I el NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 10 1870 12 Aurora Turf CIuTj I I ai Mt Four Races each Day T is lave- am fi8bcrtiseniis aril I f rilr rrfmtiMMiU aad Mflaun Jurat fl IS In Public Notice Sod that M a in I- Dtndi j Hi ear- the fib ran aVTrjCxi with la of for CASH for WOOL Highest Market Price a FOR WOOL el Woolen Mills In he It Lot So in tilt Ald ALFRED Tomato 1SF0 Notice of ByLaw thai at a Bart a of of la of the of North Conor Boob at Br of 15T0 iWii til to lo ratablih tin Sid at Lota I an I Bad by B a retort tat I f which all ialrrtatnl Toaahlp of North lit Clarke tarn ROLLS I Police to lb of At A rin of ti Jralurj ar rcqOcat- to Mm lb Jal- Nit DOMINION DAY GRAND CELEBRATION A Immcnso Stock of NEW GOODS At SIMPSONS DRESS GOODS An endless Variety and Cheap loo CLOTHS TWEEDS The boat in the Do- Cloths for Wool as Formerly ii LIST OF LETTERS in Newmarket HARVEST MAGAZINES Mm Hoar at Hoax Bo Balla At HtE ONLY Monday June Musical Excelsior odio COMBINATION PERFORMERS f rtii VIiI A U UhMkitT tai Ml M mj EDWARD Sal or to Bent J k Mr i W f B- it I If lilt ASH hM 1B1 I UWu rrVl 1 iifU Mr JP u tUmirmiuA Uk t i Il a C or Stolen ft law Scythes Snaiths Forks Whetstones at ma MAMMOTH HOUSE NEWMARKET Jr a una f WrrWm To- all MaRbaalaU kit J WASTE House an Lot for Sale a fcravul aaaad ay FIVE ACRES OF LAND la ja a laa HI Buggy or SjJ Lumber for Bala TBI la la faralak la J JOHNSON W WATER FRESH AND GOOD Constantly on Hand Ml IT 11 53 A P GOODS FOR alXK AT THE GOLDEN CANNON 8 NTIST tbtt will j l on ENGLISH FIELD SEEDS Fresh Importation A Fall iMtamt sal a BENTLEYo DRUG STORE or TUB BRONZE MORTAR Strut of a CUTTER To cot them into Of the Latest Style A Perfect Fit Guaranteed or no aale HATS CAPS Boots and Shoes Of the Latent COTTONS SHEETINGS SnlRT- INGS COTTON TARN and CAR PET WARP at Grocery Department Will be found complete and would til to the largest Bloc- of the fineit and beet value TEAS Brer for in Canada WALL PAPER I Direct from in Choice Patterns I to For Roll Bart Mala Caarpa otk All iv auaal it 1870 NEW Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY Opposite the Hotel BOOTS AND SHOES 1 NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET THR aabaVnUr jnat est lair Jewellery Goods Of awl lao A SOLD t SILVER WATCHES ElectroPlated Goods TABU AND POCKET CUTLW Fancy Goods Hi lb la QUALITY AND PRICE UNSURPASSED Childrens Toys WHOLESALE al aaa WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN CALL AND Ha Colored Silks Black SHU Iriih Ac Show Room la bo a lU FLOOR it be fcwnd retry eertltj ia Bonnets Hats Drees Caps Mantles Shawl Parasols Sunshades liodp Skirts Ac fte bat at as laij etock of SUMMER READY MADE CLOTHING for priaa all Woolen and Staple Dry Goods Moat be Sold off Month FOR CASH ONLY1M R WALKER As NO MILLINERY Mr BOND Choice Selection Millinery Goods hats at ate Maw of aad ara NEW GOODS and I 26 CASES OF DRY GOODS CLOTHING BOOTS AND SHOES Ac BOUGHT fcaOaab Call aarlf BARGAINS I LOOK FOB ORBS Largest Stock of Goods in Canada daUraiiaad bulb alack THIS MONTH we and quick at a OUR STOCK THE HEW CORD TWILLS FIGURED CHECK REPS POPLINS BATIK CHECKS CLOTH ate THE LEADING MACHINE Early ClaaUr Aert Leaf A T 0 Bed Bed barns Cbetapien of fltabop Loot added da BEAKS Si vMkr Til TUBVIf Dsabirai Iiapeord Turpi Ten Beat iTep- CABSOT long WJ L ttorttl Seed Ae Alt Seeds of the Best Quality tow Dr BKBTXEY SEWING MACHINE ifinvafatured by Wilson Bowman A Co HAMILTON ONX Iho Machine in Dominion of Canada prond ion it had attained through ita inherent good Simplicity Durability Adaptability AND CHEAPNESS a score more of equal importance bear tb aameroM faraabed eaek a bicb cab art 10 a bra faralab led rear A ad- Ma Ellis J a UK I lsir Bradford I Kini Jamih Steward Oak GEO General Whole Agent NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS We have now AND UP SPRING SUMMER GOODS This Seasons Manufacture And Solicit an Inspection feeling assured that for STYLE AND These Goods Cannot be Excelled A CO April 14 1870 ILL WML TWEE I r Can ABO a lee Cream OF BEST SODA WATER THE FOUNTAIN BAKERY Or TK CoPartnership Notice DiCTnaauvo ia tt Trade lb Alftad aba a ban p He Aar a I 8m aT D SUTHERLAND A Co laa bai la lie a laa Old Black Hale i VaaaM jtwella Block onto Bead 18C9 Bad aad CraeaeJ CABBAOS canLirLowaa All Baat Harrison Sheppard A Co Beaxajeaor to a SIGN OP THE Bit block and iti la Tarid ae DRY GOODS GROCERIES HARDWARE BOOTS AND SHOES CROCKERY GLASSWARE It aaatAMl to tb require The Clothing LATEST STYLES Canadian IB LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS April Xn a tlwed Top HAIB oal Dr Out or Coldj Bentloys Co ropoaod Extract of Black Berry tod Bloodroot Per CoaBtJaU Cbolere Cell At e bj Dr PRICE TWENTYFIVE E AND TONIC in IA PIVa to I a a M ot POWELLS VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM Bar CM laetpiaM an A Itrut If aet Hath- to ear ef Mrtrava ft aa to eU la Dr We per Botanical Pills The- at elr ear Par tted with are CatUnle Pill to AtaU aarBet BOTAIHC WORM I dHddlf aadsMet Medloiae ia teU adTMUce ewer ail Won ban laa aaU fa al per Sana Sharon Beehive Q P SMITH BEOS la fai leal am a LARUE STRING STOCK Dry Goods I fcr price ia r rra a a a Broad Cloths Venetians DOESKINS Fancy Coating Fancy Vetting and be will U law ad to be OaUrie r CHEAPNESS ELEGAKCE OF FIT STYLE rt a Slack GROCERIES alee BOOTS AND 8H0ES Cheaper tAan the The pablfcc are latlted to naadaS Wbre P SJHTBT- April 10 1870 Ocean Steam Ship Co Liverpool Lidoderry iliallVvIll d lHrtCarirtll1lt moan Mae the anal kUalc alalia will I lj and tee of ftortre AMracevewX volet of an Pi him wrrt to aand iMefai e la Tlek4 the I at rr to rata taaltaogll laftarwaaUl It ataaWDt JOHN Chemist Druggist Wins Ac a Pure Wines Liquors IB raft of and S JM of BSeaa NOTICE HOTOORAPHYI AROCBBIBS -Tataa- panaamdiaaaaatirairaaeiaaaalaaaTJai itMa bii Rooms Enlarged BROS aad baa Stock of Furniture Coo tl la part Baaled Cbaira treat dVdha Chalre Table BewJoamw A Abe ill a M at Prices to Suit the Timet A UtBaited abr MELODEONS wrlal e-rwrl- ar a First Class Instrument Aa fca Wirrult Ocl It IBM lf17 NEWMARKET gg BREWERY1 HOTEL KEEPERS AWB TMUiMlaaa lb above ALE Sold Cheaper thin STOCK ALE TEE for 1K