Newmarket Era , April 17, 1863, page 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA APRIL l7 1803 irifiii AdTtrtluaisI A I1n Fr rr o Jifii W Iletcci Nw AflTIMt Juil KnrirIM Nolilluin yultaillMv NOooJ K BorJ Itiduliiiion i fitinaiihip- MMtali Hum IKl ol Lriie- Nniktl nr ul iiiy uiher purl of Upper Lsntdtt fV fdti th prinKifUf ff Sryianlfr ScHfJi bul oti th conlriry il tu U vrry ulcTknsI nnd now fonoiith bciiuie il furcrd ilown our IhroaU by Ioaer Cinadt w tr lold by ihoM c Cra eiirtriii m lucb to oiKtitloo of it u will uliimaif ly cium ill ruin nf otir CofnmoD lyiKm htl Hi Iwty with aoch fltiny snjhiilry If wt Lgiiltl bI ill in the nniier il thould b lo circurnicrito VWMrkt Frjdy- ApHUTtb 1163 wofki of iliii pfncou lyiiem i zLTT nol 10 do wiy il illogihr thi CUf Snpt OD Bepsrmtej Thfre i mt tery marked ft eet Schooll- 1 foitb by 1 Kyrrton io tb defeow InarmlTi hit ooder ibe Breenl rrgimr epsnls Jshoob hT bM jooriihed lao Canitla rhry ttrily blT ibay are c nlribuiirg luwitJf a rtlifurui in Uitution and Ht do morTttHi who prolealanii in Upper Cifa rcoMbul lowarda ih erecuon of i Kointri embo lic Chufch ft circumtiiUice bv no metna bom wo iledged pgainil it ihnl wo e- L urifrciuentor uncommor 6ofriLiere iiblill ih principle end eboulJ now i for from lebulie oJinitiiiier d by Ur Ilervin he only ditplayn t be hne erer done unce hie elevtiiorii ubeerTienery lo Ih powere thai bo nd a waakncM in ibe uta of hi pen lo prove by loictl diiuiiiiion lhal principlee may bo abendoned rorleni- porery or eatgat dantijei We iM ihl i1 iiib ihnotooiioui meiiura hae berone o tHried 11 ihe ilorm il hei raited tbrelMil Cpper Canada iho ihey hMM intoked ibe powerfal aid of r wu etprclcd lhal in fatl ikry Aurr -It- rrriiieilt What dof thi how Two ibingi lnt that the Uon an Ctiholicj a a body ate not only not arree lo our Rynot to defend ie at ihia grn- Kls TowMhlp Conacll aneunri in efEec and if nolwidnne u afoinaid Ibat lepal probcedinRt will be taken lo eaoHt Ilie obflructiona eompiaia- ed of to be remoTtii On tootion tijc report wei ibcn reeeir- od and adopltd The lljlaw referred to In Ihe forejpj- in rcpor- rrtjiire to lb alieritioat of Wtlain Knad Ditiaiont wai then md a Keond and third lime and paiaed M liy Mr Tbompam teeonded by Mr Smelair lhal the Treaeorer be ami it hereby aothoriied lo pay Jamea Slubha the tuni of 1145 tAd lo Jtniet Goold the luin of HIS oterchtrjjtd in eooae- uen of Leins aeeetaed in tbo wron chool Scolion On motinn Mr John Proclor waa Ihen heaid before the eoqncil in rtferenec to the tide llnea anl other linea being nlab- liibed la eerUin loealilic in ibc iownabip n order that b and other talgbl pul S- nh put forth pamphlet eonwin Mr inXo il working analyia of h P iht the Heirarthj are beeoming Bd ioicM 4wioieittr wih hit L r tl j rc or ihii UU or ihlriiri o4 heft c iho in vhieh iho ChioM l l i douttr ansioui lo binsaomc U lolo SuMrrnuadeiil or Edueaiion 4nvti hard l l v i aeiion whcrfbr thtj roiT rrtusntafe thor to anov that no harm tt maant or co i aoif arrrpiity lehemt nf relujiiut rUnexi- liin The iiill ia in ftet openly aobt fir by them in order that lhay may be able to celm llyork eul heir real de signs ii- ib exIenaioB and perpelBt- tion rf their own religion at the expente A 6lh 19 The abo6 eooncil met at Mr Bellt theifcufea in the proper placta larern 9ih coneenion on Monday Ihcl Thecnuncit Iheo rcaoived iUctf into a the 6lh inalanl Meiuben all prewnt nue Inapectora o Iranafer Tk n 1 V 1 Icenw nf Mr Jobn Loooey lo Mr Iaatidy f Liukey which wai dnin Mwed by Mr Welle teeonded by Mr uron aecond rcpcclin Iheir claim li a ahare of the Ilerpy Heifccrc Fund ani atleotion 1o tiM through iha petuge of Soua Bill Thia Uai elTort of Or Rjreraon againai tb iolegily of our achoul ayatem hta bMn publitbeH at length in the eolucnnt ol Iha Lmdtr and other paper devoted ISeparale School imereIs and no d i onl hird calling and rtuiri being cifculail hrough iha country n b retilatinR tuatter beleen ir amphlet form apparently aiibeepent eorporalcd villajtet and lownihifan It Iha eoomry a it ia circuUttd in he I alT from Jamea Miller relative lo hi aanlopee belonging to Iha Educational A M- hTing aaid thatilicente Deparuneol uner iha parmieaion of the j of root Maaier GerMral ao lhat i ould g be mnre aburd No man serliini tbe The Reeve in the ehtir Minutei of latl toeeting read aad coo- firmed Webb end The Clerk JaiJ before ihe Council a That the Treanurer la here- oooBiiisieaaoQ from the BurMSof Ari feloil fo W i I ly 1 nomaa KoUnon ahon kmr or orur callureand5liciruinngoforctiah boen liOQ retpeatiDg be vanoai olaaaea of emihitKvd him for lieenae to tell apirilooua fEraota likely to find caiployment in the iijuora during the former pari of laat townibip when he wu not ellin or prepared Alio three eommunitationi from the Carril J Iliillipa ehairxnan eooncil of ibe corporation of lh villajc I council ihen adjourned till nine of Aiora The fint rclalinu lo the for- Tuesday morning then 10 ieel BUlion of Union School with Kctllchy The petitioni rclatin lo aidcwalka ere laid ocer lill nexl ttieclio and a eoinmillee appointed of roada and bridal crtniiatinj of the lleeve II Haeoo and T Lane lo report from time lo lime Kiret report at ibe next nmtinp It wai underiiood that open thertpoit of tliii conimittec ihe eonneil woald pco cerd to repair and iiiaka ai mucb tide- walk ai their meaoa woald pcmiil- It wai decided io comrsitlee lhat the eollcctin be to Jaaea li rtbf for iho year 18C Bylawa were inlrodoced by the Iteeve to appoint a enlleclor alto lo divide ihe formed imre accurate by far lhan any lerrntrial isap eoalaisinK cxTry winding of every bay every rocky promoolory every aleep detle every monnlain and vale every hollow and plaiti and river if Mcb a ihiag eiitte flntil ibera ia Boi a pecoliar feitare of her acenery or a apot on all tbo nirfaea Iba preaenia to ua lo tha ipaee of one busdred yard ibat ia not recorded for oar ioipoelioD Bat ibit it DOt all wbat tbe honatt hasd oould not cffect or at leaai effect jnsper- fecily tha bflsiin mind hat costrived le do by the aflaclalioB of the moat woeder- fol and beaqtiful of inodera diaeovenaa village into five Hotddiviiioni alto to to that the ellvCTy mtp in Ibe hetveai al T lf CoainueiY ppoial overtcer for ihcte diviaiona Kor lit diriiion Iho council 2nd do J Chapman 3rl do T Lane 4lh do A licVon 5lh do J MeClure Coun cil to lupcrinlend bo whole Anoher By lav wat pretenled by Mr Thome rcKpcctiri lleory Cbapmin pound keeper The aeveral Bylawi were pataed their everal aise and completed The Clerk waa initnicled to remind hoac parliet who had nt taken oal Ii- eeniief lhal Ihcir Meeoaae had expired Movtd by B J Tboroe eeonded by T Lane Thai thia Muneil do now aa- journ and aland adjourned ill ihe fint alurday in May next then to mecl at a Court Of Keviion aod hat Ibe Clerk Ijive nulico to tliat elToct Carried J Kasssijv Cltrh a diilanee Of 24U0U0 milea ia nade iitet- tlly lo Inntfor it own impreatione lo a tnelalio plait In the bandt of the aaUoao- mer on earth with every lioeameoltDd mtnnlie of ber faoe impriiited anddcai cribed Bditorlal ffaosaty We dircci tdealioo lo tbe aafiiMntcoi of Vk UiTdPila rvalo Ilia aiMk ii npltU eatfrxlac iS prlae aprlsK dnlgse and jalme flT A regular cBeeling ef ibt Nw aurtitCeaociJ iMk place oa Monday vaiuaf Ian aod kuioeu sf ceaaiderable 1 apanaa traaiacled bat ve have Ml reeca fur Abe re port ihia week Mr hat again aBi I mrreantil life by joining in parliMi- hip with Mr Buax aod taking Mr Mc- MAaicaa place in tba fitoi oCA Bvasli Co Tba new Irra will b known by But k SoTxaxmp UetBtmber tbe laalitule RaUaiofl ilh a divine accnraoy asd peifec- iktaevaaiaf Weuadanund tvrryaeearthe lion which incrcaMi in proporlioB to be oagnifying power applied In order lo invettisata the mailer more atiifaetorily I would at ooee propote a ehort excurtion li the luoon and aak tny fricodt to accompany me When there 1 will endeavor lo poiut OBt eaeb feature at It preaent itaelr to view Themachine that I have provided for onr journey it of very aiisple and iodeed aomewhal an cient eonitruelion it eoBiiiU of a braat tube 6 fwt loos and 4 ioebea diaiMter ftallemni made tnriitiea a lut week will taka pan ia Iha pioeediai aad M il will U the cleuB nifht for tlia aasoo wa hope lo ee a lir ailriK Kenmenketa will b ehaised ICcta rrfnibera aail ladiaa ie Tbe Hog ilto haa enr thittka for a opy af llie Aaport aubniilttd lo Pailiifncfil by lUt Hoa Ur VcDoretLL C niiiiir of Crova Laada We hava notroes thia wcrk lor Itsfllietirl eitraeu bet we dad Ihe Mking on pec 94- Tbe IMal aaaval to which are adapted certain glaaaet and TC ef aalaiita attaaiof leosea aed braaa labea by tbe aidol whieb i aiilr lamatedordiaiiBiaJnd difTirenl nowert of explMtioa oaa b ap- i f Prtl iiaitdaid will tbaiaAua ha plied aud wiin the velocity of light we WJ- fi n lean be Uiua trtnaporled within a few The Annual of lb Fnanea Kembr tha Ptog Maleketl Milliner lion Mr ilowLtno hia been I from which undltlurbcdelevalioo iatpace ihia monih ThaCoeoiy iiWaad tubmitied lo r for which we Finuce Eait GwUIimbury CoUDCil make ih lollowing eatracl According In Ihia document the fliinncea of Ih Irov- pril II 1861 inc aro growing more healiliy hut bad Bpar that tha vary Head of our School ayatem and iufunde are freely made ue ef to it injury I 7 TX uaow wt that ai Separate Wa fully cotjced the Docior a treat v I chpolii cxiited It was perhane better not abilitaaa controvemalit in h- o eicile aplalion by pao baa been ao ofan ought end to all human appearance loaKjanavil cauM and ever been sielded with auch e4ill that hi talent ia wall niabliihed ijh piTirioi om Wm Wella and other pfayiop tbe coaneil for relief to widow Bawling Prom John Bobertand mhen prayin the council lo alter Bead Divitioa No 7 is ihc lit coneeuiou Ffoo lleacock anj olhern pray- io tba council lo adopt aomo meatnre The alnve Council tael tadayall the yei lo all conscience icmber prtienl flie lotl aipendituro of lira ear in- Iwaya mofC lrenuooaIy oppnM an exiention j And tfi wj nol iho view of one isan or one Uidioj it was ihe view ef the whole and mual be caretulEv reckonad in weiffh n o Befirm Parly and of a larre portion of Ing any defer ce he put forth Still we i i r ihink It greatly wrong lhal a man abo ia ao largely paid for hi aervice in hia I I whereby Ihe hill cn the tide line between kinj lo abolub jj jjj eoncewlon may be improved which ia rendered almost itopiMahle at aotne acaaona of Ibe year in eoBaeiucBeo of Mr Cutford t njillrace runniD- acroaa or lbroth ihe tame Ahn from Trwleea of feiebool Section Nn IH prayiB the cosonl 10 aolhorih depailmeni anoulj be allowed nsy procured lo um hia ilma and our money in loetering an atiack of moat dargernu characlrr on the Inmiuiioii in e meaiure placed under hit prolecilon I he Doc- ivr had belter look to lumsetf A few aaoia open aiiempia like this and tha opinion will grow that hja pretaiic aa bad of the working machinery of ihr eyatem it aubveraive ef iii true iniereat On ihit oceaiinn we eel perauaded lhat bia known advccacy of the Separate School policy will eauaa hia opinion lo b received with much tuapicion But let Bt tee whal hia defenee la an what it ia worib We cannot here give aa b hta done the law ai it it and it to b in juiia poaiiiori wjth commenlton aaeh elauto but it it probable from ihe metna maJa ut of to circulate the de fence it hat been leeii by most of our raadart and thote who take tha trouble M paruae il will ae lhat it laavea unan rd Ibe argumenta which have been arged egainat iht Uitl It it b Septrmt School loaaaare eooiainiBg more objac- toiabla proviaJOta than alfiirdad by il ptnt law for by in elauea repjlat- CoofCfjatirea alto In Iroih il la rather I uiJ Tnuteet li borrow 000 for a term a aew and tirarre Ihin a tobennf yeire for Ihe erection of a chool o arue aiinl Ihe libsracl riht or pelilion waa read and laid cxpedicney of eparalc School Il like earnestly eofjrcinj a truistj If ever we can take a birdaeje view of lunar I raa tkatfcdeo ihe fcm ol cenery And bow for the firit flight- S Cmitpa Ve ftrvat Ihiough atjec I arm of Mr Pivaa Citiavaad may b 1 enlerMl fiaa iKa iili or till Ca eo the S4ll Chooea a fine clear nijrhl when ihe air mitefcafeh ob iV on ih frn of M 11 calm and itill and Ihe dew it droppDR jj g h j Co a If P- Ap- EcUlibuyikfnrjfJTa Minute of previoua meeting read and eluding paym on count V S SHi itllL If oofiBcatiooable Eatv ltaium ii UtxatiL rxccaaniv ociUinty- Tbe form of our Thi i ihe iltla ol a new iojrphy jii aatellile il bow ditlinclly perceptible publll Vy Mr Ji Uvtutf Moot he hu widened in her duDeaaont o- apllyapledtlpialaalnhH aiderably and ahc appear Age iH a a lUe ijucnbef and coriectneM cl ii nd eijt all eombina to iiakAtbis confirmed A comcDunicatioa waa received from the Bureau of AztieoUore Mr Shullleworth preaented a petition from S Quibell aod olhcri on road oia era Mr Itcid prencnled plilionifroa Sam uel Traviu and other and J and nhen on road mallera Mr Hnlbntn prevented pfliiiont from Richard Breckon aod olhcra and Mr Poan one froto Andrew Pe and othert relating lo roadmaltere The Couneil then row far one lour AfTrtisooN isiiN Moved by Mr IIolU over till next meeting of ihe council Mr ThODpaoO moved eeennded by vi vi 1 I Mr Ihillipa that the cooaeil do now re u- Mf fibutticworth Thill the Clerk be k exprested ittelf cleatJy andl Joto comaiittee of be whole on ihe intmctcil topljcc the name of Wm Cane nrmiv ii wa en hie qiiettion QorJ rariotj coiaouBieatini and pelitionJ m Pmid Hreekona Rnad litl for the pnsenlfd Carried Council in eommiltce he chair Conimitlee roio and the chju- nr uoiuorn Joon oreenwood wat pnvi man reported a lepoM accompanied with I locd to do hi Slalulc Labor in front two reaolulioit and a Bylaw at follow j of Ul No 30 io tbe Glh Con for 1863 Tbe coramitM ot the whole have had j Moved by Mr Keid aeeoodad by Mr rtder their eooiiuettlion the folio mnled oppoiition to it haa long been e- lalliihed and on to firm a baaia that we arc unawaro pf ilic iiiution baviag even Ucn debited fjr year exerpt ia oppoai- lion to tho principle Ad it ia Bteleta lo blink he rjucaiioo before ua We did pledge our Repreavftlalive to a ear- Uin courte on thia ad other qaeationa and fjr reaeont beet knowB lo hitaaelf be haa broken failb with mi caa it be denied ibal the action of the Upper Cana- diift mcmler of Ihe Miuialry on hia I nieaturc hi placed Iba Beform Parly in a moat unenviable poeilioa bat ahall we make that pfwilton wortc beioguolrua to oufselve 7 Lei ut et the dieully manfully So lamperiag wilh prioeiple no expedieney If we are oppoeed lo the mosaurc let n denoance it and nol giw oeraion to laitinf reproach hereafter the having il hurled in oor Iceih lhat oar prrft ent If evil haa ben done Irt Iha blame performance- of Libor Carried Mr Webb in r in motion of Mr Reid Kcoodad by t Mr Ilolborn John Greenwood ing tha efabliahmenl ef Sepnrai Schoole Let ua aot at- lj the arrtngement of Section it very much fillle ibe doign of th Sep- aralau aod a a aironge iniane the w hav alravly urged 1 gtvea a aha 1 Soe of Iba Clargy Raaarva tuad hnaa by U it aougbl- devotad 10 Comroon School purpoeea lo Werla pteaent eocroaeh the uaa ef Sepiraia Sehnolt Thate eny begiantng al elber obeeliont Dr Kyeraon and Mkara aay amooBl lo nothing la the Bam efeoromoo aenaa what would than amoaal to aaything T We do Bit now iad to argue againti hit North York baa aver ad oftao declaraJ iit abhoreoce petitiosa and coawotoo 1 The pclitioa of Jobo Bojrert and otbert prajio fur the alleralioo of Road Diviaion 2 The peiiliea of Selh iefwck ttid otbert praying foXthe removal ofoertain incamberanee on the highway on tbe aide line between loU No and I tbe lal cnoeeuinn 3 The petition of Wat Well and olhera for pecuniary rtlicf to the widow Rawlingt 4 A comaionieatioa froo tbe coun cil of Aurora relative to School Sectioai alao from the lama retpeeling ibeir ihare of the Clergy Reacrve Fund 5 From W m Mooni in regard lo an alledgwd error io tbe Treaturcrt publiib- d praetiee are widely differ- 1 In regard to tba petition of Joba Rog er aad oibrr your eonmitlea reepecl- fally TwoianKad ibat the praytr of the patiiinnert be granted and hereby tub- mil a bill for bat porpoae ShulltuwiKlh lhal llie apecul Bead List on the Side ICoad between Lot 19 and 20 leadiog from he 4th Con to be th Con be made Into a permaoeHI Itnad Division and to inelode all pariiot liable In work ibtir Statue Iabor on sach aide oflhejiJ aideroad arried niid Iha lolal reeepiinDa lo ilU0iUJ04 ihuwing an eaceat nf pay menttover groai receipt of Thia difTereiico waa met by chaogea ul the caah balancea and the bankare ae counia Krnm thegieee expendhure of 11I 303 KiU ri la neeeatiry lo dadaet ihe amount of nebouiurat redeemed and the Debenturea charged a redeemed in ISOl but paid in 1802 f 114 41 i lotnl 944 iVJ mikmg ihe ne expenduuro 4lu9l9l- Un the oilier nit deducting debenture iaaued A2S207bO aod invetmenl realized lo Ul lutal 242205S iha net reeeipi are reduced t ex hibiiiun on actual dolciency uf di704 nd teeonded I Podjce iLie reautl the under agned hnt pruceedel upon a principle dilfrreoi from lhal which hat ordinarily govcnad olficnl iiAiaineui ufihn finan- cial ptaiiinn of the Iovmce at the cloae ol eacS yesr Adpiing the accounla ni tS8 at nn evanipU it may ba remark ed Ibal had the bilance thoel of the year Man euniiructeJ on the batia aceepiad by the underatned i would have ttoid at fcillowa lotol epiptiiiiiure ti474i- d34 i let Debemuiet redeemed M 7d3- t74 and leae a aum paid on accouol of tha redemi lion in ihe pravioua year lilgOtl lolal leeing 111 1017 Total receipia 65j- 5ti 1 leai leieniure iiaud and alock of the end and that end will be tbe end of oor National School Syaleai A SiofBlar Beboke Moved bv Mr Shodlcworth aecoaded 1 aujKribeJi 750 iO lesi amount un- By Mr BeicI lhal there be a Special Road Pd o aocounl oi lJLeiiiuro rcdemd fjrmcd on Ihc Cth Con the iBsrvehU realiied Oul- aiiiie aa laat year and lhat John Thomp- 1 Ial 3SUi870 leaving aoi be appointed Overaeer Carried j SjltW ahowui an aciuil daCciency O luiifn cf Mr Reid acconded by i 071il I Mr Shullle JoB Johnaon Bd kX I were pivileged lo do IheirSlaluie Lalr on llit ai road between lola ii and 2ii ia Ihe 5lh Con fjr the cnrrent year Moved by Mr Don ended by Mr llvilborn thai the ClerL k rcuired lo Lnler on the Pathmutcrt Ll for Wn Kluier tbe following nametwih tbe non ber of daya annexed vix Andiew Pejg Shsrpe U dayi AatroDomy It ia a corion and inde an hamblin rrfieclioa that it haa taken man tix thou- aaod yeara lo become even tolerably ae- iuainlej with ihia workl in which ibe 6 daya Wm Shsrpe H dayi tu Iegg4 daya Henry Iluat 3 dayi Vim i Almighty ba plaecd him Slowly aod In referenda lo ibe petition of Seth Klinvr fi day John Pesg 6 dayi Join I gradually when tneatored by lime tho Heaeock and other prayiog for the re liibson 3 dayi Wm Willaoa 4 day aad I iut Bouentarily when eompartd wilh muvat of obetriaatson on highway your Allan Rogen Waya Carried eomiltee have eaiefally eonaider thej Moved hy Mr Shuttlewoth eeeonded faett ia the oaae and find that Mr Co- by Mr Uoldren That Ibe 4 faid by i Tha Quebec Mmary deiende Dr I Rvaaaon a leyingeaidehiadulwefof th of Kb a priDciple W er tha Clagy j Raaarvet aeculariied eo that the funda U Separate School IJirf La rng iherafrom thould be uaed in the 1 dabJe in c1rpnc 8 incu eating ihe relig- gf beiwaan the I Ioned for aod aobmit a rieeolotloa rerjuir 0iofSel1 Bul eaya Dr Ryarwin I ing ihe Trcaaurtr to pay lo the order oi akd witb Mm in ihia Kidint Meatrt j r v n widow Kawlina aa directed by the eogn- a 5 for the W forda inillraeo aeriooaly aSmtt tba high way and would recommend that the Clerk be initrueted la notify Mr Coaford that aleat be removca be obatrnelioa or re- pain the road to the utiafaeiion of the eominlaaiooert of Ward No 3 that legal I itepa will be taken agaiaat hiio aad here with aubmit a raaolation foe iha purpoae above mentioned In referenee U the petiliea of Wm Wellt aad otbert praying for peconiary relief for widow Kawliat yoarcomnittee recommend that aid be graaled at pet Suiherhad Baatley nd other iKo CMafpenn King MelnsTle Cerg Reterve riiad i tpporiiooed to MuoicalitJti in ard the turn of I0 per Wis Bowlaod for Timber on ihe tide road between lota and in the Tlh and 8th Conceaaioni be expeaded on Ibc hill in front of Lot No 24 in the 8th Con under Ihe tapcrviaion of Wm Jlowlaod a Cominiuioner Carried Moved by Mr Doan aeeonded by Mr Holborn that Geo Traviit bo appointed Pathnulcr in place of F Kelly remov ed Carried Tba Cooneil then reaolved into a Committee of the whole on Curemunica- tioea and Pelilioni Mr Reid in the eleiiity aa emuielt disperae thrioaelvta over lieir hillock be baa extended the bounds olhix libiution and enlarged hit knowledge ol Ihe lob un which he lite ill be hu almoal aaped the problem cf the aaiverte Oiogrvjhy of tbe earth aed a few yeara more wil probably bring about the reault of a el- of the dait being enabled proudly lo tay r Witb the exceptioa indeed of hot icy pinna cle where no human fool caa Lindj or Ihuae tuateorehed airleaa deacrla wfa 00 lungi ean breathe freely or thoaatm- peaetrable itireatt through which aoba- maa force oaa make ilt wiy thero ia not a apot on thit wide world where I mtitfn ficrr iiujtcntfil it the tiirk lAat ethrr lhat umund her Bill her tnrfaee ilao la changed ihe i evi dentiy a aulid body of rock or tome lUcb buhetance and the ia perforated with in- nutaerablo holet rent and fiaturet of every aiie tba tracing of ibo dtirk paleh maps work of a moat valuable eharaeie and only iciiifa I be senarally kngwn 10 be large ly aaei It will foim kn itrpeitani add iun 10 oil- ieheol Book end being eulnely 1 of ihi et ate there alill bul ibeir character i Canadian doer tea well at ih evident ibey are nuttcat but dry de- publieai Iran ateh is iha opinion we have formtd fiom a hasiy persalof iit pieasioai below the aurface the botlrxn of oceaot now no more or ibe crater for future waten but nothing oflhiikind Mvert them uow They too aro perforat ed ililh hulea ianumerable huge rocka are acaltered here and there over their aurfaec no lunar elood ever obcurea ihem they are aandy or rocky plaint of diffcrunl depth and extent and aa ia the caae in the briUoin of our icat and are bounded in toiAe places by a tleep ridge or chain of mountaina But advance near er 10 thia wonderfal object alee trralber huge alride ihroagh fpaec aad at oaee ihu reality borsta upon yoa yoQ are ap- pnnehtng no rahnittf body if he appeart to the naked eye no amall bright calm and Inely but a bag worn aad a world of appartnt ditorder of fearful wrk and ruin Uot here we may ob- aerta that aa in approathiog the ahona of an ankeown country or ialaad in a ahip many optical deeeplroBtexiat which prevaa lu fioai formisK a cerreel Mioa of the aalare of Ihe aoil ao in lb firti glanee at ihe moon wbie pertoss ante- customed to leleteopie obaefTtlioa give but little idea it goaeral ebftraeJ re- ppecling the nilure of the object which ihey tee and much diuppointaentKai been felt and expreaKd limply froSI he unreaaonabla expeetalioae that have been formed Tbo moon thoaU rcaembling oor world in aome pankaiare aeeitii u far aa we caa aieertaia lo be very dif ferent in othera ai different iodcM in ilt iTirreral aipecl and apfearanee in all probalility a the earth wa iebabil once looked in it primeval itale previost gealically tpeaking lo ila aedimealary and tertiary formationi aad allavial d- prwiis To thii we nay add he great ditlanee which even iiader the aiott fa- pagti Aa aeiiea lit beea brouglil by Uiw JivB Wira aaa4 lb Board oriros- se f ilewinatkcl io rteivrr aaalrded elaicB of unpaid aalary Il la ttatad by tho iheo Triiaina tbr Iha aence wm performed pia- vloaa In ilo vDb baianing iBcorjieriel tbai Uiaa WAirawaa paid all lo wljc aa eiililled aii4 IB proof of tbia bold her etipa lo tliat vlTact Il appeara btwavar lhat dunai ih lim Uiaa Wtira waa employed aba wu ill iti aon Booiba aad unable le atlaaid lo Ilia Juiiaa of iho aehooL 8h ekiioa eeoapeaaatieiv ar lliia period aad Ibe rsatier ia to lie arbitraietl Par be H fnn aa wprevnil Hiaa IViTf nr any fody he frntii aUaiaing all lUal prupcr aiid jca hot l Ibe prMple be eeDectvd thai a teaebrr aay eel bet pay share no aarvlee waa petlarwed il is Mh limethT Taikxia aeetiooa ia UpperCaba- da knew It Tbe ee will be waicbed wlJi aaeeh bHareel Iwawnia no anawer bat ban received pawportaoo to Bumber t ih Bomnn j j fi f CaiSolie form a portion af that umbar thtfora ibey are aatiiled lo a ahara of Iba grant Tbar cao b oo mora obriaiu fallacy ualaee tha Sparatiaa go furlbar and aay ibat all ike Seat Mat c t a lian of tkt fmtH for SnUai- M reftgmt tiucotion ibat ia carrying lb arguiMBI a little furlbar tkti radi Ttligma aref evghi u U aitomti a Sep- trtu Sekeai npforttd by ftiUie undi Nr de wa oaa ihia oaly by way of il- laalrarioo it latl be tha final raault if that eroechmeei aia noi luecaaafutly raiiia If Ihia argwmaai wr eorraci aad light why taeularix at all t Scu- riM taaehlsg b leea hunul m Iha pnlpil tbaa a Ih acbool It it a rather aad- dMing apaclacla now in ta men who h bretofora aiood iraa ia tha rankt of Baforvn cociing forward lo defend eiMBoata and finally lapporl tach a auaaur aa Ihit men too who baee heat to ofteB in our very midal epfneed IB BM atarkad maaaar aay tach mmmn aa oom dargaroatly hurtful It I M ia Ihia way w have gained ikr hardly won vietoriet ladeed awth- nf bul ahtiM and dafaal cao aver be 8 by laporC0 aod xpadieocy il owcb rlid IO by our eorrf aigoad Am EUelAr aa alao by Mr SapraaaBtatie a tb Aaaeahly titt ti ef BtfnU Sdtaol bm4 grmMtd caaDat ctov otjaet lo a Miantioo f lb aytian It ia bu- laHiallbf t a aa ealliog batBaaleta RbraMr willing plaea ihair py is oell a fala aod unfair poatiioa appara lo have plenir of time in prepare letiglbaoed doeuinBtt wiih ih view to apbnid iha iliarryAf h Lecettrly of ia- corporaiing raligmua indruclion with oar aecular lyttemnf education but no time lo attend lo Iha more iOnitandutiat for which he drawl bittalary In ipeking of Ihe fecumert recMiJy en ating from ha pen of iba Chief Sarerniaodeiit the Afereuy aaya Dr Kyeraon quimly adminialeri a rebuke m ihoa who whilat toaaling of protaatani tibAraliiy evince a dagra ef bgnlry lo which Lowr Cao- aHa la a atraiigtr e than tbe following ire ebnwiog la whai thai rebuke eonaiaia Prateaiaata In Upp iali raa aaralv alTrlle h aa liWal aaara Honaaa CathHn m Lewrr aJe The lleia Mr Ifervi H f lalrly niraTMeod u me a dircimiaan en wdhnui nrl atcaikate aia I bib acar b will ixlehi b a euag biaaam Bia aa- ihotuy m uwwsaataine pi ai Ihe InuHy aviitrad la Vppor Cauda aaibt lUman Catlielae tbeola be aaU iWl m MltBf eall aeioeibla OMreicHMMakavl rallew eiaityian n Lew- rr CaaiJaaeamai PiMMiaoi iii Bie ilrkJa dial aiiJiaugh aaacenal lalo frelMasc armoraaliliy ibaa Kera Catleliea ia Ihe rrwairy aarf mora ala w auppnrt ilwit xUeola yo he kixw aa inatuM i kieh ibe lMeanleiaeabOTl mapy m art peavaad M ewa Heesaj CawetMan trymea oL lo aM ihr Iwb MbulU Ibair athIbute Ba4 eup lanr aebset Now the trcKitittaiwr eiid abeva at detailed by ihe c a versa ioe wkb Ur Do- riM oea sot baae upoa b patet m Ml Bd M one but Ihoa blinded by pr- jisdia vould 0 undraad it itiaanueb aa lb eaae are not parallel Whan Itoooa Calholiet eoairibuia Matde llie ohtir Committee eitmined Ihe variouaj har not bean Iheiv ia not a country or documenla and tbea roae aod reported ai a clime wilh which I am not aoqaaialed follnwa j there ia not aa oceta thai I have oot That Ibey hive examined the com- 1 tounded nor a aea that I have not tra- ication from the Bareau of Agrieol- 1 veraed nor a moantain lhat I Lave sot bed iherr it sol an island tlrtnd however lonely where the keel of my beat bit not gratea there ia not a river lhat I have aol traced to ila touroe oor a na- tioD or a people or a city that I have sot In refereoee lo the eomraanication of tnre and recouitaend il be laid over fori c the Clerk nf the village of Aurora asking further consideration thit enuneil o make trraafemeali with I They alio examined the Pelilion of Ibo village of nrera fr Iaioa School i Jotcph Pe- aad olhera and reeotBacnd Section your committee thiak thia eoan- i that all that portion of the 6lh Boad Di- cil haa nn jariadietioa ia the ataller but I vision in Ihe 8lh Conoeaaion North bf Ihe reqaeat the Reeve lo make the aeceaaary i tide line between Lola and 1 6 be creeled arrangemenlt into a aeparaU Diviaion aad that Patrick Ia irfcrenoe to ih eommaaiealiee from I Fox be appoioed Ovenecr tbe eoaneil of Aurora relatiog lo the Alu tbe Petition of S Qoib tad manicipalltyt fund your eommiltae j oUiera and recommend that Ibe prayer would reeomtaead lhat the Cleric at hit earliect eoavenieaee tay before ihe eoaa- cil Ihe relative pmporiwa of ratepayer of thia townahip and of ihe village of Auro ra ao that ibii oouacil may eooe t4 aaiitfaelory arraageaeal wttli be vilt of Aurora ia regari to thoaa fund Is referenee lo theeommaeieatioa froo Mr Moore tlledging there ia an error in the aadiled Aecooata of the Treaaarer yovr coiBBiitte beg leave lo report ia thit cate ta followa On hearing the explaj 0 I o the attioa of the Treaturer ia reference w Vour Committee recommead Uia above and aot having aay papert bt- i claim be not allowed fore them lo ahow there ia an error in j Couaeil adopted the report teid tceoaata and believiag iher ia a I 0 o Shulllewortb a miewiderttaadiog between Mr Moore j eonded by Mr ITolbom the whole Coun- and tbe Treaturer in regard lo thotei appointed a lUad aad Bridge maai therefore yoar eoamitlee mom- Comnittee mend that the partie aetlle the matter Conaell then adjonned tu meet belweea theaitelve agaia oo the laat Saturday ia May aext Rrtonl That tbe Treaaarer ta here- be granted in ao far tt to allow tbe SOrii lo be doae aa petitioned for tf Alao of Samuel Traviaa requeatlk the Council to convey to him a portioaM tbe original road allowaace betea 20 and 21 in tbe 4lh Con Yoar Cwiail- lec recommend that tbe petitiowlke t- ijuired lo give the neceaaary leg sotiee to enable the Coaacil to ealcctuit aad act on the pelilion Iito of Iaol Matere aaking eoipeou- by aaihoriied and required lo pay lo the ordr of the widow Rawliat aa theeherae of the ceaacillar for Ward No S the eum of 810 qaarteily dnriog iberenaiaderof the present year payoeat lo eemaeiiee fnai the Crt nf ttie preaeet eioath JiiolwtdThti the Ckrk b aad ia hereby iireeted to notify Nr Tbemaa Cbafcrd that aaleai ba raoMV hia mill- raev or repair aad keep ia repair the hW wfakh aaid rae ia oal throogb on ihw mad aHonaae belweea lota No SS aad SA in Uia let aoneaa aad laake aoeb tepaira o t btfor lb flrtt day of Jaly ia aei aad Tiy year to he aatia- fietiea ef a majority of tha eoamiawoa- NiMr lb Raforar of North YoPk of a praatu aefcil b la ar ajpaiaUd fcr wU V 3 TiTeir rd tii meatn HalUad Lwdiaf Cotuiell AptiLll 18A3 Tbe above Coaacil met oa the 11th iaatant All the member preteal Minutea of laat ineetiog read aad eoe- firmed Mr Thorae moved tecoaded by Mr Lane That a eommitlee eompoe of T Lane H Baoon tad Ihe aiover be ar pointed to eaqairo whether any laiiii- sraata ar likely lo find eopleymeatdar- iag th tamper ia thia mnaiciptlity and to report at lb aett metiag Carried The pelilioa of U Crexoa aad other reapeeiiag dogt waa decided to be read regiaUrod ia niy map The clnuax it not an fir off perbtpe at anme think and with the exceptioa of Central Africa and New Holland but lit tle reiuaint lo be learned of Ihe earth geographically In ihe atean line how ever the bay mind of man hat not been idle and baffled for a while in ohlaihing a map of hia own world he haa lamed hia eyea and aitcnlioa opuardi aod ab- aolulely entered on tha examinalioa of a niighboring world ie our own beaaleou talcllile another hone appareally ia the bnandlea city of heaven another it- land in Ibe bloe ocean of apace aaother bright mtniioo in the glorioaa palace of God a lilvery globe an illumiaatcd lamp hanging laapended at il were in mid air for our nightly inipection He haa gladly availed himaelf of tbe opportu nity and arming himself wilh a gianli eye when Ihe air it ealta aod tiill and the moon rull in qaiel beauty through the firmament the aetmnomer has taken hit peat and atuidtt the deep eilenee of night aad Ibe profound repoae of nalore bat examined and tcruliniied every fea- lure of her ahining landscape While otheri are wrapped in lumber be climbing her moanlaist and Irarerai ber plain and ercaaing her valleyt be haa already meainred her depiha aad acanned ber height to a fool Ha it alaadiag oa a luoar moralag apoa tbe goldea BKraataiDe to tee Ihe aua riae be la gating on a laaar evening at the fait reireating light a il vanitbaa from tbe noaataia peaki and tha awlft aoiaiog tbtdowa aa tby ereep over hat toUoa plain aeroaa whieh be haa already In ipirit ravellod 1500 nlle In ibort eveiything that eonid be dooe ilu i deme ia the way ef ohaarvatioa And then th nionmeter hu been at work aad a aeale hu been made aad i map Setilaa Syitalt d FAtalttaUp Thia ayafeni of whiiox eonbiair elegaaea ariib repiiiiiy of eaieutlen ta apeeblly adapleu le bwlorva man ami la baeoiniag A- prrvailiaf yalaai Ctafkl is Boat ef enr etfmmanial aed- lga Wa art 1 lo lr Waavta haa afaia 5fvmarlie and aprrad a cImb fnr hwtrvelfAa Ip lia a ffrv apedmeae rXMiilfd bt ao afbaDd rrartar at the uoae droe exhibiting aii eltganca ef Kyle ardytae of elliee end fenw at a once u prr hia abllly IK prarrieilly ifaseaairala Ite ayatees Bad Iha baaaly ef dr art II ta ipeeled a strand aid wa may bnpe a tUrd elaaa will be formed immHrarely tftrr ihe pieea eoofae b eeoeladrd wKen we irat the yua bnaiaaea aea alerka aol nh of ibe leearfr will avail ibefneelna of Iba ailfaafee aftred and by Mr Waevaaa etaace baeetae voorablo eircumitaacca and ihe moat tWreorhlr aeealaiad witb thia ayatvn ef powerfal lelicopea wa caa behold ber paaiip Ur VejaBreneetaabaar a power of 500 which il the higbeat that i ihe bltki lealimealala aad fnm bia can be ated with adviatage leaving at piaiiralabiliy loirach Ihaati ha pn Itill al a ditlaaco from her of aaarly 600 1 ekafaplairli rnimeadlablmtailtoee mile which a power of 10000 were II I I 1 naeda of wWiin Por lerwia aad Mhev poaaihle lo apply il w diatiaetneai I would bring s ne nearer thaa 24 nilet j Hvl and the higheat mtjmifyiog power yet ap- ii died will only enable u lo perceive ind Ihit at a visible plnl an object wbote dunuler ia from TO lo 100 Ttrdtoraboal 1 300 eel- If lo ibit le tdded the iaexpe- bTbadliildimii to i ricooe c fmilha of ibOM wbo look V M fr apiaiQ ef gr Cf through a leltacope aad the iaflrmily of vition of Olhera lopeiher wilh Ihe Biter A Cdrwetion ineapacily of Riiny lo judgeofdittaaee perapeetive Ae wa all nolbeiarpriaed 7elAt Krmtel Ct at the diaappointment of tone aed jhel In looking over ynar report iceplicifRi of olhen at what ihey call iha j oilhe poeeedit ol ihe puMie neeiing pretended ditcoreriet ol aatrAnoBien in hald ilKtiflaby last week 1 waaatueh anr the moon when they compar thn withj ptiaod to obeerve ibat yoo aniy gav ibe their own nnpraottied oblcrvHion tnd ig ihai was Ihe unmeaning figure lhal appear io pre- 1 aeni tbemaelvea to ibeir view iba t ft forct loth For tbe Cai part lme Ibey getagln at ber ihrougi J ihe leleKope partieularly aa batioe alf way beard IhVre were mouaUint and lakatuiy inierei valley to bo aeen hey exptet io tee them Mtal Baieralba Mr Wln violat- exctly at Ihey woald a terretlriil land- ed hia pirJgee to ua in asaianns ib paa- acape which they never can being teen j eage of Srotia Sepataie School Bill Tbe fnni a height where the diainoler nf theaa- laai claoae iniiinale what Mr Wileen mar OMUOtain aamuitt or liollowt of ibcir cippci abould ba here Ibf aaigranea lo crater alooo can be perceived fonu befor ns for ieleelin afier having In the face however of tueb oblacict ao aiaftpieaenied our wellknown viewa we advance in our leleaeopie vcaael nearer en ibal moet icnpoianiqaetiin to ibit island wurld and altbough lo thel poioril taaeleiien icereeiaal waafiiai inexpexieaoed eje it nay look like the I tugtroBabu frotted Orai r globe of alabaster magnified tnereed with I Tnat Mr innumerable bolet and raited with num- iVilaon tMlaiad hiplea is berlcta cxcreaeence wo are enabled r mg iIib paasafe jf 2huoJ viawiag it with an atlronomioal eye loi Bill ihcnuKh ih lswe ad fAerr Aprd 10 LtCiiLATirt etfcKen The eptaier took lU eUit al Ikraa 0 coek Hoa Mr Ferrier ialreced a to tad lb Graad TrMk Karfway t tt The foneis on wtit f iiiii line Cawu aBHfcraV ttJIMr MaMwar Cowii Diri It aaeadMt- Mr Decbetaay Tb Hot bta adjoarM iacsauTirc AttnStf The Seakef Ink ibe ebak a tWt oclock H J Mtdoaild lliiin of coagralalalioa lo Her MtyaMy W Queeatnd lo ibeir An lligbacMa lU Priaee aad Priaeeu al Walet oo ibt Ry tl marritge la auLiag IW aettea tW Alloroey lieaetal ipokaaf IW gmlrt- joieiagi la Knglaad oa tba acutiof p lUytl Barriage akd Ibreagkoat ta ew- pire Siiailar reelutioat la lba he M proposed woald doubllaaa b paiaad every Coloaal Legialtlar Mr Cartier la tceoadiag Iba aMlMl Dade aiailar obserralieaa ia Freath The addreuet were paried aaaaiaaat On raoiio of Hoa J S Maedoa tba neate tgraed to go iaio rnmiWlUa oa Tuesday atxt le caaiidar bin lion 00 the tahyecl of aaaailiea lo Judgrt 1 Ibe Coarli ef eas UeaA tnd CofflDOa Ileat io Upper Caatda IA makog Ibe notion tba Alloraey Caaeral said It was Ibe diga ef Ibe UovefaaaaC 10 place be Cjueeos Beach Jadpt oa tb sauia fooliag as otbar Judiea Mr Carliar avgaattd iMl at winleiaaa iffccliag Ibe Lnwtr Caaadiaa Jadm were lo be broaghl down it wetldb wall lo CODsadrr Ibta OB Ike Ay To Ibis Ib iorerameat tgrd n On initinn of IJao J S MtcdeaaK4 pecial eommiilra wit appoiatid oa rt laiions and bill relating to bkaaad aufiBce Compaaiaa 1 be foltowiag Bill were rd a teeoad liaie Bill to provide for tbe lab of laada tt deeaawd dablori under tiealio Ha Mr Wilson BII rrprelrn tliaipt it law praeeed inf in ibia IVovinee aa4 wspectiig tUe Utoipt ia liea of refislraiim diialfi Mr Wilsaa To incorporate tbe Palriekt Ba aeioleBl al Moortil Ile Mr MeCaee Tbe fnllowiig Bills paaed tbraegk Com mitlee of Ibe Wbole Bdl lo reaota douklt at le Ik rpi eolilion ia Ib Legiahlive Caaaail af Iboa lawBbip of Gleweer aad Osfotdflk Iht Couniy of Cadeloa- Ilea J 0 Niacdonald Keipeding laretjti ef pfbTw aStonia tbe leparatioa ef aaaled eoeatieiiadlewe abip Hon UriWiltoa i To amead Ike lawt ef Upper Cak alTvcting trade aad ctMarca Uaa Nr Wilson I To iacovperaU LUaiM Si Jaaa StL lisle ia lb iaritbaf Matrla Mr Deriaa Tbe followiig pnvaia ailt were raadA aeeead lima j To adnii fiitr Joiepb 7lae ftm- ell aa aa of ifc QtJihjtr Queeaa Dicb aeff Uoeeoa naaaar Upper Caa Mr Macktaiie To traalcerltia powera le Ib CmMT of MiMle Maiaal Fir laaaraaaa Cmt paay a la cbtaf ila aaaaaajfij SeaTibertf ie kflif ti eoafir ila byM if Ibe Coaiy Coaaed af Liania ilaMiag be placa af Iba rfy Te kerf fe toead Ib Alt faArpwiteda DaCyaaad Lake Ourea Ilallra4 payFratLfMiCaaiL iBMplyloaltMS Ifir M Hewlaad taU lb Tn4i tti Niiifioa rira waald ki ntti4K beprielera ia a weekt li ir Gall said iber wm a pofagmitia Ike Public Aecoaal wbieb iliiiTll jdnalioB etkerwi il oiigbl kad la ceplie 00 Ih pertoflb pWi wat lire Ih Miiir at tf PiaMatW a deaiie to iapaie a eherg ef eafariaw I bn predeeeator la eSe aay Mea Ikw lo tb ofiiera ba datv it la araL aaierial for ibe PbW AtetMK rbe paragrpb wataa foHbat 9 the taiAai of debeararea radaaaidb 390 aad dabeatarea ihipil m rf deesaed i IMi bat paai V IM ift babafttf tba afaaaar m4i hieh woald b dhw iba reader fnm Ibr IbMer briaf m that thape wootd ba toeb aaiaiaiv t rvBeeliea ibal ih iUs lad laaa peHy ebargeit la iba aaaaaalaaf Ott Wiiboai provitao beiag oada alba aff aile aide of tbe taan aeaaaal H Mr Howbad dM aofiaMd any taifroper iafcetae ibaaW lit froa the auaaer ia whieh lb aeaaapiMH preaeaied Th we referred le npreiafl ed debeaUre itai kad kbea teareadarad la liBferaateBl ia 1861 aad Ike pea whieh had rroaiaed ia ibeir haadt aakjaA lo llic otdara ef eertaaa partiea aad May bad beea paid la ibot partiaa ia The sabject Ihea dropped lino Hr Wiltoa iaaeviafibetaaait reidieg of ibe BUI lo pratada for kMlla of liadi ef dcetau debleei aapMbK lhal the inieaiioa ol Ihe Bill wat Utttri btira tod devisees pBrliet I aaitt afdal Ibe estate of deceased debltra itf Mr Miedoaald Kiotloa Mr ood M- Crawford Mr Frwaaa il eibeia lbgbl lU Bill waaM p ibe inleresta of Cedilera aad allow aadaar privileges to Ibe beitaaad detiwa aoea dyieg in Jebl Ha Mr Wilsendefeadedlkaaaaiarf sliowiBg Ibtl nost ol Ibe oheelia arged agaiosi it applied with eqeal fore M lli CrowB ptyable la aiiapt to lhat eftiairil tte a rooad world 2000 milea in diamo- iwbiijir toertkjro our coodencr could not receii taooeyt aad oJd M ter in thoae hole lo recogniieiuvailett I a J L Will nol en ihia Uneih in condemning Hit ndcteT in thoee eicreteeni WiUon bul ftam thfaei- lUlurface lU lofty moantaint in ihoae pane of Ihit darkthadowi lU vaat pUioa Once pel Tnabip ol aaceneimoa iho vwa of ib the connection of tbe fact apon ibej iciafa nn ihia mtaaaia aiae il paeaod Ihe mind a fact be it remembered previoat- 1 Lowec Hnuv I caa aeaur oi ibai ih ly dcmonatraled by ibe moat rigid lawt nraoluliuc la nut aiiong enough in exprea of mtrhemalict bring tho imaginative il ib ioJijoaiion thai la fell andaipreae- power to aid in the work of traaaportiog M Membof for hia vote on ihi yathereandetehaferS etqueetiber tbe calm and aofV or tU Canada In gigiaUo and Umble ii they ara aihlbtt- ap willeuieel the ed ia laaar aeeeery will ba aot oaly ea 1 miaiita you nade in yoar lae and explain but deligbtfal whiU tbar will ba a lit- 1 bow yoo cane lo make auch an aiiria tie diSty experieaoed ftec teiao prao- 1 1 remain yaore Iw tioe in giving to tbe objeoia wa aee oe i D Joaaaro laeh a tsall teal ibeir real tsagnitadei April li leoa tad proportioni aa there it ia gaiaieg NTha mln traneerlkini Ihem 10 the featarea of the terreaUul tbe rtpMi ortheaeeiag Tk landaoape or tb paetir thai bang apoa aoeedBesi wa aoiuauow vala4 by oa in Ihe wall ia il Uoj fria yag e kiaj tha inaiter wiibia a raaiai I leuiaoaaa Uar aiieatMB waa eaiJad la it loi- i It tt lataaded to r Ibn labjoat is aJjlv arw ika rper waa iMad bet loo a future poblicalioDwRwtmBitientecf mi far cometieoitaa E Eaa C be dvfiuliers at oftea oeetrredMr Tbe Bill aai read tad rfn Ally iea MtedoaakI Boved a Biii reaovc daabtt aboal Ihe repreteolatial Clovceter aod Ogoidaia Ike Lagialall Council He ieieaded lo atk ibM loWDtbipt part aflb Rideaa After a lillle dlscaatiea Ihe BsC ibrnagh Coaaillc of ibe WWa H j Oa the aotioa for Ibe teocad realiM Mr Ryktrlt Bill 1 legaliw aad aM lb hyJaw el ika Caaaly C I Liaeela ehaogiag lb Cly Iowa f Mr SMfta said Ibf BiU wat taloM to lepB the Rtll wbiabtha CoarW V I oMibed It waa a daageren prarM- Haaalkd iha atiaatieB of lb LawVI cevt ofibeOawa lolhie ttcl Hel fikt Ih 9il before lb Ceaaitta a ie J TW Bill was read a tecond iitM Tbe Homo idjaetord tt

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