MMIIllllll t NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 1870 The Com nit of Spr Sole of Lands for Arrears of Taxes COUNTY OF YORK Township of Sol rfiLru annaf th of On Tuesday the Say of June Next j mfjw ttsM Township of Whitchurch THE It IIOIMl Till or TORONTO to Kit Ml Or M IhMTqf u J iWtoa Township of Etobicoke Township of East of Aurora All Patented I Hubert part Village of Newmarket All Patented J It luiUr IM 1 ST 1 It ITf Township of York All Patented Amusement add him an there nothing to IwoereauVrnnfeda US US It i in MM libnut yWV of North GwUlimbury 2 i Hit J do J Jj J in M II wonder he will have and other when ho 1 have her A heard the Village of Patented craft go thai jib kin I go that jib tat it down likwhaibav to Mamma teacher people are all mi my deaf so Ibey are Wall mam- ma arc while made dost of Township of i If I UOdti el people poutsil Mr- rl it ir- wimo mil dwn from the father to ihi Mr tin soul hat boas to long SnSfjj lit With it frylU hi- General row egarch for ak bright link- half daughter a mi rial I dont know llt did dear yon know j bo cech on a parlie- lay entered the room a- all wen- for 1umh no empty seal ha and looking round the tabic with of countenance said Will any Fort Bolster Village All Patented I 1- I may take j BR EWE Y nnpentaUj HOTEL Sold Cheaper than Elsewhere I i Laoi Caaaib of Ha a ti of aeak loat I ilk I ad kair abaat tali on Uftda lUada rail I art -ota- aa I I to peal Itio a AklUstisaal bad loin I ar m a Bar bat il Bod In a I at I try of I Bvara to at of I in day of IMS I that haw oaua of ad I bar I bar to bo ln ia I Wo vbilt 11 boat baa I kao aba baa bar ait Of tali that la bar am It ed lt tbt aarfcn- a Watte Cnati of llaaUaaa Fviaaa Township of i i I Jwrtsf irt llam Taylor part part TiMNUlMnn port Jrv W jrt Jnlsn fe part i- AlfxanoVr Meltsrrtnn part TtslsMlValwOl W part K port h port A part A Ryan sari fc part part Si is g fl III in it nit laava do m a in sKiSiS Township of Scarborongh SJ K IT IS FACT I J J HODGE Cooking Parlor Hall Ss Bedroom Stoves CASH FOR WOOL TOft Patenter 50000 OF WOOL WOOLLEN MILLS baa on Iliad vjTtDa Of Cloths and Flannels Wool Baah New Stable I to tbr ia 1 In for Agricultural Implements Useful Articles do TQR ha aiaeh la lahrrn iaUUiUat of III that bo bat at th- ll- ftJOJ ftr tboir Wool in- I at I Oil for of MB of Cloth A of Cloth or 1 at 1 Tor- ill do aril avail rata sad at Mr J oh a Book Slot frttiag Vara a stock or CLOTHS AND FLANHELS Of will bo at to ho Wool and ptrtln in that Of lath or ill o rll to avail away for tbrir to la than baa Milla I MILLARDS Cabinet Planing rr lfll lamfo J Co I Cut B 1 ti 0 THAN TORONTO PRICES Vt fa your to Stovtt Pipit COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At prices that will THAT Wan in Skins Sags Exchange for Goods Brick North J A J trliH OrtoWr PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO Main Street Newmarket TV L JONES Ill at for put rraBtjetfally form the awl at that bo has lataly It ADDITIONS TO HIS ESTABLISHMENT In Instruments Scenery iftr And to pan with bt Art bis ill no- find Stadia rcalrU FirstClass Artistic Pictures Large Sized Pictures Carte or Gem Pictures Also THE PICTURE Bo call rU that far naoMOi Art bo aa thl Bad tSB for in Jm abort to to all ho assy with a call Specimens of tba Above now on View AT HIS STUDIO 12 CARTE FOB Gents W JONES V- flSU Old Doctor Andrews tor pxlrnu to so rtoarty In nttrti Ial rnor- nrtsaj la British American ASSURANCE COMPANY THE Oldest Chartered Canadian LOSSES OR DAMAGE Stores vuooa Farm aud Stock REASONABLE ToaraJTMlry on by with lad tatr rawa on rocaipt of J lam Tin Hotel jmrUeuUrr to f Ml 70S BALE AH Arm in the Mr M id aold Pat apply to A 1M Powells Patent Swing LIFT AND Force Pumps for CELEBRATED fcr 9- A Mat w WellDigging Attended to A l us A To Building Lots for Sale tho Cent of the Village on nanbUura SMITH REMOVAL Sewing Machine DEPOT Ml Sewing Machines Atat all of Adrul SATURK OWN ViTAUZ I MAIS STREET NEW TIN WARE ESTABLISHMENT A And In that ho baa Lumber for gale hi to faraiah A to J JOHNSON II8T if Knware Stove Pipes xatWod of Repairing Done on Snort A SOLICITED vMsrkar oca Cash for Hides pay for Tahy Old Stand Coastaailj an band a alack of LEATHER llkitkb kith 11 to t JOUS SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES In hi f Hart brfs to that is folly la all fsvoarrd With la Ins of Jwanmiif Tombs Tablets Head Stones Posts Crosses dec On Short Notice of a baa if Save Your Time SAVE LABOR SAVE YOUR SAVE YOUR MONEY BT win J Bowmans Mills TBB favrfWr ft VVrA to SS Carding Spinning CLOTH to tbt Carliar Yarn Dyed in any Color ai can Cash for Wool or Cloth la TbrsmtfofJaton Bo- mis ook aril so i baoar bean tba p at ta is lbs a i AJnln May SO Stores M TABLE Asa fc and trssa bat Call and See Specimens or WORK bud J ass Western Co OFFICE Capital 40t000 McMurrich iad Farm LAND FOR SALE BSOKItCLM Towysnrp of f Tkl MSpriM ACRES SO Aeaan lloaar Ao thrraoa It A VILLAGE a feasor asm anlt par Mason dlriaat a will ho arid balk or an 1st 13 Arras of arhkh ark sad araSoirai ponW t Lot 11 Sad Tho of Lata lOanst 11 la tsonral Good la Tbo kola will bo wT a paly J Henna Fur S Newmarketj to acustn hi as1 JD baa Slock of Furnitur in CaoJtaloal fa Parlor Chart TaHaa Arc Also i isfi ill at to Suit the Tunis First Class Instrument IniMpvtto from S ELVIDGE Founders Engineer Steam Engines StOTnj TIIISIBLE Ac Ac BAND HOOP ROD AND j HEAVY AND HARDWARE ffaun ESTABLISHMBlt ifaaBurkrt Fab 1IS9 If THE Liverpool INSURANCE obo or ha link las Isrrstod an 17wlSwS Its laly Its a IsbbsJ at pi to tho sad and IUral ly shown la si af Head Office Canada Branch Chirf Aft i TRUSSES Bay Street Toronto KPlBJtNCEl to baha radiantly If First Class FOH r But ACHES boat M Aerta Barn and Bhodo Applf BUD Taraato April VILLAGE LOT SAL I FOE brr ia it tho plot groat I vayad far W at North MAIN and Till I labia dralnu Ill Ibla and oar Par apply tut I ATRTNSONs Am Wlllwi