NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 6 me The rock toper split on of A thing in the long run The MM I ion the arrival the train 1ortlaiul yesterday an lady innately greeted a young lady follow I Why how at do at win- how funny you hardly know ye teeth in aint ye Maria Iheaubjeot As ljfjsn Molly my jewel my father m cruel ha uin let me marry the girl 1 adore he youve no love but that is all bosh know that got a few guinea in sum- He me a fool love now very cool love and says a would benefit mo The heart of i bard as a later wont a bit 1 the truth tell to doth toaxe me Ill bolt the hog he feeds in the sty dont despair Molly but always jolly your Patrick will stand by yo in Pat will I single present from Tumbledown Crescent where dwells yuiir affectionate Patrick I a AStr Scene said he she Si takes oat her he up to the curbstones ho your code he then asks y- Nod low he applying her handker chief Iies my swecdness lub her do- he asked you latum I bet- ker chew Short Horns for Sale A tW Mf h Klfcr MBln U lt A tip Block pro In I Jr- SKTH IIKACOKK TO Km lot 3rd on Ki April FOR SALE far far by libt IsjISM of J B Newmarket market April Ill ENCOURAGE Local ENTERPRISE Agricultural IN arJ Roller Straw Cutler Johnsons CMrittd Fanning fici rnpirrJ lb Mower and Reaper COIngersoll intimate to aV ihii I1LikJ kepi mij ks PHILLIPS Surrender of Valliy May At oclock yesterday a the troops left yesterday for a sharp and decisive scout and met with admirable success the Warm Spring Indians trailed the Modoc the i of la i tbe apparent pro the maintained a excitement This route was with difficulty by the horses and mile upon in a fragmentary form weru crossed the scoots in on instance lost trail and wo suffered a detention of two hours The halt broken a sudden yell from Warm Spring Indians and cbeoi from soldiers and command of Forward was given by Colonel The scoota were called to tin right and left of tbo lino to cover trail then came the 1st cavalry Major Crass commanding and Lieut Bacon in the charge of the skirmishers Captain squadron had another equally in position along the crest of the bluff and down the steep its side the entire force of Suddenly our shots were fired from tbo four bullets whiz zed over the soldiers A line of skir mishers was displayed along the crest of the bluff which started from their lair About time Scarfaced Charley and or three other rush d down tbe rocks and cried out Wo surren der dont shoot and five came in at once Hostilities and Dr Cabanesa or a con tract surveyor who has long been acquainted with the went up among the rocks and made peace and all the Indians including Jack agreed in slept with them all night A few momenta since Scar- faced Charles old Schoncbin and warriors surrendered Captain Jack and three other decamped during the tight CtiA Lam Col June 1330 p in via Sao Francisco June A siesta half an hour after the departui NEW BAKERY JOSEPH SON bakery ON MAIN STREET Wxf door to J Jacksons Store bread cakes BUTTER AND TAKE IB EXCHANGE XT a oil Mluiml AMt3t 2 lots LOT I 2 on lh Street Vtuvrkt fonts hi I lb bo tar r Fro and all men rushed behind house and lent to find the cm the uproar at once the b camp was in commotion Captain Jack is captured shouted a sturdy sergeant again and again The Valley reechoed with cheers and yells This morning tbe Warm scout struck a trail and a brief search tbe were discovered Colonel Perry surround ed Indian retreat His men were bound to fight Suddenly a Modoc shot oat from the rocks with a white flag He met a Warm Spring and said Captain Jack wanted to sur render Three scouts were tent to meet Captain He came oat cautiously glanced about him a mo ment and then as if giving up all came forward and held out his band to his visitors then two of hit and five and seven A ROGERS KIIC NEWMARKET I raepecthlij mU do to a GUAIANTICIRG SATISFACTION 1 IB- TO FARMERS Harrows SHOP OX STREET General Blacksmithing J A 1M First trize in 1672 Orqan and MANUFACTORY Newmarket COLLAR HARNESS EMPORIUM Collar Department I moot of Ibt kiadam to CARRIAGE WORKS Lumber Waggons REPAIRING HORSE SHOEING Meoad to 1st wintry Shingles Pine Cedar Kept UNDERTAKING bUmluc kn SON MmI rfH far ml by A Jp MALE Heavy Working Oxen GOOD FARM RANK if Carriage Factory JOHNW CLIFT J MXTSIC MES SUTHERLAND TAt4cf USicTNrVRENCfiL to I MRS GEORGE SUTHERLAND At tbe Rev Canon Ramsays A Eureka em of lbs teeth e fc falB hk of tao ArltiraliU lb A is- arrbuia J to call tbe of uLlii to kit of HORSESHOEING ALL OK JOBBING awl a ltrsiibatioa and tod of Mai W BOOTS AND SHOES Tie at Allens DONT FORGET THE ATW GOODS AT TUB NSW STORE Bogart aid House Lot For Sale ale bj ath at- I tMbeJ Term Wood all Modern For aft ply to Mr TIMOTHY Watches Clocks deaths hi in Harrington lately from smallpox Tax Cabimit lb is moored a has arise in the Cabinet between Hon Messrs and OConnor on the one aide and and Tapper on other It is alleged thai Mr Isugevin fcvonred Coatignns motion and really of it A Watches flock Jewelry boot a Do will PL All scaW4 sad Dsa FOB SALE aoroi Wine a IMPROVED PUMPS JOHNSON IMPROVED PUMP Durability and Utility Will raapete with lb elertiDf u lb Not to be UNDERSOLD Era NATURES CAUTION as eSea liar A l J GREAT T DEI GOODS BOOTS AND At 10 pet cent Discount for I Job not A3 I UlAMI for UtlMmimtmUs A G THOMPSON 111 Si OA JAKES 1171 A BAKEIJ SEWING MACHINE STILL ODtraaltyJte I MacUM Tuckers ft ftuilUrs Jut StRAUS WAIT2EJ5 Airangeds- VIOLIN SOLOS SANGER FEST MALE VOICES Sample copies mailed postpi id per dozen J PETERS Broadway FAIRY VOICES A HEW MUSIC BOOK DATSCHOOLS Send and we will mail sample copy April 1st J PETERS NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE I ENGLISH FIELD LEE BASTEDO RECEIVED A LARUE ASSORTMENT OK W O O A E SEEDS Stjlebt the Ounce Bound FRESH IMPORTATIONS A FULL ASSORTMENT BESTLETS HUBS SPOKES RIMS SHAFTS c DRUG STORE SIGN OF THE SPRINGS AXLES THIMBLE SKEINS Bar Horseshoe and Band Iron Tire and SPRING STEEL Carpenters CoopersTools in great variety BUILDERS AND SHELF HARDWARE Always on Hand Main Street Newmarket STOVES GRAIN MEASURES GRAIN SCOOPS And other Seasonable Goods CHEAP AND GOOD J ANDREWS CO Acboia IP 33ly IS A FACT Cooking Parlor Sail Bedroom Stoves LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES is your time to Stones and Stove Pipes COPPER TIN SHEET RON JAPAN WARE At prices that TROUOHtNG Broadway Save Your I Lazarus Morris Cos PERFECTED SPECTACLES tin AM in lJ0 Book Account or Note a Uat if la mm OP APRIL B STtait will as Caatingt and Machinery for all of SJ oaarkata The Most Perfect Spectacles COKPER A5D COMFORT a aad Sf Last a Great Many Tears Exchange for Goods Sortboftb J ft J REMOVAL I IllIK Iron lh t akra a of M public i la LxLt Md add bo Ul ha trad all One Door South of the Era an CARD TliKmbaciiWrmpaetratlr li ow Horse Clothing Wkif Brushes and aow can Saddle Harness Trade in all u a DONE to Dm door Dm Horse Infirmary LLOYD VETERINARY SURGEON TORONTO tla HOUSES CATTLE Medicines of Every Description to Norses Cattle on Nana Appetite General Toronto To It tbt of L aadoabUdlr trea rrrrtlmttM ALL kjnda Caaliaowtrr Tonataca Carrot All needs of the beat Quality DR Crjtul Bolauea Alas a ANILINE COLOURS Hut of Ha REFINED SPERM OIL Par Prepared Glycerine Fur Hair and Nail Bkcskks Books Paper Sutionery OILS Horse and Cattle Medicines A LARGE ASSORTMENT Perfected Spectacles Suitable for all VERY CHEAP HAIR for Hair If to Hair to a CI it Oat ia a fa ill MakiB Dr Ont Insect Poison A t aitnalaatar of ate Da BirrLBY PRICE TWENTTFIVE CENTS 1 Bentleys Ague Cure And Vegetable Tonic WUa in with AaiiDilioH fras aad lataraal tbia Vagauhl tat aad 11 aad I Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam Par CoBiha Coaib CaaaaaMa a Ac A ran ady if aot to as dol lar aad bit lormuir racoaiBtaadatioa by Dr par bat- BENTLEYS Botanical AntiBilious Pills ars Mild Piaaipi aad ear is dariag aaa lioot factad aith Caaaplaiau an aad thou aliatatbsi a lria Botanical Worm Syrup la dad flaiaat Worn as a far BEHTLEY8 Telegraphic Believer I aaaaah all bT of Toaaora aad to all Ciiu KimCrS COMPOUND Extract of Blackberry For Sale a ties Wood o A Bad tk Baal pa far or lo ACRES Lett Aeraa StUta frai LOTS FOB SALE aaa at aide of Lot at Vcaatarkat For Summer Complaints Cholera Caolie A Liver Tba aa praaarta aaiaapairad irtaaa of UTS iapraawrtiaa I rfdiaaaaaakhafaTilUtbAfAJawi It aaarisd acaey ia all rial ad a kaat aaaa j lo aaa aa af akkara ep pitta fbkJa par- basal Car of Aad Bald by ai COliPOOvUFLrjIDRXTa BUCHUUVAURS A ipecac or all Assail Ike and to A males and all Diseases of the organs in either Sex rf ai VICTORIA LINIMENT Fur Rheumatism Gout Lumbago Sciatia Wandering Stiffness in the Limbs and Joint Sprains Bruises Headache Earache Toothache Ac BUY IT TRY IT par Bail Bold by all VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE A Specific for Cuts Wounds Bums Scalds Boils Piles dec and Chronic Deseases of the of every description par by VICTORIA GLYCERINE JELLY For Beautifying the Complexion for removing Tan Sunburn Fnekm Pimples dx Chilblains Frost Bites and Sort Lit Pries Sod by all victoria TOILET SOAPS FOR TIIMJH VICTORIA CARBOLIC SOAP VICTORIA SOAP VICTORIA FOE SALE WH T Waif of lot la abaaTrt lAoaata MarruratUai aadabairaiita torn A ilUarin BUTTER AND EGO BOUGHT At Allens Insurance Company LIFE On the most Terms j Accident 9 COMPANY ia Accident la a lMarajKwCeapaayraBUaH aaraaMaaalaat Death or ahal taj by ACCIDRXT to of at trad aad at arfWaMBjl that la lift wall si m riuta I Death tana of be laUa aaotof dtnt S 10 dUaUiaf by aaaijLtat laaat aU far aaabltH aaaaaJeDttofiaiotlOpar thaaaaaeflH act apwially kiln riaka at rata Life Department la Ufa fall aad beat of tba Wat aaaaaaja tba ayattra It talk Iu iU la aatplc atel aaqneatwat SSaH hi ia ailh far Arc aratapt allaatioa by rrfarrtat IS JOILN Kinj Street