Newmarket Era, 8 Sep 1893, page 1

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I ERA Friday Morning GEO JACKSON t ma jTEASl PBH5T1NC3 HOUSE REACHED rtJiCJtnllj expect SUBSCBIBERS GIVE MR THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY I ONTARIO BANK NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER A v papers lent of North York unlet paid in advance Vol 33 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Sept Strictly in Advance- within CAPITAL OFFICE TORONTO SIR P Gnl Newmarket Branch BUSINESS Allowed on Deposit at crawler DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL da Farmer promptly to- J- E- Manager 2 LOU on ifHj- jr yTEP ETC 48 to 52 MAIN IT Lao I ft i Main MEDICAL A p v 15 Jtrnfro ficdond flUA KrrSioiAM21oSPUnd A A IN To make room for New Fall Stock to at rive this month ilIci WirftieeXo I l AI nOLflXCSllEAp n4lfidAlrfirPAln1KKairaeUiiB Coal and Wood good as ncrr io He3te wood only coal only Coal self feeder- S I Coal CO SO Coal Parlor Cook 5 THESE ARE BARGAINS A I 15 cents anil cents WML Per Gallon Telephone No promptly BOOTS THE NEXT I BRIGHT AND HEW AMD MY COMPLEXION BETTER My drctnr ft on rtooch All JrejaJ D for o Kiicr to ALL DO NOT CUR AT HAMILTON whole of knows of a cure by the application of Nil WARDS lo a par tially paralyzed arm that equals any thing that has transpired at Hamilton R Harrison Photos I AND CHEMICALS SIMPSON Main SELMAS Main allies itteullon Hair ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES iSsKO York- to fc j- I Boot The Leading Boot Shoe Store I purchucd 1 AND ClJCK Main rf J ICh4 t have really splendid bargains for you ihtn is simply diadvnntacous to you both in ihc of finest clothing possible as well as not you want a single garuient or a full our stock affords providing yourselves Clothing Rock Prices KSl Call and sec for yourselves w p MUTCH Mircliant tailor opposite Stans Book tents own up Cheaply Mr he MAINTAINING THE LEAD And guarantees toturo every to city work nod far superior to Ii KvcrraWioiboproduclIon ah wjll bo lo PECiAIXY to Hood neighbor with but ogive complete add Old An you have Catarrh and desire to be cured without risk at losing your money call at our agency in New market and get a Inhaler vitfvAii a if pay in advance After you have given it a fair trial at your own home and you find it a genuine remedy you can pay for same If not satisfactory in every way you need not pay one cent Nothing could be fairer- If you have Catarrh call immediately and get this remedy above liberal terms at Or Scotts Drug Siore our sole agent for Newmarket and vicinity Those who cannot call address Medical In- halation Co Out How Fell in Love I went loo Farmer Johnsons I glanced fence anil taw Dollys Dolly busy out The linen on the line Slid sid I maid On whom doth shine For bright son shone be anus Her armA white u mow And bright bet golden back the wiuii did blow of tangled carte in wind was Dolly smiled while by My to her was lost I raided my hat and he r A pretty And over in my memory lovely vision staid It mo both day and night Until at I aid Ah that I were toyed by her Ah I would that we were Better I io Than shadow and her face Id vision fair wore fatter far Beside my own fireplace For there her A sweeter Id see And then a tenderer light From dear eye on me All on eve I told To Dolly aa strayed Under the light of moon and stars Down willow The whimpered overhead I whispered in her ear With beating heart a UK made her to bear And And oft I That hour I ell in love with her As I went down the Jane scenes love in ankDOWTJ Enters the waiting heart be has All ceMOos for bis pie shouldnt accept it humble Elaine Oh but they will said for really it is a capital story Ive called it The Misers Malison Isnt that a taking title Theres so much in a title you know A few afterward the postmaoi whistle brought a letter addressed Miss Weaver- Which of you is it for said Bridget the red armed maid of all work holding the missive between her finger and thumb Elaine glanced wistfully at it but held out her hand I am Miss Weaver said she Oh Elaine look Theres the stamp of the Weekly Watt her on the envelope She tore it open A slip of gray paper dropped out check for cried ex ultantly waving it the a- Ten dollars Didnt I tell you so Elaine A momentary mist came before Elaines blue She did not know until then how much she had hoped and longed for success in some measure Well it was tight had succeeded and she would not be so selfish as to think of and her own failure An which of fez gets ibis one said Bridget bringing forward a parcel a square envelope filled with written which was wrapped an ominous half sheet in scribed Declined thanks Its mine I suppose said Elaine sorrowfully I did venture to write a little story which Let me look at it said with a contemptuous laugh as she caught it from her sisters hand- But her countenance changed as she glanced at its heading What does this mean she hysterically lis the Misers Mali- CURES IOTHERBam l Axenf A- A Bra insurance 4 Cm EYE Anyone can nee superiority of our STOVES TINWARE HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH CLEAI MENTAL ENERGY STRONG w C a Life JKU12 fc I Cor Tf WMKKKKKy Main Only norruM nllACTlCAIj A WIHewlilajr MR C0NCEHT BARITONE fcuilriif win fiends lljlJWliJWta Ilia la vcai lesiflio JeatlDg JCirom knee Id fttiklc a imcdlcJ Church Vole J A- CAMABA LIFE rlJhAKCK CO DOLLARS fc MANNING SON MISS v utcTrclicr rot Alir ttf Mrs Baylys Private School am jy After I a Sarsaparilla PURE LYE PUREST U by AH Mrc VV Toronto Mies Woavera Copying said Weaver with a curl of her pretty coral bowed Up at 0 many cents a hundred lines Thats what I call drudgery It was a gloomy April day the seeming to break into fits of spasmodic rain tears every now and then the atmosphere filled with dampness and the clouds hanging like leaden fringes above the endless rows of city blocks and old Dr Weavers two daughters in their dead black robes sitting in the cheerless boarding house apart ment felt as if the gloom of the outer world were reflected from their hearts Dr Weaver had made a great show and lived extravagantly during his life time and people remarked sagely at him that he must have means But when he died of a sudden apoplectic fit and then they buried biro he was found to be deeply in debt and no provision whatever was made for Madelyn and Elaine They had done their best poor girls They had answered advertise ments stood around in the dreary hairs of intelligence bureaus tapped timidly at the doors of womens ex changes and had long talks with school trustees But the labor market was overcrowded Nobody wanted work done at any price and neces sities of daily lie became Imminent And one Elaine out and came back with a bundle of law papers to copy Where is the cut thecut glass inkstand said coloring a little Im using it The fact is Elaine Im writing a story a thrill tale for the Weekly Watcher Vis said Miss Weaver Why I I read one of their stories last- and Im sure I could do belter They cant pay me less than five dollars and only think how faster I can make money than will by copying- Yes slowly that they accept your V They will said con fidently You cV Elaine theres a rich old miser in it and a beautiful young who son Once more glancing at the cheek she perceived to her unutterable sur prise and dismay thai it was filled up in the name of Elaine Weaver inctead of her own Her stilted rhetoric and four sylla bled descriptions had come back to her and Elaines simple tale of everyday life and love had proved a success But it so happened that her first simple story was the only one that Elaine Weaver ever wrote Mr sent in an extra lot of law papers to copy that night and before the end of the week he proposed to the little copyist to marry him I always knew that you were beau tiful Elaine said he but I never before comprehended how true and courageous and lofty spirited could be And since she has became Mrs our little heroine has been too busy presiding over her home to attempt any literary triumphs And fttadelyn is eager and anxious to se cure the law copying from her brother- inlaws office One must have some sort of an income she says And really I dont think I was born for an author ess transit of the first satellite across the disk of Jupiter Projected on the face of the planet it appeared distinct ly double resembling a close double star the components being slightly unequal This remarkable appear ance has not yet been accounted for It was probably due to a bright belt on the satellite similar to some of those on Jupiter The observations would imply that the satellite in its revolution about Jupiter rotates on an axis nearly to its orbit as io the case of our own new moon The obser vations might also imply that the first moon of Jupiter is realty double though this explanation is hardly probable In July he commenced to use regularly the large telescope on one night each week and began systematic observations of the great planet It was but a short time before the superiority of the largest telescope in the world for this work was made manifest In due course of mail the writer received at Chicago a letter from Professor Barnard writ ten on Saturday morning September roth slating that on the previous evening Friday at about midnight hehad observed an extremely faint speck of light very close to Jupiter that it seemed to be moving with the planet and that he strongly suspect ed it was a new Satellite He said that it was so difficult with the large telescope that he was unable to see it except by shutting out the light of the The suspected star was found by the observations of the fol lowing night to be a new satellite and on Monday morning the whole astronomical world was electrified by the announcement that Jupiter ob served more than any other planet for the past three hundred years had a fifth moon revolving about it in less than twelve hours at a distance from the surface of the planet of about miles Harpers tint for Sept What Hotter Should Do As the boys grow up make com panions of them then they will not seek companionship elsewhere Let the children make noise some times their happiness is as impor tant as your nerves Respect their little secrets if they have concernment worrying them will never make them tell and patience will probably do the work Allow them as they older to opinions of their own make them individuals not mere echoes Remember that without physical health mental attainment is worth less let them lead free happy lives will strengthen both body and mind Bear in mind that you are largely responsible for your childs inherited character and have patience with faults and failings Talk hopefully to your children of life and its possibilities you have no right to oppress them because you have suffered Teach boys arid girls the actual faults of life as soon as they are old enough to understand them and give Ihe sense oi responsibility with out saddening them Find out what their special tastes are and develops instead of spending time money and patience in forcing them into studies Ihat are repugnant to them As your daughters grow up teach them at least the true merits of house keeping cookery they will thank you for it in later life and a great deal more than for accomplishments Try and sympathize with girlish flights of fancy even if they seem absurd to you By so doing you will retain your influence over your daughters and not teach them to seek sympathy elsewhere FRAGMENTS I PROM THE DIG Nearly men are said to have been put to work at Pittsburg during the past week by mills and furnaces starting up village villi pay a a rate of twentysix and ninetenth mills and still leave unprovid ed for which will have to be borrow ed If it one thing it is an other Farmers in are now annoyed by mud turtles stealing their goslings and young turkeys At Little Rock Ark three children were fatally poisoned by drinking water from an impure web Three other members of the family are very ill The Canadian Government has issued an order prohibiting the importation of dried from Smyrna and such other fruit as is not capable of disinfection The overdue steamer was towed into Friday morning All well The Sanaa took days to cross the At lantic from Montreal LIVKKY P r Main J J Ant 02C Private Term 1 llMlfJbim- ted need nt go to FloMa but take Of Pure Norwegian Cod Uver OH arid It WHEN WEAK WNQS STOP THE all WASTING A rtmarkablB producer and It Ii as Milk to gtt the genuine up Li salmon tutored Im f I cant stop to listen Just now said Elaine apologetically v I prom ised a fair copy of papers to Mr Jacobson and I must work to fulfill my promise Some time dear Maddy I be glad to hear the plot of your story Its well enough for you to copy said with pretty scorn you never hail any brains lam not as as you I Elaine cheerfully But at events I can write a clear hand And to copy the mo notonous law terms while paced up and down the room with her hair streaming down her back to think how the beautiful girl could best be released from the of- that villain wonder if I couldnt write a story too thought Elaine Though of course I never could imagine knights and noblemen or the corridors of baronial Im sure I could Write about old farm houses with apple orchards all In and in the ons and I dont see why a farmers daughter shouldnt be a heroine In her humble way as well as a countess Vic a mind to try it when the law papers were all carried back to Mr Elaine sat down to write about buttercups and apple blossoms She was ashamed to cad to eljn when it was the simple story of a farmer daughter who like Schillers heroine had lived loved Maddy always said I bad no brains said Elaine to and perhaps she is right So went out and dropped the manuscript herself into the post office Madelyns story had already gone and Madelyn was already planning how could spend the meny she expected to receive for if But suppose the newspaper Emerson Barnard was born in Nashville Decem ber His early education was limited to two months attend ance at a common school and such instruciion as his excellent mother could give him at home and all of his acquirements in literature the sciences and languages In late years aw the result of lis own earnest efforts Fatherless and destitute at the close of the war be began the age of eight or nine to work in a large photographic studio in Nashville and continued to follow the ci photographer until During this time he had mastered every department the ail and had become Invaluable to his as a faithful and accom plished From an early age he had been In terested In optical matters and this interest was Increased by the use of the various lenses employed In the gallery- In a friend happened to leave in the young possession for a few an old book which he was delighted to find was a cony of Dr Thomas Dicks Practice This book was studied With great avidity and it awakened a thirst for astronomical knowledge which has never since ceased lobe From the maps of the constellations and other engravings he- speedily learned to identify the objects in the sky about which had been reading and the descriptions of celestial wonders had now a new interest- Then came desire possess some of tele scope and finally obtained the object common spyglass and mounted it in a paper tube made by himself This lens was about one inch n diameter and of course was never Intended for looking at celestial objects Still it revealed the heavens as they can never be seen by the un aided eye and showed the beautiful crcscnt form of Venus and the disks of Jupiter and other planets About this time a traveling show man with a glass for street ex hibition turned up In Nashville and young Barnard was a steady patron whenever nickels were sufficiently plenty to warrant such a dissipation This was not much of a telescope but it was superior to the homemade affair he bad constructed for himself He resolved have a belter men of hp own an after practising the most rigid economy he was en abled in to purchase telescope of inches aperture with a proper mounting and a suitable equipment of and other accessories- From the of his work with the telescope Professor Barnard has given special attention to the planet Jupiter In the planet was observed by on fortynine nights with the Jncbcouitoia and careful measures of all the markings on the planet In Septem ber of that year he observed the singular phenomenon of double East Council Bunas All members present Minnies of meeting read and confirmed Com received from Morton A Jones and J It Long re appointment collectors J re Health matters J burial of late Pearson medics attendance re and Watson Q Wright re and Watson President of E Society aid medical attendance and It J King Allan dog Hop kins bill ro gravel Knight bill Foster bill con A Smith re gravel Maries Joba Roger guard rail con Petition received from David and others ditch eon and Bylaw passed levying rates for year as follows County purpose on school supporters railla purposes on support- era mills flimcoo Jane R tax mills on con to township purposes mill gen school rate mills- School section rates as follows IB Cam mill mills mills mills 10 mills IS mills mills E mills 2 mills mills mills a aIf mills J 010 mills 110 mills Whitchurch and mills Drown sltfl mill Sep school mills Robinson Long appointed Collector for On motion Cttrgf Reserve Interest ace was credited with ttom general ace and grants were made from R I of J30 and to Hill of into upon and ordered payments as J Wight ai260 Knight John gravel Win Maries John Rogers frl76 Jos lax On motion Anion was appointed adjourned ta at Recently a New Jersey farmer while passing along a street of New York heard the well known neigh of his good old horse which had lieen stolen from his barn last winter six months having elapsed The fanner turned and there sure enough was the old animal hitched to a butchers wagon The had his master and gave him the accustomed signal The farmer recovered his property and thief was arrested KL Ufnt frosts on Sunday arc reported from South Dakota Iowa and northern Ne braska Kgr If your uncle has an aunt who has a nephew whose wife has a cousin is an old friend of your wifes sis ter whose grandfather used to live in the same town with an old school mate of yours whose is now in Chicago you should at once renew the acquaintance with a view of saving hotel bills while attending the Worlds Fair scheme can be worked successfully in many in stances lib tad Bud AURORA Reopening services in connection the Methodist church here were held last Sunday Colleclions An important meeting of the Direc tor of Aurora Dairy Association was held Wednesday nesi it to call a public meeting on or about Sept io with a view to operating a creamery as soon malting closes It it also anticipated a rise in price of local sates of cheese The report on the operating was satisfactory Mr Tames who left here something over two yean ago to visit friends in the old country and for the benefit of his healthrctumed Tuesday The sea voyage coupled with bis stay in the old land we are pleased to learn has had the effect of improving his wonderfully While engaged lining the ceiling in the lecture room of the Methodist church on Saturday the scaffolding upon the workmen were stand ing gave way and Mr A Phillips who on the scaffold at the time fell to the floor below bruising one of his feet severe He is able to go about on crutches On Monday afternoon one of Mr Evans little boys accidentally sat down on a pot of boiling potatoes which bad just been taken off the stove and left silting on the floor the bake house the water had boiled pretty much ajlaway or he would have been more seriously Injured At he was pretty badly scalded he will be very cau tious when he sits down Samtr- owes Distemper An exchange truthfully re marks that there may be no in the cellar or flour in the barrel but the American people will go on excursions And while recreation is well enough in its place there arc a number of people who pleas ure at the cost of the grocer the but cher the landlord and others who arc often unable to afford good limes so fully indulged by their creditors Truly life has many phases When the husband of Margaret Wilson of died some time ago her son John look the farm agreeing to pay her an annuity in of her dower in Ihe property Now the mother and the sons wife have disagreed and the former has been asked to leave the This she refused to do until she is paid her dower claiming that she never agreed to accept an annuity The dispute will be decided the courts On Tuesday night last week James of drove a traveller to Port Terry and when he was ready to start home he found his horse and rig gone Neat morning the horse and outfit were found in Weirs Pond town- ship and on being dragged out the animal was found to be dead The halter with which it had been tied was found in the buggy which In dicates that the animal was stolen but no brace has as yet been dis covered of the perpetrator the das tardly act fc At present there aw prisoners at gaol and women Seven of the men are imprisoned as vagrants is per sons who have no home nor any means of support and should be in a properly conducted House of Indus try One man Is insane one for having an still one under capias one for assault two for larceny and one for murder Of the women one is a vagrant one is charged with murder one a girl of Is charged with arson and one for being a loose Idle and disorderly person Among the vagrants ate three men over years of age and one man who has been In goal over years It Is stated now on good authority that a large two story hotel will be erected by a joint stock company of welt known local capital ists whose names are not yet made public Within the past year the small towns throughout the province In a run away near last week Miss Maggie Hogg became entangled in one of the wheels and was dragged some distance When the horse was stopped she was dead Late news from China shows that famine prevails in north China and distress is terrible Men- wo men children and cattle are dying by hundreds and cholera prevails to an alarming extent If anyone talks to you in a cruel brutal manner dont make a beast of yourself by talking back in a like manner Keep the of your mouth hung on the hinges of peace and good will to man The New England coast has been swept by a storm which destroy shipping and did much damage on land The loss at Coney Island Many yachts were wrecked and there are fears of heavy loss of life There is a plant it is said that is never touched by insects and is tansy you rub a horse over with a handful of before tak ing him on the road it is claimed that flies will not touch him- Just try him once The second annual conven tion of the Simcoe County Endeav or Societies was held in the Presby terian church Orillia last week The attendance of delegates from every part of the county was very large and the enthusiasm unbounded The estate of Brooks of Sutton was worth left to his wife Upon her decease certain properly at will go to her son while John and Cbas will receive Sutton estates between them and the remaining boys William and James will receive xooo each Few women are strong enough to keep a bare properly scrubbed and a carpel absorbing and greases of cooking is an abomination therefore it is a good plan to buy brown oilcloth for the kitchen floor as it shows wear less readily than other colors and blends better with the woodwork In Ihe present stringency in financial circles and Ihe shutting down of milts and factories together with the curtailing of hours of labor in nearly all branches of busi ness is showing its in the large addition to the ranks of ihat no madic army popularly designated as camps Wilson The courts hive decided grain threshers arc traders with in the meaning of the Weights and Measures Act As weight measure officers ate on the lookout for a offenders against the Act would suggest to the grain threshers to examine measures and see that they arc up to the legal standard Niagara Falls Aw The flirri flam sharps who beat a Mr out of on the Grand Trunk railway yesterday boarded the Michigan Central railway at a near here last night and played the same game on it passengers between here and taking They are said to be a Detroit gang ra- Those people who are look ing hopefully forward to finding their pockets mysteriously filled with gold or silver simply through legislation of Congress are liable to to to bed hun gry Congress may be able by wise legislation to restore confidence- that Is all it can do Individuals will have to do the rest Congress can not by law fill your pockets with hard or soft cash Wilson Star Midland Sept The house which had been stead ily in operation for the past years was burnt to the ground last passed away railroads whose era of prosperity with the introduction designed to feed the metropolis seem to have taken boom and Bradford share in this renewed tide of prosperity Affairs in connection with the mill to be erected by Messrs Wright and are proceeding satisfactorily and our town will doubt again Income the grain emporium of South Witnus Liniment the ground last The fire started about midnight The inmates were laken from windows and were in night dress David Hewis the owner of the prop erty estimates the loss at insurance Oliver Vomers the lessee loses about insur ance Holmes the first man to cross America on foot at oclock on the and of May last and at P- m- on Aue he was in Vancouver B having travelled the distance in days which is days ahead of the time the wager His average rate of speed was a half miles an hour o miles per day distance q miles being covered thus beating the eoiU sooo miles in hours previouswalksrvebeenncrossCentra America and across both island Japan Holmes is years old and weighs pounds Liniment cures Colds etc

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