Hat I M I hi MUMMMMMMMM NEWMARKET ERA SEPT amusement Apothecarys Hall I CASH for WOOL NEWMARKET STORE J l ill tin J JAMES I Chemist and Apothecary Highest Market CASH 101 WOOL i Newmarket Woolen Mills tow it At aid I The Stock QAQDfra ROLLS Si Exchange Cloths Flannels perfuses Wool as Formerly BRI COMBS FANCY GOODS Patent Medicines ttiKHAM Beehive P SMITH LARUE SlIIIXli STOCK DyeStuffs James Genuine White Lead OILS lliliil 1 II male -i- 1 rate it til in r i Mi- much like von Anil you in return Thai Mi Ad Mek it An to Inly lie thin It tho it in tltcllv the woman was the MrcMRle A in Dry Goods PAINTS VARNISHES Cloths Venetians And Artists Materials DOESKINS CLAY or iiii PIPES I Finest Tobaccos lamps a Ik A D 1 TWEED SUITS 00 CHEAPNESS or FIT STYLE Garments Made to Order GROCERI ES BOOTS AND SHOES van ftrtirvtl i- ihiTtuin I ho from tin agQf I cm led to a Main Str with or your US I ntorioL liar The in Mi rr JutjUI to smith i SI At tain cm noh ho Oil ftiLh ibiUdlilv IIUI that she the dU for iho but thirty year I ver bvnrU of bit on a with women t- Mr was in the the cbkJran to the on their rattni from to that tost r why bono all day idle Go intojmr and work and in rijjht I will pay ihW and a to the text II- a and at if it hid jiMtramo tnbim after much thought ail for Go into my barnyard and go to work and ill it all right with Put That Rascal Out White the congregation were col lected at church on a certain occa sion an old dark hard featured awl bone individual Been wend fall way up aisle and taking bin scat near the The minuter one of that dan who detested writ ton and ho they ought to be natural outpouring of heart After concluded to wo have introduced did not knoel but leaned bead tionally upon minister began by aaying father of ail in every ago by and savage a lores I Pope raid a low but voice old hard featured after casting in look in the direction of tho ihroin on ado- of il again itftorruplod the Tbo minister lips quivered for a moment bat recovering he Wo hank thee moat Father that wo permitted more to in thy name whilst equally but low favored boon carried beyond that bourne from which no traveller re- I again interrupted tho voice This waa too much Put that rascal out shouted the 9mT- An Indian maiden a few days back by her watchful parent for Blip took the animal to with her lover aod aa aha wa beyond age for parental control he caused her to be locked op on For Sale or to Kent TlE hnwrlf Mr MOM ih of OVE HUNDRED ACRES rt I i retting 1 tutlln of Iwmi of tin sttsaad I rraoml to I W Lot tl tort t rain i nit dm u1l I npHJulu lhr I Ixlirrt it will cart Mart to i Coaoly of Boat at i of P Ac I rt that I Hart War Doubly fur If on aba I a ltnlit- 1 Id it bu SYKES ELVIDGE Founders Engineers Steam Engines Stoves TUIMBIK SKEINS BAND HOOP BOD AND BAB TR02ST And oTtrj of HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT a of tar 1M8 NO STOCK LIKE NEWMARKET jut opened out a Urn Jewellery Goods Of and moot GOLD SILVER WATCHES ElectroPlated Goods TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY Fancy Goods Hi J writer M itjlid nam u QUALITY AND PRICE UNSURPASSED Childrens Toys thin Tomato WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN CALL AND I I 1 1S0 New Livery Statle I Unto to lU iaLIr NEW LTVEBY STABLE OfpMitoLB hrlM hrr ill B Agent for Agricultural JOHN OSBORNE 1179 ENGLISH FIELD SEEDS Fresh Importation BENTLEYS DRUG STOKE OH OP TUB BRONZE MORTAR Maim Street I Garden Heeds by tho Ounce Found or Feck CABBAOK trie York and Win All Earljr CluUcr Abort Qhsriuatj TOMATO I Bed aj PUS ion of Ireland Sit Pole tlta SEED Top Brat bite Ac Lobe Atrinbri and fttsd Ac Ac All SteU of the Heat I LOW- Dr HAIR FOR SALE FIELDS OF CLOVER SEVERAL MILCH COWS Apply to ISM tfl House an Lot for Sale Fill SUE the twotHr Kit Jo rol I Or LAND The Old Auction Mart AUCTION ROOMS Household Furniture J Remedy Par BenUbys Compound Berry and For CoapUintA Cboltta JjjKtiltTj Colie Ac Dr PRICE CCBB AND TONIC When i with Botulcol Anti free bo and other InlerMl thu V ratable act only ftelMTO bat rem lb- A sue CI P rr Afne til POWELLS VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM For Cob Indpleat Contra job A toreqnirt recoiuiucndaiioavPrt- partd per Botanical AntiBilious Fills The art Id Sab and in their For tad fortroJ with Cotnplini art ianlta- in art beat Cataariio IUI ever offend to the public Price BOTANICAL WORM SYRUP And sua War a in and TELEGRAPHIC Tbo beat la the for Belief alt other pal tbt of aid lanaataMtMr Far to Iala aad a JOHN Chemist Druggist Spiiit Mini llvr 4c Pare Liquors Id pari of i Is AAUad jorur amiW All part and no DYE STUFP8 Cbtttp of boat for portly and Fine Pipes lb OIBct Furniture Rooms Enlarged S MainSt Newmarket I hi trtol potlie Slock of Furniture MELODEONS First Class Instrument Every Oo- TRAVELLERS lnsnrancejompy OF LUE ACCIDENT INSURANCE PROVIDING fr nytimm of Capital 500000 Assets all cash Deposited in Canada At to All Policies Nearly One Third Lower Than ALL CASH Liberal lerni of ranted or Thot Pi Hot lUgb At Montreal ROWLAND WOOD ia ToroaM J E of Front and Church Streets Toronto Tonato Mar SO til Director Great We aad AftuU Montreal Ajent for Cash for Bides a Mock of LEATHER Of Jl THE LEADING MACHINE L0CKMA1T Manufactured by Wilson Bowman Co HAMILTON ONT tied it- Simplicity Durability Adaptability AND CHEAPNESS of ipalH nor ilj tin J Alt EM Marklnm Km- JJawkh SrKlVAllI FRUIT JARS Brass Kettles Enamel Kettles SCYTHES forks cradles Cheap and Good at J ANDREWS Co IT IS A PACT I J J HODG E WILL Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Stoves Vol LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES lour time to bug and Stove Pipe COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At price that will you A will Mtaat that art to tell at 13JEAT in a superior at Wanram Genuine Farm Produce Sheep Soft taken in for Goods tbt Brick North of Otlict J J HODGE October MILLARDS Cabinet Planing iNUFCTORY art rcivrtfLll I Informed that the I bate t err In paUic of heir ability J MILLARD A Co First Class Farm FOR SALE AaVVl7BiT Lot In tbt 3rd C Boat 100 ACRES IBID April IMP r ISW to J SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES UK io I Western Assurance Co JEM OFFICE TORONTO Capital 00000 J McMnrrioh Villi- d 1 low dtrr enorai djutiM The ho ppolotd for A HENDERSON nvnirht lV7 N Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY i the Worth Hotel BOOTS AND SHOES I lrrr1pWiW LIFE LIKENESS MR J IN rrioroioi E A KET la it J aorofhid don put the ha he baa STOCK OF ArPASAtTH A felt in fro the Snail LIFE SIZE Or an other alas to thou lanJah aaau All other lake ral 1 ffff NEWMARKET BREWERY HOTEL EPEM A auppl kept or 4 a Sold Cheaper than STOCK ALE PER S Qallorn for GEO Powells Patent Swim LIFT AND Pumps for All Depth PuriMe Tnib at A la A h krf i a Annuel UIU ull I voided Id CELEBRATED I la all here he hare heea dor AJdreee depth Wall a A AC MARBLE WORKS I CHARLES la thanhln hi f ittda fo tbe liberal pat rotate aUrt it no nil prepared all be bt with in bit hat of Tombs Tablets Head Stones Posts Crosses rfp Short ft Ter The of beta ditto tad Conveyancing Ac CHEAP ON NOTICE NEWMARKET TRB rabacribrr la thaabi for liberal MonnraentsToffll the raaaooable hat Aral orhraea Call See Specimen CERTAIN Preservation of the Sight C SIMPSON Chemist Druggist SOLB JOElTlbr oor lerfeettd SPECTACLE EYEGLASSES TbLMiwofbchareUaotit bet I naaatiotortd for Pure Hard Sc BrilliarA star bepttaaati nod aid aiWettalfla trraau it thtai It MOST PERFECT ASSIST lit IICHT ami On Wear lobecbanied- So lot at BM LAZARUS MORRIS I an trttt Op e bo arch I Lumber for Sale TBS It to BUI of Lumber to iatoaditjj NEW TIN WARE H0IKL Where ha Iteopa on Tinware Stove moat Repairing Done on Short Aa la determined not to he VcALL