NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 1872 Tin- connected matters wi imllnwwl op by flu wiili a hi- all ft them heating completely Mm emblem The were in with Ihe Ken mat FRIDAY Hit Oar Toronto tiering the id hand srcromadeir i I mi l I wants ftind IH i proposed a imiu MirKSSfc In 1 rill by made id of course a its was tan It shows il leaning I by fine of a it asTfieS of a letter Iter 1 Lurch dim t II n have taken place ami it remains 1 sensible supporter 1 ibe Ottawa Sen for the present fa of of McGregor Mill for a the an ranted considerable the printers teres lasted plaintiff the Captain McGregor formerly cantata kit work the steamer Mr bar already informed toy the agent for line and since thon war to the knife log bis disa I- carried Many led iva been adopted by the printers to jng I bat I hands working on the 1 plaintiff lie per I thoilrktrBturiltancehaUonmittd and enrnaraged women of inM urKm fl he cifficwa loos to tamral and ramaEn il Dir number disguised a the that be took Indeceni several libcrti- of interest an if persuasion to belong but tins now ML of ttmk and act and will led by the coatla of D of limited Ilia preatnt writing pat ently directed again t of province are rcalh Intended to do to the ruling parly in Sir John and the Wa I Treaty party tionv it making grand and- will flnd IhiiioIi money to lit GDI none of ibeaodaya and tinlc- I Now for York It i currently roportel on we that tbe va created by iho dath of the laic Attorney Clerk of I he Peace for County ban beer tilled the appointment of It Kaq Connly and Beit Clerk of By of Ontario to divide two in tlii County and in of that tbo Uavo boon made txard to Mr we have no knowledge of legal bat from all we can learn we are given to the nearly building la high with lot iJio front windows plate with Mil prMoottng ft Mr iT 011 was week wo ihrongh and aurprined at vari ety and of the Mock on band In tbo flrat we found and com mon IjcdsteBJU framed Ami ibewworemanufoc- out of different of mater ial varying in ftriceao as to anil In ordo to pro vide tbo calamity of Are a tidy buhl haul kvp con in thlsatuj second via a broad tiro ol the length of build 111 from front wo found large aaaortmant of well dining rent re and ball turn aeta aotne which were exceed ingly bridal adapted for fiml laju rooms In botclioajrivategauUeniaiiaapart- dbiertitem 10 United Butei Ravel la playing lb 1 would be a good lb try printer- In on M Iu-i- I 1 aj a ill be be fan tomorrow be editorial ajaff of finna became Art the mi only a half pah T the week expected under the lynjj I the jaj a the purn 11 March ifol ftrgoCity where earth o ii-port- that I nop 1- in 1 itnpJcta mint i- and a single brick to are untenanted or other min ing central further in tho Mi residing near wt- injured and her eh Stage rejMirt in length and nfty to ban Ired i- wide and twenty held ep open along the of the Nevada At other place in vieinilv tbegmttm ia heaped op in ridge- spring stopped If the bo however I for twenty girN and iUrvnd npateta within a that thi will know tho lraIo enable him to with ah her help Master carpenter have held a and their deterrni The a ejn thai tors refused to tender until moro state of affar- about The Bookbinders lowing in the of the a work and all attaint on lad with the trade as can be imagined arc in a it is tcral bone and American News Mar of the ndmision of M a held here evening Th qafakere nrgned tbat Mormon hat every Mormon I a in oath to avenge Into of Smith and the of tha Slates April Tho election in reultiJ in J ling by a majority njllj 0 over all hi ppinenu and nforer Hub Stale Senate will to with in Mi the House Thehoaee r John In was destroyed by firo at on morning Hit w ife and tine children in the flames lie escaped by jumping from window of Ha Sharon OX SATURDAY ideal fit V TUB LISTS the CANADA LIFE Assurance Comj fur ir April ins Id fii of lnj lt- WUrta hi at el MEXICO rill lpre- annual sale of unclaimed agvhtttea of the American ComjAnv lliroughotit the eon took place at offices in this city during Week attendance was good and the bidding lively At this sale gooda are put np to auction without being pencil and the purehascr buys at lied In many of I contained valuable good hope of gaining the pi which upon examination to contain nothing of fancy prices Sail March Add from the earth luake region say tho scene beggar Nearly ihowhoo pofin- wero calling for aid to rescue tbom- whoae wives and children had escaped Over three distinct shocks wtrvfelt between oclock and in fact earth was in a constant for three of nature which according to their traditions occurred in that region some hundreds of years ago and created what is known as Owens River Valley but was before a of moun tains The section affected by the earthquake was sparsely inhabited mainU by people engaged in work lug tho lend Additional advice- from Comity place the the Tuesday at beside 1 wounded AtTibbetta mile- Independence acre of gmnnd seven feet the irfuee Owens ran over its banks de positing shoals of on the shores Afterwards it receded for a of three or four miles The river tamed and ran up stream far several leaving its bed Anally retorned with There baa been no parallel to this earthquake since tbe year upon turned out to If a phot- graph- yOBayC ladies Another geiitlcmtin area he I 1 of a bottle r Mrs on Infant feeding tbe who ought to known bought a nicely done tip pack awe which eon mined Grecian bend these absurd pur chases on the other hand of value sold far vera small March A has arrived from Carnargo with dates the nth int He the re- by the revolution and probable capture of whose army dlspefa- Gen Cortina is off from hi- and hemmed in near Slate after a loss of the greater part of hie force hundred in wild two iiees of artillery left for to meet Infantry and two pieces of Monterey and join Geierel Qui B JOY S A J Ml- sad alv Main ii tand much impeded Very not earlier than lih of May Ira In Hay till two Or thrvo feet iii thickness and nb open water in It is rumored that Lord LU MP will far England in July Il ia that the Dominion Gov will be permitted to snbinlt j three names from whom may be These are on auihorily of iho Ottawa jiondent of the Montreal Vail g A OF REAL ESTATE Household BY AUCTION sf his aw I Seal Furniture c Oy APRIL The being Good Friday in the and Churches of the city and the attendance in the several place of worship was a fair average one On last Thursday Itov Mr Dyke was ordained Parliament Stitaplist commenced bis duties on Sunday Sunday tbe Queen festival of tho year was duly celebrated in jill the Anglican Churches The sen ices in the lldy Trinity were most mark ed the church being specially decor for occasion This the high church of the city at all limes pre sonts an appearance owing to its frescoed ceiling and illuminated walla continued with effect of the light tuning through colored win dows and brilliant fitting behind the altar rail but 00 occasion the ladies of the congregation further adorned it with wrraths of natural flowers A large golden placed- upon tbe altar was entwined with a It emit Mrs fnamta A nu larsh USt by ir Hi An- rtrai of ihClt at Irs- lr In on Tuesday Mlb OIL Mr J atr1 M oat tares be furtlfira basal bar eta Excellent Fai 1 J u i of Km art Iron I twate1 ilbia of alios s lb Vatthst Tills bis Terms IT all I of ill Us of sal will all by SMtilfaft it itr Allan a