Newmarket Era, 1 Apr 1870, page 1

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I AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ME THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO AROUE FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY vol XIXNo 8 NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY APRIL 1 Terms in Advance Book and Job Establishment THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCT TYPE film Of A ims gum twnl of York DONALD ix C VS TIB HOUSE Jl i GEOIG- JJIUIITKII In BlfVHil EDWARD CAMPBELL JACRES WHITLEY A C- a JAS A In HORACE OARRITKR la iMitrvfy Court JOHN T Latins All V Court rfiir Diw to tic kins Toronto HUTCrlCAOFT ROYAL HOTEL by J TO LOAN A MONEY TO LEND BIBLE DEPOSITOBY hah stars Mast it deter Provincial Starry A5 A HAM is On MRS A ALLEN istouir Will I It Life and Itrialf 1 if A delight fa It will promote IrnorUnt checked ALLEYS DR f of Rental Notice DR WILL I Dr in Month EntiUK tit Jn DENTAL NOTICE Cutters for Sale Of Superior At A J J BLIND DOOR Is now Full Operation A Surgeon Dentist tb bll0b fit Vilkt m rf web Till IUUdItm gwMlli I7ii aii poo li of TlITII l Wd or Mf or Vkuia4 bhbt IUadtMadb Davison House TB8 rwppclhllT infcran lb pub lic l- M Hum AntA m IloWl Quests J llA to Mk d Mfcrl J Wf to ncttTo f public SCISSOS BY A WALLACE The Anatomical Blurt MANSION HOUSE O JAMrM ROWER LICENSED AUCTIONEER ft I A Tor SANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON I i Awry tifwriiy nun 9 AM to ill upon thou of tmuictujo Young Christian READING ROOMS OPEN EVERY EVENING TBOOLAR j a4 Ui Foil Cra sad 1 A SUTHERLAND Surgeon Dentist TuomUj is w Tbna cat 111 TEETH INSERTED tntoil Dentistry ff ADAMS DismiT Vrf Toronto Alruttlrr MR DR STRANGE ft llv ifjjq BIRCH SURGEON NEWMARKET Kay YONGE STREET HOTEL a LICENSED AUCTIONEER i HENRY 1 A Co Carpets Mittings Mats OIL CIOTUS But tho ItLTfrcst heat a AXES I AXES I I CHOPPING AXES I A AXES no ad Axes And Coopers Tools TIIOHAM HA WuRTtl A VholtMie j3 DOMINION ORGAN MELODEON MANUFACTORY iKslMJDl Fall arreted rcmitUn will Mon to Lend Off JUUU JppU ik C CAMPBELL T I Rail Of OPEN DAILY A TO d he room receive them wht I Mr Manvcr him to the doctor which lie from the room to await tbi of Dr upon tlm gloomy now and rvptirltlR tbo parlor he playing those dearly tea of bis no sweet voices chanting i favorite song Some agency at tracted him to Ihe Piano and other and kind foretaste of Ilcnren for how happy I would bo if I could always free from all pain bo just beside mid of pang that inflicts with a scene to inhabit as I- now before us Yc Claude Eob is almont aud soon I shall know It In all tad just a few mora days come and go then you join over come music a new and very beautiful piece end- tied under the lis eat down run his finger over the keys and began singing this excellent He had a clear rich ice and as bo began with of on bar the whole house resounded with the to the distant of Ella wbo even in the midst of hot itTering smiled with delight Tho ami lall permittml to share without even trivialest that love thai now so closely binJIs our but which cannot be perfected till wo had of Lions of people in all parts of the world to trade with whereas by such as ware proposed their markets wonld be large extent The debate tied by Mr Mackenzie who Gaits mot loo supported itotf Sir Tupper Ministry and charged Sir A with being leader of tha party a latter a lengthy on Sir John A amend ment as follows Yeas 100 Inch the aimed After took music the waiting into Ellas Claude and Ella then enjoyed a long and deeply interesting again foil into a quiet slumber from which she again about ihreo oclock in after- noon her when opened her lovely by the stings of severe Well my darling Claude Select A SCENE FROM TWO LIVES CHAP The foTtOwIng mornins early ami ere the first rays of the Ban gladdened tbo earth birth he was daring down the favorite path where ftw words El La he had often wandered be- fore Reaching a small hillock near i clump of bushy tire he sat down in the Hall aa ho retiring through the front d door She at onco asked for his Tarn so of and if would mast close tb long or if it was a dangerous diaeasa J earthly life c words startled him and be asked her why she talked He reluctantly told her that she was ilangorously ill with a low severe tbrer and that she would need great j attention or it would prove fatal He she answered I know he did not wish to give is my poor atod for fear nor did loo he wh to place the matter a fal fluler mut the light adding that cither on Thursday thread of my life woof are last fall or convalescence would in tho dp- take place She recoived this feelings of With her eyes tears she repaired to the parlor and informed Claude of what the doctor bad told her and then laid down upon the sofa giving Anguish Claude at repaired to the room of who lay in great bodily pain spoke a and sat down mothei ihe pin Soon after returned with incdieine directions for with all been in some day and honored wife to ace y good man and a mighty i but rOl Poor Claudes heart failed him and tho great fountain of his hidden an borst forth En a flood of tear- and he could not for a short time He II from his go increaaed and about ten oclock iVMVd she foil a demented stupor in them nod all the day shroud of death They to- book Thought seemed unsought lor his rapidly and hi composition long He allowed himself to be car- 1 drank in thoso that only a devoted child of wisdi The morning glorious not a cloud was to be so lag this his dearest earthly idol and lolloping night and until about conversed with and next day when she ihenjust as the sun was y sink- awoke her pain somewhat subsided Claude took his Upon awaking immediately ask- ftt for Claude her own dear Claude from whom it were death almost part Claude was at her instant for the possibility of him leu call a rot gorgeous splendor ana M tho mon t floodsd every nook glad joyous if such were happy light and on the bashful best low and pressed ere and verdant grass appeared cry to from the conjunction of I lie dow whirring a fow his deep and light In JLba grove on out for her sudden affliction skirls of which Claudo now sat the then her poor heart feathery songsters their voice but emotions the most celestial strains of pram her utterance and she lay for the great Creator Everything row that animation and splendor bat makes one feel that there is still this poor mutilated earth real ot life and as Claude beckoned hi raised his from the book and closely He bent his cor to the that ear- and began a calm he wneat- oa tbo oId tho charming lino Longfellow M ended in idea of her sudden demise Tears trickled down the cheeks of Claudo at this but could not reply and they both and splendor mtantime looking upon her longingly After a few had met the remained silent for m stl the people of Quebec supporting Government iu any such policy He complained of the ii of the in the furthering trade of the and urged the prosecution of each public works as would lime during not to be Mo but to nar JI can lor uck lhe fi hi motto the fl trslbo glare that the j of life ukI u oft to t0 make thoracal Jrearaeraof lif nor for the in their ic tarned to hi J j Md long to be lined It mind and up- ii LJ heart to to pare hi which poillehild unwell adW which zeroing with hi 11 ho houW be to Kit when fcr SMS long he a wut a UIT for her to k England to maintain a treat look for her not J ii rcnuil Well Clt withal go on in the have planned and too hall yet be the mighty conqueror To be Continued Dominion Parliament resumed the debate on Mr Hunting tons rcsolntiona on a Customs or between this country Hie Im led States After some prefatory remarks Sir AT Gait said he should with the full of the Hop Mr Majestys loyal subjects calculated to cause them the highest satisfaction and to withdraw gracious Queen from the privacy which sho baa spout her widow- AND Township of Portland has the of tp tbo ngston give ii was a good further says waa lbs Townabips to be most bene fitted by the construction of the we cannot fathom the motives of thoso who deliberately destroyed the beet interests of all who lire in tbo Township It surely could not a matter of extra taxation for to try people a cheap road to Kingston should counter balance don or treble taxes It moat bare been local polities that did the mis chief that bane to a countrys proa amendment the effect which wonld to exclude from resolulioi a portion which related to the ix interests of the Sir J A Maodonald replied The ilutioa in effect bo considered led from England the soonest The Old Auction Mart AUCTION ROOMS Household Furniture Mm n4 stoterste Jar at public TuostAB 1K 4rf isi Pl I Hold Afpssslek sad bssl fc swssUd mi W or its hlss Is TEA TEA TEA safely pass be concluded return to Villa of for breakfast and learn the cause of failure Mrs met him at the gate that led up to the door of the Villa through lite avenue and tears in her eye communicated Claude the intelligence of Ellas less Ho waa struck with nt and with hurried steps reached the door and repaired to Elms room he found her very ill with symptoms of a raging fever He bent tenderly over pillow and gently kissed her parched lips enquiring plaintively if she waa in ugh the dark valley which CHAP IT Gofernin Free Trad not bo coaxed into a diseloore DEATH THE concludoil by As just mentioned awoke with early dawning of morn She ap peared much refreshed and with Indeed Yes Claude I ill and suffering ii answered feebly Has not the phy in arrived yet Papa went for No replied he has not yet arrived but why did yon not inform mo last night of your indisposition Well Claude she replied I did not ish to for I did not hoed it much myself and thought a lew hoars balmy sleep would dissipate every vestige of pain and yon I would not willingly you pane of care or tear of sorrow well know it is the tittle needles of life thai prick the keenest Bat yon should hare told me for we surely understand each sufficiently now to reciprocal all oar thoughts and by the cuter- That this while I of obtaining fur tbo Dominion the freest acoeae to the markets of the bid Claude good j world and thus augmenting its and enquired hoar Ing prosperity satisfied that thai lie told her thai it waa just the dawn objecr bunt be obtained by the of the Imperial and i raise that curtain that Governments That any may again see dear old Sol arise attempt to enter into treaties wilh and the roseate morn break forth in foreign powers without the strongest her continued direct support of mother party fail and allowed light to pass tho United so heavily taxed wonld the Empire and injurious State Claude conceded to be and raised the curtain and to tin also the window slightly The sun the li shortly afterward peeped over the ihcm distant horizon In all his glory and Hon Mr Smith urged that as scattered lavishly bis mild gonial shipping interests of the Maritime over the vanquished couch of Provinces were from the I situation something ought to i done to resuscitate them Hon Mr Howe claimed that the Government bad expended all the a cloud less sky and serene atmosphere Im mediately in front of the window bloomed Ellas garden flowers of the blooming in real splendor and Whose fragrance waited in through the window until it reach ed coach of and was permitted to again inhale the balmy aroma of these sweet testimonies of a Creator How delightful this is she re marked to Claud and really tin i and wait a year two there would be a Reciprocity Treaty once more He referred lo the Intercolonial Hallway an I the North- West Territory being ban member eluded by showing hat retaining the present with Britain they CorocUoa Charles Lever the opinion in that in England a man meets a marvellous energy and go that be finds nowhere else 1 of course except America he for with us we work lift at a high boiler pres sure but the Yankees do more they sit on ihe valves The people are having a pretty time on the ltd which has been passed in that county but on account of no seal bar- ing attached the ByLaw it said it can be The tavern keepers filed their petitions for licenses and the Council six for and six against granting them and thus the matter waa dropped- for the Will the Maury aoawT A strange rumor baa found its way into some of English journals to tbo effect that the Queen is about to marry again lt appears as follows in a paper called the AVvi Those of our readers who are not in the socreu of the Palace will certainly be startled to hear the of the of tho Prinoeof Au gust flu- Amusement saw- to fire and tall back- get a gun that kicks Where happiness to be In the dictionary There Is a whole sermon n saying of the old Persian In all quarrels leave open the door ssxr- Several papers are asking their readers to repeat the following rapid ly And stood in the arbour welcoming him in Sambo why am nigger down in the bold of the boat like a chicken In de egg Cause ha wouldnt get out if it wasnt fon da itch lav when the Womans Bights era is fairly injuri ng will be done differently Shell just go op to a crowd and pick out ie man she wants and freexe to him once and there will be an od of Why dont you limit said a physician to an fntenv pirate person Set down a slake ill go no further replied the other But I always Il is a pleasant thing to re fect upon says nisljee a complete answer to three contend for tbo gradual degen- of human specie- thai every baby born into the world a no than ihe last They a curious style of lovejnaklng out West for a paper says The young people wbo re Ken feeding each other dove over a gate post the other had better bo a little more in the future in have you boon Why my wife dying made broken day so I thought I welL MT Ticket sir said a railroad conductor passing through ope of he the day to a passenger My flwe my replied the

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