NEWMARKET SEPT 1889 of the Lively Local j A young Ii fr fYvviso Too original and only rf t lit tec Work on Water air node- And oeBl Mr- 10 Two event lot the lrfi sad u the Mr adJ 1e o Aattter li lMr lhl1 lK lQ lit rt did dotal own A Fall One day bit week am William jpsSt Ml offa load of last lit clot abata Ml on arm iSmMt him a I 0d be gelling iic all Work t Town ffnLoVHwdtr morning firt at in t tnii d Silticdti1 Iiricg in toffl ndcxeo meal eat mJ will fycfc A it dor lort ibt n as nt V At tbe ivhn i Ibe t npidwib Irfj Kg tk by tit U SpriogbilL It bid bid om twtb toAaieiAtHl 1 J not WaiCBIl got wtoo of la if ftitallouJ ftwolllj of a of lfiHo litirj dJ jot JjoitiSig ill Gold At the lion of Gold for lh of ihtlr floci d TI I ry Tew tal from IS to BO to poUtoM 6 to per 0a- par ft ft u Eot Ud A Somebody not ft from cm to ft row not lo whip ttk ft mux not lit id xJoi tfTvt04itoriir of oU f w from Jt ftsS until fis fe KfUUtko The Ed- Of ISM 4 dtrLip piU u Oat fi of du if 1iiiiitat Of no lVt UI If lit Full la HjihKKo to The y SV fttiVAv tad a Fort A Ii j ihr or to 4 tit IL mill tod The wo 1x not fe A ia It pa iu ft it ft bid to A Soma ago John lii for New drnriof op u of lbs ft tick ud for ft In ft or lo rilUMioa or look bocdW A protect entered plait in with of lb to Mrtifi ttlti of it tbtt lb Boifd to lb bo ucb lodiridut ud At groaadf Id lb t till dab will do Cool cool ftreivje to for BmiitM lua lift with to P O- th At Office a of week of yen ad iDdic- tion of profmM ud of lit town ftiooootfd ud of ltil for coin IVrctls Ac J W- liv Society a CUh of in a ft iir ihtiritr ft for lit llU ftot ftud SO From For with ho then of ft ftpplil with Id ftpprtcUtiro Pall It that people ft sot of following to our not Sept 9 m ST v- A od No ot of firtolh tuS to 4oira I yfttmuket tod ft 12 16 16 19 Fall Botcbw is gJo to with ud will hi to ftfiVy Another aged mother piid ftllott by ft d W it of her ibo for put four or firo monthly ion Cfti to bora to luUa J to CuUi In IWed op to time of leant blld Jiff Mr Jehu of of Mr of took lut it Br Law Tha ttPR wilt third lilt of WW- to North- Wen on who to visit not mis trip Ticket it Out Aoaiit alectrio light at tbftlopof city rath to d- it ill right lonlicEM ft wont A Thcro ana a rouy who Mem to iMok orott on Dubiiotod for of olut of the which hot lilt Tnli their QdririDg tff ftitonUb- fog bow lltllo branch of Did A Ox iblt gutted by fift Filer it boar A of Id fir wt la Up to lb twit of going toprtti yetttedty Dot known- for Motley A Kyle The fit fall will fill oodl with ripTLfd ud Fellow- CbruUiri Church to- tfmooa for tccocd A it filgbt but do ice lime fco ft profit We for p Honey in it per lb that tiro Jiyi week to in lodnilitiU vvTbf It being Weddel of it lata tied Mi bono the bat while bo ictt down town the J objected to kind of ltd to io iioih the the vera into lb iboj tod ft of torn to Wbto Mr lurpiifed find cot Mi of lb but tout- KM uly it ill but pliyfalftreik which plft fir ft mm iwy firm New to Jul it A Wuat are iUy theltdecfiiu ttmrutt it fooJftt ft ill wire rich the Ignorant influence tod with wldowi ud 1 An you with folded binds looking idly Id tiyiog ett it Tempenjjrt Mr Smith In brief tipemncciglteoltiti to in to temper- irjce How fl on A clipping from inlbornuned J- P It teem noth ing todiy on tbit lining higher of your borne Idol of yonr twept in finencr wrecked body I Why then tit theft Idle Up he doing for yon to do Will you some vole coming from di ed with lint with pity for tempt ed wiktD yon to trot of yoar yoo ftlUwlM J ftdge will to ftttouituduk whit yoo did to yonr tempted fill en car to of l CLEARING SALE OF ALL SUMMER A URGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS REGARDLESS OF COST Reductions IN EVERY DEPARTMENT A T i ALREADY THE FOLLOWING LINKS r PILES OF Dm PLAIN AND FANCY With Trimmings to Woolen great variety and every size down to Fancy ff Plain Fcip Velvets o Wool Simple a lot Scotch and Suitinga Worsteds and Our tailor is giving very best of faction your order with and can rely on gutting a Perfect Fitting Garment and Properly Trimmed GENTS FURNISHINGS IN SPLENDID SUPPLY ALL MARKED AT POSSIBLE PRICES Hi Still to other fancy fa b t it IJrQiLVl fhtt Wei fiVfti a J lioiii V WldJifleld I iht JUiJt wit drjiitftt fir tup of Milt fro Wa if cam a Lorn of t la W to a ftumUr it amsoU til W inl fit ijltE iAirtHujjJ ibooli A ll3W f1blu a rl Vjl itti lh wo ftnlyUCtrWuom on I 0 bom WWmtnLt fciMA f li lrar lint tn4 Lot Jahtrtitfllj will lwtf A ftRRMRDT FOR i 80g a 1 Society tht Shifty in ff the Cfcut tltncou lilt iht folkJrg liDWf IVttatutMi la Hill Viet Mil- J Met Com- Mm 1 1 John Chitt d tattoo nil Toronto ff Mill to fr- lo ChQKh on pro- fttit of Utility which iu yttr tod to field 4y cpherjilMt it mitt Id two tie Inch By ertdii- by tdgfuef la tin to of midnight thai pre toy ttrloai of ihi tad Lymu to to peti tion of ttk It hivlog for of WCft trtlo the iboot hoar to touat to hi op In oil of iht It lowo to lo itoit by tod to lift eg will till good will A from for la- Pott De which u entirety Son to will 1 tend written letter of for if It It left Dio it the ecdi or ildt No leu thin tent for if Whit the or I fide tod din not exceeding In weight toy In s cent be tit to it to of in ietnnlooof in order be or to mother not being Dot limit of weight to and United it tht i tod cent for Pircel poit Mile I our to la United Kingdom They be lodihould biro mine on tht tower left No for pie- ptld for tod It weight nor In length by 1 foot In width or depth And of tender written corner for United Kingdom tad New matt prepaid per lb frUooof tlb weight la length by 1 foot width or depth A Caitocnt tod etch wait the tender If left they tent Fifth miller which rl lc pej or friction of to of weight IU each to for geiph cw lent or Third clue Euittrr it ritt of for bat It It will only go letter So per or t Win 9th of ft bear on hit form lost Saturday eight that weighed The akin Fold to proprietor of Qaeens Hotel for OrrAWA Sept Lord Stanley Arrived here at oclock this aft by tpecisl train and ftfierwartls proceeded to Hall ho his family hail dinner cottage His td wilt to row by special rain for pacific reason Vlw- did not go loOoveru- House because it was under 1 and pell out of lho building lo- falling over each down- arid jumping thpngh windows in their hurry to escape had in one of the near the centra of the rue lure and the glare of and crash of plate a panic Men women and children all joined in scramble or the exits regular and improvised which fortunately were numerous enough to prevent any fatal crushing Within five mtautea excited thousands of people were tofo outside of the struc ture tho flames were extinguished and fourth of the interior of tbo Exposition was in ruins art gallery wholly escaped No was reported seriously injured New Sept The bolter in the enginehouso of the Hamburg flouring mills exploded with a terrific crash at this shaking the whole vlllaga only person injured was the pro prietor Mr J Hamilton He was standing la and miraculously escaped instant death as boiler fly and nearly every particle of enginehouse was carried away in nil directions soma pieces to the distance of teveral hundred yards A largo piece of boiler several hundred went through the roof of George barn a of hundred yards distant and several houses in proximity were badly damaged The mill which is a frame building and fitted up with the latest machinery ia bad wreck cause of accident is supposed to bo a deficiency of water in boiler j i i si I WE fc lo A is to 9 confirm this statement Oiu are Bight Our Prices the LowestQuality Considered is pucceaul for the following reasons You can always find get them to sell not to look at 2ail We always make with the of season you can always find New Goods which to goods that on the shelves for and get rid of them JT i hi JUST years or tossed about from one place to another to try New Fall gr winter mm poos ir Willi vnnno nnrl W to 3rd Our System of Business is Square Dealing with young and old Our Goods are Marked in Plain Figures and one price made to all The goods ticketed outside are to be found inside All sizes and the same price St- I COATINGS iLaNAtS ETC And to make for we selling off J- i Now for the coining Fall and Winter trade Our stock will be found more complete than ever Our PRICES LOWER THAN EVER At In a great many lines and wo solicit an inspection are always willing to show through our stock and do not feel annoyed if you see fit to look elsewhere before purchasing SIGN OF THE RED BOOT J MAIN ST Children Cry for Oar Newmarltot ANTED a gene rut AUf to Van W it Jo A I A I It lur4e IVbeat do Hurley do i 1 mm do llub do t A BI A AA 0 a J a 11 10 HO 10 Us a ItUUa Wirt a 13 a a Aprteipr a 00 a a DP TO AN bjr MtSSRB i CO Gents your in a of croup in my family In fact I coniider it remedy no homo should bo without J So linn of day M it does just what it is represented to do la all Wo giving x IK Japan Hyson and Slack Teas ALWAYS Reformer Block to lliUJ4 DAVID LLOYD its of Mi lesion taking Ileal of tor M ana derail pool 1 ilonirealOora Mala ftQd Lot THIS YEARS MYRTLE GUT AND PLUG SMOKING- TOBACCO FINER THAN EVER T B OKT EACH PLUG PACKAGE i AUK SHOWING A FULL LINE OF SEASON SPECIALTIES AUTUi -INCLUDINa- XCU ions The cor of the Baptist at Parry Sound was laid Boyd of Toronto 13 broke Into Cardinal palace and took some money from tho desk of Cardinal secretary immense lynx measuring even feet In length was shot la Albert cemetery liBfroottUjr TICKETS COLONIST Saws Hand Saws Chopping Axes Hay and Straw Knives Mechanics Tools Building Hardware Table Cutlery PAINTS OILS PUTTY GLASS ETC Examine Stock and Prices J A ALLAN CO iviil English Scotch Canadian Also fin to ami Cull aw for sand bring your with All at Closest- Cash Prices Qnly Your Next Door to Storo own cloth up and Tailor Discount I WILL ON SEPTEMBER 3 and 24 1 good to return within days to Winnipeg Or at Calgary at Apply early and have yon ATKINSONS TICKET COAL Best Quality Coal band and AarpAitartbAtown At Raton- w r NEWSPAPERS- J- ROBINSON will flod best HIGHEST CASH NOW GOING ON l A T MRS i Suva GALL AND SEE THE BARGAINS w