PICKERING HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY On April 28th, 1933, the Pickeri ngHorticultural Society was founded. At an organized meeting of about forty people, the following were elected to office. Hon. Pres. - W. H. Moore, M. P. President - Wm. Gormley Vice-Pres. - Mrs. Dr. Pearson , F. M. Chapman, Frank Hall, Miss M. Pennell Sec. Treas. - E. G. Stallon Directors, 1 yr. Miss M. Green, Miss E. Richardson, F. T. Bunting, Gerald Cowan, Mrs. H. Arnold 2 yrs. E. C. Jones, W. C. Murkar, Dr. Cartwright, Mrs. A. Gourlie, Mrs. B. Lotton Auditors M. S. Chapman, Frank Prouse There were 74 members the 1st year. The meetings are held on the 2nd Tues. of the month at the various halls in the southern part of the Town-ship. Membership has remained around the 100 mark through the years, and the fee of $1.00 has not changed. There are two large shows a year, a Spring Show and Fall Show. We are indebted to the T. Eaton Co. Ltd., Simpson Sears, and Swift Canadian Co., for our Trophies and prizes awarded at our Annual meeting. During the year we have a series of lectures on Horticultural work by prominent speakers, and to those interested in Horticultural work, a most interesting and educational evening is spent. We are always interested in bringing in new members to the Society, where you will find a friendly welcome awaits you. On Jan. 14th, 1958, we celebrated our 25th Anniversary with a number of our Charter members present. During the month of July, a bus trip is taken by members and friends, to various points of interest. Niagara Falls, Guelph, Orono, Thousand Islands, Vineland and Hamilton, are a few places we have visited. These trips are most popular. Our Public Plantings about the Township of Pickering, include: Pickering Police Station Ajax-Pickering Hospital Pickering Community Hall Cherrywood Church, Erskine Cemetery Pickering District High School Cenotaph on Altona Road. We maintain the yearly up-keep of the Cenotaph on the Altona Road. Are you interested in the beautification of Pickering Township? Why not make a point to join with us, we need your help. Mr. Gerald Cowan, President. Peggy D. Annis, (Mrs.) Secretary. A. C. S. Picture (bottom left): One of the First Picnics, Members at Greenwood Picture (bottom right): Print- Mrs. B. Lotton Mrs. B. Lotton's & Miss Somerville' s Garden Pickering Horticultural Society Members