTe to the Hiding neat election to the Local and the Lib erate bate eelectfd Mr Ilarrey their Should the prea- wit UfKAmp- the will enjoy the some may be reached between the Patron nominee but three go Mr Harvey will be A Per How to Got A wrapper the Why ft Look Old Sooner Thin a Mao lo Bcott St Toronto yon by post pretty picture tiling and well worth li an way to decorate home The la the beat the market and It only to In the pert It yon leave the open Write Two patties at Lindsay have been fined for enclosing lettcts In In order to save postage The law enables postmasters spect all suspicious parcels to see whether they contain any illegal en closures lion eared In so Br Saalury Tor sale at DUlreMbig uid by the Haw Annuel sew ini eotprUe to on- Hi to rciloitoK la the i ImmMUloly at aUeye Sooth AmerLca Cure for mfctlitu ralcUJr IiihcUoo upon and iterloQ it at Oauie til KnlUUKlQ 1 tfcrJjRcr from Out lllog SMby or U at Capital and An interesting and thoughtful on the question of capital and labor appears editorially in Tues days Ql44o last week To Toronto readers especially where want has been severely felt by the working classes during the few months theorists and faddists play the toll of critics axe fruitful in suggesting remedial respect ing our and induiuiil system usuilly making capitalists the common object of attack it timely Men inclined to socialism always seek prominence in tions and by attacks upon capitalists do much harm by widening an chasm be capital and labor and arousing prejudices never should be in- cited The writer ip our mind suc cessfully anarchist theory capital does no productive work and thereby stamps the agitator and promoter of strikes enemy to the best interests the working ctassct There is no denying the fact that capital is the saved results of past labor and can be used to in crease to productive power in the present Hence a menacing altitude on the part of labor towards capital lessens opportunity or desire on the part of the past pro- power of labor to serve exigencies We quote the closing paragraph illustrating the writers ar gument owns wealth valued at ft fan Ibe of using It Id rWDl In lb power of own exertions or the power others It he adopts former course he enjoys the pMlfltMonot withes and commends for own use the labor other men erhlle It he chooses lata from such and his wealth to increasing the power of others of in the world is In cresset hie course of action More human at the in the way to bene fit ho entitled to hi vitgei the wigcs of is With and Industry free competition would the rate of soch as ft would under such conditio i Juitly A Wits the low price of coin of from dime to can put the amount In their colas as made in government and still realize a profit of over TO per cent a now worth to eta per ounce la bullion but coined Into money it has a value ot per no now only about worth of bullion la the silver dollar as out by American government to bo honest ao far as value Eii silver with make a Urge to tempt the dishonest It took If will to and regard silver only at its taint It fa stated that not less than people kissed he touted in the Village at the Worlds and how by a to the treasury Department at Washing ton we that Blarney was not imported from the Emerald Hie dug from the strati Chicago where It was doing service as a pavement block trick wit con- by foreign fakirs to draw money rum tho crowd The stone was to the grounds In a bad been received In bond marked case serial addressed Baker Irish Village This case contained a model of the Hells ot had been I Chicago and the stone placed therein tore roopened on tho number notables had present occasion so at to give notoriety to the Incident and remove sus picion regarding the fake practiced Llfcv Does your do her own Washing ioea that fa Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP which does away with terrors of wash day will that it FAYS to this soap Funny Did you notice when a man a of on floor no difference how clean the floor be ho either give it a pick it up and lay it to one aide lie will otter cat it But let him drop bis of the no how dirty the street may be he will pick it up giro it a rub on bit coat or on the bottom of his then take a big chew from with a bEegcr relish than Thats the of a vet- brick a man is A Boy to Trust-si- RAILWAY tt W fait to Stop LANDS In Arrears for Taxes in the County of York by CO York tog dlotba TSr m ad with I d arrears oooct iulJ no DAY OF APRIL At to til to ril lh lifiJj or Ihereot taAT a- to mean by that mult on neck while do it bout Do time he an I has hit break an keep from chokln Puck How brown an it looks for all world like Life Mr Las a bill for in to ioonlcivlltia to- wards Utilise or In- Homes to made do not that sum and wliero xyjndttitre for or improvemtnta since the grant made but additional grant shall fourth of auch additional If this bill passes York will a claim this appropriation Mr White has presented a bill that no salaried polka magistrate shall follow any oilier calling or occupation or practice bis profession to saooossfol has Hoods been that many trading from all tba United tnrnlsb testimonials of coreavrbich seem almost Hoods la not an accident bat the ripe fruit of industry and study It possesses peculiar lo Itself Hoods cares Sick Head- ache Sold by all druggists t A gale visit ed the coast of Tues day and caused immense dam age Many villages were devastated Twentytwo steamers with between sir and eight thousaod men weie hunting seals right- in the centre of the norm area 4 Jcariit For invalids ncci scalar j ie a a a I ALL THE FOLLOWING LANDS ABE PATENTED of east raid TV ftj Hut Jsul part i ifc M lit WVSt ltd Id ii lAth at M1K l5tbi HI I to tits UK tfS SI Of flWiLtlHuluf i a a 91 165 a Keswick J tM- In Vis- K lu j hi I S I J l lift la Italat or J IZi j i fc a m a Si KAIL Mii4tlMHtl 11- Victor Tbira a siaa ii il i J J a 1 U a Id J I a aa 10JUIMm it si si I 0 I W ii loo i j an I ST si An journal once re- jueatcd number of ill laigett to their con the bil lime to the following replica were received When the population to multiply and the generation that on after antl you stop coming On body whose life will touch hive prices than they can get anywhere else you perceive it to be rule that men who never outstripping their In the tine of When stop in your sight solely through the of the mighty agent When you can forget of the and fa toil men the cause of When become to thoroughly creatute of that he Will certainly buy where he When younger and fresher in your up and the in telling lite people how better they can do for them than you can When yen would rather have your own and fill than take advice and win When nobody else thinks it pays to advertise I a boy I can Thai what ufd long agy and a of piled for the One after but a boy being at last one was en gaged At the close the first week he was discharged Nothing seemed when ihe back was ed Hie boy feasted on crackers and cheese at opportunity He slyly helped himself from the candy boxes and from the I was discovered and turned The second boy was discharged two days trial he was too fond of reading sensational stortci to at tend to his The third boy tobacco Finally grocer said he would do a boy hut just as he hid come to thai conclusion a looking little fellow applied for work ja He was poorly In clothes though old patched but he had a sunshiny frank face So the grocer htm It Is not a year since he entered grocers employ but he has himself so beloved lhat the Rioter says Robert his weight In gold lie does not wear the old patched clothes any a neat suit makes him like another boy He has never failed me the grocer a Jay or two can is anywhere away Up another street in a pUasant room an invalid sits in the coining in through a large window She il a widow and the grocers boy is her only child Djni you get weaiy of a visitor Asked her the other dy looking Up in No I could not get weary of life With such son as he ha never failed he has been the man of the house fever since father died a a mm FOR BALI OH TO LET A CELLAR Apply to POR SALE TO TOWASUll South Kail South oi inn i S3 J IS WILL QUICKLY CURE DIPHTHERIA QUINSY AND COUGHS OP CANADIAN AND PIANO COY LTD CANADAS AND Toronto W LUSH Sal tor g Sows OF NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins And Washboards LUMBER Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM Lath Doors Sash and Blinds GOOD WORK K- I restores to a man marries he his rights and doubles his duties It Is no longer considered in good taste to have in the corner instead are English words The favor of an answer is requested is however never written on a dinner invitation for that presupposes a reply Home Journal J A CUr a Seaforth grocer recently received a job lot of canned tomatoes and started to run them off at three cans for a quarter Next day there was a regular rush for tomatoes so much so that the was led to enquire a customer what was going in town that everybody buy- tomatoes It ultimately turned out thai although the cant were labelled loraatoes Ihey contained- fine worth about per can instead LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES SHOULD A WITHOUT EN QUIRING ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS DUNN BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LAPOC8T IN CANADA Notice tolOreditors J IS SMITH York or about 1SL At OF 1U7 of svrisrtuirl Of April tad full properly and fioclu llnihcss Iha of IttO wlU Mid dAJtVj will Mid Iht aUucd llaTir to of ttto IbAt tot tot ucii wbodCllmHiOtIch net id At irtiVti latlotlt S yi lUU Vxs rtllJW ttar la pull JM a IO WHOLE FAMILY wlta 4 XW for If the Would they wouldnt be Ugly ii or lick- Well people feel good and good- Health is beautiful and beautifying ami onions health giving- onions contaia sulphur albu men sugar acid lime and acetic acid It is a stiiuu whether used as a medicine or a food it is a valuable expectorant having the power to remove from the lungs it is diuretic promoting the action of the kidneys and it is rubefacient that is product ion of color and heat Taken at intervals raw or cooked the vegetable Increases the appetite of the invalid or convalescent aids digestion brightens the complexion and besides nourishing the body dis lodges so many impurities by stimu lating the secretions that it has been called the scavenger of the stomach Onion juice prepared honey is frequently given to children for croup and cjtarih j oni n poultice is a fami liar cure for sore throat and baked onions split and applied to tumors is one of the best of emollients Boiling removes the essential oil from the vegetable The value of fried and raw onions as a food and medicine is well known to soldiers of all nations Onions are good any time in any style but they are best in the morn- The Quadrennial Conference of the Methodist Church in Canada will be held in the Queens Avenue Meth odist Church London in September It will be the first time that such a meeting willhave been held in this city and a great deal of interest will be taken in its proceedings The General Conference is the only legis lative body of the Church It will be composed of clergymen re presenting onetwelfth of the minis ters and an equal number of lay men and all parts of the Dominion together with Newfoundland will be The Episcopal Meth odist and British Methodist bodies will be represented also Among the questions of interest to come up will be that of extending the ministerial timelimit so that a minis ter may remain in one charge for five years instead of three years at pres ent A great many are in favor of the proposed change but a strong opposition is expected to come from the laymen At present it is very difficult to give forecast of the result Then the superannuation fund will be discussed The fund has given a good of trouble one way or an other and at the last Conference a commission was appointed to consid er the matter and report at this time A modification is looked for The extension of the boundaries of the District Conferences will be an other question for action The pro posal is to practically join the London and Niagara Conferences the Guelph Conference and west half of the To ronto Conference and the Conference and east half of the To ronto Conference leaving the others as they are at present The effect would be to reduce the number of Conferences by two and by this means it is thought that the station ing of ministers could be the more readily and easily attended The change is election of officers is likely to produce opposition to Rev Dr as editor of the Methodist publications tut the Doctor will pro bably be reelected Many other questions of interest will come up but these are the more general and important ones Press The heavy rains which have prevailed over the southern portion of Texas for the last few days have caused incaicuable damage Many farms have been deluged crops des troyed and bridges washed away A VAMGttsow Chief Inspector of New York Board of Fire Under writers writes 1 have taken your D with satisfactory results I can freely recommend it to any suffer ing from dyspepsia I think I had it as bad as anyone could well bare it but I am now free of it I gave your goods a fair trial and shall always have a bottle on hand for use to cor rect indiscretions in diet Free sample of mailed to any address Co Ltd New Glasgow and State Street Boston Mass l prevents Indigestion and should be in every home Stir who assassinated Harrison of Chicago was to have been hanged today but a res pite has been printed till April K Pills tone and the liver SOduuky Out March The Roman Catholic Church a fine brick edifice was burned down yesterday morning at oclock A repository Was built yesterday for the reception of the sacrament and the curtains round which candles are lighted caught fire The building was erect ed six years ago and cost about There is insurance Uu1cJ lit Ibslftt Dr 1 ft stc it Pi Good Farm to Rent IK la lhn3rJci It Melt- lo IS wall plow or J FARMS FOR SALE iropoUioci of Hi a icuni CURE Lima SHt tt Croup Sort or Kidney excels sSHcts con con CATARRH REMEDY Jinn I Ctiro you iTxfitmentfi fa West half lot con 10O half lot East half lot Gwillimbuiy 1 Eaat halves lots and 3rd con Kings acres South half lot 3rd coo acres Somhweit quarter lot 2nd cod 30 acres of lot con King Pplj of Co Mr J or by null at or ihtia J of of DR In lame patted iba Sicca Dr who time to And a ihe ifce act o will New ft p at I a Hotel id any removed a We do not any Office to outdo us in this line either in style price If you want any kind of Printing done see what work and you can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial COPYRIGHTS VAX a A PATENT Answer la ni to IIS who A if or DO uiaiBttoicai Altooui3fuorcWun- boots inwyi a Co iddj ua mlv to peMi4 tiff an vert la iM eaabunsi to hA MiniMiisroucK r FOR SALE m r m A YORKSHIRE WHITE BOAR old Mr tt ST Oak Shropshire Rams YOUNG HORN BULLS Also a Yotfo I li at ROACH FOOD NOT A POISON FATAL TO WATU BUGS A Montreal flg Wall i Factory jx ADMINISTRATRIXS Notice to Creditors to lhat All NOTICE J faucl ESTATE OF MORTON ih of who Of Art to tltyior April oxt Ihelr d3rto hall wJdtlAtiVAflCUotlM Mid lo tb to Iheo ihrMJ Dot ih to or Si Mircd fcy ihotlcisjot I tut liUlttuAdriiaiitTAUtt MUCILAGE A LIQUID SAFE MANUFACTURER THE EQUAL OF HAIR ttwl cool acd fra tops Mti sal l direct at J