NEWMARKET ERA OCT Oct lb A of the reform contention hld it Corner which attended Tito J very Mr Win A Thompson ALLAN LINE r Liverpool Londonderry nbcr in place the late AND GLASGOW Carrying the Canadian and United Street The St Catharine Timet re- 1 c- an incident of the Niagara A email boy age eight named Johnny Smith Mr Smith painter of St Catharine allowed to trend mother in Niagara during the time of the tamp in that jlnoe and there getting among the soldier boys got lost to who had not been able to hear from him till a few days ago received a letter from Ser geant of Bolton itoer elating after Liverpool Mail Line that he followed hi leaving camp and that be had care of him The father at once brought him home to hie mother where he expect to remain for abort I into Port Rowan cava an exchange wa greatly excited one day last week by the report that el nee took refuge under their bud null I piece of bushel No such fright hat the Fenian invasion Women and children locked on and resolute men armed themselves with guns and pitchforks and sallied forth to meet Bruno The wood surrounded and skirm isher thrown oat to tool the enemy In the meantime reinforcement were hurried forward After a very cau tious advanoo and reconnoitre the enemy discovered quietly feeding and totally unconscious of hi But before being discovered Bruno had taken the precaution to turn himself into a black calf The warrior and hunter returned and carried the glad tiding to the of frighted village which disipaled all further fear and now the calf i running ai large all quiet on the Potomac Art One by one slowly the leave falling Fall- log like leaves from a regal coronet gorgeous arc they red ashen russet scarlet orange aniber and golden flulten flitting noiselessly until softly drifting away like a abower of tropical blossoms they reach tho ground The melancholy Autumn wind wails a dirge over the grave of the beautiful flower of summer gentlerain paltering on roof and casement sing plain- 1 lively farewell to tho birds who have I flown to warmer clime Amid arcade of the forest tbe golden and scarlet columbine gleam like lost pearl radiant in robe of beauty The river rolls majestically onward and still leaves fall One by one like banner of a conquering boat like ihe pern el they and flutter Like 1 showers of gold spattered with drop of blood like rain of gems they fall to the ground carpeting the earth with a ric than ever their wildei mournful the season when the lei fall Thcao falling leave are the off on Rates of Fare as on Toronto C LOCK ART Notice to Creditors TK of Victoria It rains aill t though beautiful tern wind of Adversity scnitered by storms of Sorrow chilled by the rod of Old Ago and Penury Ml St anniversary All Soles Day forced Bowing u Found always on the spot- aaj A good country seal A milk Wool gathering Fights be ts A welcome ship at any of all of gravity A pedestrian ism Ran Fr The H hi word When do one will take it Never a secret to your relative Blood will tell A Kansas man is jail for letting a neighbors mule folio The lea a writer know tin more ink be uses of In ling The ladies are so very vain of their hair that they are proud of gel log it up into papers sjoT What word i there of five lei which if you away two rill begin with a capital Tea Mr A dandy wishing to bo wilt aid to a young bellman lake all aorta of trumpery in cart dont yoo Ye jump in SravANT Under this bead an exchange tell following log story It may appear to many to be very much overdrawn bar believe it only conveys a alight Of monstrous condition i which modern Biddy will sent to queen it in even the i reign of On Able situation the servant gals has commenced Saturday a gentleman of this SPECIAL NOTICE SUBSCRIBER HAVING SELL OFF HIS STOCK LSTESDIEQ PURCHASERS Call and Examine his Goods GARDEN SEEDS FRESH IMPORTATION A 1 BENTLEYS SIGH Or THE MORTAR Near lk I Maw Strut Garden Seed by the Ounce Pound Onion a rik of Largs Had Cabbage York Flat Wis Cauliflower Cucumber Tomato a Uig Tall tar of to lis r Turnip Lost lraibsi sad Masslt All Seeds of the Best Quality I PRICE LOW DR BENTLEY BESTDREE for iksUsirsxi Fails is I si iU 1st la Is ssd Till oil iir skis mares bj Dr Out Insect Poison A x at PRICE TWENTYFIVE CENTS I GREAT BARGAINS Jobber will find it to their J HUGHES Farm for bale sals Ik sssi sd of lot Vs Ji ACRES HOKE OK LESS DWELLING HOUSES Bain c Tiro Living Streams sUs lusirJ lb Rsls farts taVrJrpklsowdsr lk FOR SALE A ok vanvor POWER TO LOAN Real Estate Security Ague Cure And Vegetable Tonic a ibis will sot urslktttas Fares ti uJ ill I I hum sad lasrs lbs or lbs is a coadilioa tmT Price cents per Bottle POWELLS Vegetable Pulmonary Balaam I slds Caags si Issst if ss sst sat if lit est or Bsatts lriss par Botanical AntiBilious Pills ith lotah i sad lbs Us bast aUsrue r BENTLEYS Botanical Worm Syrup Is ilr SBM sad I spsirsd forsstlasgts kUM Frits J ass offlce to a lady to look on while bia wife did work- The fair creature who waa offered for the after some fifty ques tion about whether they had tub els whether kitchoo down stairs askud bow many I is evenings she could have the gentleman I dont sSSmSmU how we can let yon hare more ji of sac than seven How many children III have said handmaiden Only one boy eight year bet STOKES drown biro if you think hed a ID bo the way I HAVING KILLED BY BOOS BENTLEYS Telegraphic Reliever Tst bast la lbs oriiasTtaaaUtfc sad bar pais j aapwior M a Prim Cent per BtOU Extract of Blackberry Sumrae Complaints Diarrhea Cholera CholeraMorons Ckwlie 1ha sOiarr ss Ik AA astiss it is tsars rtatf HktssAi lUisd Uu at sad lbs sswsld bass Ik sar ss lbs IsdiosUss of N B draft iwarj as sasdssjfo GREAT BARGAINS MILLINERY MANTLES MRS BOND sssoassrs Is si SELLING OFF SPRING SUMMER Millinery Mantles At Below Cost for Cash Salt to fl OJring July THE GOODS BE SOU Great Bargains I FARM FOB SALE A AC of Tossklp si sail for cash Or Exchanged Village Property JOY lab as int If Harness Shop a CM J ms lo lbs ssd Ik Shop i kr is sssaU si ibt NEATNESS AND DESPATCH A Unit of Whips CQllars Trunks c door north solorT FIRKINS aay tad 1871 if ELEQTION I A LARGE QUANTITY OF VERY Gum Swamp Whiskey roa sale Now Two Old rdmM ami I WINES BRANDIES Gin Ale and Porter c At BUTTER EGOS Exchange for Groceries of all kinds BJSOT CAHtlED FRUITS And Fish of all kinds Brandies and Wines ONLY THF BEST 1st alii BEST TORONTO ALE Crick Ban and Material FANS Children Cabs TUBS Ladles Books Magazines RECEIVED DAILY Violins Accordeons WITH rut A JHR SALE CHEAP A CAUDINO AMD FJLLING MILD Suitabli rot A Factort 11X1 A MRS Ontario Pump I if LEE BASTEDO HAVE ON HAND A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF lttSuta Bar Horseshoe Sana Iron TIKE ABD CA8T STEEL TlIlilBLBSKLJUS AXLES Farm for Bale I r A leal Par attggig CIRCULAR SAWS a p PUMPS PUMPS hi I J I Leather Rubber Belting Hemp A Rubber Packing I Till MANILLA HEMP CORDAGE Blacksmiths Coopers and Carpenters TOOLS I SPADES SHOVELS MAN IKE DRAGS AND FORES Hay Forks Rakes Scythes Snaiths WINDOW GLASS PUTTY PAINTS OILS COLOURS LEE Newmarket KXCKIdlflR ss or its sb7 is sarkad UI Jsi MIW sbacWat SSUJ An Inspection Incited K02A31 3 Effected on all of Insurable Property TUOMAS ATKINSON Agent forth County CAPITAL WELL AND KNOWN COMPANT Has ReOpened an Agency in Newmarket COCXTf NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET I IT IS FACT J J O D G E Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Stoves II b r as oat a Isrf Jewellery Goods laws ssd stoat stack sf BOLD A WATCHES AND BILVEH CHAIN ElectroPlated Goods nut d Fancy Goods I 1 1 o Tilbv a far QUALITY AND PRICE Childrens Toys WHSIEMAIE a WILL AT A BARGAIN cad Repaired CALL AND LOWER TORONTO your time to buy your StoveM and Stow Pipe PER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At price that will I oas is a tap I lor Farm Produce Sheep Sims Bags Ac taken in Exchange for Goods Dsa1PsrrttbaPU liwBri ks J J at It I New Grocery PROVISION STORE Main St Newmarket I ssmMAsfSSaT was snk Usui sad hasps ssss TEAS GROCERIES Wines and CHEAP FOB CASE fc5U OYSTERS and Retail Fresh Fish sot stork a nsssst JOHN what Get 1 1171 Liverpool GLOBE Insurance Company Available Assets 27 OO00W paid la of d Dollars sstisttMd lHtaMatsd lam Firs sad Lift libsnb Head Office Canada Branch A far EL if sat if sal REWAR I TO TUB GREAT Spectaoles MlliM oar LAZARUS MORRIS CO Notre Dome St Montreal a rfn A brb la a fc J idii MUda ia ald ad awl alao hataa pit I fllMM lb ak Money S 1 IWral lain Book Account or Note sill as Cast in p and cry Repairs STKE8 I MsKh IS tf GROTER A BAKER SEWING MACHINE STILL AH BAD Full baa J lb itk All Stytu of Bohr todla m All Brick Store to Lot frau Mlbvr Ml mm REST MODERATE CALDWKLi i April SI REMOVAL IE SUBSCRIBER HAS RBMOV ED TO PREMISES TRAVELERS Insurance Company LIFE and ACCIDENT On the mot favorable Term Accident Department TRAVELERS INSURANCB COUPANY la llbM baillll fM- tailoM dl AftllV vut LmU dlabl Jul b and elUpK Life la Ufa ll vuk- arts inn 7Cdic adaUM atual lb rt qua III haiaih1 iib ibla JOUN Sin FOR SALE E 10 OF KINS S ad Idnbw applj Mr dab JJE a n cut soon and I baa baae 1 knri TRWHTT JPOB SALE Lest Arable Farms IN ACRES kZTnJd j Assurance Co I LEAD OFFICE 1011100 President- Hon III laiaaa Vlla d ACRES alo W Ms Us la lot