THE ERA fevary Friday Morning mm j I AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER ME TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FKEELY TO ABOVE Alt OTHER LIBERTY TKI NEWMARKET ERA I Book and Job Establishment THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE fHhr 1Tlfion Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY MARCH Terms Advance It God it flows liar ft niNaHy that an in living imprion of their we pass Shortly alter breast JEST12 her way ward wl hold which Tfd iirt time and then return Those that delight that in every and Cm with peak Now the you to love is Ime from him mad tidl with hat in with the i of the eternal this through the Prophets and A pen- lies and certified to it hy tin- Saw dear old earth with vestige the curve run- a web of hit tad idols to pleasi wo often and renewed in it Eden love God It is a pity that so j splendor You and I hall walk along accord with petition and tin margin of tin- river of life and fail in loving aright First fall we rvcall thin very Walk and con versa- liim direct and and exult in the pleasant mem- then through linn that la j ones of a beautiful childhood keeping in sight Hi glory love other earth First the Kingdom was In God and Ilia and then deep meditation upon the singular be added yet all no not M much dogma A tilings slutti be added but firt seek positive real sense GisJ thai to love and will you His love en- u aiding to low all mankind II love and calculating mind Shortly alter with t heart acquiesced the beautiful truth- that Claude houil Heaven hence let r and probabilities all quite novel her tut which seemed to with lib upon her percepti the necessity Such a love not preclude you from other but add Mich lulre to ii never diet either earth or in Heaven The to a that fort i alio again their of nenrl MO hannel and flow i it into the broad affinity irij lito the exalted enmjaniorihip the redeemed Teara partly of love all hi beautiful partly of sad new trickled our down the beautiful cheeks of real radea ThM and mingled with the little flowers affinity with our own we will that lay at their feet u with a mora heavenly and exalt though it were to bathe than who intellect heavenly niOHengera with the The Inner we love learn of anguished bo lying true that all the flowera of that the more life hate generally to be nurtured by Canadian Eltglfalh an I hall Not being alrung enough tarrv they billeted Kiel collected about but tinding that that i are created in the foun how I do hope that ore of team but which apring a i attain guraniu ihun to everlasting life and her heart perfectly knowing iv the of thno dewy lean exalted kept the worda into his heart may i that full wall tl other intellect ami I char- 1 rivalry in her heart that arery an idea other wol would be raxed for hi that once that pleasure would before fororer gone to suit bis smallest wish Still iru to I- rival well knowing this tint great bo quite contented object wne to have her loTego but I think it out to God and flow from take up the there to him and he did ere many ill matured fled Poor Ella like many oilers built too high a on many fond hopes on i a V thv shriueofherselrfshBaeai lATtos or n llAfc and mean the shore IS J cannot but attest to The the latter paft l Ui in lands when The quiet pre- 1 M oanu carnage wound up In M Major with his surrendered to force of They were marched to Kurt Garry white the others under re treated tAithe stone fort On 19th Kiel dispatched men to attack raporta say had It Stone Fort and was making his cape in the direction of Another letter of the date this evenings mail brings Ivor hewn up to tho 19ih Major tinding the Scotch and would not asexj digustcd and hull and Marled with men lor la portage Before Aapinaboine treat up in the the h home In uv ritio the aw Arming there Ibey partook of nobility tb add evening a adiive After tea some the evening To It Continued Dominion Parliament Ottawa March 8 of petit tf I iipiU believe I tfn well Filly remitting will re- minds in affinity DALES A thoughts at son 1 wrote you to devote wh Thursday night atom mom to with and then I know ilmugii from the merchants of To to Montreal and other parts of tor a removal of the five duty on petroleum Other love hero is power and was highly with tho renewal of dis course ho Claude pcu petitions were also preaent- Ah I a won Id my ml to so high tJ the in heavenly on earth to Commit- that Heaven would be the com- and Cknala Mr although wcro ialtl lIl0 Bill I and alluded to the of legit laliug subject in order to u IhecvnauaoftheDomi delvmg into beauties mftl that alone in intellectual ail- van rment and hence when I remit Heaven God me the United were to bo lake n iro In preparing thin bill the leg sialic j if of the late Province of Canada But sad do you think more than any otho r loves or earth live in our liar object He then explained al length the vari of the bill which pre tided only for the census of 1871 Mackenzie thought that of Canada 18 us year when the Edward Island No- Of course 1 do such of them bear in mind an do not conflict with the intrinsic glory of God Now here again do not il The Anatomical Shirt I Miiturfaiu k J Young Christian Association READING ROOMS EVENING C A A Stmt Eat PltTICDU Household Merchandize J SLA Ie 1 know iTVilBlll Mr Iliac loo much ii e of the Commluioom 11 lior lt Wl ftf i low lhjl knowiUl f ran trnil ami of too of aod on long lime hat liv advance mind Hi m otter mvanded J M of OoUrio of the aboal myhelJ i- reeiprorVdornuleclalDloity H m mng even MrlKiii of in th Province of iindr1 even tl of J Blrt h mile does invent a living return were made up a t be mad- to the iie mind- Iiougbl iruo J tnliil Will ten dency to do great good 1 power of Eli if lb tl I In ua TkMli1 ptMTBias mJ Valeulu iiMod fit It eh ft TEA TEA beginning of In- the glory of God la to be the prime lul always ox- to God Your glory by your prune remarks appears to he con centrated in imitation and your love flows through an earthly idol to God which is wrung Yon love I know ana love many other- bat perehanco oar long ha matured to me mora ot your Bag M rll A than to any other which JSl etaaiiUaa captivated yon and hence my and with you Now listen a few while I speak and dads the between lnia lovaGod ibos KIlaT Yea I can and hail for truly v on earth Immortal in But you that flowers and all other lonely charms Will be there that wo shall on as here on earth the last jra la literally true and bow lifull Know even know we have make oar Heaven a enjoyment ami tree faar yon religion tangible true for J uu Yea know and own which will rational place of wall with the toftieat of that the devoted child of God ton create Do yon not lore to rea I the Garden of fclan aa it whoa rf ithow was its association and nook and I ponder often long upon iU chart ant try to and doing so I frame for a I would for and Sir John A Macdon aid It was Uto intention of the if it than existed present form to make change rose House thn went into committee on Hanking llesolutions Sir Francis that the redoeo the minimum capital for banks to Mr Colby argood for a lesa amount and thai in citier of inhabitanta or over amount be bo II other places be Bolton Saaord for a reduced amount Mr Tosog thought the Finance had gone quite near enough direction The resolutions The seventh Nova and New BranaWldt wre in lwndcmiof lilting will the loverrtnuni firg the and ho tiio Committer should rise report tune further debate the Cm- row toation Th on tho Dominion Notes llfn Mr in the chair and after some debate were adopted and reSrtcd to be receive on House adjourned at 1020 River News St Paul Morel A let ler dated Major and Dr and the i it The ring a Willi be shl on the provisional few Garry to effect that I I the Si Paul Port Garry date- Feb were recoivod at St Cloud this evening They re port Major niton in no danger ha la well and will be well treated further about any lighting St Minn March 8 A letter dated Feb 24th received says there is but little news since last The was Iwacd but the u- and not ifl as it which lb I to withhold from the public for the present who was reported ordered to be executed to mob He waataken to a private by three captains they afterwards reported to the soldiers tod the people that was Muled but says the writer the liter clothed mystery that bis death is doubled The Scotch and part of the English hall breeds relused to join Dr and ltonlton only furnished ho was forced do so When Major and hi party went Portage La Prairie to Lower to unite with Dr was sent by Dr Voncheer Vfinchettr to take the of to Kiel and was liberated and placed on guard duty by lie however escaped from his with his musket After escaping La Voucbeler met young man named horn he shot and killed Ho by solJiers ami after a right in Lock to Fort Garry prisoner lie M Dr at Stone be found No person was the fort the and of the Bay Com The Doctor wws to bo with Indian allies near the mouth rfBed Smith DeSalaKiry and the delegate and were at Pembina on tho evening of ihetelh i their way to Cauda The letter by saying by order of the Bute Depurtmsnt at Washington evidence has en Pembina to show tlit Mr violated his The testimony forward by mail Nothing further is about I The ntawevre of the Santiago a seems to have been even mora coldblooded than flrat reports of twentythree arrest only aaaapsd The others were order- into the pres of one Major Carlos Boat and at once ordered to be hot without any trial or Investiga tion whatever When ths enterprising ars boy set up on his own book did he And s seat