Newmarket Era , November 15, 1889, page 1

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IRA Friday Morning LYMAN Q JACKSON at PRINTING HOUSE baa alms SUBSCRIBERS QlfE MB TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ACCORDING TO ALL ONTABIO m CAPITAL BUT mono alii I NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday Nov 15th 1889 TermsfcL26 Cash in Advance within or at end of year Newmarket Branch Allowed on Deposit AT SA1M DRAFTS ISSUED AT Real Estate Insurance Agency Money to Properties Bought and Sold RENTS ON MODERATE COMMISSION Special Attention paid to Farm Insurance TOWN AGENCY FOR Grand Trunk and White Star line Ocean Steamers Sold to Jt Point la Bute BOB Main St South Newmarket T1IOVAIJ ststesio Loan on good York vs TSTOKES Civil TORONTO WIDiriBl a Ft Id Block cm- money to Wan ma ABABTEDO sad AunraictCipB MOSSY TO IOAS AT MS Omoo Witt FOR CHINA HALL NOTED FOR THE- LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK 01 China Crockery and Glassware suitable for Eft MUNfclYTO LOAN- JACKS gLIClTOHH A Toronto JAJ JACKET tfTIES Motile e- l4lOmcc Saturday TO IOAN OS OWrt jSOKTLLBA I etc UTCbMU of W LOAM At LOW gBrABLianfUJS7 ipnuij Heated by room tor tjhU TtmurirCobatiueUmU Qe parlor J HOUSE 111 US York sit of Bluff Proprietor York Ill 9mU li J Sales Promptly to in AUCTIONEER ibQ of Short and at to at IbUOtSCe Will prompt to Now Ramos Orange and Currant PURE SPICES 1 Oauges and all of FRESH GROCERIES Stock Give us a Call No Trouble to Goods A Prompt Attention to Telephone Orders FALL U I A QU BENS J AH ffl DR A J York W7 Repair for will Hardware alary Haiti Or Hals i ftffi pi market ACCIDENT Managing America Agency for Aurora anJ at loan J Public Aurora patterns English Scotch Canadian Also an assortment of to choose Pat tenia iu and Stripes Call and see and bring jour frienda with you All goods made on tho Closest Cash Pribes Only Your Patronage Solicited Next Door to Atkinsons Jewellery Store Merchant Tailor Gents own cloth made up neatly and cheaply f r aka y NW OUR STOCK OF- FALL DRESS GOODS la well assorted and of great variety ill AN A Ou aroH aud DISCOUNTED- land ValuMtocf TO LOAN Collect IStb or Of iNbk bulldtbfff street OVH- Cloths for Suits firatclaBa of extra value We give BEST FITS IN TAILORING A I If rUlivmJ bit rOorat lo CAiVixDA LIFE ASSUItASOS CO AND 10000000 DOLLARS iLdli- mi afttr yihJMiJ tAHHtAQt K BOOTS AND SHOES j ORUEUABLE MAKES NEW VALENCIA RAISINS Another prime lot of JAPAN TEA AT POUNDS FOR J STEPHENS North End Accommodation Store- Leading Photographer MAIN A LIFE SPECIMENS A Ilf- Pltntr Work A CAMPBELL tnniin rubllo ELI A -AMD- lEADINCi HOUSE Manufacturers Toronto CffVJt4 W I tear tula and attry A- Win I rtrcaiyTitfcuirJ WIHHKH to bujuiir PALL STOCK Lowest CASH Price And alfloc Wi aVovcoit of t Sweet Little Soniebody- en into op Bmd j Somebody rotbta ibromh caltn all floor- lh bar jairtAi lb mad looki rognUb Up thresh led hair aba than oar North York or j we fiod do in AVhil the of children ttvu la lb School up o or 191 est Best Slock Aftot Ykwbloblwllitst LOW l ItocvcUM BIBLE SOCIETY ib Park Constantly on Hand aod and DRY I Box aod Parlor Hi Art Garland Coal Stove a Double or cot Badiaiit Home CoalHMvrbMtenaDdovtoi- Moil up luarfVU fiTaxxnnixi P Mi Kta yiiiTJolbltixd Blurt Vtr KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE J HOT FURNACES Put and work Ao TINWARE1 Alt for Cats la SawmSrkit toy cell rn ay ttil etna I ban a book am KENDALLS SPAVIN DURE Tow Da J bJ i fa Enarra TOW SOLO BY Aia4 of iba North York year at the Cbaroh On Wednesday avcnieg The School workera part of fiinicoo wording oparalioa North York good and Id laal was Incly thai wm bcfll CooKution aver held wilb North York Webb chair dent Webber of on 00 Tba Bond ay School aa a factor Ho firataakd tore of oar and then in Ho aid a time of liberty aad ago of greatly but Iho criminal baa Tho lata waa a damoaatra lioa of oar preaant In former day it boon with and Our baa its habit Wo have got to reach it I And too and and Mere And now bow does afft all It living Ckritl and up before And put into the of Christiana living Cbriat differ ent denomination drawing together than ever before teaching of today planting troth principal fjpea lo heart of question For it poiiible to pnl in an in a Train man to the truth children read much thay do today It not import ant that their reading be led op to truth kor Tba engagement after devotional hearing from Sun day Schools generally with iou3 made in to from chair or from Contention ai to whether the School Are S- Help or Papara taken Do they giro to thoy an In fant a Meet etc THe following School way Bradford Methodist Fine Orchard Amsterdam Union Newmarket Metho dist Corbett CouUona Hill Preaby- Aurora King Mission 8 Poplar Bank Keswick Sutherland Methodist King City Pen- Methodist Methodist Baptist 2nd West bury Presbyterian- Other as tho Bond and Newmarket Congregational sent contri butions without giving any further Re port- While verbal beard a Nominating the school room ware consulting Their was adopted without amendment and the following officer and committee elected Newmarket Webb Clergymen in North York Amos Aurora Rt Smith Newmarket Aurora A EJ A Yule D Campbell Holland Juo Alfred Maiuiing Duff A Davidson Davis Geo Batsman Allen J It Mann Smith Irwin Patch John A J Hughes Oldham Hopkins Friend Morton Mr A School tfpector spoke on Important Principles in Teaching Ho said the art of learning on part of the pupil Asa For the teacher can no for pupil than ho can tat tor him or for him Yet that without the guidance and stimulus of teacher tho pupil gener ally will not thus his mind The lines to bo followed in to sue- bre from the simplo to the complex concrete to the abstract from the familiar to the spiritual educe Hon of young must accord with the way mankind In general have obtained knowledge For the education of the In dividual child la in And parent may properly ami wisely say Tho same principles by which Cod la educating race I must use In educating my clllld Science ia organ ize art And every la evolved Its corresponding art as for in stance flrat the and then the construction of grammars of selfdevelopment moat be encour aged to the extent Mr Webb retiring President the Convention reviewing the events work of as connected with the Tha new President Mr Jackson then Introduced and took his place making a few remark chiefly In favor of more thorough Sunday School organisation In the Riding A followed the of Mr Davidsons Mr John of Aginooort Temperance work In Sabbath the prophet put la the fountain to heal water we mart pat Id the minds of the young- thin eye offends thee pluck out If anything take us away from right glib we put away Waawa Well look price of barley today when the Scott Act la all buret to pieces I said this Id San- day School and belittle went home and told their father Mr Milne aaid the low pried of bailey now iia judgment from heaven because you did not port the Scott Act I Well I didnt ex actly but that lathe way the little boys put it Dont in Temperance when it doe not come into your eesona but be clear bod plain on it where it Jon Oat the children to take the three fold liquor and profanity It will be a strength to time of farther discussion of the subject Mr Day the Association a Model taking the Conven- for was Oriel lor Abealom He if he had a blackboard he would put on itea the two chief points be brought out Lift WtUJ The of lesson occupied an hoar bomber at aid he thought David hardly got justice He looked tears aver very much as he did those of Christ over of gate an on The to Teaching The must Lead to neglect the religious training of their children Instead of parental instruction there should be But was the more now of evil are active to our day All the Id train ing children lor Qod Even the Bo- Church knows if the young are train in the of the they ml be loyal to it If the will compete with the Devils School it mast bo fall of lite And And we must carry work with the material we have We wail for any men to come forward take very poor material and makes Christ ians of One invited to teach per sou of He must also have a hearty interest in the work Teachers should not to bo solicited and to work they should themselves seek out ways end means of usefulness should hare a deaire to lead those young to the Saviour Aud ho must what he to Knowledge will come as a kind of inspiration teacher must with the scholars must use good common sense Anything like will not do inthefChooh Every young man or woman here should say cad teach I can with the little ones can bring all tho good I have to bear on this work I knowledge would be imparted habits of order and reverence would bo instilled For la more repulsive than Irrev erence the house of God irreverence Parents should on their children that they are not a favor on tho Sunday School by going but that they go to obtain a for them- Hi children filed from the Schoolroom and the centre of church Alter singing and we may that there wan moeh and excel lent all through Mr 1 of drf mJ the Under a similitude and many he told the children Of Fall Mao and the same way the story of Joseph of the Prodigal Son And by these showed that sin ever brings to do right makes happy He spoke of rrnga and said tin would give them a law i to wear J and then drew a largo hand on the and marked toward parents to bo unkind or unlovely in their We must cultivate as well aa knowledge with to God and fill Divine things reverence to the laws of land and the nation will the heritage of we have received from our fathers and hand it down unimpaired to our children Mr Day then questions in the Drawer in an entertaining Instructive Several members spoke The aaid it would bean exceedingly proper thing to notice of tho day as set apart for a day of Thanks giving It was not on the programme for the day had not been appointed when the programme Issued hut Smith now apeak for a few minutes that subject Mr Smith briefly of National peace liberty healthy climate good soil har vest bounties of heaven rami 8 Mr A Day an Object Lesson Ha put On the blackboard Learn of Me putting down catchwords for the following points Christ was a Teacher Ho commissioned other men to teach He taught more truth than any other man Ilia teachings had great suo- Ho know Ho knew man He knew the bible He know nature simple and clear In His teaching taught with adaptation with Illustrations charac terised by love power and J Davis P P on the teaching sufficiently defi nite on the Way of answer both no for all teachers were not alike A Way a The pardon of sin la not the road but the of the road Do not some make the way appear diffi cult Faith Is very simple It la a The In the by watching eiample by warning Audit was Import- ant to watch that people through the way or road to the end In the United BtatetMr Reynolds says per cent of ell who come Into the church come through tho and are more uniformly faithful and useful than the others A took on sab- Mr A Auroral apoke on Son- day School Help Helps are used home that is all right Sometimes they are used In the class that Is all wrong To carry a Help to class means that has no proper preparation made Is a at tracts end together Did not ice a teacher reading questions and the reading the answer 1 rend both If In the New In fivo or translations Then asked himself many questions on It Then con sulted context and parallel passages Then a Commentary And a special S for the leieon Then could go with to his of ad dressed the Convention on Parental Re lationship to 8 Work Work Is verasl and necessary To define work Ufa for God work for im mortal And It must be wrought through the truth through the Divine energy The children God should on work of The work of Christ belongs to those who belong to Christ And if desire to have any relation to 8 work must have themselves a relation to Christ Many parents rob by Indolence on the Lords Day and falling to get their children off to the School If we be parents are faithful we shall a blessing Our children will be saved for Christ and for Ms A followed Mr J parents rings on the flngerato Obey Love Honor Work and Pray Key Am alto to child ren He spoke of Timothy and his godly advantage of under standing the Bible as Mar present- ed a A of W0 remained at statement and it lo had item being the annual grant toward the work Of Provincial and On at the wai The re- port was adopted A Resolution WAS on of Executive Com by a change made the Rev Smith of being asked to take all the work of ponding at an allovraHCd of On Friday church Very fall As form or a good Choir a sympathetic audience Mr answered of the Drawer had them answered thorn En group how appomUJ Ho would by ballot Teachers to by to give a running com ment the Lesson Every time have a brief drill on I Sundays Strongly mended them o how a school could be efficient without thcu I Scfatars About 5 or to Istgcr Set one scholar to hear another Infant may contain SO or Founts They should be with tho Teachers and more interested in their work RrtUaliont Coulil bo encouraged by a system of weekly Reports sent homo for the parents inspection fouud it stimulus to learning Numerous and good But the best help is Divine Spirit Had found very rather were concise and good wry helpful AtriuttMtnte Did not look Upon these at an outcome of fallen nature- Recrea tion and amusement not wrong In itself Some kinds was tea of time too indulged kinds are not right Wo must juclgo charitably Contribution from Wo must be here Their con be bye end bye enlightened Ho that by usury snd gain in croaseth his substance he shall gather it for Aim that wit totaling School- Why not The speaker aatd he must hold to libifty here till he was better informed Stan Thought it was unfortunate when in heat of delivery a speaker slang phrases Very unseemly to see church hurrying on their coats and wraps before word Is out of the mouth no greatly ad mired the deliberation of Friends at close of public worship Hon S Hi Blake had promised to apeak on Alma and Claims of School but was unable to He thcreforo secured the services Roy Arthur Bur son who delivered a stirring address on a love subject Ho When wo come togother on the platform wo find that others doing Lords work well we And Sunday School developed lay work Iu the christian church And of things of this day the bringing forward of women in such work A Blahop remember Is an overseer Now an overseer is not the who work so much as the man work It Is to and direct others Ho hoped the day would come when every man in the church would bo at I The has produce and encouraged tho best kind of work that Is personal dealing And that Is what tho church to learn and and the probability Is too that when young people out from Sunday School they will bo personally dealt with great aim of the 3 Is to plant Scripture truth What Is the aim of Divine truth To pvo not only The Atonement of Christ Is tho the gorm of tho Bible Else Is only an educational book no lift In it I Wo must Introduce child ren to a Living Chrlit You may bo In troduced So wo must Introduce the child not only to iho of Chrlet which In the to the living Christ himself Rev Amos of Aurora for con tributions from Schools and Individuals Promises were made to the of which when paid with the collection at the Convention make over HO On the Convention one of the best aver held the auspices of the North York Association of thanks ware passed to the Speakers the Choir the Trustees of Church friends In Bradford who had opened their home In such a liberal christian style to the delegates A Sft fate for a three of Scripture themes and at leatt Sab Convention will probably be arranged lor by the Committed daring the winter Town Council tier Deputy Belfry Cane Perm Reeve or at the of the Mayor reoommeoded as follows- bllUMpald TJ for lea CO Joa sirret of of washout on lxroe flt bo referred A torn also Lbat of if rs fi Jones r lot be reCsr- to iba com Report adopted with to a Befool Urea- Mr Dance inform ih parlies bow to at proper time rhtj 10 tot water and milter was referred to iba p A Com niacbalrmaiiotibaP A Ave- and ex- pit on Park was Com also Jet contract for excavating Report adopted A was read a first time retarding by Hoove Deputy Lloyd waiter of iba Town Jack sou reported flail lo road was well pleased with Hie work but of ibo of certain ptao to turn out the of the Rutherford of Aurora La getting doer In Mask ok a S Who are Wanted A in a gov when on long end well ice replied Theroa like making your self This is worth If you a good place wish to it try to make ao useful that your employer without you The other day a was inquiry for the of Boding a to fill a position a largo house He to per- whom ho thought would to give him accurate honest in format ion several men ho hail was cussed another anil another Then name of Mr men tioned The very man for competent worthy of respect but he cannot bo spared from the he now holds we do Dot want a that can he There a volume in that re mark wo do not a that can ho spared What a multitude of men who can 10 spared cumber every to promotion the the sharks somebodys Young man remember please that are not the ones who called when positions are to bo filled Signs of the Ti The Science of PopCorn Id what condition is the starchy Interior of the grain just before it common experience of the kitchen and laundry will help us here In making up the mixture for stiffening the laundress puts starch into water boils it aud we all now that process starch loses powdery character becomes blended with the water into a pasty tranaludent The effect upon individual starch gran- ia a softening and considerable increase of its hulk and finally its rupture and diffusion through the water While wo cannot the in side of grain at critical when it has all but burst we may in view of what we now know probably truth- Is it not very likely that as the grain hotter and hotter the pro sent in cells or In the starch- granules theaiselvea softens them Brat then when the heat too great to permit its remaining in the fluid state it suddenly turns to steam and the now piastre starch ex pands in every direction forming the vesicles shown in the figure losing at the same time of course the and thus becoming firm and brittle again This Is the con elusion to which I have been brought and I think of the wonderful of popped corn with I shako my popper over glowing A number of Georgian Day tugs have laid up for the winter Young roan dont bo a loafer and stick Go to work I Do I If you cant bo ft bo a day laborer Do anything that honorable to Labor i a Take this of matter and the result in your favor man who works never drops his eyes when he is talking to you while a loafer cant look an honest man in the face His opinions on any subject receive no or Attention because they are not entitled to any Lay aside falso pride roll up your sleeves and go to work and bo a man among men Harvey charged with killing bis wife and two daughters in March was found guilty of murder on Saturday and sentenced to be on instant prisoner did not relax a muscle either when the verdict was ren dered or when sentence was pronoun ced Ho to feet the jury stood up to deliver their verdict but only apparently as a formality at far at could be observed of him in the high in which he seated His demeanor through out the whole of trial as cool and disinterested as that of any ordinary spectator It said Harvey will not be at all dissatisfied with the Issue of his trial that be fore It ho expressed his preference for being imprisoned and although he is continually reading his Bible it Is that if he had been BONES op Aurora roller rink has again a mock a Kingston labor er been arretted for bigamy ETA gang of was broken up last Richmond Hill of had a pjccoasful pumpkinpie social Iwt week Tbo of Wales and eons took luncheon with the Khedive in Cairo 28th has been appointed Thanksgiving in the States KLTho visitors to Auitralia have collected for the Irish came The whaling steamer of New been lost in Ocean The volcano of in Mexico is in a of eruption and much damage A correspondent the report that are on the Austrian Thu Watt a freight points on the Bay was burned on While endeavoring to stolen goods at three burglar after a deeper- ale Frank of was badly hurt by being building on which be working A fire in Vs deatroyed property to Iho amount of and caused tbo death of a police officer and Africa are having a quarrel over the of their A Merrick school trustee lias been to four months in the Prison for on a on Sat urday proclamations admitting States of and South Dakota the Union Tho hundredth birthday of Catholic hierarchy celebrated at Sunday and following days with great pomp EST raided a last week Cards dime etc were and twenty boys from to years wero on the premises The French Government has temporarily deprived priests of their stipends because of sermons in which they made rcmarka on the recent elections A snowstorm has occurred in Colorado which interrupted railway and telegraphic cutumunica tion and destroyed hundreds of and horses on the ranches Two mail clerks were in charged with registered letters and pleading guilty were sentenced to five years each in the Kingston penitentiary of waifs brought to Old Gauntry has been sent to Kingston Penitentiary for live for stealing a and buggy from employer Gordon alias -Crow- ford a wellknown crook been convicted of burglary sentenced to twelve months in Central prison The clothing and surgical in struments of the murdered Dr have been found in half ft mile from where tho body dia covered and only a block away from whero trunk was found a At Owen Sound on Saturday trial of the prisoners on charge of aggravated was finished and Tripp sentenced to a year in the Central Prison and the four others to six months each A shocking accident occurred at Acton last morning- A man yrs of ago was struck traio the station and in stantly killed while attempting to cross track being also terribly mangled K The storm New Mexico has now raged eight days and the losses in cattlo are heavy A of cowboy have been frozen to death Trains are and the passengers are compelled to go out kill cattlo for food new railway bridge aeroia of Forth one of the al marvellous pieces of of the century is shortly to be put to test of carrying fifty locomo tive hitched together and travelling back and forth at varying rate of speed J Potatoes promise to be a dear crop in Manitoba this winter are now selling at per and are expected to be a dollar ft bushel Applet are mostly brought in from United States owing to the failure of Ontario crop sell from to per barrel Says the Pest On Monday afternoon Mr John Bennett of Amaranth who wet one of the jurors on the Bucham case was fined by jodgj for not being on hand when the courtreaxaemblcd Bennett was twentythree behind hand and looked somewhat when the fine was Imposed he will not make much mote than 0 under out of assizes he will be given an opportunity sine being the necessity of paying the own Ufa be would part of hit expenses while in out his own pocket r- have done so

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