Newmarket Era , September 20, 1889, page 2

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NEWMARKET ERA SEPT New Advertisements Tailoring Roche A Co Underclothing Store J Garners Stores A- Campbell Bailding Lots J IT Good J Son Farm for Sale Henrj Men Wanted Brown Bros Stray John for Residence for Shorelloit Wanted Spclaclr Kavanagb House to Rent Madden Servant Wanted Botcher Servant Bond Boy Wanted J Stephen ITT rr LETS UP OUTGROWS AND WITH In Spoils at Friday lit Hoar anoeato arj be New Decanter if child tea of think the many Heir to Main an compared the and Tba old la rail hire been by building open improved archil floral plans well well and looted almoit within CTotct of their Jean I There art no bag of roilfj or through drift old a laj cr flirt ha awaj acd art now with of iba kind FRIDAY SEPT 1889 Our Toronto Despatch Bra IP- Mr tte Ml le3 lutTbat3yen- a Li eg in if took The lit in tattled Sd with lUorioBa tic and a at Sal Anajr night ao to bate by i to the it cm in ra people pre Olim and peak at Vr at ft on SO ad will be hotbed held a at afttf fitttwbara already beta taken to give For the aeaaeipeol trick on men locked op Ink Drops- Spril to neat week F11 r op tbe ebadM dry broken Very ig lit In dream A etrtir beta it a aod in now ordrr Grain to move in here this week Life Around lis lull Mr Ui A from Londco fidhort to flice for of calling on Mr bid set met fox of ten of I Ibo of Mix Aon Rt- Bn will fJwdl Mr of Ohio filter Mr oar it- tended Fret Methodist it Tut Sondir Mr- will ltore in the on next of nip to Unu widow of the on t fatr a loo What is Doing tin Sir W HAT TO WRITS wfrawoow en their way Pacific to United Stie tb and a fia pud pott office Utter claim the money- a appjirjtment of A of of the troth at Mo a in the lboa capable Howard tba town of home or the called or ho will a ketch lb and town October of Haters A a Achirif of raia fercoct of and Ret A- 1 Lit town a A ran that lion a of has localld in ta room of S Cat eel lately appointed Ooeein oroftUI tew fcti been fijjare in fit that Province for Mm a Toronto whcio wMlobwii with fre0f aha cooild or warn hotel- Hit fog Tbe pMlfJ to ungraded and of Jodv for Another gilrit the took prxeedfnga nut f fl that Merrier if Bill for rtt reMt unequal In one flZOM another baa only Mr It note likly Sir will low for be yirtiiocvachangf I The of the lite Win aod life to Ichrcc adtj- tie it upon it amoved to provided by mill are to the Amy to the Mats for iLcartb to the Society to the Ilia tune be revered A week Two of near attention to wanting the polka they locked op alaied to agUUtu Ibat hid only two prario they bad paid the ft fw of and that and bad watching tbekoptraUocaa raid th4 and dnvl A window Mch am look all thai world a ntwiapar a la and UtUi or of what la In day with It A papar will ft nun with and took mqid4 a In and fall to and ar pay ycu r Mr Daniel if Mr of in Own SnnJtJ ml at Bjaihiw Mt of it Roll firigltjf xfvUd Smith of Wllh her Me of rf io town Mr Geo and hit art scar Cony father Mm ft Card on by Ot J- and of AoaatiUa ftra lluiiog with sou MeDj John and Two lady wen rating it Mr- lift oodo from Mr Mr Sbeboo to old who bat of wa town calling J M home Sblorlay from a among ftclicg Imfwied in health Mr GOO Wright of brother of re t uljeiterdtf at yean ha fatra whilo teaching wa and ill bat by be brought home Id a condition two dozen yonog people Mr- on Mi daylutFitday and alio one or two nible Daniel John Michael and and itn Jotm of of Mr Madden wen by Jinea o4 from are Mr Se with hey of lhltopfthaffofCiniltni IS ftoJ He ftbeat loo- FcrtH perfect the week a by of competition waft all SoiidayebooL J of who for time to yealerday to a wat met by tier Mr of with whom returned to home for a change which it i will be Toronto for an extended fropoea a placet along hit from the Atlantic to Wilt be the Utter of em- and will tea by another Mr got from tcjc ittndiJ Ho al a err fttgeennlcg home being Iwelre heart the obliged to 10 to SO no wgtjtfj revere Sew that time at he J collect- of canted the Mr ftw ago cot of In and a half and a other day rapturing a blood Homo held hero for the ben efit of the Cbarrb was well hot might a greater had it been held a week later u neighborhood wro at tending Exhibition in Toronto The the credit to Profaiaon and McOtlL football between King and the borne team in a victory for a trip to on Mr went to Wednesday of Mr on clerk to the Cecil We with Tbeexcoralooaeajoobeloaorer It winter wo that afrtoa with htm Mr Kitchen proprietor of la to the and training of eight for the race to bo held In oar Fair to learn that Mr of the Maniloo quite- III Wo for speedy and that may bo do farther recurrence or fata India- Mr John Eco of Aoina Kco met with an week While walking a of and driller team bo tiped and fell rein bringing In blmaolf of the front oer leg aboro the and them Wo are to no bono bo alt light again Thursday- was and to criminal was pair or white kid lore a The to the the on ami by the of litigation her hand- child who Corner home AtMo wo are The track being pot condition for Mr the Tillage a oo Henry baa a prolonged and has returned her la In the Surrogate Court Probata kel for will of of Aurora who died on 2nd of Hit estate fttnoontft to real It been allotted to tiSO children o deoe6l peti tioned for of the will of Andrew Morton of King who died on May leaving an of latter will be among tbo children James Shield merchant of died Augngt and probate for will Wed- The property will bo divided among John Ju nod Alfred J Shield time of the tasUtor John Oogb of lolling wood and William and Albert of Aurora petition for probate of will of John Ouftb of who died April leaving an rotate of Albert a ron of the deceased gets the homestead at Holland Land J rewtTea Jane is left will be divided equally among the tons John William and Albert trial of the four men ar reeled on of complicity in the and feathering of ii in at Owen jUucttiscmenls Chicago relatlre In Mount Albert of Friday Sept tftb with held a Garden Party of mora intertat at Of Mr Stokea and of the people for tbttetyle of entertainment fttlnoted quite a crowd and in good the the with the practical in the while by tiitx of The sane too feeling for And the whs em beard of learned bo tangled We rappoe tbe lonqaet queiUon too near heart Da it ague and will be there had a cow It the Rather think The animal wasval at An Immenao crowd attended the camp meeting Sanday last Mr of the of Mr Uanoa and It It along very rapidly It to bo brick clad and will add considerably to the of Bethel Mr Peregrine and wife or by Mr and George of pent laat at Mr here Mr wife of Banday at Mr J Mm Harry Glaocy le at present In Toronto Prof and ft mil last at a tblng of Quito a atwodej the week and everybody going Sutton Fair promisee to bo the beL one held there Mr and are their many Meagre are In of Mr who spent with bit week to Georgetown 1 having a neat and comfort able erected on her of village that an action for a prominent heavy are turning out at well as ex twenty to the aero being averara or the beet of It Mr II for the nrera Ufa Co waa here boil neat no and BoydAPillidyorPblUdiMphla who have pent the summer with for their the of rcMaiU at Point left on mcmtaat for their In Toroo- to Mr Will or A who beta with uncle the returned to Toronto on Sir Cole called toDerry Weal Peel Co on Tuesday for the of the organisation of a of It MmK Mr James a tractor on the Oddfellow block baa Jumped the Job OBrien and are proceeding the work Albert Vluce and on for with Salvation Army We the store now Mock will be occupied by K Bam- anllt of Toronto In the n Wo ntder- bo a benedict since visit and we him of Sale Register line the Society in the public nights ire dirk friends deny the abont ibey all cot at cat for may leave Mr He a excitement day night it Lynch away on a Mr Vicors tehee to the Church Mrs tick with typhoid fever We hope fnr her recovery about tbe October It ia time were intde for It are with John Look oat fox squill How many baa foot of a hill drink last drop I man who la forced to drain Sutton tiiTrsDiv with a quantity or efTects to A- will bo sold mi Main North one oclock mouths credit on sum incorrigible Youth coal to have been found on a farm near St Thome and are being taken to work aeam John aa electric lioe- man in York took bold of a received a and fell to ground lie Alfred a lad of 1G living at Stratford on be of of the theft of which a com panion tote the Saturday John of Cod- Wtjftt bad and oat vrltfa ail yeaxra crop Mow York had a of great atom bat reporta of By land and continue to In that the tavo nearly by Uaark Friday night ty who firod to liightoo and a of companion from a an of Do- engaged In fthpwlng the volnme of the through from United point to rirtlmpocUbtoOaaJUtr ihxvugU American who baa been the inllllnera on weeks ttlp baa or Mr- well ported la merchant circular aod Increased bit for enjoyable at Retreat to leave a Una behind MtiaeaMaaxli Noble and Met pat are Colling wood limit lolet la a Aceadcmy at Toronto Clar ence Anderson and Bernard art to Upper Canada College Prank Cuule is course at College Nell and third the rector or enteral College again been visited by Are Only a Job pi ton and a complete Co Sunday last the belonging to U in were stoned ail bit for log ging to the winter at lumber shanty burned a large of hay It to have from Area lo a Jt will to a lose lima for ha getting ln ready for winter operations are extensive la the neighbor On Monday last two Moon Pleasant were amuslbg wllii a large boa and by some aged got band In crushing It Jiarlnlty Urn and Mr aupu finger but of Too Utile fUow la doing wed aa cjji bo expected ir pulled uW and left having a pleasant Mr Arthur for Toronto with a carload of from Mr- Mr Howard Scott and a oar and took several to in Toronto of loh wlllhearamodacoaai In ftuaa of 4ie A and art np tov a few al the lake Moat la fall over lis victory of ftibbald Mr in wllh the and ware awarded to and to be dirtied two Ma the who wa Sunday last Ellis a lid of 12 aon of David of took a pony to A the and having a from hie uncle rode to reported falsely case of sick- which into town ami revealed Parties went in smirch and in find- Mm headed aoutb it belie for Toronto he purpose to go there When captured gary to tio convey ance to back and even when lin to do himself and harm career Always wayward he two years ago lost his mother which hie downward baa been rapid at homo of no avail and lie beyond control At time he got a gun from and from and ho and finil on fortunately without doing injury Once ho took a and nev wen firo to their Much sympathy is felt for liia father who ia an man and dono all in power to rpfonii lad Ho haa Wen taken down to a in Famine threatens families in There heavy frost in Illinois on Tuesday night were convicted at Montreal Wheat has taken a rise of eight in Brandon Man to pay a tax of in Montreal Great privation exist among Indiana away North of Edmon ton t A coal oil stove at Saturday exploded causing a lire Mr a London Town ship farmer had several cows and poisoned The of Toronto at base ball by runs in a two hour match Nine men who left Ohio on Sunday for Cleveland drowned in Erie t Father ODwyor wan at Fernioy to iuiprison went for offences against the Crimea Act An old named Thomas while driving the railway at was struck by a train and killed I ho tug collided on Thursday night and two of tugs crew were drowned J The lumber camps com operations in woods of the North Shore cutting logs for next seasona sawing John of assault ed his wife and acted generally Old Nick and was fined and costs or three months in gaol Several boys for the possession of a revolver at when a son of Thomas was fatally shot Midland Council 50 reward for conviction of the thieves who have been plundering ho iieea cellars in that town There are sawdust eases against the A deputation of the millers arc in Ottawa to interview Government traitor was recently lined costs for selling liquor with out a license at lacrosse ground during the match was visitrd by another llood Tuesday night In one hour four feet carrying away the bridge on Somerset Thomas Jackson fought a battle with Ed Ahem champion lightweight of St Louis on Monday And so badly punished that he died captain four end and of vessel which was captured oil tho coast of Morocco have been carried into the interior to bo sold as slaves Tho Spanish Government will make an immediate demand for their re lease You nlwaya remember to blow Op the editor when ho abuses you do you think to thank him when he you J Toted Monday to grant a bonus of six thousand dol lars to the Cabinet and Organ Com pany for establishment of a piano factory A young Indian girl was badly bitten by a grizzly boar a few days ago at Medicine Hat The griuley is kept in an enclosure near depot The girl happened to stand near this plac when the beast thrust out bis paw and her leg dragged it and lacerated it terribly Kihobtos looendtary fire are occurring in tho of The stacks of hay and a barn belonging to Allan were homed Then Jaa Humphreys was consumed and Thursday last wont including the seasons crop farmers this section are feeling Sept A accident on farm of Mr eland about miles south east of this village on Wednesday afternoon It an old lady Mrs Pace years old in com pany with her nephew setting tiro to some brush piles in the field and it is that Mrs Paces clothing caught lira and burned her so badly that death must on sued very quickly She was found by her nephew about in the after noon dead with her clothing almost off and her body horribly burned Tim 1ST HOWS I v- I Under of Mr late of Hamilton OF- Scotch Tweeds Web MART ERRiD J lmmoJfcUtn WANTED A aeeral Apply lo W Aaron On iio cwdibei to MATT MAUUUK- ANTED or Town lloe Apply ilayor JVewmarkel and w ANTED FARM FOR SALE a aiitall fan to IF IO to a tut At ply MUM K a Ibe Malu or New market Kinder them tit with fc KAVANAUHa ftfrerlMn Lot Id aul filr hl liutflilihafd v Till within two VifirJlir5 iii farms It ma whiohiiiiUfa January will of In Term ran regain on I IX 5 ICO I- LlI TWO PAPERS OR SALE- tormtin white brick rMMenoo- Apply J VAUUHAN AND LOT FOR SALE On lto Is brick soft ater good with stalls aod to lit of August a S1IK0P3HIRK pro party pay Great Bargains I IW FOR CASH AT TUB LEADING FURNITURE a RAM LAMB Owner win laae It away JOUN JAKVIB tibrobuouQt Dissolution of Partnership NOTICK It hereby aln partnai- Lumber ft lha of llf-or- of York under flrai Lama and of by mutual UtMr from Arm Mr ftMUinM all will receive ail late firm Dated at this Hi day or July A IStti AMcKILLOr fori your I family abrfm Hip lUMcUonabfiioUy iDaud fcr advocaiM fur a It all that wlJlaii all tfhlcb It It baa or late ol flltdUhtbtfCOolAi ftjcilcfltJffuU on which elected tb and The of have q In and the well or of the farmer ill children look for the to to the Wit Son- fcUaepubllbervl inner pub boil of I lOMffletnl paper lroc ilodo bank for their rttrierL The yearly thpntd be John lugalt A luti by the bed In full of the eg a for UirlpUoa only Original Wood AUCTION SALE SITUATED I IN Thriving Town of Newmarket mUE ha by Public An that his Jauhtcra the old paper in a bill or any and hold it up to the liM and you will line running acrost it Upon au you will to consist of a a rod and a livury bill his thit mark of Without a bill may bo put down as counterfeit matter how good the engraving it No paper make that aort of paper and that government only protection on currency A man may bo a Individual and yet be a tint are in which quiet citizen maybe a uao member of a For he can quietly adroitly in- hit good right hand into pocket and forth enough good lucre to keep up end of beam when op a acheme for the welfare of tho town All men aro not They are not built that way God infinite and comtltoted every tbat he might bo a citizen If ho wasnt too mean quiet mania a to a It Loth to a town but If there Li a of attire men who aay f fait much better May bleating bo alike upon the and upon the good Both are en titled to i AMI Undertaking House A tar5uxk a of COrriNS flOBEB do wan at cheaper lima Undertaking a Specialty Night to at All Arabic ToaKIo lb IaitUjeir or AlUit a dmutr Of loit- at actKewmarkat W wWUiBa- Uowarmauboh of WimaikeL ruction by Auction September A of icltnn thy Lome aod moat growing of Town of Newmarket at p Mr TITLE INDISPUTABLE of aile lo of the Hijthi la two animal by ii a mux A CAMPBELL Ibat ha ft FALL Which has bean at Lowest GASH Price lotaoda Toe of tba by tho whore a abivacoat Children Cry for town at of fatr Winifred mother of on Iftrt- wife J- S J J ill All prompt Hot Pallor aUo far famed Art Garland Coal Stove Biota la a Doable Heater with or with- Badiaut Home lot A and FURNACES Polio and FlritClaia TINWARE Tin Warof allalooniaooftoinfd of CO oM lor Ail aiUod la A PI tVtiiiera astonished and delighted with MY OWN MAKE Of Mens KIP BOOTS AT Worth If you want Fac tory Boots lota of J MONTGOMERY WRIGHTS A TIN MAiTi ST NEWMARKET ALSO The Novel Standard The Home Jewel The Home Standard The Family Jewel The Early Breakfast The Home Cook Cock ALS0 FULL STOCK OF Parlor and Hall Goal Wood Stoves AND I OS a ard ice a i DUNN BAKING POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND Our to J io EVISED STATUTES liny er rtatti iViaj I tow ic ir iy Si TON a urn it immense stock of Wool Underclothintr tor Children Good Heavy Shirts and Drawers all wool ported direct from a cents lot- of Men Women atmra Shirts Drawers These goods arc the finest in the trade Town that handles them and we ore the only boas Gents Furnishings Ouratck of Ties Scarfs Collars Cuffs Socks is Everything being fresh and new and Oft- If you want a well cut and fashionable suit of clothes drop in and look at our of Cloha and your measure Our prices will reasonable BRUNTON- MAIN tin

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