i2Elj ERA OCT a Advertisements We Urdttca fc J tod Lot J P Solid leather Jro lies Northern a a Sr g 1 J 53 am III a- nap j Stye FRIDAY OCT 16 1885 Our Toronto Despatch Special to Bra Oct A EfpUDi4ft ft a by the dyiJ A occurred 1Kb Ad employe m w forced u beore extricated JwneiWilioobookkwperabOQt of while cctdniAllr roo or a loaded ftnadlw Robert Walker for bate t Mai in Toronto bank and other lo It and Oct a it til A a ari3 MtitEcn A- Ward lbs candidal tie la fa OL If at lis Smith THidilicfCftdkUMeCtciiy Hew It In by an Ifcat Sir war- rut of bit Knight tfftber of Iba order Tut Ohio State election went a and hire remit will to State lion sale- t3d of fcrccbt Johnston at be York Fair to that la and In u last d Brow bare for the benefit of aoota far ex- to winter witb Walter At tio Council prrt IK tfctt of tie 1 to at lin Go l the Hit execb Ink Drops On u fit of at for At a lascet to the GorrcorQen in Britiib a few day ago lfccy embraces don of the to the Federa tion reject fa reported to be in danger falling down- izg to eminent Bench Connly of York to model men tben tht Mr Carnegie XL P P of decided to from Board of and Arte at tbe of present Board will him Mr took an part In general man- agrment both meeting of the and Fain election St John B to fill the in of Cordon by death of Bon Th took place on when Mr A nom inated u tbe GorernmtQt and Mr Ota by the Oppcdtion Pol ling next Party Organization at very often de pends on party indeed experience tune arid that a confusedly strong majority in a constituency has been changed to a simply tbroagh superior and more efficient organ isation of the latter At present time there is considerable activity in political circles judging from the appeals being made by very decided party organs to prepare for the coining Dominion elections ve are inclined to the conviction that the list now about to be prepared by the Revising Barristers will embrace the names of those who will have the right of on tho approaching appeal to the country From what we know of political organizations in both West Ontario and North neither Liberals nor Conservatives have on worth calling the name Just about tho time of a contest there are some signs life a puff and a blow about one or two meetings of some central committee and then it allowed to almost cease to exist Annual meet ings are held it is true and officers are appointed but unfortunately for tbe helpless organizations with few exceptions officials somehow entertain the conviction that to have the honor thrust upon them consti tutes duties of their portion They make whatever to more thoroughly organize the various local municipalities compoEing the Ridings excepting perhaps the mere nam of officials for school section work or of that sort who in many cases never hear of their ap pointment until some pressing service is required and then they hesitate about doing the work assigned or as suming the responsibility involved North York is represented to day by Sir as a Liberal but the actual voting power of the is Conservative West York is actually reform but by more efficient organization Is represented by a Con- Ontario so far as reformers concerned need not bo particular whether they have an asso ciation or otherwise but it might make considerable difference in cer tain contingencies Suppose in stance eventuality election of two candidates such as the gentleman now representing in the Commons and North York in the Local House were in the field the balance of power in all human probability vould then be held by the political minority We do not say that such au eventuality will occur things than have taken pity in and in a mutable world like this we continue to look for the unexpected Hence the importance of toeing pared for any emergency West Ontario thoroughly organised and the reform party well into line no of circumstances would take place hut in the absence of organization might be brought about without marked effort Quit prominent Liberals have declared In favor leaving the out of the question next accepting incidental protection as a in the present financial condition of the country This being the cas couch of the between reformers removed and political com- could effectl of which dreamed of we a rorn thorough on a wore tended and liberal platform than has for years on that lu effective and tow time to do It SdK at Milwaukee la laid to be most humorous in America today Geo Peck its editor and proprietor an He ia making people and no one can be otherwise reada excellent paper Oar readers are invited to of Pecks Sad in another Sample copies mailed free to A dated Oct itstcs that appeal of for argument that day before Privy A of the ease was uked for Jtiela until the arrival of Mr now on to Im- don with an important document respecting matter court granted tbe and agreed to a postponement until tbeSIit given that Kiel been reacted to postponement In Kiel case before the Privy Couscil makes aere on Sir and aaja that Kiel la cot greatest criminal in Rebellion and that deserve death not that power of life and death over bin be by a greater Loaltbao bu been for the Inttlgator of rebellion all argument in article from which we quote criminality charge tree ia one which woaH ioitealing goods a door became of tbe temp to Whitchurch Council at Sat Town Monday Harvest Home next Show Show next Nearly half The wmi11 down you at the Convention but night Local and Other Items While playing at Separate School Friday Mr A little girl of ipnlne- fcer ankle tot now again York tors of the North York Union Fair meet Royal Hotel tomorrow afternoon at oclock to hear sod appeals against of tbe Judges at recent Pair and also to tribal the recommended worthy Premium awarded are at the LacBosaB match last Of malted in fsTor of tb day was very unfavorable W that it was late when playing fcgu bat ac cording to agreement the moat games 930 to be the winner Whin celled the team had taken the first and and Aurora team the third In good humor Mossier Boot This been by York Fall Pair three years roeceesion Pints Secofld Great nub Cuitoai Work The Superiority of by Stacks of Girls Boys and Youth Boots and Shoes to be at the Low tit Pcesible Cub Pricey No Easternmade Boot Kept in Stock All Goods made by Co To ronto of the Celebrated Mal tese Cross Brand and Shoea Adv Sir of mast a fine a me orchard judging from the basket of delicious pippins yellow cookers and table peers which left at office on Wednesday We are indeed to so many who hare exhibited their ap preciation of oar and atimulatedns to greater by actions which loader words It not so the intrinsic that we look at as the lirta which prompt small donation from time to time We use tbe intfodac word in its symbolical form plenty and concord Must Stopped Shortly eight oclock ilain St was alive as niatl its throng of ahoppera and tbe ttcitemeut of Salvation Army a of grief from fttntJ voices the sir and an excited crowd to place from alum came revealed He that an aged man named was run and iojnred by a attached to a baggy said to bare been frightened by the Army while attribute the accident to The screaming came from some ladies on sidewalk who the accident and man be killed injured tenderly cared forbut cot by the man in buggy who drove OS in a very as if afraid of however is tba the Army have been reaeited by the tchalf of Council to dais from open sir meeting the public which will be greatly appreciated by the farmer in this neighborhood who are often to till in of other work Tiib New Instrument Owing to some the tele phone by which the new Bind In- wre ordered were omitted the list for and the mistake was not noticed till the instruments were in Canada Correspond ence been the Band aid of and to matter loan amicable have offered to a donation of or in other words to the com plete t for laid dowb in Toronto tbe of more than estimated by the Band total amount ia not raised but in that Band might hive the rise agreed the funds now ratted and give the boy months to wipe off balance on tba the At a meeting of the Pud on Saturday night at vcre preat to proposal sod signed en agreement to present In which they state they will use utmost endeavors to raise bal ance by the speciSed time by concerts or otherwise This agreement printed to the Council 09 Monday and after a abort discasrion was thought desirable to the Band by fortbera under A copy of the was forwarded to the firm in Toronto end the new Instruments except three which are now cabled for are to arrive in Town today and bo by the Trustees to the Bind boys tomorrow evening AH clothing and instru ments most also be returned tomorrow night Arrangements will now be made for a Monster Concert on ThinkVgiviog Day dedicatory son the and At a and p St Pauls Toronto will or Sunday Rev of ilonnt Albert at on even- to be a treat for the people of Madden and Ministers of Circuit as well as by tbe choir ifr will one of bis popu lar lectures Br P will the chair end every effort is being made to make this gathering one of interest by the friends in Keswick Poor An Independent Foot Ball Team has been organized in un der the name The Vic which will be goTerned strictly by Aasoctaticu This will be ft marked this dub and of former years this Iowa as well u an Improvement on the old stylo as the will now require to practice little in order to become Tbe team practice on Monday and Friday from oclock All of the are cordially to no less than four already been re ceived mors is expected Ibis a list of tbe elrcted Kev J Smith Captain TC- Henderson E Cane Match ComW- Lowe Wat- mo Tbe first will- probably take place nest week with And immediately hy that SbUohaCcro ibe remedy for Hold by I Try will relievo atoniaeh lb digestive to ctlon remove that depress train and ions ourO permanently Con quickly cored by euro Wo It by James that are stowing before their time should use Imitations Bed get snd senulod dealers In the Cared Health awcet by Catarrh Remedy Nasal J by Kelman 1 Scraps Era the firm Mr Gorge bit Corporation to two or three thousand dolfra for getting hurt will jvrhsp Mr George Palter gentleman who first prize for lh5 oil portrait at fair at infant child of Frank Is very ill the residence of but it is of scarfet fever fab r in of Hell Gate Was Opened Yopk Oct When clocVs struck eleven morning a key at Hal lets Point touched in a few seconds afterward Flood Rock was no more A dull a more or earthquake- ike vibration a huge volume of in a splosh tbo work of was blocxl the dread of mariners Flood on cracl reef many ft vessel has to new and in Sicily on Friday followed the fate of danger buim neighbor Hailed Reef to an extent that he a totsgi servicer of an other wet weather prelected from scraping together odd scraps for this hut will probably a lot in tite for next of cholera and Hi deaths word reported in Chanel York work v was begun in was blown up on Saturday but slightly shore casta of A Victory Scored time Oil need for or Burns n victory Is the natural re sult And Con turn Ion od by James KelmanooasuaraQteo It cures I brines a raolll miseries or euro by toning nod tbo fiction- A Good The boys about are to dodge bat the one Friday night of last week was so well placed we help mentioning it By of false whiskers and one of crowd himself that be was In torn introduced to bis com as for tools iron workers and as Mr- Jones of who bad just srrived in town in the Interest of football match with Hie market After working the mat ter up to the highest pitch with several members the Secretary promised Immediate As were at the American Hotel at he time and the Secretary no wishing that Mr Jones should go sway with a bid Impression of the be set em up for the crowd at personal expense true waa revealed which cauied no small amount of merriment and a few young men do not want to any tbiujj sboat tools new machinery or Mr Jon of by linn will si from Quebeo or Liverpool on the of May orJone sod prepaid Interme- reduced to Tickets may be bad of Newmarkets Bnoehtal and lseaeja that It Ail to breaks up And cures and Sore the removtog tbs of Will Ton Suffer dyspepsia and Vltallaer la guaranteed to care you by 1 Dlatreaa fter Knttmg a the bomlog aanaatlonsbelch- of wlndaoar variable Indicate wbicb Bitten taken in limclll re lieve snd Sutton Items lprcfalroa is world of change and a number of clung have taken place here during the Mr John a welt resident of Sutton has removed to Toronto where ho miking bis borne Mr Kemp ha moved into his tiew from village Mr A of cur his from Sutton to Clsremoul in Pickering where intends carry- on basinets with renewed James who between and SO years of age met with a erious accident the other night He baring occasion to during the night atumbled a chair breaking one of bis ribs and receiving other iojorira from which it is feared be will not recover lira Joseph Hayes lies fa a very critical only slight are enter tained of her recovery Mrs Peter Anderson an elderly for days past been very poorly Keswiek Items to tht Era night flooding of mine was begun and today thousands of Spec tator saw the biggest that engineering science has over attempt ed acres of fvuhmarino rock nearly a quarter of length and nearly a quarter of A mile in extreme width was blown tap by Several iu is- exist in St Catharine Oat from And tho by roembera of th Army with result of contagion Ka of on Saturday tons of dynamite ex- Toronto victim and roanner of The seventh in this severe one Dr Hunter wu In Saturday Toronto Is at Mr P J week Kelson Wilkin of was up Also Dick Peck a few daya in P Mr and J left on to attend a In the States in Jackson of Mount Albert In Town during the past Father flbea and Father of are tie ffuetts of If Lloyd left yesterday morn ic to In Gait Brentford and Mrs- of Owen Bound lately of Aurora with Mrs Sunday Hodden who fcss teen siting In fr peat three ta lotnorrow entertained her of from the Sabbat School to tea en Joe took In tie to Palls Intends tee Sver luyo and Dp week and expect to are to morrow Join her In 111 Mr and Mrs J Mr Jt A Pair the crowd He pry daughter of of been vblttog for a upe weeks with her Mrs of Toronto an era- at foot of Main fltreet now occupied by the Hat In Witu of tut week a iVMdifieM dotted dfencalQ Scott Act prose here week In the of whtf had created a ha Mr James of the Book Toronto preacbtd In and la the sen The row and to able I take lbs work next Sunday Awarding to ber toy hruT clerk In flqtUrUxd nuking mark with other Canadians la the of Sim ft aaye Since out leit ktf entire irf goods to Ma door A I owner and proprietor of two of irj gvic Mr will sua both for a ahvrt lift e until can rvm to both lvii4 Into one Bine sun fa loalceu Mr which by fair atrial to own lj jh Iwlntu Mobs During the present week the conducted by Cane Sous merged The Cane Sons Company Limited the Joint Stock of In corporation En order to employ more capi tal in the new factory that the firm alone to means employ for more men and a further building of town with whisperings of tig in the near Efforts ere now being centered toward the machin ery Into new factory text week from the temporary building When is completed it will be a pleasure to show visi tors to the town through Another building constructed at the end to connect factory with the dry kilo Tub At a meeting held at the Hotel Friday a Aavxlatlon organised to be known as Co Rifle The rules and of IheUstUlionaretogorera operation The officers elected are Major Lloyd Vice 2nd A Urn Treasurer Secretary Corp Ktctch Match Com Corp Miller flrgl Terry- P and Alex- Com Ash worth AUsd for erenow In order ftr toeinbera the Co aud A is pro posed for the lost Toalgbtaad tomorrow October and this Coin pa ny of Sterling Artistr supporting the American Aclreu will appear lo Town and our till two of the Drama Ifl the laughable The fllddeo Hand or tbe Poor appearing fo her In which character she has On Saturday the Corn pany will appear In a grand doubts till Secret and the of Kan Nothing We no In that tkeae jerforin- will be no Cora on two fgbla In Town befog certain of firing general Hiblfe The carry their own with which beta painted for thcic Their popular and stale I secured at wV On Pi May treat fig last the Society of the Newmarket lllnh School c- testing tine thie The chair wu ably filial by lie PresWerjt who bore with tie upon In the Secretary he AslsUatrev tit Kelt la order the read ing of the Conalltutfoo a waa made to change of to treeing put waa declared lost no frther change to be aecetaary the adopted of Woyd A- chottn to rent log a gate an and then each of to make a short These were for the part riitrkat for their aVerice aciap of at end of bis but to hare In off were by Mr and by Mr of tit well for this put of The were kindly and Critic and the with of time for receiving tenders for the Allen Property Prospect Street expiree next The far mere are Get your griddle ready We are not in the habit of our exchanges Pacta apeak for becoming quite a it in and them the neck a of or first pumpkin at the weighed CO be- the firat prize Ibt end the fint prise lbs This new crotchet cap with the In front is Tery popular It looke aa though someone hid knittings an bat stopped tied the end and it for headgear Sunday was such A day the Ntw market Cemetery drew a large number of Wiggins deil He predicts to unusually cold winter Wig be op Some eigh teen of the Newmarket Camp op to on Thursday night of week and an of the drill at a concert which highly afokep of The Is now belling towards the cities It will bo too cold to la the bay sleep in fence cor ners Elf Chief the young by Mr Willis of tck first prieilu the Carriage at week and alio the for the best in Roadter Agents for allrer- ware books and household to lorint our by lh ir calls Ifttiug the leading for and will continue until the cold weather he time to batik repair windowe take fly screens and put on the aath If your loal happens to tread on your lot a little I performing million dot your hick and Its fritter and take a breath think for a and see if you cant some hi the favors and it you in the put Then reflect that it may not be before you tome favora again a grand day for our cfuntt A large of offtrtd on the a great of done throughout Wild docks are to be thsu for a number of Thetuyeraon the grain mark last Monday the the A viae at en the prices memorial to the late Mia fa to In the Church here neat Sunday firing by Mr J J kindly us of the 2nd at the Pair It Is long In to It circumlereoce and ILt The and Auctloneeie the County ft published the Kit a thii week Mr putting Iu a coal furnace this reek lo hit rttldMico Church Is still order of the day Owe medical man did Friday it now the watchword In front of block corner of Main and Timothy removed Friday If would do likewise our Would hate a wider ance brick School House near the North Toll dale It about compiled and the pupils expect to occupy It after There were eleven Newmarket Station for Niagara Park la preparing to erect a glut Mitt- lu froot of his re aide something new for Town Care have added ft more boat to their apparttat waking all the teat on Wednesday you of furniture la men will qui at week Another wed Hog party at the depot evening with the at the corner of have erected bay horse to Mr David field either frota A company of eight per- aoulof the meat accomplished musical and literary talent are now making a tour through this Province They are billed to give one of their classical concert In the Town Hall next Monday night and are composed of Maggie of of Montreal and the cele brated TeJgraxna Sextette Club The generally apeks very highly of this combi nation of and we hive no but that a highly intellectual and entertaining evening store for those who attend Although the Methodist Sqnday School has a percentage of the the company aland upon their own merit Regarding Family aaytt is a little The Standard remarks overture Girl in which the talent of the Telgmatma was displayed to good advantage received a ferocious The an quartette and in which proved to bo beyond question the gem of evening The rendering aim ply A recall Save the Queen a violin do by simply wonderful In of Hamilton my a be lender It brought twra to many The Toronto also makes the following In Kohiu Adair Land the her aweet voice was beard to advantage and the tileuce preserved ajuil tribute to her The IlUtlraUd proved of histrionic talent Her elocution ia clear and distinct her voice her gesture sod graceful hear them For Pile Sold by Kelmea 1 When the Liver does not act promptly the bile to In the log eyes sallow skin sick atom toe sufferer la term ed Burdock Blood regulates Liver Stomach and BlooJ North York S The annual Convention of the North School opened Wednesday in the Church of this Town The weather was very unfavor able attendance waa not a large anticipated bat a profitable even ing waa enjoyed The sudden death of the President Mr Peter was lamented end in the of the lat Vice President Iter Mr waa voted to the chair and Smith acted as Secretary The program by the ws3 adhered the opening by praise and for the first half hour J Secretary of tho Provin cial was for an hour and a half explained what Normal School Work and the of it benefits more fully by tbe use of the blackboard In abort talk on the Duty of Par with reference to the Sunday School wo point and situs rated via Two attend with the children and to talk over the home choir of twenty voicw led by Mr Amos Hughes of contributed much to the service The was continued yesterday and will conclude this when of Toronto will Men of Age A full homo and jitable tiuio Is At the of the bible in connec tion the Snoday School here Mra who baa a teacher fa tbe for some past who on the following Monday to for the NorthWest to join her husband was pro- a Bible and a Version of the Bible by the members and frienda of the school The was by and the bibles presented by Wight Mrs Deacon made a very appropriate reply after which the company joined in Shall We Meet Beyond The following the addreM To Deaf Is with much sorrow that about to leave us to the Sat North- our a amiable and tunes warmly welcome in our social gaiherldgeil atffiM or great which wo shall follow wojker in the Church and We you in oar School 11 id be spared to your good work that to city is K Dr inspector returned to from his visit to the in county of Essex infected fo that mora perished disease fi appeared losing their The d farms the infected explosion will iv channel twentysix feet deep when broken rook has been dredged out will mate Hell Gate a name The ontiro work will coat be estimated by fact that a billion and dollars worth of sail and go through Hell Gate every year TIMS COLOSSAL- the largest ever contained times the eipl03ire material that blew up tho most tremendous explosion oyer It has been years in Its early difficulties were in projectors found les difficulty in tunnelling under the rock than tun nelling into Treasury Appropri ation wore withheld and so number of men employed from to onethird that number The workmen began by sinking fttargo shaft on Flood Rock the one nearest the Astoria shore to a depth of sixty- four feet below low tide Then they mined out galleries going up and down stream and galleries going across stream at right angle with the street Lower Town in others These submarine and I fl man who just return A shocking accident occurred at on the 3rd to Bliss In going a pail of water she had to crow roachinory came in contact with a revolving vbeel which completely wound her around severing her arms from body She died two hour She was to have been married Wednesday Oct 1 Three of smallpox broken out in fruit aq pro Sale Register Items by the or duty anil token lore and wo you with hoping they will A ltehtanlo your tot and a lamp unto your pith pray that the of rest upon you and youre wherever you may that If wo never on earth wo may with our Saviour when Ho cornea on School laa Wight Mary Wen- Two weeks ago Jaat while Mr Pollock family who lite a from away from tha and a A few daji after it told to a In for On Saturday of village aneated on autpiclon a young man named Albert who baa for for lime and with Mr Pollock proceed to to hare Identified the gentleman who bought tbe hiving occasion to atop at P Hotel the lip We understand he returncJ homo and that they are trying not to aettla matter No than from had nuptial tied week A exacted at the anolrer- of church here Mr ia up iter Mia is with Puffy VlMr Jo- icphcna tola of a Kick anil Implement on lot hi tho or the on Lieut- tfiloncl Wyndham will into of on Jot in fliKlCon North tlwllllmbury on over Waloat oclock J Auct It will a of volunhlo rear of lot In cabi on hay at oclock And Business Notices per far VliAlUcr Is what you need tot per Hold I Toronto win via- It Foray tha tho 2nd Thursday for lh J lo purlieu- Ipvltt all itat hive hceM lvn up by other or year cured many lnjlhort yearns Or hot claim auperloriikjn ajilaiioriratmert well do not call lib rrjxji to treat hot who havo bean Klveouporwrioariertbo at to get Nor 12tbr To trouble Hag Yellow OH ati1 OH Croup Hide NauraUla Ache itarnt auJ all aul cow I I la FrjMui4 aiUlhtdby Maori ticMrnent pail rqoiiri per when It la remembered thai not flya per cent or pa to practtetotier arc benefitted and other carta record a cura at all with now by man that ol living En at adapted hit euro to their permaotooy by rour No aua In catarrh The application or remedy la be dona at and lha of the la tare of at oca treat rot with It A ttoo King Toronto Canada and tfji catarrh iral igar Her Mr tholi his again better Miuuie Moore has front her to Iritis relative iu iff ilr lUleiLaii tin guel Mr llfttid kindly to inc triune at our next week of Kim- a by of from North iu charge If a to ami on firriving they called at The at the for a to to the laud lord and the prisoner In lie out however through a back door aticrctdcd In good hit It will eve on the next In yt bold of- lit gat a nolo for and to a New market for value Township News to the liltie excited by of Mr John who lived here It ajijeari tint be on iuji with the of with aoEjjij In but bo iYt diabEt I hotel morning ha out for a abort walk and bat not Men It thought that ho wan dared Into awamp and In wek unable el Oh when will rne fn their ami monster which death duttnctlon In Mr wat a very fine man an I a a ad a gloom over our comrnnn- It Hill to a warning to to ahuu for the end like adder We to friend to cur wall and auima to fact that ha an arm Ii lolling a on the la meeting with excellent aucce3 VAOJIRtU Mr Kay retired froin finning and will atari aj a In Vrmanton Wo aciry lo Mr Kty ha It all that for a and of the country lilt new neighbors will find up- ami honorable In all We every Mr and Hall have teen at In Our friend Mr Joseph Km flone In aa a partner with Mr McClel land Joe la certain of he la a fellow and with Oar thresher Mr- Martin a new and a ae4Lxator from Mr Jen Mr Franc 1 hid at potting a under Ma Mr hu had arid The done by Armilrungi In their fint ffotaa met at Mr tor go John a other and had Town Pursuant to adjournment Council met Ihliovtnlnjf IjctcutMnyor and Cane Afier Council wont Into and report I fhnt following be paid Alex at repair J for Market and drain conuectlonf laud for aa comlablo John fcundrJeifordlirerantCommUteci luting Company lenders for via ditto Chat cutting of CI at 15M John it reference to communication Mr Council of a In the amount paid for that refund aint aaporrtgureaof Mr W AJ Martin Import adnp ted and asking for property on Church alrcctnndiwljaconl property to for On mo tion arrived and look naif alovo for Hall Mr reiorteJ verbally tho hid ordered lumbar Clerk to purcbaao fool- for Town Hall alago not Mr that bo at neat meeting or Council to have atrcat erected la each Ward and that bo appointed lq dcotdo on of lha cava a full regard- lug of now and pro loot ed agreement by If bund pledging ttiomeelvoa to Off effort tba aeourlty of Council Mr ItoMrUon by Mr moved that tba of Hand com piled with On condition alalcd lu their cation and that the Council of bo Corporation or of to A to thorn lit reipcct of too Hand to bo paid from tba In which bo to rewlntton Carried Army lorchllgbtprO waa member of declaring that they were dangoroui and not bo Allowed Ho far blocking of It coo Mr thought that tho Council liable for Mr and Mr ajialnit them occupying partaof and Impeding that one had Inform him that he would and them of a demijohn If the Council did not a Hop to Mr on ftaturday more the than fault or the Army Mayor laid It a violation law to blockade the alrcot ho lo dilit Council taking any In at avenues had an aggregate length of four miles and a sixth- Over them was a rock roof teen feat thick rest ing on pillars of rook Of these pillars each wad pierc ed with holes nine foot in depth and three inches in diameter pointing up wards at various and having their centred by distances of live feet Similar holes four feet apart pierced roof In all of these holes with an aggregate length of miles They contained the agents that accomplished the ruct ion No- dynamite cartridge The total weight of the cartridges about pounds or over 149 tons in round numbers the combining to form what was assured ly 010 of greatest if not indeed very greatest explosion over pro duced by lMd of man A A two months ago and hazardous task began of charg ing this vast mine with explosives Twenty picked men to the work sixty days placed pounds of dynamite 283000 of and sundry pounds of of mercury in walls and roof without accident For information of curious it may bo said that is a mix ture of chlorate of potash and but every will clearly understand what it is when it is said that it is nineteen twentieths as powerful as dynamite contained in cartridges and handling tho only one was let drop It fell about six feet and did not Fully 100000 people lined tho the took place Mary Now ton year old daughter of Newton but ton that set current at and in leas than a second a grand upheaval of water told that General Now tons years of work had been successfully accomplish mountain of rock into a million fmginonta shock was only felt on the Astoria shore and noiso resembled fardistant thunder A tremendous of water rose to a height of or feet instantaneous photographs were taken by officers of a corps of engineers from firing point at Astoria As far as it was possible to judge from position and of tho wreck tho was an though for present tho vicinity of rook will bo even more dangerous than heretofore until tho wreck has been removed- General im presses as entirely satisfied and received congratulations of his many friends THE SUNDAYS VIKW Oct A number of people taday visited scent of explosion at Hell and carried off mementos of great explosion northern end of roof still projects water but tho officer in declares explosion a compicto that projecting portion is with that it will fall to pieces when operations begun for its re mo vol veil from Montreal where ho on business for some days more in infected parts of The Health Officer had placarded within twelve hours appearance of disease patients wore removed to a last midnight The death in this city from smallpox afternoon The vie was Cornelius Red hen a twelve year old brother of the young ijm who brought tho disease horn from whom it was com municated to other members the family This morning an brother and sister relieved their sufferings by death All died in tho pcathouso whei smallpox patients are isolated public The bodies were inter red in the Catholic cemetery disease is confluent smallpox the worst form of and the patients are in great danger Oct northeast caused a tidal wsveh the Savannah river at noon and another at 10 oclock plant is banks of the river are badly the alt under low is estimated at from to Island St- vannah is inundated all the in dents over to the city at Tho rice crop along the Rivers fields will be total loss rains flooded the country hero and track of the Florida A Western Railway out in several place you Color AycryarMprllln which wlll In robbed Griffiths woolen mills London Ontario of largo quantity of tweeds ravages of Cholera in Europe show hut Jit t Jo abatement 1 deaths reported in Spain on Saturday and 17 deaths in Paler mo Cholera has in of In lae of Saturday reported 113 now e4es and deaths Oct Yester day while Young 30 employed in circus was in quarter of tho with friends largo Empress struck him a fearful blow with her trunk and throw him against of with such violenco as to disembowel him Ho died shortly after ad mitted to hospital elephant killed a man at circus grounds a weeks ego Despatches from Constanti nople report that Turkish Govern ment making extraordinary mili tary preparations in and around A Despatch that in tho Balkan peninsula is extremely grave and that Ser vian Minister at London has express ed his apprehension that may at any timo of either tho mur der of Milan or of ho of army into Turkish by IlMrwiy homo of Mr QHAY At Iclq olhcTlhl It A r Mamie ItfiCC- by v lnt Mr of ffMr- BOKO of it mother iU by 1J tbo Mr Jobo uq to at tbo the Walker W J Itoi Of ltar JO lv of both of At the by Ou- Frank both of Motth At the by Mr KiqQllof bc KNDyln h f2 Kennedy of lb IB Town mot it fir- for many win live farm by occupied FURNITURE AND S J ST NORTH Bedroom Sets AT LOWEST AND PLAIN FUNERAL GOODS will prompt TO LOAN At cHIIod y