NEWMARKET ERA MAY u m their acuta by A Boston on a recent lUio in Ins talking A woman to her second husband recently to him Oh how happy poor Charles would he i he were till alive 10 we himself replaced by a man agreeable an yon are We always get mad when wo walk along about nine oclock at flight and shaded where a an a girl eXeiaim in a Oh tup l ntry minister of limited married for a accond fa a widow of some property an anient server f a former him if ho did not do weft by marriage Oh itnieed he said with ani mation and then a- an expression of reverent awe stole into his what ia very remarkable the clothes of my wifes first husband Seed IS FOR BALE SIX pain il punted and binned fortDiti fc light of J CALDWELL CURTAIN Of The Sighi Iwo sotea of m Li wrfueooot I XT I Lazarus Morris Cos PERFECTED SPECTACLES Most Perfect Spectacles AND COMFORT old genii ere money yo dont in my pocket at red ought id gentleman returning IV At a colored meeting a worthy brother whoso piety exceeds his learning rather astonished his hearers by quoting during an exhort ation from- pintle St Paul to Canadians Vinos Ills May The Iron Bridge at this place fell with a terrible crash this afternoon while with baptism Thirty been recovered and many to be under the I lit Harness Shop sbuiu Harness Shop im Qui to eiseate all NEATNESS AND DESPATCH fSf ttlnr attention to Whips Collars Trunks a Im r Last a Great Many Years without be So ore the as well best Mr C H SIMPSON Newmarket COLLAR HARNESS EMPORIUM beg intimatoo affasJItlltf North Botel- where be i prepared to tost to order a of description He laicsd to keep on hand a wall Slock of Doable rusks Vallate Carl Coaifak flrube and real variety in fact his that la kept in Collar Department I ssrnrsd tba of workmen bad mas ex- trad he ess therefore The who to Carer hist with tbeir patrons rely first- article as bat the beet iuUt 1st manner Orders promptly attended to liar sea Oil Vsroili hand April Sad 1879 Aurora Carriage Factory WELLINGTON STREET to the asd fcsWrirtas hops by against or a bees elopp J Tb i by ait to Whitchurch April In the Matter tho lute JOHN township of County of Ye ceased COLLINS the post it of the Mid I NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE I IMPORTANT I J K T0 FAR HERS I Heavy Working OxeJ ENGLISH FIELD LEE XT AVE RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF WOOD CONSISTING OF B GAHTJEIT SIjSDS- feeder av FRESH IMPORTATIONS JOS A FULL ASSORTHEMT JCHT RECEIVED AT j aiDf Ih CD BSNTLEJra SHAFTS c STORE or bafer the Slay 1673 disiribeW the so li regard to lies lUMs for tbi or A part thsrsof bad actios at tie diatribatioa Join April CARRIAGE WORKS THIMBLE SKEINS Bar and Band Iron Tire and SPRING STEEL Hunts mm Carpenters Coopers Tools in great variety BUILDERSAND SHELF HARDWARE Always on Hand Maia Street Newmarket SIGN OF THE Bronze Mortar the Pott Office Mais Garden Seeds by the Ounce Pound id 11 TbSMdn if STOVES GRAIN SCOOPS SPRINGWAGGONS Lumber Waggons toC AU CALL AND EXAHINt fee REPAIRING HORSE SHOEING I Doa bom ia Shingles Pine Cedar mmUbU m bud ad And other Seasonable Goods CHEAP AND GOOD J ANDREWS CO AtllonA 33JV a IB IT FACT J J HODGE Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Stoves Aon LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES time to ivy your and Slot Pipe COPPER TIN SHEET IRON WARE At prices that will astonish yon A CWl will bat titer to sail at THAT Doss Is s t Patent Eureka ia ackMUJsd by with etreBitb Tba ess ia is- J at psbUe BAKER SEWING MACHINE ST I I I AHEAD all theUui l Uh ft ftuiltsrs Aid bud AU for 1 aatl A ROGERS NEWMARKET WHIIJ1T thuha lor Ira that ia saw all for Pastes GUAIANTCCIHO SATISFACTION OR NO FAY Be rail in- praead ftmy sow las as raid By tbe psrtiaa will Aaeri- Ilearae in A SON We tea J lor sale be A Produce Slurp Skins Hags taken in Exchange for Goods Dont Plass Tint Slots North of the OSes J J- HODGE October IS 18oB ALL of Onion Tnrslpa A Carrot All needs of the best Quality BENTLEY ANILINE COLOURS REFINED SPERM OIL For Prepared Glycerine Far Tootu and Kail Brushes 1 School Books Taper and Stationery- OILS Horse and Cattle Medicines A LARGE ASSORTMENT Perfected Spectacles Suitable for ail Ages VERY CHEAP set aaj of Mukssl Wails Owl I rieary Lassos Tbsrahil i Mil ONE GOOD FARM HORSK9 DOMINION i HARVESTER sot or money by all by Hasty br Ha KLb Ja Jiut I STRAUS WALTZES Arranged as VIOLIN SOLOS SANGER FEST The Festival ACssacttaaaf CHORUSES Ac MALE VOICES copies mailed poetpaid per docen Address J PETERS 9 Broadway N FAIRY VOICES A HEW MUSIC BOOK FOR DAYSCHOOLS Send SO and will copy April lit Addreu J L PETERS NY JOHN MOWER A So Machines Tba kindly refel S Out I REAPERJ rib has Numerous PrizeM Co Provincial ze am J lb for Drseaiaf iraad Frotaotiaf It to Restore to a Natsral Color its in a few days will so Dr Newmarket Save Your Money I TBS sadersifsad is tba paUle tbe liberal tbey bars rsoeiei beg to isforat all wl are by Book Account or Note Frsrksu is Int 1672 that if I are ast by the OF APRIL NEXT will is fer will hereafter 11 Cutlngi 1st saaerptioM IMPROVED PUMPS JOHNSON Water Street Are sow IMPROVED Durability and Utility with Call at eelsrtisf elsewhere Fropriatsrs are Hot to be JAMBS BUSS Ami MRS SUtlEllLAND BATO8eistWaatbsUbsbatooaAawa to few fcr MUSIC AND FRENCH For Tama to Important Notice TBI bags lee re psbhe has opened bn Is tbat be bow pre All kinds of CASTINGS spaa hVSsrtettwusd Mtlf la sow MSpstsA ssth is THRESHING MACHINE RlYtOVAL rpBB snlsrsissad ia kit lakes ihia of to for sotorded IS bin Isriaf be baa baas is besissas Is ft la of la ass Mr F Wattla will Is its CARD TBK I baa now hand ehoica alack of JtiMsa GREAT BARGAINS is SELLING OFF DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHOES At 10 pax cent Discount for Cub If talk nab BOB Dae IS ISM Clothing Whip Brushes Arc Saddle A Harness Trade ia at 1 a SEP AIBINO DONE Osa aaaib at tb P Nov Horse Infirmary VETERINARY SURGEON Insect Poison of BsdBass Flies Us BBffTUT PRICE TWENTYFIVE CENTS Ague Cure And Vegetable Tonic is onnectiou tba Botasiosl kstlBihoos is free the Liter ether Orpsa frwn oak will est sly tba body BO cents per Bottle- POWELLS Vegetable Pulmonary Balaam For Cossk laciplast itreaebitia Ac A equal at if col to isr Asisrioss two well known already Frs- by Or I rise par BENTLETS Botanical Pills are Id Prompt nitons Is air Operation so particular cars is rsasirsd their Fop those Had liter Compltfnu are tbArtie to HYPQPHOSPHITES ftsai Dr Chsi For prtrealioa of Dyspepsia Bronchitis Asthma Lou of Appetite General Debility dec 10 I hate Laboratory To employed is are sate tbsWyrsp la also sy Tost Kemp will a HRJVRT of per bottle Bold by VICTORIA COHFOTJVD FLUID OF NO STOCK LIKE ITi TBKeBbacnber Jeweller Goods nj SOLD SILVER WATCHES Good TLE AND IP CUTUIY Fancy joods A Specific Remedy for all diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys Di SictUings inadenta males and all Diseases of the Urinary organs in either Sex Try it 1st shore filly file j Botanical Worm Syrup la decidedly moat seat It to the sad is sad one a Cssdiss y lssstb titae Frisa i to tavs InbabtunU or Sew tee ataandMt roavanaal to part OLD MACHINES REPAIRED at All rklibV DONT FORGET THE HE AT For Sale FA A CUM rf A WW lad b Can bar A tor a U raat 100 ACRES OfaaM U terra IrOTS FOB BALE Lata awl Tana aa bat aid CMtrY aad tftraal tba Villa HUNTLEYS Telegraphic Reliever ban la tb arid far all j Pal Hilar Price ntr COaOUHO Extract of ffStStSSIU For Summer Cbolera Cbolie Tba BWcbbrrrj ad ar a ii K T- LOUST A DUDLEY and Allen w u prepared preset of tba Roots Astnacsct Task Asti propettka frosi sstits it Is ore fiilil fcr of It is si all dissasea witb relaxed state dsria er I fcsUyUssssthsltM fcr lie treatment of per Bottle by VICTORIA LINIMENT Lumbago Wandering Pains Stiffness in the Limb and Joints Bruises Numbness Spellings Earache Tsothaehe doc IVIIIT1I1 Mm par Bold by sll VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE A Outs Wounds flanu Boils Piles and Chrome of the Skin by sll JELLY For Complexion and for removing Tan Sunburn Freckles Pimples ic also for Chapped Hands Frost Bites and Sore Lips Ma arr Battla Said all TOILET SOAPS AND Childrens Toyi tbaa par bl lot WILL BE SOLD A Watches Clocks and eiceUery jau On lb abarua all la I CALL AMD BUTTER AND BOUGHT AT TRAVELLERS LIFE andlCCIDI On the most Favorable TBE TRAVELERS Cssaessy by ACOIDUT fcastsss t si It fcral of lira wtsl Ascideat I 1010000 to dtsabliaj ajar by twenty fat isspleuls dye eta fa e sale ressossble pries nUsAore AMD or Victoria carbolic soap victoria soap victoria yceriae rose HONEY AND WINDsSr FARM FOR Is ths SI sad a asserfcilisg wall apple tree an T tare sesay Apply kws ssrs Life Lift fall Life I wltbost ths set It sell fctadjtidesda Its ess tract irity Is aapl rprssalasi r do I policy holders JOHN HENRY a King Street I TORONTO Starch 1ITJ