v APRIL 1800 jfi RAILWAY A V I- J till fiSS ft ft Society AF a A IB or roil boob JiK5wffidtrilo moot month mvketltl Amor fact- of nwlire4Tf id5FttowiiL iDtcb month me op foe dlicrjttfcD the reared hit a ahtrai Hibodird hit tot a of toK wkt will do I Will go to I Lessons- Tbo of the Text- Ttio ItftJ Hi with Hi iUnllj filW work He the W attract all who ttt to Hit Itr aboiyJiJ lift tUMtpTci tad that aotiou and a bad add people to and tLdfol They to illaitrat and of tad play Hit glory- To of of Word do to Ilia Ho n let bear tome Ho thai ma bo thai to Spirit of the Spirit Ax 00 of to that tlo at lim to in April Wib Tie to the in row fire jxr of bb I to ton of it lo label the Saviour row In with lb at Jr be on by a toman of degree ten of the who pronjinent la JTIo tbaproftcc Therow fit of of a bcb by the inert a fiie of tot Dot jo bail a could delicate fiUrxl with oil As Iba on of for city to fill by late rambr Mr now If ten a lion by fleeter ailicg to fte a oil ran at a bo in the fiM Eqaal parly talk of a A three piWe hot if already committal let are be will be elected by a The LiUjlt of fctli a last Silnntij and placed Mr Fran- in the pally fox election to the Mr anc latter It rt choice of and oppoaitioo Meanwhile Mr Sol- Mayor of It in Geld coder wlog of rati t teat at polls the chant are will enjoy the of a threecornered Irliv not generally known that the line between the Tailed StaW and Canada fro Lake Snpener to Pacific Ocean by and timber clear than 355 of these bare placed tbe Lake of the and the Rocky to an we the peat two and the United j nee between The are of and on ficeeare ft Where the lice IWN atone been eight fret ihe lice it defined by felling tree a apace a rod wide Notices- Cores Blood Bitten Ian medicine made from beet known remedy for end will core blood from A common plot Ills Yellow OIL It la a aure cure for chapped aoro Yellow Oil lnUrttUy and the with OH falls ffibenaoC He made for iwo which la la Ma liAabccAAdtdodecc5 of by i a maaef energy well ot Ml treatment The baa at ibo hundt Ibe fdlct canted nj more ationjly than over and fcta many In nJ Ottawa firm er than Ottawa the abbrofftCtaDr Mi office IS UcCaol Toronto tfMk Won liny And Ir Dr Hillary bid a narrow from one day latt through from gig On Mr one of paaacJ away at the ago newly The old lady baa bee a a hew for over Wyearat a widow were two before the Mayor on The a rerosaltopay by Mr Rowland of Mr laneon and waj da in faror of Rowland Rowland Kerr an action and and on a dock eipedillon on the rirex a In a alarm and had a escape In ttrraJinniK Morris and Ann two IS yeara of age were before Mayor charged with dis orderly the Salratiou Army and fighting on the aidftilk Tbo charge Toted and tbe fine and on each amounted thirty daye in jaiL It is a pity that the gang could not for ate the moat die reputable lot that and the sooner they are out of it the it will It hoped trill make it hot for them that they will glad to What tbe Old Man has to POWDER Absolutely Puree A of More ana wilt was cured of a severe attack of rheumatism by LINIMENT trying other for Co Qatt had a valuable colt ao had mango that I feared I would Itt it I used and it cored bim like j Minardi Portage I got tick and at Winnipeg I was to week bad to be train bottle of burdock Blood tbe firtt better- When I got to the water of Donald wZierfT for the coring asthma bronchitis and all ihroat and Wlen waj wo gara be a Child cried for aba win aba clan Khan Avery simple and effective plan can adopted for clewing the sightly vacant lots on leading It has Wen found to work well places nod worth a trial to this It to these properties at the full value for they are held by the owners and pay precisely the tamo for drainage other local improvements as built npon have to pay These va cant are held for speculation in nearly all case by per- song who to build bat prefer to let lio idle in order to money through value created by who the neighborhood They are there fore hindrances to tbe procuress of the town To tax the enterprising people who improve their property and let off who let it stand con trary to and a mani fest If plan would be wonderful how- soon these vacaot places would be built town vastly improv ed and Wilson ATTENTION I THE WILKINSON PLOW arranged Mr J ROSS to keep a full line of their Ploughs Scrapew etc at their Works can have their Ploughs Repaired there as usual 8w8 TO LET OUSE TO LET all coo Arena soma beautiful patterns in English Scotch Canadian an to from a poo tally selected to and Stripe Call and eo for bring your friends with you All made precuiaea at Closest Cash Prices Only Your Solicited D MUTCH Next Door to Jewellery Tailor own cloth made op neatly and cheaply OR SALE AT A IT A a fchro or life la full ions with or If tint with our if it with US track fur Women it have to hear intro an In all of ein3tloos ten- t IniJaTUDiAton or ration and nil lrtiiaritha and to or women ilx- It is only laorwi of In of Apply to J tut 1400 Buy A brick alt ted Town or fend corner tot adjoining Apply lo Newmarket HOP TO RENT kettOpiXMiia North at plod the as a Alio rooms Lowe book atoro to J all Leading of Coal and Wood Stove samples of Coil and Wood Furnace from It will In or money for itiit it tfuarorWf5 01 wraviHT l by AiSx- PIERCES PELLETS and They purely and per- a Bold by ccnU a For what A Mack of with of on lor It of now before the Ha pleasant Qaror ittne great for and tor all diseases of nod Cared An yMatcUn retired from by an India forinuU of Consumption Astbina alt and for Nervous lability and all CotnpUInU after hiving wonderful sanda of cases felt It nta duty known to fellows by and desire to relieve will no of cbnnco loaU who dtilrolttbU or vita full for by by W- A WHAT UK TO will be in Mr la lint ho will In Kir John sous North- Hill by the Minister of Jo- delate- It Is urg tf schools In tenltorUs A iirtl Is It New fstbtot of the In ctit- A Hill to lee first and In tie of A rxjrltnct In lie an Upper with the ex- ioi An of this for not eorreipondent toll rattthaf the Arthur will brief It that fce will ptocd to Toronto two tsys then a sir sm- KlrJon ha will ma op to spend one and tit euiwud Gallagher has with Gnu ill deal in choatnuts Ball nnd play a match Toronto on of May A correspondent advises not to throw away their cop Ho gays gooseberry and cur rant if thoroughly with thetu are never troubled with and plum used tame way are free from plan is certainly worth trying Dont throw everybody around you build- now of fence If you building a new stylo of fence too haul your mils wood and stack them up letting end Ho on the around and other across tho one beneath it time will suroly come when you will want of bete rails to fence off a tem porary and you will you had It all very well to lino fences that is as portable as old fashioned worm rail fence TEH FOUNDS TWO WEEKS THINK OF IT a Flesh Producer there can bo bat that Of Pure Cod Lifer Oil and Of and Soda is without a rival gained a pound a day by too mo of It It cores CONSUMPTION COUGHS COtOS AKOALL FORMS OF 15 AS made BoaCIleiillSiTncn al an J FULL LINES OF CANES WOODEN WARE Tubs eW THE BEST BRANDS OF COAL OIL And All Kinds of Lamp fc fc J Jobbing and B Oil Two ttoaghCait la of Sin Will bo at a to 10 per to W a or l Toronto Fur Main Street Newmarket Receive Special Attention SALE A lot ATouud nod lor Apply fc J or I OR SALE ASSORTMENT OF W J for tl of of Col tot it of to it Sit ffii fui by a ml If to iMt feitct darU Throat before public la bit nurJvrlo rvtbAcrt MJtti ttto lliC Lai to hit ton Abdcltlcli ftTOUIui tho local practitioner It tTitlr to tho ItejcUte lUrlow bo f ftoi LLiULtAnn will And Or- Ml for tbo Dumber hi will vIUl named arid tlui Aootbcr a Mi AdftrtlKtocat will bo den- J Medical Coun cil Nov lib to Torooto Nor to Action CoodcU Wo IS Toronto A of Mr wlllcrcat a Mm and ntbvr Hod than etc bit practice ol prctlttaotra- aotaopfacUtlootta wo for local butt ill down Ibo loot widUam La hi baa beta 1 la of will I lib Mm tbao lanugo to at bottom ad lasg today Uotali wbirb wao with tu4S Id iJj akU la r cloa Ua to Ottawa and cm ibal worfoU baa fiy biioHU Urge Children Pitchers EXECUTORS NOTICE of ivci in III of iei alt ami OP County on Council of Hi Open UP and of of Intention of of Klnx to LINE Of ROAD No rut of tho iboTunniblpofKlnif bolnlkuof MtKccn the J survey lino or portion of lowullc or EAST AMD to uld IqUUmiJU A of new lino of J lltiSVO Wood or Stave Bolts WANTED 1 of day or lATjro To tend Webb fiicc Mary iiiirn- lAtEA day of May may to Id to or of of WrltlDU DAturo of by tiieiu w of tfirtd tbo uccutortibafl to any not I Of lb or auy they lib price for OK timber dellvored at ho Factory station out ho A yto a AKIN t THECOOKSBEST FRIEND tfJ A4VA4JVHA WM ARE SHOWING A FULL LINE OF- SEASON SPECIALTIES -INCLUDING- XCut Saws Hand Saws Chopping Axes Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware Table Pocket Cutlery -ALSO- a PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Slock J A ALLAN CO Cheapest Fence teiV A i A A A FOUNDATION BUILDERS IRONWORK Office Railings lawn Furniture FOUNTAINS I ffiilitu ftr- j ONTARIO on Agents to Sell Our in Every Towu rAWWfl ii i KotOTBitIoj I rati I FOR SALE Drain Tile of Various Sizes LOTS FOR IN TUB havo littr RIOKT ILE MACHINE ANEW IbaTttratxEtlat now for at a AVENUE lo Town or 0Jiit Town of Ih York mo For Hale all portion ibi ai d from Watt haw THE BRIARS FARM Sutton West by Bow tilt btt the Impaction Invited w Bulls BALK FROM TO tie Halloa CARPET WEAVING ON of In ho Itnaor We GUMt tin M ri A U k Aurora Nit ten X l Wit east of lot toward the bna-flo- further particular to WILLIAM att Dtlbarcal0Otf IT iTa ACRE FARM FOR SALE- Iba South Half of Lot a Eitt Annealed Galvanized And Barbed Fence Wire Builders Hardware 3 Sheathing Paper Tarred Felt Pitch LARGE ASSORTMENT OK CARPENTERS TOOLS Bar Band Hoop Iron IK Steel Carrlago Trimmings Jacks kept or Hire Agent Tor Repairs JAMBS Lot Lie etc aHiQKooj law all koou farm wall to For jut NEWMARKET BOOK NEWS DEPOT to WALLPAPER of my Imiinrw which cow a oompUlo io Deceit ftDil in TO MATCH Comer Pieces and Extensions to Correspond goods with la ho mil A cuool to yire la Talus tad quilily to oleuJictf OFFICE ZENAH BLACK GENERAL STORE BUSINESS FOR SALE ONE of lo of York Stock Nure pAjrlqv J DALEY FOR SALE TUB Farm Id lOucreiofLotSlQtnofiihCoUi 1 fitli C 10 fltb vlthttoori a Ail ar vety payment will Lota In Town Stic or ami lo CURES DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA CURES DYSPEPSIA PROMOTES I DIGESTION Mr Ltitb RirAFor I j- font at fur I ldtVMaalitr iijAlxzUti LIMITED CONSTIPATION i Cores Cures CONSTIPATIOH ACTS ON THE BOWELS Dun fcnto our with In My more tho In litM loft tho a TUB 0U RELIABLE LEADING HOUSE FOR THIRTY YEARS AVE hind by fat tit Largest Best Stock tOW LUMBER LATH SHINGLES BILIOUSNESS ffows BILIOUSNESS Cures BILIOUSNESS REGULATES THE LIVER Urns I akrrt ilcjJofinJo which no vorto After bottle I tin tiowcJL aUorocrtfiifiittiJltfor ifcoeir of DJMHlL A DUMV WE ARE NOW TO SUPPLY OUR CUSTOMERS WITH DOORS SASH THANKFUL FOR LIBERAL OF THE PAST WE SOLICIT A CONTINUANCE OK SAME WE AIM TO OUT GOOD WORK Cures HEADACHE Cans HEADACHE Cures HEADACHE REGULATES THE KIDNEYS AT- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES THE CANE SONS MFG CO Cure fiiaiHl lJ with Lh my aul lototA Sly w try IMt I Ml Hi Iain ac J as well Cares BAD BLOOD Cures BAD BLOOD Cares BAD BLOOD PURIFIES THE BLOOD of User KJilncj tad by ictsic all bleed a jimp t A- i