Newmarket Era, 7 Jan 1870, page 4

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THE NEWMARKET ERA JANUARY 1870 CASH FOR WOOL W OF WOOL mill- DYESTUFFS ana Fresh I iSi a ii DR STORE BItONZE MORTAR LI I FALL AND LS MILLARDS Cabinet Planins Botanical Pills tin Mild J la r Itii lb lb public rile POWELLS VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM 1 IvmU if up li f SPENCE Co WOULD they have received all of Sow la And great in in Hit- of llic to thom pail of NEW BONNETS NEW HATS NEW VELVET AND CLOTH MANTLES NEW RIBBONS NEW rw filiirri lim New Dress Trimmings New Manlle Trimmings Saliua and Sew Black Crapes NEW WOOL GOODS I- OSS CORSETS hoop skxets And a of Fancy Goods Stock liaa been elected can our aim being to aupply with Si ami Class Goods at Tilt prices Nowmarkot Old Doctor Andrews It ANDftKWM- 1JIIJt Save Your Time SAVE LABOR SAVE YOUR CLOTHES SAVE YOUR MONEY l J J J k Tin TtminC J HUGHES A Co Jae9 ins TRAVELLERS -K- m Insurance ft Apothecarys Kail Powells Patent Swing am LIFT AND DRUG STOKE JUST OPENED MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Wholesale and BENTLEYS BOTANICAL WORM A Lamps and Chimneys AM to Lamp Rock Oild Oils PAINTS OILS Elephant Od Seal Oil ml A Few Choice Cigars And on ALB A oJ awl and para Tha abora will wwwIivImI bad in On Inala taax Alt THE ONTARIO LIFE ASSURANCE Waterloo 11 ii Ml St JamU 1Ui Saw J a Jar Kb Caanloji J r Da aaJ X A Sewing Machine DBF OX Orroiirx A 1J l BENTLEY Tick and Scab EXTERMINATOR laaaj It datnYa I I altcajtaraaal jrrt rtYbl fill illy i a arvn and fall ftw CERT I bid Oct 1867 ai AIUm In Tlctaandni wool Ixuh a flaf Ban if Hi Am Com BBXTLKT f lnv iljpraoara- 1 it la raaawaiandll Sewing Machines kto an IarW I afia An constantly Alio tMi4ir lo w ran of In 1 1MI HON Ecr aaJ tb aid of BOOTS SHOES GROCERIES Hardware Stoves and Tinware Till xkhu Troughlng Kcpairing and all Kinds of Jobbing 1 gf I J J ANDREWS CO ifJJ SHARON spence CO MARBLE WORKS Br CHARLES CirIlLES In hi f Great Reduction in Prices at ma CASHED PRODUCE STORE I a pi M of gJIImburr Sell his Stock of General Merchandise Mob lfc in fart of tit ill art rail and judft who faraarad bit in hi of Tombs Tablets Head fttamt Pets Crown On Short ft Tbr Copartaanbip of A baa ITS OP HARTFORD ACCIDENT INSURANCE PROVIDING for payment of a InJtmmty for Total by Cash Capital Assets all cash 1150000 Deposited in Canada All Policies WORKS I One Third Lower Bowmans Grist Mill taai turrwibJia Carding Spinning CLOTH In a Superior Manner and at addtd a tba Own Araaa ran hat of or Yarn Dyed in any Color ftoai a hat jk wool roMd oh for Wool or Cloth in Exchange tJmmmh aak ba i fc3 Rooms Enlarge S MainSt Newmarket Slock of Furniture la part Jfefaj Parlor Tiaka A l L CASH S Corner of Mill Jdn KEWHARKET OUT TriR abacrbn la for ltbrr1 I raojcB will be Market Price raid in Good for all Kinds of Farm Produce Per round in lor Prime Duller A WILLIS I PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO Main Street Newmarket JOEa IS rat put a form tba af pnblk at ital baa mail LARGE ADDITIONS TO HIS In Instruments Scenery de to tic Art ill now tad FirstClass Artistic Pictures Either Sized Pictures Carre or Gem Pictures THE PORCELAIN PICTURE Ha WMU al for -n- aaia the a We Art n Fir of sow on View AT HISSTUDIO 12 FOR 150 Cents ii FIRST PRIZE Melodeoia and Cabinet Organ MANUFACTORY WriUraan Teoth Filled J CabinelOrgans Plain and Fancy Cases Suitable Tor Parlors and Schools PIANO CASE MELODEONS anil Rtxxl Plain and Fancy Portable of all Kind A Plain bad aaaja 1 aara in tba of an J import id a raw at rat coat aaaa bat faalaoaltlaat terntBf eat la prietaaid toot Received toe Wherever Shown A Call respectfully Solicited j Every Instrument Warranted and taaad aad ltu ma ii v i Call and Western Assurance Co OFFICE Capital President Hon J cMurrich RISKMakanjn VMlajnad Property at low froUaraia- Afraol MM FIRST DR J PECK VnallrMfifllrannOBcihi will NEW I ilc J 1 ro Id I lac lohim ill atife TEETH INSEETED la all Hi ffil J J S them Tor Lite I il Pain Tih oh kif I p- leos PHILIPS a COATES RADICALCURE TRUSSES TUT I laIUbialrr lMUCK CSNTS FEB BOS Wbitkiiiaanairriiti luW in Bay Street Toronto a a ban Ml First Class Farm FOR SALE Lot I In l ACRES AbantfO W I J Darn lam happy Lo that Urinal daulitMaDdeeaild of iktm had a kit aaada KJ al Auranlbai I saa I4UW bad Mid tatb MiadatataoaU purpaaa Or J If rial of Aurora with i MSdaUar laia MrfcWtiiB RESIDENCE AURORA Mail Promptly Tboa ROWLAND Si WOOD Iad Toronto J Agent gpttlat for Ontario Ornct Corner Front and Church Streets LAND FOR SALE I BROKE Lata 10 Bad 11 el Latvia lb Sib of lb TOWNSHIP Durban Tbla ACRES which with VILLAGE On StaajBtra par wiDba Iat Lot IS Aaraa of which II to aflkc wp ICO if Sad day loam end akartat In bale will Far Ttrana apply Da J To Conway Far two year whie tb -k- larwarJa ancbi Bdrira aiployiai liaaaa of avail Ialiaad WfM worn warn IbaHBiBoraf 84 whan I rwat I patSaraaad la a ia bit la TESTIMONIAL fart I waa JwraMaj of tie I of It I arnr fat bat iriwl a sort hope tU at a la all ray I waa only to try awiibbowraaad 1 I ll will ear I Ah to rat Tfetkloa of this day at a p a I hereby that I ban kit a Mrs Wary Aaa for Ore yea- i aba It a waaaaa a probity ad truth I Lara kaawa bar sad bar I la arrrj Bavtiaabv I that U HI I that raearey bar lo tba May Ike IhU atadirlaa Is bar lik the Class Instrument Every InsiroaVat ftArrtaW Oc f Founders Engineers Steam Engines Stoves Ac BAND HOOP ROD AND BAB IROU mt Jipil rf AND SHKLP HA D WARE HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT a THE Liverpool London I company J aa tetapanja Panda an Ufa a sere I ptatectiea All fair claim P at i i Head Office Canada Branek Montreal Cbif tir dAUUEL April NEW TIN WARE ESTABLISHMENT T1TE main lb Tinware Stove Pipes c In ih moat ex parte nod aljl of law- lbpairing Done on Short ha not to bo IMS A CALL IS British American ASSURANCE COHPANY Oldest Chortered LOSSES OR DAMAGE MHU Machinery Stores Farm tiwUdtngt Stock REASONABLE RATES iraoUJ fir tied with Prom Wow mark at Mareh 11 las of iba Coast of rfHaatlaia Lumber for Sale TBI I LataUr to J

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