Newmarket Era, 16 Feb 1872, page 4

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Sag SEWING MACHINE NEWMARKET ERA FEB 1872 MARBLE WORKS I I ITFFS FRESH M DRUGSTORE SIM OF Bronze Mortar TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE At Provincial Exhibition RECENTLY IN OF p I a BOWMAN A Co Musical Library Here We Axe Again Landing TMAS Holland W FOB g CHRIS j I I Chernis Druggist spectacles SEWJNG KACiilNE Ontario tump Works I SET Andrews Prop I Sardines Pure Hard BrUiant fan SPECTACLES EASE 1KPB0VL2ET OF THE EYES CO Main St Newmarket WHOLESALE A MAGENTA ANILINE COLOURS Bat Dutch Madder Lac Dye Solution of Tin de REFINED SPERM OIL Prepared Glycerine Hair Tooth and Natl Brushes School Until- Paper PAINTS OILS horse Cattle Medicines BLACKSMITHS MATERIAL Iron Steel Bellows Anvils c Thimble Skeins Axle Spring and TOOLS nil nd Morticing Machine COOPERS TOOLS llcailing anil other Kinvci Ac SAW FITTINGS Saw Bolting Piles Babbit airmail lUraod It Sentlrtf Brighama Remedy Insect ion NEIS Insurance Company Carriage Builders I tit TWENTY FIVE CENTS jfoiicies iviiiix ftoVSES I I- cb aar I I MP VALUABLE WAGGONS Wooden and Iron Harrows a slTiw in the Dominion JOBBING DEPARTMENTS Ague Cure And Vegetable Tonic ftwu it VttaU I 1 raarb Cm it ud 1 an lea lb ariaa at II n brail MwlitiM cents per NEW GOODS S Freehold Property Si sale i T S O R S storehouses i E I CoPartnership NTOTICH Is GIVES Bakers CoLfcct SUPPLY ALL c TO THE TRADE Fashion Fall and Winter Millinery Mantles FOE LIFE LIKENESSES n Oatmeal T J SPLIT PEAS Buckwheat Flour APPARATUS LifeSized Liken tJZE c ROBT BRADFORDS St TORONTO Ont m of Produce of or si skirts QUILTED SKIRTS a BUck TLcm SHAWLS rot April ttoniaTJ r I Wanted 0VES AND t rtARHOVDKLIVKRY POWELLS VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM For loriplnl Cms4m Ae A if out to oar rf ionuiro BENTLEYS Botanical AntiBilious Fills fiofc MO for i I isrir am for i fcU4 tlj altogtl till to tar pnblic I riot BOTANICAL WORM 8TBTTP It toe moat It to ibi it all anjr SI tit all i of Taoaat Mi iDAaaxaatW f aia BEHTIXYS COHPOUKO Extract of Blackberry CAPITAL lOOOOOOoA WELL AN 1 1 FAVORABLY KNOWN COMPANY Has ReOpens an Agency in Newmarket Butt oil mumble Propertyt ATKINSON Agont for the Coanty NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE 1 1 FJXjJL Ill SPADES SHOVELS FORES IN VAlilETY OILS GLASS PUTTY c Apothecarys Hall New Grocery PROVISION STORE Main St Newmarket- I i a uMuia DRUG STORE SS a w Chemist and Apothecary Wines and cheap ton RimnnMa I mid Retail Fresh Fish Can Paid far all irf fan fti ON THE BUSINESS IN HIS Ofc A The Stock Drags Chemicals PERFUMES BRUSHES COMBS fancygoods HORSE A DyeStuffs Of all aim James Genuine White Lead paints varnishes BUILDERS SHELF HARDWARE Lee Bastedo Old Stand Water St Newmarket irilfajaaji FIRE INSURANCE Lancashire Insurance Company CAPITAL Isolated Bisk Insurance Company CAPITAL BRITISH AMERICA INSURANCE COY I Britkh A CAPITAL for la JUk Wlit ami irc of York and Vaughon of Toronto having leon Agent for LICENSED AUCTIONEER lor the A Tort I TllttS ATKINSON JMPATTERSON AGENT FOR JOHNSON st FANNING MILL WHITCHURCH Something for the A QUANTITY OF Firstclass BEEHIVES I Johnsons Planing Factory MILL ST THOMAS AGEST FOE FANSING North Cholera CholeraMorbns ic To are Ma IfdiaJ l and a MoJtbj of ta of Oh Bad J atirtavitaaJk it mora for It f tboao akiah lata with a IT IS FACT J Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Steves LOWER THAN TORONTO ill four time to jror Stoves and COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At price that wilt I A Call 111 I a JcU to al at a taa anl farm Produce Sheep Skins Rags taken in Exchange for Good flu- Ik Stora of OSm J- Finest Tobaccos CIGARS CHEROOTS Ac S T A SHAD B the Place Sb Commer cial Block Main Strt NO STOCK IT NEWMARKET Jewellery Goods GOLD SILV R WATCHES ElectroPlated Gopds d Faricy Goods 1 ul lb QUALITY AND PRICE Childrens Toys WHOLESALE Ma at m iron of of It abala tat WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN t la aanU and niucfi JOHN Oct GUELPH- Machine Co THE OSBORN a LockStitch SLWINGMACI TOUAND- an Tbaj loatod all make tfta itj and darabilll I The Osbcrn Sewing Machine J Guaranteed to be represented or it atonplrto aod Ma aim Mai ifaiJail raack trtrj la A ill ait a The Gaelph Reversible ACHlNl Rortli TiradsoM PpytaJ J for VaraVTorU Tcrj a- loixiid laVJoaoJ karj GuELni Cs PUMPS ill TtM only flr InMnffaraboaiaUW a now lorjn aB UI aeiad lha Repaired a a 1 a Ha I ficae all rtau ai aba ibaaU Farm for Sale a tan BKIXOeaapMil a Aa la tba Pit at arra a I Far panic aJ 11 Waa1 tba ciaraa Western Assufance Co JBAD OFFICE ipllli fJODOOO President- Hen J a ad Far I el I be llrNDI t Liverpool London GLOBE Insurance Company Available Assets Laaajia paid of jaan d of fin at aarlj aaiaat aa ad I aajrat ad Liberal AdJaataioBt of lk faa of Ufa Head OJiee Canada Branch Montreal SAMUEL mm I ijwiw- pOWRLL8 PC adTanlaacai fill iranaan it lira J adaMoU Iho yallo ail vii Crura if Application to Parliament IB 11KHKUY GIVEN 1I bo of Aba ol I raraiialoo ami a Up at I ii i Eg aTTt ROGERS CO J Two Houses to IN- ALMA TEHBACE jii p I a aiTaa1 la TT SO AT Uuaa Urallad

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