Newmarket Era , March 22, 1889, page 3

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tv i NEWMARKET ERA MARCH 1889 Itolj Local 1 OX The la Its York will A The King In days ff a sotuul- A The Inspect- tf til iliw Mill brcnileg in Dr Sain lot witbio fa- tt-t- lUnMof r V Hog inert The In the Glob tcIut Mr both and Tb tbttflwt l Id tbeitd- Ho It KfSiioacAfittfull rfLeatWe ootj to st It fewW bo rdtnitpd hit followed on to- t fl jfttUittCe A f Jlirftl IK It fiftt Mr Job Ml ad ftl in Abkdj foe fator Is lu uW Ibe DM of Af Fff bjlriD SiMal ictwiEjtkDirwkoilbiiutaoii hi lb Hoi Lib J fcrtCfasiH lb Da in d and dorUe coon Ttii Id el Kortb Ibi on lUils 1 of to JileSU oiHike fa ftcTKoUilat it will ynbUb tiKacii ftloPRwith sad to pro- pa ittWDMrnilnje If Tie Of J riaitrft ink ImI la tlu fiuutKoiticrri utHi Tina Hi f tftlOJlfefc KTi Mt ahUb in Mr George on tbjrk fea occupied for from Mr J It Jobom d be Inltnddilo Im pTOTWeoU Mch will 4d lotp- pauucM and a The tin Brui Bud Toronto drew quit crowd to tii SftlxnUj md ft liTtly follow f to with fcnaj bo op of TOR WTAWfii of our aUmpUng to of much to Ibo of KmI lit km n older coM bo uibi bat olrtji will to of Mr SjtttbudNldffJ 11116 Brtwtry on la Jdeo will wttk if lb fafonbli Mr a got the odo for of a new fooDdnUoD pct bo Intudi to pit in Liquor The time lor opplDxfodTtlVtofiior of lb ioy oa Ibo lit of April fcfat ppifct to to lureclor Ikpciit Receipt Bin k for tto to fall of April wilt wcit ft In for Meal will new lo Ibo balk of Did tea ExlnwZJiud la town i Tub lut la hiring etKled ibo rcb ud lio Tht Jon- Reading with ftbntooroas on vit it 1 bolter to d loved it fti then tad Ibo meeting djoaoJ 0 rtUxfocu cm conducted by Fiitcn ud of Toronto lb of being In ftttoodlnx Vim for J0 ftt S l til at and JO Mid ig bo and another Ioitw tint of on It mi en wrlco U bid of liUPtriih- To There no MlbtEAontjuTtd bJtdoimd no doatt bat In teal tola in oil deport- to2tooyhouoSoith a a 00 Ibo bat Sol- Mohg ud jWtttoaojMfttwu iflit ttpdt been to lb Wog OOtOOcnOBt Uflfiait w wd lfllcvl3er wim A of with ogooddmud ill of to dbp044cf Vutltj it nQ fata to tatleyi to He pet twtoHi wV ood ft briftht Hat 0 In for idil Then goi fctDlil WdtiiicloiiB lb libit feAofiMi dalf W tiiLiK Musing fttidL Jaswn ft two wtfU ftw oHIl lb W tfcft tftttorpVolRct tut In obilr- wen 1M4 Own Swfct from Mr Hrf V f Voib Bodttr lit o BexU lo York Olt WEttnlUfti wtic npioud to nttPwideoBecnUTTond on for lb ftUolo- at School The pro- of Ibo fa prim for wbetbtrof troabjo or of of or fularri pioneer priie it and it A copy turn will bo sent for 0 to the writer of itorj from ochool Li derided by bat thb judgment will not be followed by of OTejy competitor will re- ft card tbowlng or hid ft itofjmMt bo on oat ildc wordtw with the bo a letter So ft trolls opt of wider no to the Dime ftddreo of the tad tbo referred to by the if boltr who a for the of will 1SS9 sad the priwo will Oft to to bo we know the only Mbool la North Yoik for ibtio UfttqaUof ooaientod to the fioti for lb Dominion Colored Ibo ftlio DttuQwdl 10 do A J ft A VAtWAhLH la Of wo following Hit of fattnato In racb ft iaitioa to Its bono tloek fa Ibo I ted re winning CljdevJtlftroiraJfwUilicgrefor- ME with bit wonted fa oil Ihot ftgrfaQltarfr fca of birlng her from welltkoawnlapoilerft of tool An ft took Cm price la betting ft of by Ihe world InbtriUJ fire For ond So to It whether tbt Lit ber roil In dim by Bonnie la bo ft So old Ho KlaOUmOClrJ the tlle la nltr ood to go Iboltaowhetoosoit he good for Ub pluck for Ibeaia What to fistMdft The ill weolber daring mot liiutbc finlbolfof month taken people completely It hid to On robin St Word wild in ftcd bird And wire two or pirrias Bot ill of iaiegtsitlou filling of will ftftotbex new moon to April Enter tbtt wb to 0 ftcoldondbwkwijd off winter Annio till be to her la wriiugSpriog dont Of rt iodbj it bo bid Dont wbtttlothoxDOWtbDnl np for you it of morning- of tbo not to relied will fcft yet to Winter linger ing in Up Spring ft hundred of the of la met In lbs kit far hid pro tided on of tbo time CTp of dal clock Elder loriferftAhohid ft Mr bis wbo it ActtDt of Choir to the ft flillejfDg Jdre And formftlly to them ftftft noes a mirk of from the Mr ChftnUerwAiUktnoonAnch hi mail to oipreu wbictp hi desired mind bid to the kiadhfArtedj derated who Log him hid ked for of ftbitncoforftjetr to recruit couMqaeatly it do la Order for Elder good to To Mi lift Ibe of to them of thocongregi lion tbo iigoelutetof Urn J Br iccompooybg on edio for elder 0 of for Heine It is lo y they MuptfA fully ftcknowteJed by Mr orTd Editor of which ftnd of the poet chair reader the orenbgnnd spent in or mom in ft very hippy mftnner I FOR ALSO Mens Ladies Misses and Childrens Cotton Goods FOR THE EARLY SPRING TRADE- FOR SPRING WEAR EVER IMPORTED CHEAPEST PRINTS IN THE MARKET SPLENDID VALUE IN Shirtings Tickings Sheetings Bleached Cottons Grey Cottons and Pillow Cottons all bought before recent rise at the Mills and will sold correspondingly low Now is your time to save money and get J AaV All St a kt tbo otening lt thit It Mr SpTiggrt few well bat ft letegnm chinked hwBgoodfteraoa putt fulart A- W- will ten floodoj ond will from for tbo follow tog ENQUIRE FpR AND Any person ft Cftll ot Hook Store ftnd get before pnrchulcg An at Mrs widow of lite iiiie ihi of Whit died it homo of Vernon by body on in iho old of wb died yeort ftgo tod her reUUoot etrly set Here died yetreitid ftnd of Mr John Union St now only member of of who Now 1811 SPOT CASH BOOT AND SHOE STORE GREAT SURPRISES IN PRICES For tbe next days previous to opening up Spring Goods W V Division Cooht Judgo Morgan looking and ol ftUendioco the entire diy of tho local inter cut ft iclion En which Brewing Co to moot in of hotel lo proprietor Mr of lor Mr TrOiUe of the Mr Woodcock for Hewitt tcfro orer an bet finilly filled to lit Hewitt lotertit In In Ur Tbe ftttion brought by of egioit Dr Dr for not iog Into College CrUln fee under Act Mr of Anroro lor Coltego Mr for The by bo bid to MU Act bin to It yet It not corn ftnd until he did hi llaoso to wlthoat without lo ltd view bit contention Mttoct be would Dr ftiidlffcMntiodhowoaUboTo to bo not till of Ontario The it of Rode Through the ftpjired In local popere regarding the of Now Lloyd got word week of Aurora who small week it cheap robea and one ho by him went to Aurora two timed about it it not until Friday located and ft chain of evidence to convict Ihtela at William ftn lor who took article him to Weal Toronto Junction A placed In Ihi rat iDdwbtnhoaiw the Chief Fetch ohftsedhlmthrough bash and fieldi far the 3rd Cod when Major and wbo travelled by road to head him off they were preferring to ride on on Ibi to walking plowed fieldi itx a warm day However ho on the purebner dropping bU and at large J OPPOSITE HOTEL DalKPLRn was bo much traffic on Main as corered from walk to welk wlfh Tbowof our who dubbed with get their premlutni by calling it Tbo new proprietor of commenced rehire Saturday night witcu ini pteu municipal corner lotfer Venuteachuher Monday Merchant plaoUngthelt Spring and getting ready lor Social to attend Parlor SocUl at the Avenue evening in aid of of Church Silver collection Hues AWO- Mats At Wool Mat on Huron ihey now largo for Otlawi Montreal and Truro The will bo on exhibition at on Thursday of next week previous to when to call and Ladies will ibi onoicdlent opportunity to order for home comfort nearly every lino man ufactured will be Economy It not al ways to good though the of- bo TMUalonsly who thief la town week to Cttteaoot toil Jeinioded to do- llnr Op their it with la DRUG STORE HARDEN SEEDS FROM Steel Bros Marcon Co Ferry Co SOAPS SPONGES BATH TOWELS AND TOILET REQUISITES Stock Patent Medicines All meat popular remedies kept DRUQS o CHEMICALS Fresh Goods carefully selected A continusneo of MRS SIMPSON A Tuesday night firo In as of Wail bid log Mum with JM l U Mild rj night hMMUr uwrnut Wjttit A wa KW iMitrkw The Town look mild weather Jul lo our the fittfatonnital cepthle to Iliad laietj now ud mode for pjproublD viul- IVbrt it IrouVtlrf- the el at to fctt an la and bow it They firmly they buy lis BiariJ if the lb do for them for the mike up the gools to be Vwt of wbit the we adits te tb Mite wtolJ tattler If a was sppolated the Dtceuuy urugemcatt la Iho will to as wittier Mr Chi Invited into new wary the oontfnll of a fall two we away etrytoeUUr joke tod I take owe lbn wlcj to id etDcUpt iiuctitcd by very Ii He tptreLse tod lb la tod ttrfngof l sU Us k firs Hilt pUIatlff tad for lb North Bodily Mr for tad Mr Woodcock for taed to a awarded Fall the up that obtain be bid roalfiry lbs rulra in two After the llotTd the prist Iba fliiy did right told Mr lh coeta The rale wu good oe tad tfter board btd mo wis not to the Another cat of logorttac that of ought op he hid yet got the clothes hot order t cub sad clothes wets for for for clothe to Id all- charged lo a mar- If tbty att for of tod too ti debtor tUs ctMt which earned by a of could for ait of llopcer lUtafttd to with pro- the of any lb from the tod ptodoord lo Ifldznual for W tow for and for Wart oclock wllh fcttty to Leading Furniture -o- IrEiUIomthtT to t lattlt with fa which the drew blood and lift la proximity to Thtre wer two who to tut with market bat bid a Urn of It or rttbirtbcbottu tilt kept crowd la To a a Data lite tod a big Mr good example by bit other coat of prayer muting thit t of lit Little North Two Wee- were la Town log a look Woolen with factory a Urge foraitoit order to light OB Up of bill burning to pat op Cioop cold bar Iba put two tod wonder eblldtn home with wit ret every 8addrb lo ml t th North Tht weiring of gMro Suadiy ChntchbdUidolQ good teifieothta week It riogt timet Inild of firs hour Lodge bid a Rood tladooe Wed evlax when a wer gWeo of fie In n HOUSE I wowiilbttmt aoodbtrstlni TRY a S BARGAINS I BARGAINS BARGAINS NEW DRESS GOODS IN AND COLORED Veilings Amazon Cloths Henriettas in Newest Shades test Silk Warp Black DRESS TRIMMINGS In Braided Sets Colored and Tinted Braids to match all Dress Goods NEW PRINTS The heat in Town Warranted fast colors COTTON ADES AMD SHIRTINGS THE CHEAPEST AT J J BELFRYS Successors to AT THE- CHINA ACCOMMODATION STORE tyring bought and flxlurcs of Mr J AiDaM I J out on WEDNESDAY MAECH 6TH full lines Goods I purpose clearing out balance of at Less Than Cost All promplljtieiitlTA J A CO MORTGAGE SALE OF III iwo litre win offered tor PUBLIC Pollock Hotel DAY OF TO MAKE ROOM FOR to Liberal Patronage bestowed on Mr Dales I shall make an earnest effort to week wants of my numerous friends and giro them advantage of goods bought at the lowest In the market STEPHENS HALL NOTED THE- LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK Of China and suitable for I CARD OF THANKS of my loUr J my ho lift rjutonieisi to vmic JL fc J A- DALES named Wren has fined war ibe eld of worib m l0 or la SptdtaUUtlen fitrriw la oefartkaftwrtloairapijrto ptlfloU Cborch out fioodtj fi by Ban KSSmi for BMtlOparcaataMpof Man ell pullet Aurora tad fciaoo la r 1- A St- receiving smuggled Roods J A fanner Man was killed on the kick of a horse Wihximo March wife murderer was morning to fifteen ears lor manslaughter MONEY TO LOAN DAVID LLOYD for ffiiiiwteibii Hi Alio for New Orftoge Lemon and CurrftnU PURE Candie Oranges and all kind of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Always in Stock No Trouble to Show Goods A SMITH Give us a Call Prompt Attention to Telephone Orders la or with Children Cry for pitcher wv About In on Saturday and whiskey flowed freely ML of In of the f j By had one of W i 1 v

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