Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1885, page 2

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC IH JJ if NOW Chios Kelt ft A flmlth Liquor J A I J farms end for by Wood Sow Co John Agents Wauled Montgomery J Bra FRIDAY DEC Our Toronto Despatch itroui- iciii of Hon Mr of of Aif out of Input lM of lie do In- for li now UUd that Mr to lie nioi for llit Act of form Iii In lb Ibc will tin Lit llll A faeonuet will I tor Weil at Weston on Hon- Mr Mr I Mr I o to I Aid the May- rally trio field to sod How Jiui HOD DOC ID fill a clerk of fia of A J Me- Co nd iu tliu firm M to The York Roads In of lart week wo find article caption of County in which a is for of the that future inilntcnbiivo ho pro- viiltd for by a of tax- writer out con ceding thai of of York ia to rood is from that of county in at Iho end of tbo county all principal lead into city writer that the on Street Kingston and and especially within a of city largely confined to who within a and Toronto for luiion inado to fact that proposition made to and of further luafnUnanco by a lot on tho county plan ha opiosod by the townships lying to the north residents of vory for York Roads almost invariably to Toron to by railway It might also have boon added that Northern Townships have to maintain their own roads- Including Town Lines and lienor full to see tho justice which would coined Ibem to do fiO aud then to further axed to main tain road or through other municipalities Had the York Roads been built by Govern ment in the first place ho munici palities through and along which roods ore constructed would hud to make the aamo and keep thorn in repair North- em port of the county prepared to vote for the abolition of the Gates can only do so injustice on condition that aaid highways revert back to local municipalities to which they originally belonged for To ask more than this simply to demand a bonus along with the entire plant of road which is still regarded as art asset of the whole county worth original cost Al ready the North Hiding of York con tributes more than onethird of the direct annua taxation of the County not onehalf of which is expended within its limits j and now to ask us net only to relinquish our Interest in the above asset but to make tv still further annual for all time to come as tho price of connection with the other two Southern Ridings by submitting to be taxed for the maintenance of loading roads In that part of the county while at the same time compelled to construct our own is a proposition so unjust that the Northern representative who should vote for such a proposition would bo doing violence to every equity and fairness municipalities of the county are not in j reposed In above referred to write A at lb fiauli io If il Ttini The in llio and thought of the tb repdryu by fir lo city Jritd the flwtUit idtnUjfl torn V0ba to Ibrce Cm pay Utile roori and gloaabouM pay liwad tbcat of Ids York rsjaJr from llio of la county from th This certainly than to the Roads by uniform levy of taxation over wholo county but In rot there is no law for making such a sliding scale as proposed proposition indirectly ad- that to tax Northern for which they do not travel and have no more interest therein than people of or Ontario Counties is on in- only mitigated by lessening the proportion of tho amount to be annually contributed to the extent of difference uniform and the buui to lw imposed by schema wrong be tween on other is only iu degree In conclusion allow us to remark that tho coming year is In which two very important mutters will bo brought before County Council involving interest a of largo to the ratepayers first ia this York Roads question 2nd has relation to tho matters of County City in re gard to proportion to bo paid by each towards the Administration of Justice keep of in city jail etc On result of these issues very much bo far as future taxation is concerned it behooves the electors to see to it that men are chosen as Reeves qualified to guard their interests on those important motion So fur York Roads question concerned we no hesitation in that should Southern portion of tho county succeed in their of imposing future maintenance of theso Roads by a direct tax upon County it will do more to separation and formation of this Riding into independent County than any thing else wo can Imagine Court project has already lively apprehensions now should this additional bo wo predict it will a feeling of dissatisfaction in to our relations with South will givo impetus to separation A former tlio County Council in conversation on tho train coming froui Toronto stoted that bo had disfavored wUl iak a tbawiikctroaViOB stuJ- lurll attbfllrdr credit lad ed and the rrioltufolteOi Liberals or to elect The a total of c4roblord acid of oil It It troth la CAM report to CowtO ft bo appointed AtbltrUr To Ur Coffin on lait tbQ rvporud fun ho not gift of or coy itriw rftKf ft rctodui In 111 of li JM In York fAndtjh Axtjtttutr Wold cmooI too of of of which Mr- that La to kill statu If bo Mr ixsl of frJict llB fat art whit filwllnllt tad In the of the of tho for York which tho of other leu tbf poetry come the col ttUt for construct tag to tad divert Away them I IV of ibuo Trill their fa pieveutlog AUr- Ho Wd tfukbiiD Ko her homo for a littlo no the Inside of IIjo If uodcr a tight If custom popular u Ijlu will Qatittt Id Volucit or pre pared of pd which it will to any upon of Rto 2 he CoNOiinT for another Hind Con rt on of tho Iliad ond other from Toronto for tbo boy ire the of ifa- an York A full of took o Mr Clark tbo chair In paulog tbo lite Fall Er- It to hold ratcllog tbo election of it on In at one oclock In ifter noon Nw pQiaJ Dec- or which loo AdioJfioaU program it The Era Wo will any Worth riding of York ffflajnoirUU the lit of January fu If may ho eot not want it for i card to of will and do will be In their no chirgo for of Wo lDcnxsitbr airily large of Kx and it the time benefit oar yorropoirtcjajf it Masonic cm No A A A AT J A J A- J Chaplain Tyler J Yorker Hay Dec th mui Sunday llil of will held iBih on Did You Xmas at North Hook flloio whit mti in of to It hat oat of tint hi put week and of delight Lot out hi to carry We that frIcLiffi of and wo In thii town and it worth while to Boll iJiDgerv who hive before grtat acccptoocOi to giro of their origin and Qnirtuo Coacerto of in the Town Friday ibo am- ljax of f Ho mat how often wo heir bos then a la while plain fill to elicit thit id truly them of gut a on a4 feu foatitolq Tickets on tilo it the good for a from of Dally The Call Family of tint it troopea that II it thing to God loach in toy and it liiuplj when it a of re from richest to moil Ink Drops Northern blight Monday Sign of in it came anil not it oil a tomorrow ditto at Mi iign below urn Tuesday In Town tonight Holler ink will cloaca wo Willi at tbo Rink next TJjc High School All at the Personal Id another column Mr Unbolt Toronto tolls of lection meat way of of In of Factory for lent for too a alio con fitly practical not u otherwise woold bate but took crop particu larly who left ua which In ordinary red Cantata now by Sunday of novel in a Concert of fiopgi f la which over parts and it keeping with and of occwlon majority of the recitation proof of the of our fill u iinpronioo At the clow of the CJaui to put In an of tho rrgnlir Mr- School of for rehired offer of Board for year Principal re port ficbooi of whom were and fe- top on 1 and wort taught by were given duly lecture and four of waro under 8ytariaiidoQ under year To a a to of may with acta In arery ctlmt on aartb baa to moat My toycodsXcabiftodjil long menu Dial with and torn Vm Ill and aeoUenlal rtjnlrtmen tfnoh a boil In that tioro iimonea and from Uneboo for of MO to may bo had or The la grand Motat of iho flnt organ to animal Ufa drat diituod action by Ulooa itomacb bow- elf blood- Much tbo wbeu weak and pain- rol blest avi Wood KM action torn or Toronto win j it 2nd uontb for treatment id all forma of particu larly all op by of bt many hj pail yean not claim botfollowa aplaQotreatmtnt entirely new Canada you doing well It labia to traatthoaowbnbaffi been given who after long trying rail Jan Pre bill of for to bo t no report of molted ustltfaclory and ibt collec tor referred to WcocoJtUe TbeappiiciiuoTiijfOecriaMoirrtrbiuiard tbo of whether tamo room If ibo wMtniirnctcil pay J P pi of Bond of Win CanooHoni The Co of Tie Wfiiir com io bate a lamp at Water a and aUoont at Timothy fit to for for Corporation Sutton Items- Special or of Church n time On tlO lea- rooctlcg On 1uii vrrooni nod evening by Rot J- of f thn lowing day dinner will bo from l3to Sand ten from 10 p in A torsi choir from a abllvcn will bo delivered by tie ItvW if no to ijik It Jkpoly ibo United Workmen it loo of Escape a Hotel vraethrowii to four ijsip4t Violating Act as it his fourth sentenced to two gaol skipped across lino ho for a time but returned a few ago County who held war rant him today as ho was about to toko for Hamilton about his for Milton but man con stopped up and getting his On train Pago then called on Con- liable who by to biis and two tried to toko the to a by Young Zimmerman still kept hold of Page told him to let go or ho would liavo to loan was very and paid no attention then drew hi baton and it on let latin and and overpowered tlu Taking his baton the constable he commenced heating unmercifully oxer the and had it not for the interference of some outsiders it believed In new TEttJ In city during MX two was a deer- with seven holiest cases Friday in civic hospital houses y aj with the have reduced to fif Isolated and kMtthMebh fan t lost week a reduction of only two from of wee It ia a very high rale of mortality the population iicon- aider and no further to prove Central Board of laid for their in Liking prx lion to fttoup out the Our Newmarket aw the aitraordlnary that by per have toon of ilobboro It la pa aro white other record a at all tbo J now by Alter w then have killed I urn lh duo to for auuUnt jarulUa Mr Wxoo at In tiro lion of past hut should cost of maintaining a burden on tho county would upon agitation for separation one feeling and- tho result will follow Editorial Notes- Ah entreaty to rumor that wilt not be to- K of till early In ilatvh Gtrf an to fnitityla Mr at gran on from the Old Coun try A at Ottawa that the Premier on Ml way homo in4 will reach on next No tho political Urometer will death of the late flv A Her I ley deputy of Inland filled by appointment of of tbitpUce the United Stafu Senate on lut elected of that tody fill sXCMtoDtd the datoba of on a itrlct party rota of of i announced mot on lt at Toronto In year of lid death will giro the another appoint and will a among bag- Is a Canadian pub by and iVdUhln Co Toronto It of with liiho- of Winter Tho urn M touebed by at nNIi rornct portraits of a own to maintain Of King have little call to on roads Why should they be naked to maintain Io other Township It may bo latter got a portion of theae they will bo called to to the wear and of in the Southern part of County would largely exceed all would have to pay re they left to main tain that portion lying between these Townships The In the north and the coet of would not bo the ordinary annual was expended now that they would have a good with to with And icaiarka will force to VagghttuaudMarkham but not to uuo extent r We now to the known It i worth of The filled nutter your only for by oil Tub Toronto a leader oathepreient political ritoatloo to the nollon that agitation Quebec will not bold from tho amongat Qnebw to to Sir The Church the toldiuvIIjq ia Canidf aod the or at lrt by ihb could be tba alllince will biro been by of Thoartlelofroaj extract taken conclude follow Sir baa ahowo aatuU briber lowers ihowo to by inch we lhl at this the for the of will not ac cept or lixlr Jiadit to give Mr J If on the It tea Wit lug In thu wevk Mr Stevenson editor gave iu a friendly call Wed Ida Mitchell returned home of three or four ireeka with Mr- ft Cattle at Keawlck our agent to rotfiro for Era alio Mm- J JockeonatMonnt Albert and Mr at Button Dr of Toronto preached tjaod for of to- In the Church Sunday The supply for next Sunday not of from 1 by traa to house for nearly month ly to permit of toNowijsarkct on Mr- Lib- Temperance of Toronto jo Town for the form- log a litre The objects ore to the by of higher license and Impvtion well to the Scott Act Shea of Toronto and Father of atslsted Father Bousing in at St Cbureh being tho of Immaculate The former la still In Town conducted fooeral of father on In the country Tha conducted with much by Mr P Leo to Mr A Roe a man lochia Town for energy ability we hire no heiltatton in of will God who will guard their with the prove to bo la respect See can the during the jean to Aurora Circuit hi with the Churchy will learn of death at Brampton on hat- the of denomioitlod In forty or fifty took an active part the work when no character wet the lot of labored Or the Matter in the Word of Life to IM then back of country Alt hough not pre to like yet he if as a and faithful lie baa fioue to reward Lit Society very time In to various forn by of the members amongst bo a subject that for a life preferable to rnirrkd one with and J Scott for the afflrmotive J Merlin P for the The debate tated Into the at in faror of negative The nil wu that the flrroatire the of and both and nrgativo whit can produce giwn by Toole Mr Lloyd- read hla meeting en arcfege WvWone of Public School of with 277 on roll The account of Mr for ablet ordered to be paid alto 1au9 of to Mr for extra Model Schl for current Thu of Principal for the year at i300 to Include Model School work The for Truitte will tike place at the Council Chamber kit at oclock noon and in- civs a poll de- mended the election will be held cm the the aim places tho The retiring thU year arc aetfi to extermination and too permanency a affected by four No baa At end and core majority of caioa cured at rSonaU Kin and lamp VotIT civic At Council meeting Monday evening a report regarding tho general condition of and which win exceedingly The health of the town is alio being exception illy good add there every thrift and comfort The follow of place in ho Mr of general In St Word with 095 inmttsii end 331 St Andrews Ward 8 inmate In St Patrick inhabitants and 213 There been firs head of cattle in 1 Pound while In there have been utile horses end thief The charge of cents a head on cattle not to keep them off the A more than fa store for our frUuds in Under the of the Farmers two day a meeting to be held the Town on the the iosi ond continuing till daring which time ad maybe from Prof- Ontario College Prof of Natural bo A of Ex of be Model Farm prominent local yeoman- meeting night open to the public add ladies ere J to bo present Club hold afternoon Council Chamber to arrange for and other and member en- to be present that all detaile may be and a profitable rtiorej Local and I tenia Goods A change of ad for Mr Surr wilt next week Ills filled with books china and fancy good toy etc and a fine line of Is off rapidly Our correspondent at Mount Albeit reported an accident woe by which Mr lost a not bring the item It appears was to far as way In which jt happened jy and day of next week Warts will give one of superior which are the beit on record- See hand- bills fcr pmicalara Ad Again ilr A Smith the of at and hid the of Tne Risk One who been there the following The the the Roller Skating FUr- telico thit a taw to know ton fancy figures In mike understood It awkward however who can mike himself In a He skates to a young lady and falls am Oh I ma like a soldier fall Bat not the plain Where If by ball would rio Oh nor I seek not file I rather think Id fall from slippery ikiles some For then my all clad In fur Might with roe too finch oft times occur And then though black sad blue And sore with on the I rite dutys Anj ratio tho fair one I will not the The large Monday an Totally of tbii wV Merry of Friday but wis of ahoit rain Wednesday morning showing up the The Sunday School are pre par for CI riitm feittritiAi i or holds its Annual meeting at en Farmers that clefrn kep advertising than office of the York was moved into the annual approaching St Pauls School on the The next sitting of Court here The Band is tagged to play at Holler on Tueliy and of every keep your epen for mas year loved was not told last as no one would bid over the encumbrances- The Ontario expects to move Into its new office next Domin ation bills Lauding and are now out at Cane fis9ooa Factory being fitted And they expect to occupy it in a few Jays There a report to circulation the fstobicou into a Holler Skating Rink after the first of are clothe in a WMf printed at Canes that tiitsat It Is A is on foot to in oclock early curing more with in this town daring winter month L A Very Parlor Social held at the of Mr Campbell tat Friday night Sunday has waved to la favor of he Farmers the evening of the 21at florin tat blocked the trains so that the puyoger did not arrive at Torento about oclock it 10 a iu At a meeting of employee Sou Mfg Co of Limited they decided form a Sick Society a Commitue wis to draw up rata rrgulttious aud report a week Church on December A lloict Shoe decanted and covered with form one of tfaeereotogAn Eog wants his beer a Scotchman bis old snd in Jrithmsu whEikey to holidays joyoui snd Liquor jntt the articles There mors truth in bis new meat An otter To all want Live and Cspablo At every county In United and CanAdoto article of great merit On Merits An snide having largo sale paying thoasentti protected Id by a deed given for each nod eve bo from With si the fact that It la an article that can bo sold to every might not be SJrytomakaao Offer J to hot wo to not only Ihemoriupfour Invention bllitybyauy agent that wilt with clear and fact for us to make all who are out of employment Any that will give our thirty days and fall clear at least la this time an return ell goods to and we will money forthsni Any agent wbo would like sabagents for rjinc- can return alt back other dared to nor would wolf not know we linva sgenta now making and but two sates a day would a rfever months end one of oar look orders Our largo ex- and those to send to oat of emptoymeat who will send us three stamps far poet Send secure agency In go to work oaths like bare of ell ton and car tboebnntry and ask any reader of paper reads offer at eneo the and all such they know or best ever to of employment to money im TaitentleyM A Walter J It torch and Tromaynv Arablbahi In erecting now In eon location ittu and to Mr not only fvr In direction gracJcudu or mo villager to log for dorlog tbo evening or Kent whs la widely out Canada save and lnatrnctl hero nature and may applied to 1 of Mr a to nor aopltaaont talk devolve upon title week Inform yjur of heavy from of the arc At an early lvuroo wee gltca that what comiuonlyknowau Sir block en rlrtr Tbie Ira tbo vj1lttfrcorist- of r UcCurdlIPe by Mr with by the Mr Tin In Mr a made rapid that before sJaydarmO valuable were to of ruin AllbOll wairniirthitonrl4ft of a to lend helping hand nttrl and all with will to property hut a very Mr in lit amount of live Mr ut- Mr IjvJ wry was fortunate iliaitlhv wind from the Kail for bid It been turning from my ptarla the portion of tbo in Imminent danger of The in at the Id lie Urn In cheek We to that there arc ted buildings on High fiend a a constant menace to property owner In vicinity These cither to bo re- moved or the put In nnd Wo prevent coofla- and the of more property of the of the In Button 1tibJtc School unavoidably crowd a out will appear licit ark then rtcpc and it is belie have Li va assist to a store where be hud lib and ho was then lukct to his home at Kilbride William died suddenly Tuesday flertioon at residence in New York Four thousand Hungarians j- U JT J sjj jr jjsisrtn r AA- pr ton lre lblcknrar lb fc m t Id Wa u I ii fc J J Wen tern Stat through by train Satur day on their return to thtir land Dec Winter baa set in North- West been good temperature below St Tohwas Dec A man Brown working in Kingston and plumbing shop fell with a pot of boiling and was fearfully the face and hand It is if he will recover An Edmonton despatch says a police under In JirookK brought in Indian frorri Lac and apring J P Lac Our Markets r if HUM tutu do ro trct tct i it af it o j heading Furniture chared with robbing ih Hudson Jay store at Ihi i HOUSE and were coinmitted for trial I r April next wli- re en vi on Saturday f Nova tuber I wf of Mr It J boot nod auot of daughter McQvav In of aLLbtr In Town on the iDrirt the atlnr h at John Of Hull Torn- in rarity j4irnvrol A IVMb or on by J Wilkinson Mr or Aurora of tbo CHEAP for CASH mm SIXTY DAYS 1 if En a ri COFSS I IheiisKiTjir CASKET IVia In Qcsentvlllc on In Mr- to rent to MtM A- North Ml Mr J Me I jittro i Sale Register acres in Ell be sold at at two oclock For write r bate an of will frnuDrtaerrsd sale of stock menlaoodboaaebold furniture cm lot to ay itit it on novel in via a attendants but was li tie ho louud la soy In North all former to a of soy at If wonder of soling were simply Business Notices m Aead yroncbltu from Colds and lit troubles miy bo by a timely of Tone up the system iy bonsoor It wilt make feel like a paw person have and relief by tbo of great all other BUM ltequlre to a reinfiy fat bold remedy ftr Win all Knulilon lUitiruaUtict c4ioo tod by lis powerfully alterative toolo and tea pur idea alt Y In the Tod Coo of at one sharp credit same oyer James van Auctioneer Sugar Or Era Can or roots beeonvertcd Into Vlnegart Id answer to quealloni put to by John and other farmers of permit mo tossy Having never to bo a anger I lbs several persona who ma and find but I wroto to Mr Trtocbant and got no tuuwer I lo Mr and he answered me effect that It would bo a waste of boat way to make tnoso beets would bo to boll them and feed to milch or Hoping yoawtll find in your valu able paper for saort letter to your friends and neighbor I take a great in welfar of and I nope one day mypcaebemc a itoot Sugar Foe will bo a source of Immense North York News up The Truitrti of School have of ilr I the at a of Sunlit who Or the past three been at f returnid to Ore Tntilay to her Mr Mr J Lloyd Fin Street stopping Mr Smith of been Slbn So for the The young highly recenieodfd will without give good The Church at Union Street decided to hold a even- in behalf of School The School although lately with Rood of Door open That popular Kink Is now region hidly Hut no of re covery are iise your at a alight Walt didnt sty hold on Tom bat HoU Will thit comet gentlemen There arc likely to the heart around Union St this winler we dent want to Mix There More and a Town will John Stuilrn j- if is wearing Ibo and every he out The fiuShsrx We are ihitilUs fa return en in cm Int a fau bun done yet still greater results might ham been arrived at ha been Iris her Items lniant IfcachvlltoOftt on the fctanlCalrln Elder formerly of I al rrrnnlna inn at Oat 1TMA her on the 3rd after of nearly rnorilbi 5lary Ann Inner relief of Isle John nearly giT was bora at en iho lecerobr and KOlatlveof pioneer fat a tain Timothy k1nner the Frontier Hat of PI- trier irha removed to before there ibroujrb Western York family came rip tin down ibe or the at daughter of who erected first ralJl on Uon where he removed with his family 17- killed at bailie Iholaie of a of Toronto alio rcccivcd country In naval and was a reiMent Toronto and for half A turn often reUted and growth ever enjoy she Cod of Intellect of and natlrlns love is hi- Iho ft KfpMfrfor Kip tho County Toronto Town Council- tit CtopsciLCuaKBrB Regular meeting AbsentCouncillors Qiwwii no Terry laptar and Council Committee of tbo whole rom- payment of following P Taylor bell John for Itlhttagatreei lamps J a lumber for boat J heller rt A Bridie J Water STiO J Report lockup bill of for rvpitrstostde- A aod bill J Pound reltrrod to lb Ft Committee as also bo filcaUooof J Specialty Id so settlers of Canada and truly teas by thai Held and bnyclh It fruit of bands rfhe ianh An eighty ytkt it will dear no J home- wasttbrlgbtmnnitritfor slve lo tbe tlm lht iJelU Ark FURNITURE aii WASTED a iiiia rownrtTi km bury r AlTly to PAXTKlWuNeHlto upin ix at in ibcJ of HEAD I J to property Wood orStavo Bolts WANTED A HCr WSSWOdDOR f iuiltrss fVratiicartrirtprIyto tio up plt IuliiUstt Mr KaljrV llroai Its Mr I op of LI lItce viV Mr V uDVrtl a great ileal bit hi til- He to mo if la Mr leg a a ill to Ibis will ui Mr Mo Koigbt a lea Tor rs It will fit a with J Bedroom Sets AtaWmVBIOfS- PINB FUNERAL FIRSTCLASS AilAiUtrs will OPENED onkvto loan DAVID YD XdMavllr ArnUt4rurr of Ji rUo for Iht Que A of nUlrlrt ltiijijig alitor Aus clot Ion tbeltfforni a71 TOST Two Tables Itaexdttereto w The Oldest Photographer Christinas is at photos WWW

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